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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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by Lalapaloozoo

Delicious aromas waft from pots and pans,
Surrounded by empty jars and hollow cans. 
Hair back in handkerchief, 
Blue apron in smears,
The Soup Faerie endlessly volunteers. 

A small Faellie hops in, she gives him a pat;
She never turns away, even the smallest bat.
A small jar of treats reside on her table,
"Treats For Petpets" handwritten on the label. 

After handing off a biscuit
She returns to her stews,
Her breads, her salads, a vat of fondue.
She endlessly gives, never seeking in return, 
And passes the morsels out 
To Neopets awaiting their turn.

A smile, a grin, an appreciative slurp,
A pat on the tummy, a cheerful chirp.
This is all she desires, 
The reason she slaves away,
Just a single "thank you" can make her day.

The Soup Faerie lives to give and assist
Should you be grateful, the more she'll insist,
"Take one more cookie! A cake, a snack!"
When it comes to generosity, 
She's got quite a knack. 

Living quietly in the Soup Kitchen,
Striving for her ultimate mission, 
You should visit the Soup Faerie
And help her with her sanctuary.

My Ghostkerchief Plushie
by Popit99

I found him at the plushie store
at about nine to four.
In the corner, almost out of sight,
I found my life’s light.

It was a Plushie Ghostkerchief,
and although our time had been brief,
I knew we were meant to be
and I would buy him for any fee.

He was so soft and sewn with care,
it almost wasn’t fair.
There was no way I could resist
when I could put his best qualities on a list.

But, as reached to grab him,
my situation suddenly look grim.
A red Wocky had grabbed my love
and I responded with a shove.

The Wocky glared
and said, almost with teeth bared,
“Sorry, but you’re too late --
I’m going to sell this plushie at a high rate!”

But I would not have it.
The fire was lit.
The Plushie Ghostkerchief was mine
and I could not allow that Wocky to get in line!

As he turned, the world aligned.
I tapped him from behind.
When he turned, I gave him a whack
and got my Ghostkerchief buddy back!

I charged for the shopkeeper of Plushie Palace
while the Wocky chased me with much malice.
After messing up my haggle twice,
I paid the shopkeeper’s small price.

The Wocky was furious,
but after a moment, he turned curious.
New Kau plushies had appeared
and he complete forgot about me... weird.

So, I took my new friend with me,
completely beside myself with glee. 
I had my Plushie Ghostkerchief
and he was worth all the grief.

The Toy Repair Shop
by Fairygold

I quietly stumble into the shop,
my eyes ablaze with fright.
The old shopkeeper cannot be found
as I search in the dimming light.

Knick-nacks everywhere, cluttered and a mess,
the shop is a wonder to stand.
I explore the dusty depths, interested,
wondering where I should land.

Suddenly, there's a wheeze and I spin around
to find an old Bori in a fit.
He coughs again, straightens up,
and says, "Do you want me to fix it?"

I ask what he means and he responds,
"That little toy right there, in your hand.
It looks so broken, overused,
held together by mere strings and bands!"

I nod quickly and stare around, 
still taking in the shop.
The Bori takes the toy, goes into the back,
and I hear a snap and a pop.

He comes out, still coughing, 
a mended toy for me to see.
I gaze at the miracle before my eyes --
he fixed it faster than I could believe!

So, here ends the story of my trip to a place
where you can get things fixed -- for a fee,
and the old Bori who works there, 
well... just go there and see!

To Lutari Island
by Kiragamicube

Oh ho ho,
Oh ho ho,
To Lutari Island we go!
Although we may never see land again,
We merrily, merrily go!
The boat may be drenched 
And our clothes are soggy,
But it'll never sodden our spirits!
I'm clutching my talisman and waiting for land,
The sports are coming closer and closer,
The wind is screeching and the boat is rocking,
And suddenly a wave comes crashing upon us.
The water is ice cold,
And the ship is nowhere to be seen.
My eyes are drooping and 
I swear I can hear a faint lullaby.
Soon, the next thing I know I can feel 
The sun on my back and sand under me.
I gasp and push myself up,
Only to see the Tiki Tack Man 
Staring back at me.

A Night In The Haunted Woods
by Reiqua

Last night, as golden Kreludor
Rose slowly across the sea,
I sought a lonely refuge -- 
A place I long to be,
A tight and twisted trail
That my feet have often trod,
Where dank leaves with every footstep
Press into the mossy sod.

Where left and right, in front, behind,
Black tree trunks creak and sigh,
And with jagged arms and fingers
Claw at the darkened sky.
Where, like a restless fire,
Leaves crackle overhead,
In colours just as menacing,
Sharp yellow and blood red.

Here, 'midst the wood's oppressive gloom,
There is no day or night,
But the forest's glowing denizens 
Emit the softest light.
They glide between the tree trunks,
They drift above the ground,
They keep a silent vigil,
They never make a sound.

There opens a tight clearing
Where, from the ground, protrudes
A shapeless lump of white-grey stone,
And numbing cold exudes.
The one who dares to sit there
May, in due course, descry
Faint shadows of shadow Korbats,
Flitting fitfully on high.

With loud report a thunderclap
Will sometimes rend the sky,
And in th' ensuing flash of light -- 
A tower! Cracked and high!
You see it but a moment,
Then once again it's gone,
And again the wood is silent,
Empty and forlorn.

At the base of yonder tower,
There would be sounds to hear,
Of playful shrieks and hurried feet,
The marketplace is near!
Bedecked in zany costumes,
The young ones roam at will,
But here, deep in the forest,
Everything is still.

The masters of the forest
Have gathered now, I see.
Their soft pink stands out glaringly
At root of every tree.
With eyes like great glass marbles
They warn me now to leave,
And so I stand and, 
Through the trees again, begin to weave.

Last night, as pale Kreludor
Cast silver beams around,
I sought a lonely refuge
And that is what I found.

Total Poetry Pages : 2759

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