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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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100th Poem Special

26 Reasons I Still Play Neopets
by t0tor0

I joined this website years ago,
I’m still here—why not up and go?
I’ve twenty-six reasons why not:
The first, The Faerie’s Ruin plot!
I got to solve puzzles with aid;
It helped me value friends I made.

I set goals and could meet them—great!
I learnt hard work pays off—just wait.
I learnt to deal with randomness,
And bought my first stocks free of stress.
I gamble with no fear of debts,
And give away with no regrets.

My grounds ten through fifteen are these:
Adopting, trading pets to squeeze.
Rehoming pets, I found a friend,
And dressing pets could have no end.
Each pet now has a character:
That’s thirty pet designs to stir!

I learnt to code HTML,
And played fun games, mostly quite well,
Was spurred to learn digital art,
And kickstarted my rhyming heart,
Was published, too—a prize above—
And storytelling I do love.

I found ideas for comics, too—
And with collabs, quality grew.
In truth, my friends outshine my skill,
Which I think’s great, and they’re a thrill!
They’re so diverse, I’d never meet
Them outside Neo, on the street.

My twenty-six main reasons for
Continuing to stay for more,
Through thick and thin (but all indoors),
Are probably different from yours.
If you are here with time to spare,
Maybe you have some more to share?

100th Poetry Celebration
by kellyclark1115

Gather around Neopians,
it's the 100th Poetry Special!
Make way for Alstaf Poogle,
he's walking to his pedestal.

Settle in with a cosy drink,
perhaps some Borovan or tea?
We'll be here all afternoon,
so grab two or even three!

To celebrate the 2600th Poetry Day,
Alstaf will read his favourites.
He has a long, long list,
from the thousands of submits.

He picks a poem or two,
from each poetry page.
I hope he reads mine,
on this very stage!

Alstaf writes poems too,
and reads them on this day.
It's truly a delight,
I insist you must stay!

He's about to begin!
I can't wait to hear these,
the top poems for this 100th day,
hand picked with expertise.

To the Poetry Community
by bittersweet52

The years pass by in the blink of an eye
Each day slipping through like sand 
Our little community endures through time
We may stumble and bend, but we stand

Each week we gather together our words
Our creativity shines as we write
And Alstaf selects the cream of the crop
And holds these gems up to the light

All can participate, be they old or new
You just need to create art with your pen
Choose your meter and rhyme, whichever you like
Sit down at your writing desk, then...

Let the words flow from your mind to your hand
Scribble as fast as you dare
Chase your ideas and your dreams to their ends
Let the first draft form without care

Now let's read what you have, come let me see
Hmm yes, may I make a suggestion or two?
Let's work on revisions and polish it up
And it'll be ready before you say, "Boo"

Then off to submissions, slide it into the box
And then we just have to wait
Cross your fingers that the veteran judge
Shares with you your literary taste

Whether you end up published or not
Keep composing again and again
Share your thoughts and your songs with all of us
This is my ode to my poetry friends

100th Poetry Contest - A World of Literature
by roxanna203

We gather here today to celebrate,
A wonderous occasion to commemorate,
All the glorious poems written by souls,
With things to say and stories to unfold.

History representing tales from afar,
Unimaginable lengths and some bizarre,
Writers join to honor the 100th day,
And every single one with things to say!

We thank you, Neopets, for allowing,
A place of creative freedom endowing,
Pages filled with hymns and rhymes,
Marking our words and history in time!

Happy 100th day, Poetry Contest!
Bringing people from east to west,
We love the ability to be able to write,
And cherish in one another's delight!

Celebration Through Poetry
by ennyra

We come again to another,
Very special contest.
Another centennial celebration,
Of all the poems that are the best.

There are so many Neopian writers,
That deserve to be praised.
Reading through each edition,
Always leaves us amazed.

Here's to the last one hundred,
And to the next hundred to come.
You know how to keep us entertained,
From all of the daily humdrum.

Poems are such a fun way,
To recognize each special day.
They allow us to express ourselves,
In such an easy, unique way.

To all my fellow poem writers,
Today, this one's for you.
So grab some cake and streamers,
And let's party like we know how to!

2600th Poetry Contest
by agedbeauty

In the annals of Neopian Poetry
Lay thousands, of verses
With rhymes about Poogles and heros
About Petpets and villains and multiple curses.

There are odes to a Neopet,
And odes to the Faerie Queen,
There are couplets about Neopets painted Mara
And rhymes about Neopets painted Green

Yes, deep in the annals 
Of the Poetry Hall,
You can find rhymes
On anything at all!

But the most important thing
That you'll find in each word,
Is a Neopian who gave 
Their heart to be heard.

Neopians who wrote
From across the land
All measured each couplet
And wrote each word by hand.

Can we celebrate each poet
Who wrote each line with care,
And toast to each Neopian
Every one, every where?

Yes - in the 2600th Poetry Gallery,
Let's remember each time
That a Neopian put their heart
Into each metered rhyme.

For by Gallery 2600 
And each poem thereof
We've done a whole of word smithing
And we've spread a whole lot of love!

The Alien Aisha Vending Machine
by therainbowsheep

Glittering gold, platinum, copper -
All nerkmids shine so proper.
To obtain them, we fight Jetsam Ace
Or often they appear without a trace.

Most Neopians are keen,
To pop a Nerkmid in the machine.
In the plaza is where it stands -
The prime gambling game of the land.

Which nerkmid will you use?
Seems impossible to choose!
Which large button will you press?
Is number three your guess?

Then there's a small button too,
Will it be green, red, or blue?
How many times will it be pressed?
Awaiting the outcome, we are stressed.

Finally, how many levers?
To pick correctly, one must be clever.
Or maybe it's truly all luck,
So playing requires great pluck!

Hopefully it takes just one try,
To win an incredible prize!
We Neopians continue to play,
Maybe today's our lucky day!

The Ballad of the Quest to Find the Creative Contests
by rielcz

I come back after years away
To Neopets, hip hip hooray!
It's time to win, I'm here to stay
Creative contests I'mma slay

I stroll on down the Market Square
Oh Catacombs -- I'm headed there!
But other 'pets, they stop and stare
At my extremely panick'd scare

I realize with a great start
It's missing -- that Centre of Art!
How now will I show off my smarts?
Please be still my creative heart!

I enter the Coin Shop instead --
Replace my Art? I'm raging red!
The shrewd Skeith starts, "You've been misled,
"To Roo Island you now must head!"

I gape, thank him for the info
To the Ferry I next will go!
The ride is smooth, the water flows
But when we land -- why don't you know!

The isle bustles with merriment
The warm sun off my eyes does glint
I smell the scent of fresh newsprint
And in the distance -- I must squint 

I see all my contests so dear!
I really had nothing to fear
They're lov'd by many, that is clear
They never could just disappear!

I race around so giddily
It's time to draw, write merrily
Tell campfire stories fill'd with glee
But first:

100th Poetry!

2600 Novas
by starofcolors

For a while, Neopia had been kind of dark
The need for a hero was unfathomably stark
Even Queen Fyora herself, the goddess monarch,
Felt the need to witness a heaven-sent spark…

And so, the days came and went, and things went on like nothing
But if you had looked down from outer space you would’ve seen
That there was clearly a missing something
The world of Neopia kept spinning, but it didn’t look so keen

Weewoos sang, but their music didn’t ring with the usual chime
Telescopes in Virtupets saw that the stars weren’t aligned
And that those who lived on land and sea were trying to find a sign
From the future, from the past, or even from Coltzan’s shrine

Even the ones who were used to lurking in the shadows felt a chill
Jhudora herself had no time whatsoever to entertainhu her ill-will
The dark faerie had disappeared into her bluff for days and days
In order to into her crystal ball secretly gaze and gaze

And to tell the truth of this story, a clear answer never arrived
Not to the wise, or to the fools, or to those who seek to rise
But something did appear to show that hope was still alive
An omen which all of Neopia watched with open eyes

Out of nowhere, 2600 Novas flew throughout the skies
Shooting stars, shining with light and erasing the dark for a while
Leaving behind a trail of sparkling stardust like dancing Lightmites
And for a beautiful moment, everyone everywhere really smiled

Sometimes all we need in order to recover our lost faith
Is to dare to look into the grand, vast unknown
To then forget about whatever has been causing us wraith
And finally, to remember that miracles are always close to home

Like 2600 Novas suddenly gliding during the night…
Doesn't that thought fill you up with might?
2600 Novas flying with delight
Passing above Neopia, inspiring the will to win the fight

A Tale of the Mysterious Swirly Potion:
by honorrolle

One Day I went Underwater Fishing, 
A Paintbrush I was sorely wishing,
But yet to my confused glee, 
An item hung on my pole from the sea. 

It shifted and shimmered, glittered and glammed, 
Up up up it flew and next to me slammed, 
The strange potion from under the sea, 
Sat changing it’s form by me. 

It’s grey and black and shimmering magic, 
Reminded me of a story that’s tragic, 
But what did I do with that interesting beaker, 
But take it to Kayla’s to make her the keeper. 

I sat it right down on the magical counter, 
And who but my own pet ran over, a bounder,
Sneaky ole’ Moony ran to the potion, 
And gobbled it up with violent devotion. 

And surprise, that mysterious swirly potion, 
Made my pet glow strange colours with motion, 
No longer a Lupe did I have next to me, 
But a limited edition Tonu was thee. 

Now Moony’s learned his lesson- a Tonu today, 
Might as well celebrate joyous Tonu day. 
Maybe next time don’t gobble without more care,
With magical items in the underwater fishing lair!

Ode to the Poetry Gallery
by parody_ham

Poems are like wings 
For the words that we speak
As we join all around
With the friends that we seek

Poems are like songs
That we sing all day long
Melodies strong and clear
Harmonies sweet and strong

Poems are like dreams
Joining us as we sleep
Painting new sounds and sights
‘Cross the world ever deep

Poems are like stars
Twinkling in the sky
Mysteries to be solved
Even more to supply

Poems are like flames
As our words shine as one
Sounding voice on the page
Until next contest come

Poems call us here
Neopians we are
Soaring, singing, dreaming
Stars burning bright from afar

Alstaf the Poogle Hosts the 100th Contest (In Vietnamese and English)
by pixie_tea


Alstaf là con Poogle hoặc là một con chó màu hồng,
Cái Neopet này thích đọc và viết những bài thơ tại vì làm này Ông cảm thấy vui trong lòng.
Ông cũng là giám khảo cho cuộc Thi Thơ,
Được Alstaf đọc bài thơ của minh... là một ước mơ.

Alstaf là nhà thơ nổi tiếng nhất ở Neopia và không bao giờ có thể lộn với con Poogle khác vì Ông mang quần áo thời trang,
Ông để râu và luôn đội mũ nồi đen và áo sơ mi đen--- nhình rất sang.
Nhà thơ nổi tiếng này ở đâu?
Bạn có thể tìm Alstaf trong Hầm Mộ Sâu của Trung Tâm Văn Học và Nghệ Thuật ở Neopia Central, nhưng để gặp Ông... chờ đợi có thể lâu.

Khi bạn tìm thấy Ông, hãy nhớ đọc thuộc lòng bài thơ của bạn cho Cuộc Thi thứ 100 và cố gắng hết sức,
Sau khi bạn đọc thuộc lòng bài thơ và làm hết mức...
Alstaf dành cho bạn một tràng pháo tay và bó hoa,
Và sau đó mang đến cho bạn tin là bạn đã thắng trong Cuộc Thi thứ 100 sau khi đám đông đếm một, hai, ba!



Alstaf is a Poogle or a dog that is pink-coloured.
This Neopet likes to read and write poems because doing so makes him happy.
He is a judge in the Poetry Contest.
To have Alstaf read my poem... that is my dream.

Alstaf is the most famous poet in Neopia and can never be mistaken for another Poogle because he wears fashionable clothes,
He has a beard and always wears a black beret and a black shirt---  he looks very classy.
Where is this famous poet located?
You can find Alstaf in the Deep Catacombs of the Arts and Literature Centre in Neopia Central, but to meet him... the wait could be long.

When you find him, be sure to recite your poem for the 100th Contest and do your best,
After you recite your poem and do your best...
Alstaf gives you a round of applause and a bouquet of flowers,
And then brings the news that you have won the 100th Contest after the crowd counts one, two, three!

Hundreds of Lights
by swordlilly

A flicker of gold in the night--
Swinging softly on its iron hinge,
"Lampwyck's Lights Fantastic."
Inside, endless geometries of light,
Red, green, gold, white,
Some round, some angled,
All warm and inviting.

In the early days, Lampwyck the Buzz
Lit the way for explorers.
When everyone was huddled and lost
In a night so dark that your very body
Was like a dream, or a story,
Something you could hear but not see--
Lampwyck showed a way forward.

Every flicker was like a breath,
As each explorer held up their flame.
Hundreds, hundreds of shimmering globes,
Strung together above the pits of death,
Clinging on, moving up-- and down again
On the treacherous paths.
Nobody dared give up hope.

After Moltara opened to the world,
Lampwyck's creations became ordinary,
Something a tourist's child might dangle
On their arm in a bustling alley.
But the Moltarans remember the old,
Old days when light was scarce,
And the merest candle-flicker was glory.

Mystery Island Training School
by theguy2020

Where the mighty train all day long,
This is where they can become quite strong,
The wisdom they learn is never lost,
But the training does come at a cost!

The cost is paid with a codestone,
Training can begin once payment is shown,
As you become strong the price goes higher,
More codestones will you need to acquire!

There are several attributes you can train,
Level, strength, movement, defence and endurance being the main,
The courses each being several hours,
The time put in is certainly worth the power!

Once you reach level 250 you can no longer train here,
There may be other options before you shed a tear,
Perhaps look for a ninja who can assist,
He will have a strong fist!

Isandaang Tula (A Hundred Poems)
by precious_katuch14

Isandaang tula,
Di mabilang na salita,
Mga kuwentong Neopian,
Sa Catacombs tinaga.

Isandaang tula,
Di mabilang na talata,
Mga dasal na sana
Sa tanghalan maisama.

Isandaang tula,
Di mabilang na makata,
Gilas ay pinakita,
Kay Ginoong Alstaf.

Isandaang tula, 
Umaapaw na tiyaga,
Para tumama
Mga salita't tugma.

Isandaang tula,
Umaapaw na saya,
Para sa mga gawang
Matagumpay na nailathala.

Isandaang tula,
Nawa'y may isandaan pa,
Hindi lang isandaang tula,
Isandaan ding may-akda!

Isandaang tula,
Aking pinapangarap
Na di ako makakuha
Muli, ng petpet na mura!

The 100 Year Old Ogrin
by dudeiloled

A century ago, amidst mist and mountains,
Crying mother gave into the world an Ogrin.
At first, unremarkable, as young Neopets often are,
Exploring, discovering, learning.
In a land hidden from Neopia, hidden from progress,
The emphasis is physical.
On training the body rather than the mind,
Strengthening, toughening, building.

The years pass; youth becomes adult,
And now he is special, unlike any other.
His gifts in physicality cannot be understated,
he must be used--they beg--to train the others,
to protect our land from outsiders.
And so he does, he trains all who can up,
A guard force is established, they shield the palace and the paths.
It is joyful, he finds, bringing everyone together.

But time often means change.
As the Lunar Festival ends, this prophecy is put forward.
They are coming.
And he is needed more than ever.
"Master", they call him now, for he has aged beyond strength, but strength has find a way to keep him.
His skills are still unmatched, despite many disciples. 
He wants to retire, but they beg him: They are coming. So you must stay.

Stay he does. And waits.
How the years pass by, the blossoms emerging and falling, blushing and fading.
The prophecy becomes myth, becomes legend.
And then, one day, when he is grown wrinkled, bones twisted, hair white, they come.
He is old now. Almost a century. But he readies himself, he is their warrior, their Ogrin Master.

A navigator is lost?
Captain Tuan's crew mate is in danger?
He has always been judged for wanting to explore outside.
Don't tell them where we are from, they say, though the Ogrin Master wants to encourage it.
Open the gates, he wants. Let us see the world for what it is.
And now, with a navigator lost, Neopia came together and helped to find him.
Hoban is safe.
Shenkuu is discovered.
And the Ogrin Master is not needed after all.

On his 100th birthday, he retires. It has been a long 100 years.
It is not the same Shenkuu anymore.
This is a good thing, he decides.
And he closes his eyes and rests.

Quoth Alstaf, The Poogle Who Gets to Read Poems
by _brainchild_

I'm judging the centennial.
While some submissions are quite dull,
I read some others, quite unique.
These are the wondrous works I seek!

Held over are the better ones.
Why, reading them is lots of fun!
I wish there weren't so many, though.
Sometimes I need a break, you know!

I'm choosing spots for final print.
The font's so small, I have to squint 
For this one---in the bin it goes.
I'm so fatigued---nobody knows!

There's one spot left, and two great poems.
One's almost as long as a tome,
Yet funny. Other is quite short,
But somewhat of a mundane sort.

Which poem will make the final cut?
I ponder---which to pick! Oh, but
They were both written by the same
Neopian. Choose with no shame!

A lot of work, Centennials
Are fun but long, though never dull.
Another one is off my list---
My joy and passion shall persist.

by birdinggal

Two decades now
I've been ‘round here,
I’ve seen so much
From year to year.

From Battles fought
to Festivals bright,
A list of all
I could not write.

I’ve learned so much
As I have grown,
That otherwise
Would not have known.

New hobbies, too,
To fill with glee:
A love for writing,

I’d not be the same
Without this place,
I’m so thankful for
This online space.

The Wonderful Neopia Central
by sqwigglie

From the Magic Shop to the General Store
Neopia Central has shops galore!
And when your pet is tired and needs a rest
Look no further than the Neolodge, it's the best!

Head over to the Neopian Plaza, too!
There you'll find the delicious Pizzaroo
And if you're hoping for a wish to come true
the Wishing Well is just for you!

And don't forget the Neopian Bazaar!
That's where a ton more shops are
Smoothies, hotdogs and Gifts Galore
I'm telling you, there's so much more!

And these shops are only just the start
The amount of shop are off the chart!
So spend the day browsing away
There's so much to buy and play!

Embrace the Challenge - 2600th Poetry Contest Anniversary
by goku06_6_6

Amidst the bustling city streets,
Amidst the sound of hurried feet,
A poetry contest is soon to meet,
And poets gather to take a seat.

They come from far and wide, you see,
With pens and papers, hearts set free,
Writing of life in every way,
Hoping their words will make the jury sway.

The contest doors stand open wide,
As poets rush in with nothing to hide,
Their words a reflection of the soul inside,
As they take their place, ready to confide.

And when the final poem is read,
The judges retire, to make their final thread,
The poets wait, with bated breaths, hearts full of dread,
Wondering if their words will earn them the prize ahead.

For only a few can take the prize so bold,
But all the poets leave with stories untold,
Of the passion and fire that their words hold,
And the magic of poetry, forever to unfold.

Grey on an Uncertain Day
by valethra

Festival grounds in ruins, tatters, torn to meagre shreds and scattered
A lone faerie weeps upon the ashen dirt, her soft heart shattered 
Magic long gone, wings no more, and what would it have even mattered?
Aching, broken, Baelia lies still. She can’t; no more. She’s just too battered.

Great bursting glow, an evil crackle— the faerie’s memories ended there
And when she woke, the sight she found! She fell unto to her knees, despaired 
Her lovely sisters, cast in stone! How could she have ever been prepared?
Without the Queen, she couldn’t fathom how such malice could be repaired.

Her eyesight blurs, her joints protest as she finally pulls herself upright 
Why has she been left unharmed— she, alone, been spared this fright?
Frozen, frail, even the eldest. What monster could possess such might?
The flowers wilt. The sky grows dim. Without them, there is only blight.

She has no magic spells to offer since she was stripped of faerie’s wings.
She can’t drive back the looming dark this awful, wicked curse will bring. 
A cruel joke, it is, and she knows this: she was spared for these very things.
A hex meant to strike down faeries wouldn’t bother with one so trifling. 

If all she can do is wait, she’ll do so in spite of how long it takes.
She sits beside her loved ones and waits, quiet, for the spell to break
A dream, perhaps. She tells herself that maybe, soon, they all will wake 
A nightmare always has its end. It is not an eternal ache. 

…But the night has only just begun. There’s yet more pain to be inflicted. 
When her slumber is disturbed, behold: terror, unrestricted 
Brought about by one she’d once called “friend”— who could have predicted?
Xandra laughs, as though it’s all a game. Sheer madness, unconstricted.

A rain of fire, rubble, ashes; the castle nestled in the clouds 
Crashing downwards, crater forming, and all the while she stands there, proud 
The faerie’s agony is one so great it can’t be said aloud 
A day that never seems to cease; a heavy cloak; an endless shroud. 

There’s nothing more that she can do, and so instead, the day is saved
By a knight and by a thief who others would not describe as “brave” 
The faeries soften, returned to flesh and blood, each lifted from the grave 
Returned at last to one another, the bonds of love that they have craved

It is this, this joyous moment in which Baelia‘s caught by true surprise
In crushing hugs and cheery greetings from faeries with tears in their eyes 
Why comfort her? Why waste their grace when she was not faced with demise?
Just how long had they adored her so, and why did she not realize?

A somber Queen stares upon the stony visage of her fallen friend 
She sighs. No more; these things can wait. This chaos must now reach its end.
With poise, she leads her subjects: there is much work to which they must attend 
And far more, she fears, than buildings that they must now all strive to amend. 

Fae folk are not themselves immune to ailments of the weary mind
In their waking they discover, without spells, they’re caught in quite the bind
Until the magic flows once more, their work will be the common kind—
Alongside average folk, they toil. Labor; simple; unrefined. 

Neopians cut from every cloth, each distant corner come to render aid 
“No easy task”, Siyana says, “but just the way that Altador was made.”
Funny, how the worst of things are the ground upon which kin are made
And in which hatred’s swift forgotten. All old debts are now repaid. 

…She smiles. “No need to be afraid.”

Baelia had once resigned herself to some sullen, sorry sort of fate
She’d given up on promises about the good things meant for those who wait
But she gazes ‘round, takes in the sight of faeries caught in her usual state 
Her shoulders— away falls the weight. A future, all theirs to create. 

Hand in hand, as one, they break their backs until the sun hangs low
There’s no telling how much longer it will be until the magic flows 
Til’ then, she’s more than grateful to aid her own folk with that which she knows
A certain wisdom about powerlessness is now hers, alone, to bestow 

Taelia is calm as ever; Queen Fyora’s face a warm picture of pride 
Even cold Jhudora, though scowling still, has come to join the others’ sides
They make their beds in blades of grass as all the bustle soon subsides 
Baelia curls up, content, alongside friends. There’s no more need to hide. 

Fatigued, her muscles throb by daylight’s end; a very mortal sort of pain.
It’s not the kind of bursting magic that once bubbled through her faerie veins
But this, she thinks, may be enough for now, and now it seems so plain:
Though her soul still stings for what she’s lost, so very much indeed remains. 

A peaceful sleep, at last. Come sunrise, what more will she gain?

A Hundred Ways to Dress Your Pet
by hectic_haley

There are more than 100 ways to dress up your Neopet,
With styles to match the energy of any pet in Neopia.
A world of colour and creativity,
Where your pet's fashion can take flight.
Oh, how fun it is to dress up your pet,
with costumes both creative and on fleek.
A story can be told with any outfit,
fashion never has to speak for itself.

From rugged pirate hats to magical wizard robes,
From gowns fit for a queen to a knight's shining chainmail.
Each outfit brings a different vibe
and tells a story about who your pet is.
A mermaid tail that shimmers brightly in the Maraquan waters,
A Defender of Neopia suit that's bold and blue.
A cowboy hat and boots that shine brighter than the sun in the Lost Desert skies,
Witch's cloak of deepest black hues,
fantastic wings that soar and glide.
Robot suit with gears and such,
Fairy dress with glittering pride.

There are hundreds of ways to dress up a Neopet,
The options are endless, it's true.
So go ahead and let your imagination run,
And show off your pet's style anew!

Six and Twenty Hundred
by kadface

Six and Twenty Hundred 
Editions we’ve been through
Each one something different
Each one something new 

When I look back at poetry past
I find myself in awe
The outpouring of creation 
Raw thoughts in text raw 

The rhythm of the lines
The beats between the words
Verses of reflection
Lyrics to be heard

Thoughts poured out in black and white
Language stripped back bare
Emotion and words cause
Some half-instinct to come half clear

A skip of the heart
A smile to the eyes
Some prompt fear, some spark joy
All bring a surprise

Six and Twenty Letters
Set out in patterns new
Different thoughts for different minds
Each one unique to you!

The Tale of Eliv Thade (an anagrammatic poem)
by flufflepuff

I had a lithe, avid head.

He had a deal.
He laid the tale.
I had the deal.

He had a veiled, valid idea.
He held the idea.

I had it!
I had it!
I hailed the idea.


It halted.

The vile, hated detail!

The evil detail: “Evade Eliv Thade.”
The hale valet, the devil vied:
A lithe, avid head he'd tied.

Idle? Ha!

I hate, I delve, I heave, I vide: 
...Aid? Aid? A tad?
He thieved? He lied?

Tidal hate
I deviate

I die...I live?
Live death?
Evil death.
I live, lated.
I vade...

Heed the tale:
I had a lithe, avid head....

100 Neopoints in my Pocket
by amylotti

There are 100 Neopoints in my pocket
I’ve been told to spend them wise
So I’ll head over to Neopia Central
To give my wallet some exercise

I’ve only just started my walk 
But, boy, I sure am hungry
The burger-shaped building doesn’t help my urge
So I step in to find something crumbly

Garlic Bread Halves! 
No - the price I couldn’t haggle
100 Neopoints will not be enough
To stop my tongue waggle

Perhaps something longer lasting?
A new book for my shelf!
Too much to choice at the Magical Bookshop
I just can’t decide for myself

It’s hard to choose a budget treat
I don’t think I’ve got enough
Who would have thought picking one thing
Would be so very tough!

I want to get something special
Deciding what to buy has been a hassle
I walk by the Grand Neopian Neolodge

A deluxe hotel - what a dream!
My wallet is now empty
But I can relax, read and play here
And food is aplenty! 

It’s a done deal
A choice easy as Negg Pie
100 Neopoints from my pocket
For one night away in the sky!

Total Poetry Pages : 2763

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