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Pet Spotlight
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![]() Pet Name: quiggle_puff Owner: icyfire4ever Breed: Quiggle About quiggle_puff: Ever since quiggle_puff can remember, he has loved to cook. He started out small with his cute little blumaroo oven making little, easy things such as mud pies and worked his way up to making the very best puff pastries in all of Neopia! "I love to bake and cook," says quiggle_puff. "I think my vanilla cream puffs are the best I have ever tasted. But I also think my rainbow taffy and bikiberry smoothies are pretty good too. My owner, icyfire4ever, has been very supportive of my hobby, even when I did make a pretty big mess in the kitchen... Okay maybe a huge mess, but that is not the point." Quiggle_puff also loves playing yooyuball. He is a very big supporter of the mystery island team. He even makes the players food for after the games! "Playing an intense sport like that really makes you hungry." he says. "And the slushie bar is so expensive these days. It is nice to have free refreshments for those who offer us so much entertainment. I think the most popular thing I make for the team is ice cream. Every one seems to especially love the Strawberry." "I always knew quiggle_puff had a very special talent. He was the youngest of all my pets, but not even a bit spoiled. He was very bright and absolutely loved going to school. He was always wanting to read books, especially cookbooks." says his owner icyfire4ever. Quiggle_puff is at the moment trying to get a job.He would much like one at the Neopian bakery. Although he says that he will settle for a job at the chocolate factory, or any other food shop as well. Quiggle_puff also encourages you to visit him at his lookup or neomail his owner if you have any questions for her or any good recipes for him to try in his new spectacular deluxe oven. When asked Quiggle_puff would like to thank his owner, icyfire4eve, for his great cooking success. he says, "Without her loving support I never would have gotten where I am today.I would also like to thank my very dear friend and fellow pet, tweetie_4ever, for being my super duper taste tester, which could be a disgusting job at times. Especially when I was trying to make glaring eye wraps. And of course I can't forget skyflyer_4ever, who helped give me ideas on how to improve my cooking skills. And you can not forget that she also told when the recipe was horrible, and that I couldn't make it good no matter what or how much I did. Like with the oyster cookies. The recipe called for you to crush oyster shells and sprinkle them in the batter, thus getting a crunchier texture. Lets just say that oyster shells are a bit too crunchy for my taste. And pretty much every one else's as well." Well, that just goes to show you, that in critical world like we live in, even just a little support can go a very, very long way.
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