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Neopets Poems

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Ixi Day Special!

Sinsi, the Shapeshifting Ixi
by miraday

The Crokabeks restlessly rustle above you.
The Brown Ixi slyly peers over your shoulder.
“I bet Sinsi thinks she’s got me this time,” 
You think during this round of Shapeshifter.

Crown to sword, sword to crown once more;
Pieces fall into place and the puzzle reveals
The patterns that Sinsi so cleverly arranged
And invented designs that appear concealed.

Ixis are clever Neopets, no one would argue,
Yet it takes a mind thinking a few steps ahead
To devise a puzzle game that stumps the best
And frustrates them as they try, try, try again.

Sinsi’s self is imbued deep in her own game.
A cunning Ixi, her puzzle is beguiling and tricky.
At face value, she is lighthearted and carefree,
Yet at her core, she is a very complicated Ixi. 

A square piece turns goblets to gloves, then
An unwitting move changes swords to goblets.
“Ah you lose! Won’t you try again?” Sinsi says,
The most clever Ixi who turns puzzle into profit.

The Magma Ixi
by guddi6

With a coat of fire she burns her way
Through the caves of old renown
In Moltara's secret flaming lairs
Far from the central town.
With dawn-struck eyes that glow
In flame, a pendant, lava-struck,
Through den and cove, she guides the lost
The travellers down on their luck.

Through hollows and tunnels, where prowl creatures
Better in stories to read,
Past blazing pits and magma dens
She'll guide you as you need.
Dark horns lit by sparks of red
She never smiles, or laughs,
But leads the lost to familiar ground
A silent beacon in the dark.

The Tricksy Ixi
by kayahtik

In Neopia far and wide,
Many Ixi do abide.
One for sure is full of pride,
Though you’ll never find her being snide. 

Do you know the Tricksy Ixi? 
Terror Mountain is where she’ll be. 
If you visit her Shop of Mystery,
You may get a gift for free!

Expect to wait quite a while,
Your patience is part of the trial. 
Don’t lose faith, it’s not futile,
You’ll be rewarded from her stockpile.

Have you figured yet
Which Ixi is the best?
No offense meant to your pet, 
But Tarla’s clearly where it’s at. 

No other Ixi can compete,
When you’re with her you’re in for a treat.
No one’s day can be complete
Without going down Tarla’s street.

Tarla on Ixi Day
by ivoryangelxo

Bounding through the endless forest glade,
An Ixi is spotted with a heart so brave.
With a super speedy dash,
The Ixi’s horns are barely spotted as he is gone in a flash.
For they are truly nimble creatures, 
Ixi’s have pixie-like dainty features.

With their grand ears that can sense any sound,
Ixi’s can hear any magic that is brewing around.
Four hooves sprinting through the enchanted forest,
So nimble and quick, it is a silent chorus. 
With a little dainty nose,
Ixi’s can smell any scent such as that of a beautiful rose.

Ixi’s are said to hail from Meridell, 
Although how they first appeared in Neopia no one could tell.
Meridell is a land of adventure and folklore,
Legends are passed down and stories are told,
That is how the legend of the brave ixi’s was going to unfold.

Ixi’s are said to be in tune with Magic,
When the moon is full and hanging in the night sky,
Tarla can be seen dancing in the moonlight.

Upon a high mountains peek,
Hides a little shop many seek.
Filled with treasures although they are unknown, 
Many still venture up to Terror Mountains zone.
It is a shop of Mystery and unknown,
Kept up by an Ixi that takes pride in what she owns.

Ixi’s are scattered across Neopia,
Some sore high in the clouds,
Others at the bottom of the never-ending sea,
Some bound through the forest with glee,
But they all have one thing in common,
Happy Ixi day from the top of Neopia to the very bottom.

The Running Ixi
by skaterseeny

An Ixi sprung freely along through the wood,
On his hooves on the forest floor he stood,
His horns are crowned on his soft downy head,
A haystack or a pile of leaves is his bed. 
Through the forest green of merry Meridell,
You can hear the ringing of his collar bell,
Jingling and jangling a song as he goes,
The sound of magical Ixi fawns and does!
The thought of the Ixi out free in the forest
Makes me feel happiest, makes my heart sorest.

When the enchanting sound of bells is heard,
And the leaves by prancing hooves are stirred,
I follow the bright-eyed Ixi into the wood,
Regardless of whether I really should…
Behind a tree, in the dark shadowy shade,
The most beautiful hideaway Illusen’s Glade
Is where the Ixis dwell through the night,
In their eyes a strange wild glinting light!
In my dreams I follow their running path,
And hear with the ringing bells a laugh!

You can try to pursue him yet to no avail,
Only the trailing sight of his small tufted tail,
You can track his hoof tracks but to no good,
He is free from harm and safe in the wood.
To hunt the innocent Ixi is deathly forbidden,
Out in the green wood he is happily hidden.
An Ixi bows his horned head to no master,
And cleverer than hunters, he still is faster. 
To a gentle hand he will come unbidden,
On an Ixi’s back, I too have wildly ridden!

And not so far off, at the end of the year, 
A Christmas Ixi will magically re-appear,
With tree-branched antlers on his brow,
To protect all the forest is his loyal vow. 
Green leaves of holly and ivy are wound
On his stick antlers and twined all around.
Adorned on his head the forest crown,
The proud noble Ixi will never bow down,
In the wild hunt through the woods of lore,
Lead by the Christmas Ixi from days of yore.

by indebtedness

Soft and quadruped
Two horns sitting on their head
Now sixteen years old

Lovable creatures
From the fields of Meridell
Neopia is where they stay

A carefree vibrant soul
Prancing in flower filled fields
A free soul, the Ixi

The Enchanted Ixi
by butterflybandage

Has anyone heard of
A pretty little Ixi?
She’s full of laughter pure—
Though a little tricksy!

She’s called The Enchanted Ixi
Decked out in golden flair
Her best friend is a Whinny
With spots in its hair!

Her makeup is on point
Her necklace is divine
She loves wearing jewels—
One of every kind!

But who is this Ixi?
Where does she hail from?
Does she live in a forest?
In a tree that’s out of plumb?

No one knows her story
But I wish to find her still—
For she’s a pretty little Ixi
And find her soon, I will!

Tarla the Ixi
by a_ramsell

Tarla, that quirky little Ixi, 
Is the keeper of the Shop of Mystery!
High atop Terror Mountain's peak,
You'll find her quaint boutique.

This determined, stubborn creature
Had the spirit to endure
The grueling, snowy mountain climb.
She knew she'd get to her shop, in due time.

And get there she did, as you well know,
If you've also braved the wind and snow
To visit her peculiar little store,
Filled with strange packages, from ceiling to floor.

So in celebration of Ixi Day,
Hurry to Tarla's shop, without delay!
Try your luck and buy a bag,
Then see what treasure you manage to snag!

Beloved Ixi
by powerdrippy

Meridell trumps in unison blaze, 
the time has come in all our days, 

to praise, and continue to raise, 
our beloved Ixi, dainty, and sweet. 

Ixi are friends of all, and always fun to meet. 
Naturally curious, dearly deer-like, 

but all so unique. All so magnificent. 
Let the trumpets continue to play.

The time has come, shout and say...

Celebrating Ixi Day
by painted_dreams87

The 11th day of the month of Swimming
is a day unlike any other.
It's a special holiday to celebrate
each Ixi with one another.

With fur, small pointed horns
and large, captivating eyes,
why we love the Ixi so much
really shouldn't be a surprise.

While we're at it, let's not forget
the trademark of many of them.
Most Ixi wear a collar around their neck
made of ribbon and complete with a gem.

Ixi are known for their agility,
often skipping around Meridell.
With bellies full of vegetables,
maybe you would leap as well.

Hooray for Ixi Day
by umbrex

Frolic fast through the fields
of fresh fruit and fragrant flowers,
some warmed by the sun's shining rays,
some sprayed by strong summer showers.

Creative and courageous creatures,
capricious and captivatingly cute.
Ixi are not boorish or brash,
not boisterous, brackish brutes.

While masses merrymake in Meridell,
Tarla manages the Shop of Mystery.
Hanso is now a household name;
ixi sure have a heroic history.

Ixi give us such gaiety and glee,
that all other pets must give way.
Now once again the day has come:
Hip hip hooray for Ixi Day!

Incredible Ixi
by lyndsey4657

Small but mighty is the Ixi.
Horns tough as steel.
Grazing on the green grass
is your favorite past time. 

Galloping in the flowery fields,
without a care in the world.
Curling up on a grassy patch
to take a small nap.

You ram into stumps,
just to show,
yet you be small,
you are mighty.

Little Ixi.

Sophie’s Special Stew
by saiphami

Deep in the woods on a day so fine
There was an Ixi with a skill so divine
She had a special talent for soups and stews
And she spent all day working on her special brews

But today’s creation was meant to be extraordinary
See it wasn’t just for your average Poogle or Eyrie
No, today was a day meant to celebrate the Ixi
So she spent hours stirring and mixing

“At last! I’m done,” she cried
For all the Ixis to hear, across the woods, far and wide
They trotted and galloped towards her creation
As everyone wanted to be part of the celebration

“It’s perfect!” they cheered, full of delight
And the stew’s creator beamed, knowing she got it just right
“Thank you Sophie!” the crowd couldn’t wait to say
“You’re welcome she said, and… Happy Ixi Day!”

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