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Neopets Poems

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It's Yooyuball Time!
By Anjie

There's something thrilling in the air,
The word is getting fast.
Another year, it's time to play
That game that's yet surpassed!
The Yooyus stir from winter sleep;
The teams are training up,
Preparing to fight for the prize
Of Altador's grand cup.

In Krawk Island's tavern rooms,
In Meridell's green land.
They talk of matches from the past,
And time that is at hand.
In Faerieland, in Haunted Woods,
In shadowed Citadel.
They do debate each playing star,
This year, who will excel?

The fans are starting to gear up,
They practise every cheer.
Got to learn to make some noise,
(Much more than made last year!)
So who will conquer all they meet
And reign as realm supreme?
Where do your loyalties all lie?
Stand up and pick your team!

Yooyu Types (a PSA by the Altador Cup Organisers)
By Larkspurlane

Who knew that
One kind of Petpet and
Six Petpet paint brushes
Could result in so much fun?
Let us describe every type
Of Yooyu in turn,
And hopefully help the populace
The finer points of Yooyuball to learn.

We begin with the plain Yooyu,
Straight-shooting, quick-spinning,
A friendly fellow without quirks
Who demonstrates that simplicity
Could be key to winning.

Next comes the fire Yooyu,
All heat and flame,
Whose breathtaking speed
Could tip the scales of a game.

The snow Yooyu is the elemental opposite
Of his firebrand kin,
Use him wisely and, though slow,
He'll score for you through thick and thin.

The mutant Yooyu is fearsome and makes
An unpredictable ball --
To exploit his random moves is to score,
And your opponents to appall.

The faerie Yooyu contrasts sharply
With her mutant brother --
A curving arc describes her movement,
A winged ball, tricky like no other.

The Darigan Yooyu twins the fae
In his tricky movements,
Leaving the opposing keeper ever unsure
Of his directional intents.

The robot Yooyu is the last,
Appropriately, as you will see:
He glows red until a sudden blast
Marks the end of his scoring spree!

Altador Cup IV
By Chipperjones10810

It's that most wonderful time of the year,
The Altador Cup! Some fans may just shed a tear.
The teams count sixteen, the fans count millions,
The slushies slung must be nearing the billions.

Fans come and prepare to rally,
Getting ready to up the Yooyuball tally.
Making noise across the boards,
Trying to impress their teams' overlords.

With games to play and methods of support,
Many Cup fanatics like to make their own reports.
The summer flies by with the Cup taking place,
The happiness rises into outer space.

First, second, third, or less,
Each team wants to perform their best.
With three Cups behind us, it's clear to us all,
Everyone is ready to play Yooyuball!

So find some time, sit down and play,
That is all that I have to say.
Join a team and get ready to roar,
Enjoy yourself during ALTADOR CUP FOUR!

An Ode to the Cup
By Captainbluejay

Each time this year at roughly this date,
For the past four years at least,
The boards fill at an alarming rate,
The excitement has just increased...
For one small Yooyu has just woken up,
From the place where it's slept for a year,
To be hit around in the name of a Cup,
And to awaken both cry and cheer.
Need I explain with further detail?
The marvel of which I now pen,
For this tournament, yes, it doth prevail,
The Altador Cup returns, again!
From every land competitive streaks
Force teams to don coloured kit,
And play one and other, for each player seeks
To the other team outwit.
With Yooyuball, speed, stamina, skill,
Combine to test teams to the max,
Whilst in other games drinks you must not spill,
Whilst serving slushies and snacks.
Make Some Noise, why cover your ears?
For the crowd roars with joy for the score,
And lucky for us, a new game appears,
Shootout Showdown is new Cup IV!
With such a medley of sporting endeavour,
I can hardly begin to portray,
How much joy and delight it will enthuse forever,
For the winning team anyway.

Let's Go, Shenkuu!
By _Razcalz_

Clad in gear of scarlet, gold,
Their names unknown to few:
Mirsha, Xana, Antola,
Foltaggio, and Larcy Phu.
Players five of Team Shenkuu,
Their fiery spirits flare.
A challenge great, this fourth time 'round,
For which they are prepared.

(We cheer you on 'neath amber clouds,
And from stadium's crowds!)

Captain Mirsha, lilac eyes,
Known for her scores and speed.
Mane swishing in her rapid wake,
With skill and flair, she leads.
Foltaggio, the Mynci slight,
With every goal, his fame does rise.
Perfect example of why one
Should never judge by size.

(Into their hearts, we place our hope,
For surely they will cope.)

Craftiness, shrewd Larcy Phu,
His bright red gaze does pierce.
With Antola, the sprightly soul,
Defending duo fierce.
No one can forget the one
Protecting Shenkuu's goal.
Xana DiLanche guards the net
With practiced, firm control.

(They play with fairness, talent, wit,
To trying hardest, they commit!)

We'll sling those slushies, make some noise,
And do the shootouts too.
Will the Cup be ours this time?
Shenkuu, that's up to you!
Have fun, try hard, and don't give up,
Let's step toward success.
So go out there and score some goals!
Fourth time's the charm, oh yes!

(May the best team take the win,
Now let the Cup begin!)

To Raise the Rooligans
By Toujoursetajamais

A tale none can quite believe,
It's time, my fellow Rooligans,
To win that Cup again.
It won't be easy, my dear friends,
We have a title to defend.

The winner's curse looms over us,
As heavy as can be.
Most say it's time to run away,
But 'tis not the time to flee!

It is the time to prove our strength,
Do what none have done before.
It's time to fight, to fight and win,
To hoist that Cup once more!

We need to be united,
For if we don't, we fail.
Together we will be victorious,
And run to tell the tale.

The tale of Lilo and his team,
Of whom we've grown so fond.
So go make those goals and then
The winner's curse will be gone!

Go Team Haunted Woods!
By Icesmith

Goal! The fans cheer in a roar of shrieks,
Oblivious to the destruction of their yells.

Triumphant on field with their sinister glares,
Each opponent does yield with fear,
All hail Krell Vitor as he leads the team,
Moving up the ranks of the Cup.

Haunted? You bet! This team does scare
All of the opponents and they soon fall,
United in defeat, they all trail home.
Never beaten, the Woods do prevail,
Tyrannia, Darigan, Shenkuu, and more,
Engulfed in self-pity and despair,
Destroyed by the pitiless Woods and their skills.

"Woe to the Woods," all other teams cry,
Obliterated, their dreams do fall,
On and on, the Haunted Woods do go,
Danger to the likes of Darigan and Roo,
Serpents of night, shadow-shrouded victory.

Mystery Island for the Cup!
By Animallover7116

Tiki torches light up
The jungle court;
There's nothing better than
Participating in this sport!

With green and yellow
On their jerseys' front and back,
The ferocious Volgoth
Leads the pack.

Bertie, Teylor, and Volgoth
Make blocking their offence tough.
When you play them you'd better watch out,
It's going to get rough.

Vela is upon you
In a flash,
Always there to
Intercept your pass.

Lor is a keeper
Well taught,
He can block
Just about any shot.

"Win the Cup!"
The Mystery Islanders plead.
Each shot successfully scored
Brings cheers filled with glee.

Ode to Team Meridell
By Precious_katuch14

Team Meridell, in red, gold, and blue,
A fast, furious, and formidable crew.
More than ready to play for the Cup --
For them, the only way to go is up!

Captain Windelle is a real wizard,
A smart and capable centre forward.
He passes and plays like a dream;
When he scores, the fans all scream!

Third Cup's Rookie of the Year is Yoris,
Tough and unshakable a goalkeeper he is.
This JubJub's eyes are always on the Yooyu;
When he's on guard, it'll never get through!

Fiorina swoops across, past the opposing side,
Yooyu in hand, she gracefully weaves and glides.
Flashing a grin, she makes her shot,
A dedicated player who gives it all she's got!

Small but terrible, that is Gregorio Maille,
Passing swiftly to his mates without fail.
He runs and shatters the other team's defence,
Speed and craftiness reasons for his eminence.

Ilsa Ellits, one and only defender for Meridell,
Tenacious and strong, can't you tell?
All attempts to score are deemed futile
With a saving block and a triumphant smile!

And then there's me, Meridell's biggest fan,
Who believes staunchly that this team can.
They will dominate, they will rock you,
Hail the kingdom's colours of red, gold, and blue!

Darigan Victory
By Jokerhahaazzz

The Tournament's started,
The teams are in place!
Now listen to me,
And I'll make a strong case:
For Darigan, victory's coming, you know,
We'll win it just like we did two years ago.

Krawk Island is popular,
Those Roos are a threat,
And yes, we placed seventh,
But it's not over yet!
Our players, our team, and our fans are the best,
Just give us the matchups and we'll do the rest!

DC's so much cooler,
More talented, too.
We'll be number one
By the time this is through!
And if you are reading all this with a smirk,
Get to your team and begin with your work!

Darigan, Vex,
Morguss, and Kass,
They're over your head
And out of your class.
So argue and protest and squeal as you want,
And once we've won it, THEN we'll taunt!

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