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Neopets Poems

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Ixi Day Special!

The Ixi and the Flower
by yzhen_121993

Bounding through the meadows,
An Ixi gracefully leaps.
Only she and few others are awake,
The rest of Neopia sleeps.

A Beekadoodle sings its song,
Somewhere in the treetops.
The Ixi appreciates the sound,
She looks up and stops.

Her nose subtly twitches,
As she catches a lovely scent.
By her hoof lies a flower,
Its stem by the wind was bent.

The Ixi gently nuzzles the plant,
Hoping to coax it to stand tall.
All the while being worried,
Thinking “Don’t let the petals fall!”

The flower once again faces the sun,
And the Ixi contentedly sighs.
Back she sets off on her way,
Giving the flower her last goodbyes.

Ixi's arrival
by gilclem

When Ixi's came to Meridell
They hoped that we were faring well
They arrived with great curiosity
Seeking to delight you and me

Ixi's are so cute and spry
We all adore them and that's no lie
As they nap in pastures beneath the sun
And graze upon the summer land
Let's remember what makes Ixi's so grand

Their love for nature and friends
Their willingness to lend a hand
If you're ever feeling sad or glum
Just remember that Ixi's made Neopia more fun

Interesting Ixis
by catchinglights

Many Ixis call Neopia their home,
And today is a day to celebrate.
So here we gather to discuss some,
Of the many Ixis who are great!

Ethel Boortz just got done playing,
In the annual Altador Cup.
While many other elders sat crocheting,
For Team Meridell did Ethel step up!

Ethel's teammate Ilsa Ellits the defender,
Also played hard and played well.
He sought to bring Meridell splendor,
Their second place finish was really quite swell!

While in Meridell you can't forget Sinsi,
The puzzle master who created Shapeshifter.
Will you be able to go on a spree?
Or will you be stumped by her brain twisters?

In the Haunted Woods you might meet Sophie,
The Swamp Witch who lives alone in the trees,
With her it's best to not get too nosy,
For if you loiter, she'll be very displeased!

Tarla lives atop Terror Mountain,
Selling mysterious wares to any visitor.
For now this brave Ixi is grounded,
After her Tour of Mystery adventure.

Hanso may be last but he is certainly not least,
He is the most dashing and daring Ixi thief.
Though he helped defeat Xandra's foul beast,
He is more commonly found causing mischief!

Tarla, Ten to Forty-Five...
by rivera_ice_princess

I want to take this time,
to insert a little rhyme,
And create some chime,
And maybe do a little mime.

Ixi is this one's kind,
On Terror Mountain you will find,
Tarla is her main handle,
Her origins a true fable.

Visit her mysterious shop,
A prized item you may cop,
Hark! Beware of the prices,
Neopoints spent, the true sacrifices.

Tarla's toolbar is the real struggle,
Look it up, you can actually win a puddle!
Move quickly when you see her lurking,
For those who wait are truly hardworking.

Sophie's Stew, A Lively Brew for Ixi Day
by _brainchild_

Sophie is an Ixi who
Lives o'er the swamps and bogs.
Your eyesight will have not a clue
Amidst the thickest fog.
Within the dwelling so depraved,
The spooky Ixi lies,
Attracting pets forever brave,
Yet some think they're unwise.

Her stew consists of yucky stuff
Which ruins pets' days.
The smell is usually enough
To send most souls away.
However, quite the special few
Will handle, sans complaint,
Her eyeballs, worms, and other goo,
While most would feel quite faint!

The staff, directed with precision,
Leads the goop inside
A stew. The most severe blurred vision,
Caused by wooden glide,
Will chase most pets afar, but not
The ones who venture here.
They give their best and loving shot
Toward making soup so dear!

The Ixi shall appreciate
The help which she procures.
While most are worried 'bout the fate
Of "victims" she has lured,
They're pleased to make a yummy brew
Of unconventional
Ingredients, so Sophie's Stew
Is flashy, never dull.

Ixi Love
by orlytheowl

All gather and hear the ringing bell
It's time to celebrate and not the time to dwell
We're celebrating a certain pet from Meridell
A pet called the Ixi, and whom's story I shall tell

They are known as active and full of joy ablaze
In Meridells lush fields they everyday will graze
They look good in colours, but also suit the greys
Their beauty are capable to make the doomed upraise

Quite a few Ixis are also famous in their name
One is Hanso and to like him bears no shame
Sophie is a mystic, and you can help her in her game
Nabile and Tarla are two more Ixis that's certainly not lame

Ixis are perfection, and there's no need for them to change
Their place in your Neolife actually has no range
If you dream of getting one, you're definitely not strange
Stop with the dreaming, and get the dream arranged

Dedicated to Trixi my Pastel Ixi!!
by chaeldar

Hi there my name is Trixi,
Are you stumped on what to make your Ixi?
Using a Pastel Paint Brush is the way to go,
It's the best color you know.

My light pink fur glistens in the sun,
My eyes are purple and my color palette is fun,
Everything we do is done with grace,
And we have the cutest face.

I mean you could paint your Ixi Gold,
Don't you think that would get old?
Even though Royalgirl is a stunner,
Pastel Ixi's are funner!

If your opinion can't be swayed,
And you still can't decide on a shade,
Ixi Day brings us new colors so don't get stressed,
But the Pastel Ixi will always be the best.

Pixie the Ixi
by punkprincezz07

Magic swirls around her,
purple, blue, and pink.
Veiling her vision in glitter,
she attempts to clear it with a blink.
After what seems like an eternity,
Pixie can finally see, she looks around,
and discovers she has wings!
Pixie has always been just a regular blue ixi,
now she has transformed into a magical faerie!
Pixie the Faerie Ixi was finally who she wanted to be,
and now she could soar high into the clouds as far as she could see.

The Ixi warrior
by oomp

Stompy feet, mischievous smile
Come and listen for a while
To a story of adventures daring
Plated armor, our hero’s wearing

Fluffy tail but don’t underestimate
battling monsters is this ixi’s fate
Exceedingly brave and mighty 
Quick as a wink but never flighty

Sweeps his enemies with one blow
The combat’s thrilling but he’s eager to know
What’s in store for him when the battle’s won
in the peaceful quiet, he feels quite alone

Our ixi hero longs for just one friend
With too much work, no time to spend
On finding friends that he can trust
Protecting Meridell’s a must

So what’s the message of this story?
Our ixi’s victorious, colossal glory
The town is cheering just for him
Yet he can’t stop feeling quite grim

Let’s thank the noble ixi now 
And whisper off a silent vow
To be a friend to those we can
Have kindness, nurture, be a fan.

For we don’t know what strangers fight
A compliment can make things bright

Ixi Day (Jazan’s love song for Queen Nabile)
by meedmmeesoh

Out in the fields of Meridell
where the Autumnberry bloom

On this night so many moons ago
you appeared, fair Ixi Queen,
you, my beloved Nabile:

Do your remember? How 
The silver stars above raced

To fill the river below
as my heart flew to you…
(Oh I do.)

And as I stood rooted
in my deepening shame
at the dirt on my pants

And blood on my soul, you came
and said:

 “I have made many mistakes
Jazan, like you. Do not
hide your face.” What magic

Did you speak over me,
Nabile, that not only broke the curse

But turned me into something else—
A net, moving through
A wider, mightier ocean

Always and never fulfilled?
I, creature that I am,

Not worthy of your love, only beg
for your touch even if only 
in pain—that with the passing of time

I might break and become
something pure, perfect—

Something you might, one day,
kiss gently with your lips.

This life that’s so lonely and dark
you, fair Ixi, have illuminated it.
Your spark, maddening, ravishing

Outshining every star in Neopia--
You rule over us all.

Tarla the Very Mysterious Shopkeeper
by saiphami

Up on top of Terror Mountain,
Lives a darling Ixi.
She runs a quaint little shop,
For those who aren’t too picky.

“Welcome to the Shop of Mystery,”
She chants, beckoning you in.
“What’s for sale? Nobody knows!”
She says with a grin.

“What’s your name?” you ask,
Staring at boxes of every color.
She begins to respond, before someone shouts

Absolute pandemonium erupts,
Customers banging down the door, flailing.
The boxes go wild,
While the Ixi - Tarla? - begins paling.

It’s over as quickly as it started,
The Neopians filtering out into the snow.
Our faithful shopkeeper groans and asks,
“Well, did you enjoy the show?”

“What was that?” you wonder.
“My name is Tarla,” the Ixi simply replies,
Picking up the fallen boxes.
“And my presence seems to indicate a free prize.”

“Why do you do it, Tarla? Why don’t you move?”
She chuckles at the question, right on cue.
“I thought you would have learned by now,
Mysteries, chaos, this is what I do!”

Ixi Parade
by mystical_skydragon

Neopets of Meridell cheer! Neopets everywhere cheer!
The Ixi have arrived! The Ixi are here!
Hang all the flags! Hang all the banners!
Feel the happiness in the atmosphere!

Do you hear the music? Can you feel the beat?
Oh look that little Bruce holding flowers, isn't it sweet?
Every Neopet stood on their toes, trying to sneak a peek.
Even Neopets standing on bails of wheat.

Here they come! Here they come!
Play the music! Play the drums!
Get the drinks! Get all the food!
Get the bread! Get the cheese! Get the plums!

Look at them striding! Look at them roam!
Their hoofs clickety clack on the streets of stone.
At the end of the street, the Ixi settled down.
The Ixi was once again, finally home.

Ixi Day Special
by mewemy

The happy young Ixi grazed in the meadow
The charming little Ixi was such a good fellow
Days and nights he would come and play
The tiny guy’s favorite hobby was rolling in the hay

With a soft fluffy tail as cute as could be
Two small horns for warding off enemies
As night began to set on this summers eve
Our Ixi friend found a great nice big tree

He stretched out his hooves and gave a big yawn
Time for some rest before his big day starts at dawn
The happy young Ixi grazed in the meadow
The charming little Ixi was such a good fellow

It's Ixi Day!
by sk8tergirl503

Ixis are a graceful pet.
Those who own one know, I bet!
They are the fairest you’ve ever met.
Beauty, strength, and poise pose as a triple threat!

Prancing through Meridell, Ixis relax.
Playing with friends, they live in their packs.
When they are hungry, they stop in their tracks
An abundance of veggies they eat to the max!

Distinctive are their horns and tail
You may find one along Meridell trail.
Donning a collar, both female and male.
An icon of Neopia, that will never fail!

Today is the Ixis day to shine.
The weather is great - it must be a sign!
Their looks and nature, all are quite fine.
But Ixi, just know that you will always be mine.

Ixi Day! Tarla's Shop of Mystery
by kiwigoddesskimmie

I'm Tarla the ixi and I run a shop
In Terror Mountain. Can you climb to the top?
I'll share the history 
Of my Shop of Mystery
Where my prices and altitude don't drop!

I came to the mountain with nothing but time
I bundled up warm to scale and climb
The peaks were so high
I felt amidst the sky
I came upon an old shop past its prime

The shop was abandoned, only trash in it
I needed sleep, but began cleaning that minute
I napped on the clean floor
Two chias came to my door
With cans of paint and solvent to thin it

The two helpful chias are Corassa and Mike
They showed me stairs to avoid the hard hike
They helped fix up the shop
Now it's running non-stop
So grab a bag, I hope it's something you like!

Three Cheers for Ixi
by aurorapearl

Is there a Neopet more approved
than the Ixi, so finely hooved?
In all the world, it's only Ixis you've
encountered that simply cannot be improved.

In books is there a better word
than the Ixi, so finely furred?
Throughout the lands we all concur - 
A better specimen would be absurd.

Are there queens any better adorned
than the Ixi, so finely horned?
Disagree if you will, but be forewarned -
Your arrogance will have you scorned.

For it is the Ixi, and none other
that dances and prances through sunshine and thunder. 
Flitting through life like a faerie tale pixie
Is our finely hooved, furred, and horned Ixi.

The Ixi on Her Way Home This Evening
by terukiyo

The Ixi thinks it pesky
to be compared with Tarla, her fix-it
attitude A-plus, but not the only example
of their kind, hard at work or whimsy.

The Ixi grows sulky like the gnome
of your garden and home
in the most Faerieland of cities
spread with luxury jelly flooring
if she can't hear herself traipsing 
beneath the merry Meridell trees

Clip-clop clip-clop clip
clopping hooves too gentle (unless
they're mechanically pieced) to wake
a sleeping beast or please
grumpy, finicky kings

the Ixi trots down cobblestone streets
the sheen of her horns shining 
softly on Ixi Day
this summer's eve.

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