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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Kiko Day Special!

A Kiko Day Holiday
by a_ramsell

I stand on the shore of Kiko Lake,
Ready to start my holiday.
It's a crowded, busy, bustling place,
With everyone enjoying Kiko Day.

I spot a cheery purple tent,
With a sign that reads 'Kiko Pop.'
It looks like fun, and I'm curious,
So I make that my first stop.

The friendly Kiko that runs the booth
Hands me a dart and grins.
I choose the hardest level,
And he gives the board a spin.

I throw my dart at the center balloon,
And it bounces right off! I sigh,
Chiding myself for not choosing easy.
I push aside the flap and head outside.

Instantly my spirits are lifted,
As I take in all the possibilities.
There's no time for feeling down here,
What with all the Kiko Day festivities!

A relaxing glass-Bottom boat tour?
A swim to the bottom of the lake?
A delicious snack at the Kiko Lake Treats shop?
Who knows what direction this holiday will take!

Kiko Day Poem
by _interrupted_

Today we all come together, 
To celebrate a special pet. 
Who are very well mannered, 
And the friendliest we have ever met! 

The Kikos like to have fun, 
Splashing in the lake. 
Or basking on the sand, 
Eating delicious, yummy cake. 

They are thrill seekers, 
And enjoy a theme park or water jet. 
Their laughter is infectious, 
And one we could never possibly forget. 

So, on this special day. 
We thank the Kikos for being the best! 
Being on Kiko lake and celebrating, 
Makes us all feel very blessed!

Kiko Day
by sk8tergirl503

Out on the waters of Kiko Lake,
Relaxed the Kikos taking a break.
Here, dear Kikos, have some cake!
Today is your day, make no mistake!

Kikos with their shape so round,
Swim swiftly through, safe and sound.
They can also bounce on the ground.
But the waters are where their true home is found.

Kikos are unique with their bandaid decor
The coolest looking thing a Neopet has ever wore.
How else will you surprise us, give us more!
I’ll meet you when you come up to shore.

So have a happy swim, Kiko friend.
Well wishes and happy day I do send.
If you ever need help, a hand I will lend.
For now though, Kiko Day has come to an end.

Kiko Magic
by orlytheowl

A Kiko is known as a sweet tooth
It is obvious by what he sells in his booth
It is clear that he is not uncouth
He knows what he's doing, and that's the truth

In his booth he sells sweets of all kinds
The delicious flavours Neopia together binds
That he's a genius is a fact in all minds
Extraordinary flavours he always matches and finds

The Kiko makes you come under his spell
When he place out his goods and you sense the smell
What his magic is, noone can really tell
But with sweets in your pocket, all is well

The Hero of Kokajuko
by kayahtik

A mysterious figure enters the tavern,
His black robes dark as a cavern - 
It is sunset in Kokajuko. 

The tavern keeper asks, “What'll it be for you?”
The Kiko replies, “Bread and water will do” -
Hard times are upon Kokajuko. 

A door swings open and three Grundos enter,
They shove their way to the center -
These are the thugs of Kokajuko. 

“You're new here,” observes the first,
“Better leave or you'll get our worst” - 
The Kiko swings his sword in Kokajuko. 

Two large bodies thump to the ground, 
Without the Kiko ever making a sound - 
“No longer will you menace Kokajuko.”

The third drags his friends back out the door,
The tavern keeper mops up the floor - 
There is peace now in Kokajuko. 

He finishes his meal and pays his bill,
Then the Kiko steps out into the chill - 
He is Niten Hiroru, the hero of Kokajuko.

Kiko Pop Appreciation
by lil_reef

The balloons spin and whirl,
As you try to point and aim,
But soon you're seeing swirls,
This is one dizzyingly hard game!

Your dart is sharp and pointed,
So you had better concentrate-
You don't want to be disappointed,
When your dart doesn't fly quite straight.

The Kiko sees this all too clearly,
As darts zoom and fly and zip his way,
So when he asks, he does so sincerely-
"Please don't sway when you try to play."

He ducks and hides and is surprised,
When a balloon actually does pop,
Then the Neopian is awarded a prize,
And the Kiko can relax and sit in his shop.

Even though his days are full of fright,
It is worth it to see the Neopian's delight,
When they win a prize after weeks of trying,
Sending dart after dart through the air flying.

Let's honor him today for his hard work,
With cake, and parties, and fireworks,
As the whole of Kiko Lake is aglow,
With our happiness and appreciation.

Happy Kiko Day!

A Grey Kiko Day
by gumgum101230

Each Kiko Day, in Kiko Lake,
Most Kikos swim and play.
But just this time, one little ‘pet
Did not feel the same way.

A Grey Kiko, mellow and still,
Would rather not take part
In the “tubular” race, the treats,
Or the Kiko Day art.

Instead, he stayed inside his home,
Among custom carpentry.
He chose this day to embrace
The lonely harmony.

He sighed and set out a card deck,
His bandage left askew.
At least today he’ll have some fun
With Kiko Match II.

An Ode to Kiko Lake
by alexmajor9

When traveling Neopia
A journey you should make
For friendly folk are waiting
Just inside of Kiko Lake

Beyond the bricks of Brightvale
Behind the lands of Faeries
Sneak past the greatest pyramids
And woods that look quite scary

You'll find their homes so cute and round
(and not unlike their boarders)
There's fun and treats and games abound
While playing in the water

So for a lakeside holiday
Or just a restful break
There's nothing better suited
Than a day in Kiko Lake

Kiko Day Haiku Collection
by vicunas

Sparkling water
Seen from a glass bottom boat:
Homes nestled in sand.

Darts sail through the air
As the circular board turns,
Elvin laughs with glee.

Come to Kiko Treats
To try a brand new delight.
Lolly, fudge, or slice?

Built sturdy with heart

Made from coral and bubble,
Carpentry found here.

Snapshots of kikos
Paint the walls of this castle,
Coloring or art?

Hovering above
Or gliding through clear water,
The grace of kikos.

Trip to Kiko Lake (A Kiko Day Poem)
by sonicmirrors189

On a hot day in the month of Relaxing,
The Faerieland Employment Agency was getting quite taxing.
So I grabbed a few friends and suggested we take,
An all-day trip to scenic Kiko Lake.
We arrived to ride on a glass bottom boat,
But it had a leak and couldn't stay afloat.
Into the water we sank with our shoes,
Saying hello to squads of Maraquan Blumaroos.
We were soaked, but the sun was bright.
We dried off quickly and searched for a bite.
The local cafe would have made for a treat,
If only we could get a seat.
The crowds were vast, hungry, and loud.
We wished we were back on Faerieland's cloud.
The Faerie Food Shop, at the very least,
Is a quick and easy place for a feast.
Luckily, one of us brought some snacks.
We set a towel on the beach and tried to relax.
Lo and behold, we found ourselves grinning,
Much like the Kikos around us spinning.
So the best part of our trip, as I recall,
Was lying on the sand, doing nothing at all.

Those Thieving Kikos: A Random Event Lament
by _brainchild_

Events occur quite randomly,
As one and all will surely see.
Today the Kikos stole my stuff!
Neopians have had enough.

Why, I just bought that! Rotten fiends
Are taking all that they have seen.
My profit would have been quite great
If items hadn't met a fate!

Are Neopoints so tight for them
That they must swipe the gold and gems
Of people who work very hard?
Those dreadful swindlers should be barred!

I guess I'll have to store my stuff
In iron safes. Oh, in a huff,
I stash remaining loot away
With grumpy growls---I feel dismay.

Kiko Pop
by judefine

Draw back that curtain
Even though my chances are uncertain
To win an elusive prize
With only a single try
Elvin is generous sort of gent
To give me a chance in his purple tent
The dart is in my shaking hand
I don't have the best throw in the land
How I long to hear that distinct popping sound
As that wheel spins around and round
What will I win, I wonder?
Only if I don't flail and blunder
Here we go, my only chance for the day
This should be easy! Child's play!
Step to the post, perfect my aim
I have to be quick, others wish to play the game.
Away the dart flies towards the wood board
Wishing not to look a fool in front of this accumulated hoard
And, lo, a brightly coloured balloon has burst!
What luck, I whooped in a great outburst!
The Kiko smiled, pleased with my result
Unlike some hosts, who only jeer and insult
The winning prize is small and deserved
My good luck and skill physically confirmed
I feel on top of the world, luck is in my control
What else can I win, now that I'm on a roll?

Helpful Cleaning Robot Kiko
by indulgences

So small, and sleek, and scrupulous,
This Kiko scrubs the floor.
He holds a bucket in his hand
From which he tips and pours!

This Kiko’s drenched in bubbles, soap,
And dirty, grayish suds.
He cleans the floor of dirt and grime,
And any errant mud!

He’s tireless, assiduous.
The floors, now bright and clean.
The tiles are quite immaculate.
The floorboards shine and gleam!

Please use this perky, robot maid!
Your home will be quite cleansed!
And in addition to this perk,
You’ll have a brand new friend!

Kiko Day: A Day to Enjoy
by cloverdewlou

flipping and flopping across Kiko Lake
another nice, peaceful day
one of creation, one of fun
the blue surface ripples,
hills reflecting in clear water
rugged rocks, blossoming coral
heroes of legend onlooking water

this is the place, everyone whispers,
rumors and legends reaching 
Neopia Central. This is the place
where Kikos are born. 
come and see
what a great honor, indeed,
to roll away and spend a day
away from the voices, 
away from the noises,
Kiko Day 
sticky summers
for all to see
come and be free

A Kickin' Kiko Discovery
by aurorapearl

There once was a Kiko rather rare
who climbed a volcano on a dare.
You see, Kikos can swim
and dance on a limb
but Kikos cannot fly through the air.

But this Kiko really wanted to try
and see the world from up high.
So up she went
on her ascent
to learn how to soar through the sky.

Days passed with hardly a break
on this journey she couldn't forsake
until she reached the peak
and jumped off with a shriek -
and PLOP! She landed into a lake.

And what was this feeling that was brimming
from leaping into this new world shimmering?
For here in this caldera
Formed in a previous era,
Flying felt a lot like swimming.

And she thought that Kikos didn't need,
perhaps, to fly through the air with speed.
They could live on the land
or in water or sand!
Kikos were already the perfect breed.

But experiences like these should be known
And shared rather than left all alone.
More needed to dive
in this lake to derive
that Kikos do just fine on their own.

So this Kiko returned home and rounded
up all of her friends, astounded.
They went up and around
and there built a town
And so Kiko Lake was thus founded.

Love For Kiko Day
by garret250

Whose kiko is that? I think I know.
Its owner is quite happy though.
Full of joy like a vivid rainbow,
I watch him laugh. I cry hello.

He gives his kiko a shake,
And laughs until his belly aches.
The only other sound's that break,
Of distant waves and birds awake.

The kiko is Small, circular and deep,
But he has promises to keep,
After cake and lots of sleep.
Sweet dreams come to him cheap.

He rises from his gentle bed,
With thoughts of Petpets in his head,
He eats his chokato jam with bread.
Ready for the day ahead.

Happy Kiko Day!

Captain Dread the Fearsome Kiko
by azienskieth

O'er all of Neopia's five vast seas,
From one Kiko many have fled.
He's cruel and he's wicked and never pleased,
And his fearsome name is Captain Dread.

Though many have faced him and kept their lives,
Most would rather keep their mouths shut.
They know revenge is where Captain Dread thrives,
Even the richest would lose his strut.

He's best known for pillaging and extortion;
His henchmen do the pettier crimes.
Your money he'll grab and reapportion;
You're hoping for mercy? Maybe next time.

He once argued with Maraqua's king,
Who refused to pay for protection.
Soon came a whirlpool, a disastrous thing,
And wrecked the land for that rejection.

I've drilled this warning right into your head,
And now you know what's at stake.
Hopefully the thought of old Captain Dread
Won't scare you or keep you awake.

The Invasion of Kiko Lake
by boomnotpuff

In The Depths of Kiko Lake
Lies a scene quite opaque

Thin spheres enclosing air
Are taking over everywhere
Faint of heart beware

Vision fills with effervescence
Overshadowing the precious essence

Eruptions once loomed
Communities bloomed
Only to now be doomed

These bubbles must be stopped
If only they could all be popped

Neopians unite
Together to fight

Armed with our shooters
Situated at our computers
To end this invasion
And secure the Kiko haven

Kiko Day at Kiko Lake
by mojcarompompojca

The sun is shining in Kiko Lake,
And on the beaches the Kikos bake.
They are getting tan and taking a break,
And giant sand castles, the baby Kikos make.

The water is cool and feels so good,
The Kikos swim and splash, as a Kiko should.
They walk the boardwalk made of wood,
In the distance, a statue, there it stood!

The statue was none other than Mayor Fuff!
The mayor of Kiko Village, and all that stuff.
On Kiko Day, he throws parades and such,
And there is fun to be had, oh so much!

So get to Kiko Lake and do not delay,
For fun awaits in many ways!
It's Kiko Day, Kiko Day I say!
So let us celebrate at the Lake today!

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