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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Ode To Delina
by Trubiekatie

When I dress my 'pets,
It never seems to fail,
That Delina’s items
Always do prevail!

They’re perfect and classy,
Fit for any look.
She fastens together objects
Like a top quality cook.

Bring her different items
For a new wig or dress.
The item she creates
Will definitely impress.

As the Crafting Faerie,
She is unique with her designs.
Every few months,
She launches new lines.

Each line has a theme,
Built to perfection.
Every new Delina quest
Just adds to my collection.

So, thank you Delina,
For your lovely fall line.
That Woven Straw Dress,
Is rather quite divine!

Mr. Insane's World
by Comawhite333

Mr. Insane isn't so insane;
His mind is just wandering
On a psychedelic plane

Where gumdrops dance
And little Raindorfs prance,
Where he's louder than Dragona
But sweeter than Comastar,
Where there are zero calories
In a big, thick chocolate bar

He's off in a world
Where boats fly and planes sail,
Where he communicates telepathically
Without the confines of Neomail

Where Pteris hop 
And Mortogs sing,
Where bells splash
And water rings

Where Eyries moo
And Kaus fly,
Where mutated Koi
Have only one eye

Where Fyora is evil
While Sloth is good,
Where he burns steel for warmth
And makes machinery from wood

Where he's not the creepy guy at the office,
And people don't stare,
Where he's considered really tan
And not blinding white or fair

Where he's cooler than DJ Skellington
And more popular than snarkie,
Where he never gets bit
While feeding his Petpet Sharky

We could all take a lesson
From this really insane guy,
Or run in the other direction
When we see him coming by....

Mystery Island: A Series Of Haiku
by Homeostasis

Tropical delights
Training school for Neopets
Mystery Island

Pick up a ticket
Oh, Tiki Tack Tombola...
One day I will win

Leaving the island?
No, I want to stay longer
Beautiful harbour

Too many items:
To the Trading Post I go
To get rid of them

Oh, Techo Master,
Please help me with your wisdom
Role model you are

Dusty Trophy Case
by Harrypotpie2006

My trophy case looks dull and empty,
Despite all my effort and my might,
I was never skilled at games,
I never learned to fight

The most basic of bronzes,
The ones that most everyone has,
Are the only ones in my case
That show any of my pizzazz

So, I made it my goal,
My resolution, if you will,
To focus on earning new trophies
And to have my case filled

I understand it will be tough,
Most difficult at times,
However, it should be fun,
It's just another adventure 
And mountain to climb

Battles will be won
And many will be lost,
But to win some new trophies
Just could be worth the cost

Luck and Chance games galore,
Adventure, Puzzle, and Action,
The challenge and variety
Is part of the attraction

You win and you lose,
Prosper and fail,
But getting there is the fun part
And after you can tell a nice tale

Of your triumphs and victories,
The challenges you faced,
Because no one gets there easily,
Not even to third place

But, maybe if I'm lucky,
And just a bit talented, too,
The next trophy to grace my case
Will be given to me by you

A Journey Through The Kadoatery
by Blessed_faerie

All the Kadoaties are very sad,
Feed them what they ask for 
And they'll be glad.
Kad food is expensive, that's for sure,
But it's nothing to what 
Those sad Kads endure.

All day and night, crying in their cages,
Waiting for someone to give up their wages,
To buy them some Kadoatie food,
Just to see their mood improved. 

Although your wallet will be looking thin,
It's worth every bit to see the Kadoaties grin.
After seventy-five Kadoaties fed,
Your generosity will finally be rewarded.

Your User Lookup will be all shiny and new,
When you showcase 
Your new avatar: "Kadoatery - Mew!"
So feeding Kads is worth it, I think,
When you finally hit seventy-five and "go pink."

Some folks get a little overzealous,
And feed hundreds of Kads 
To make others jealous.
These folks are called "overfeeders,"
They are the the ones 
The Kadoaties call their leaders.

If you want to be one of them,
Simply refresh and feed as fast as you can.
Carry out your feeding plan and see it through,
Then you can flaunt 
Your "overfeeder" status, too!

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