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Neopets Poems

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Gelert Day Special

Best Things in Life for Gelert Day
by imbitter

Loving, Loyal, Brave and Alert
Are some of the words to describe a Gelert
Friendship is the most important thing you can give
But having them in your life makes you live

Darigan Citadel and Altador know what’s up
Having a Gelert on their team for the Altador Cup
Bruno and Kanrik are part of the lore
Pick your own with Gilbert for more

We’ll be spoiled with new colours, new items
Gelerts presence around the site widens
Why not get something you like for you
To remind or show off what you want to

Spotted, Mosaic, Desert or Brown
There’s tons of colours for you to browse
If you want one of these pets for your own
Head to the Rainbow Pool to get your pup known

All in all Gelerts are great
Add one to your family, you don’t want to wait
You’ll understand what they all say
Have a super great Gelert Day!

Gelert Luxurious Outfit
by rurirawr

The dress sparkles brilliantly
As silver sequins catch the light
Its fabric flows freely around her knees
Making it perfect for a date night

The faux fur stole around her neck 
Gives off a luxurious, chic appearance
Not only will it keep a Gelert warm 
But it will also elevate her presence

Gorgeous cinnamon brown curls
Arranged in a loose updo 
With a few ringlets framing her face 
Styled elaborately to woo

Her eye makeup accentuates her look
Highlighting her feminine flair
With smokey eyes and long lashes 
Of everyone's attention she will ensnare

My Best Friend, Gelert
by slipperoux

Oh, silly little Gelert,
Look at you, full of dirt!
You tore up the garden, you’re full of mud
All the flowers are ruined, every last bud. 

Oh, little Gelert, what have you done?
I swear, look, I was just trying to have fun!
You broke all your toys, and your brothers', too 
It’s true what they said, you’ll find anything to chew!

At first, the Gelert stayed up and barked all night
She was young and naïve, and full of fright
Surely but slowly, she grew older and wiser 
All she really needed someone to advise her. 

What she needed was someone with patience, 
With this, she grew her complacence. 
She really did try her best to be good, 
And always did the very best that she could. 

Over time she learned and learned, 
Figured it out with every treat she earned, 
All the praise she tried again and again not to forget,
Until finally, she was the perfect cuddly pet.

Best Friends
by flaiyper

Once in Neopia, two Gelert friends,
Set out on an adventure that never ends,
Through forests, mountains, and the sea,
They explored the world, so wild and free.

With tails wagging and paws on the ground,
They journeyed on, no obstacle found,
Their bond grew stronger with every leap,
As they discovered wonders so deep.

From chasing after playful butterflies,
To watching the stars light up the skies,
They shared each moment, every delight,
Their friendship shining ever so bright.

In the end, they returned to their place,
With memories to cherish and embrace,
Their paws still muddy, but hearts so pure,
Two Gelert friends, forevermore.

Gelert Named Herbert
by josh161

There once was a Gelert named Herbert
Who craved his favorite dessert
He trotted to the store, but a sign at the door
"Sorry, we're all sold out of sherbet"

With a tear in his eye
Herbert wanted to cry
He stopped in place, straightened his face
Determined to settle for pie

Off he ran to the bake shop
Dodged and weaved with a gleeful hop
To arrive at the place, a sign in his face
"Pie sold out" on the doorstop

With a sigh he turned away
It didn't feel much like Gelert Day
Hanging his head, it was off to bed
Back home he went on his way

As he opened the front door
"SURPRISE!" with a roar
All his friends shouted with glee
What does he see, oh boy could it be
Sherbet and pies from ceiling to floor

Bruno's Tale
by melncholy

Your face has changed-
Your smell, your touch.
You look deranged-
You sound as much.

Unhappy since
the love you tried
could not convince
your wanted bride.

It took one swill
of potent brew. 
A Gelert still
but mutant, too.

They yell, they shout,
Nonstop attack.
You were chased out.
No looking back.

Brawn at what cost?
You, Gelert, weep.
Forgotten, lost,
In caverns deep.

With no more clan,
Where will you go?
So it began:
Your Tale of Woe.

Tandrak Shaye
by kuroneko_kitty

The stadium booms with excitement and fervor
As cries of anticipation erupt from observers
Even his teammates can't help but to clamour
And indulge in their colleague's undeniable glamour

After months of downtime he's finally healed
And the plucky right forward takes to the field 
Darigan spent all the off season hearing him say
No injury could possibly stop Tandrak Shaye

At just the sight of him the crowd goes wild 
Fans from all teams can't help but get riled 
Fists are pumping and chants are flying 
Their love for this Gelert there is no denying 

With a toothy grin and tattered jersey adorning his back
His beaming yellow eyes belie his plan of attack 
Off the field his charisma may make his fans swoon 
But at gametime his fierceness is the team's biggest boon 

Vickles may be the captain but Shaye is their heart 
Helping encourage his friends to all do their part
He'll fight to ensure their podium spot is secured 
And prove Team Darigan's might, of that rest assured

Hooray for Gelert Day
by wizzy13_7

Yippee, it’s Gelert Day —
Our favourite canine pets, we all hail!
It’s time to celebrate the Gelert way!
Raise your paws and wag your tails!

On this day, how do you celebrate?
There’s no wrong way to cheer
this beloved hound for being great.
In our heart, the Gelert, we hold so dear.

Do you like to go on an extra special walk
with your extra special pet by the beach?
Let your best hound chase wild Petpets by the dock
and strut around the coast on leash?

Or maybe your Gelert likes to fetch tennis balls,
chasing after them with adrenaline and glee.
Spend an afternoon with your pup, big or small,
And play with them happily.

The most important thing about today
is that you show your Gelert some love.
Give a happy bow wow and shout hooray,
and see those long floppy ears perk up.

Gelert Day Wishes
by bittersweet52

The Gelerts of Neopia span far and wide
Throughout all the lands they roam
From high to low all stations they hold
And still more choose to stay at home

In the Haunted Woods, if you go explore
The Deserted Fairgrounds you may find
A spooky shadow with long ears and a hat
Who dispenses treats and misfortune in kind

Back in Neopia Central, if you feel ill
And visit the hospital, there working hard
Is a Green Gelert dispensing cures to all
With good bedside demeanour and kind regard

If shopping is your preferred hobby, guess what
A Gelert will be there at the Mall stocking clothes
She sells all the basics and classics you need
So you can dress up from your head to your toes

All through Neopia these hounds you will see
With their long flowy ears and whip like tail
If you see one, wish them Happy Gelert Day
And to friends abroad, don't forget a neomail!

Elegy to Bruno, the Gelert
by jotagui

Oh, Bruno, once a scrawny Gelert,
Now cursed and deformed by an evil potion's spell.
Blamed by the townspeople of Neovia,
You valiantly protected your family and fled.

For years you roamed the deep woods alone,
Until young Gilly found you in a cave,
Leading you to your long lost sister, Sophie.
Together they helped you unravel the curse.

Through trials and tribulations, you fought on,
Working with your new friends to find the cure.
And though you helped free Neovia from its plight,
The cure was unable to help you, dear Bruno.

Now you rest peacefully with your family,
Living happily despite your altered form.
Your bravery and acceptance of your fate,
Will always be remembered with great admiration.

Mi Querido Gelert
by noeliadonaire

Qué día tan espectacular
que celebramos hoy en Neopia! 
Pues festejamos al neopet más fenomenal:
al Gelert, quién más sería?

En Neopia, los Gelerts son reyes. 
Nadie duda que son la mejor de las especies. 
Se mueven con gracia y velocidad, 
son una maravilla de verdad! 

Son seres llenos de amor y lealtad, 
fieles amigos en la oscuridad. 
Mi Gelert es una criatura maravillosa, 
que me llena de emociones asombrosas. 

Juntos exploramos Neopia sin temor,
superando obstáculos y desafíos con gran valor. 
A su lado mis días son brillantes y llenos de vida, 
cada momento compartido es una aventura divertida. 

Así que feliz día a mi querido amigo leal, 
como mi Gelert no hay criatura igual. 
Gracias por darme amor y felicidad, 
eres mi compañero y un amigo de verdad.

Tandrak Shaye the Gelert's Promise to Win
by pixie_tea

My name is Tandrak Shaye the Red Gelert,
I represent team Darigan Citadel in the Altador Cup, a duty I have to fulfill every year with so much energy to exert.
My team is known for both its strong offence and strong defence,
However, my reputation is not that immense.

But this year, I'll redeem myself in the Altador Cup,
My guilt and regrets drive me to become a better player because within me there is so much buildup.
My strengths are consistency, passing, and guarding, but I do have weaknesses I have to admit,
My weaknesses are with scoring and there's more... that's not it.

I am also injury-prone,
But I'll change history and make myself well-known!
My position is right forward which is an inside forward who plays on the nearest right side to the opposing team's goal,
I am responsible for scoring goals for my team and scoring from the right side of the field kicking the Yooyuball that is way softer than a chunk of coal.

I love playing Yooyuball in the Altador Cup and I must improve my skills or else I may be kicked off the team,
I've been training hard from day to night for months... so much blood, sweat, and tears coming out of my ears in the form of steam.
Working on scoring, building stamina and strength, and pushing myself to become a better player with all my might.
Now, this year is my year to shine... I give you my word on Gelert Day that when the Altador Cup comes later this year, I will score the winning goal for my team, so you just watch and sit tight!

Gelert Day - A Gelert Race
by beckyii

Play a game or two of throw the bone,
where most of the rules are unknown.
But it won't take long to be shown,
'cos you won't ever be alone.

All the Gelerts from miles around,
will gather together quite profound.
And all at once they'll make a sound,
so you had better stand your ground.

For it's a call of joyous occasion,
take any fear out of the equation!
If you need any more information,
I promise you, it's no invasion.

Barking signals that it's begun,
out to the streets they will run.
All at once, they're having fun,
and there's many races to be won.

So drop your bone and get in line,
don't be so rude as to decline.
A Gelert race is mighty fine,
and now it's your time to shine.

Win the race, and win the prize,
hear the cheering and the cries.
Now you can reveal your disguise,
unzip your Gelert suit -- surprise!

Gelert Day for Kanrik
by azn__kiddo

Just prior to sixth day of Running,
The King of Thieves, oh so cunning,
With care, assigned each job to do
To his loyal, trusty thieving crew
In hopes he would not have to choose
Between a heist or rendezvous. 

Though, his guild already knew
What this Gelert sought to do.
They’d gladly take on all his tasks,
Even if he had not asked, 
For Gelert Day was drawing near
And Kanrik’s plans were all too clear.

To take some time to celebrate
With dear Miss Hannah on this date.
A Golden Dubloon meal no less,
With pizza and pie--quite the best.
The guild of thieves would all agree,
To help their boss when he’s in need.

For long ago, since an old dark age,
Kanrik’s leadership has turned a page.
The difference compared to Galem’s reign,
“it’s like night and day”, the thieves explain.
Thus, they make effort and aspire
To show thanks to Kanrik, whom they admire.

With Hannah too, oh she’d say,
“Now Kanrik, it’s a special day.
This day comes around, just once a year,
To cherish the Gelerts that we hold dear.”
Although in pride, Kanrik would not admit,
That on Gelert day, his heart’s filled with bliss.

A Gelert Unknown
by ritzylove

There are many a Gelert that come to mind
On a day like today when the sun does shine 
You've got the best of em, like the Emperor of Shenkuu
Plus Morton G. Firefly, Calendra, and Kanrik too! 

However, there is one Gelert you may not know
A Gelert known by only his dark shadow 
He hides in the night, prowling about 
Seeking a customer so vulnerable and stout 

He guards a Wheel of Misfortune, they say
The Wheel may give... or take away
150 Neopoints to spin, some folks give it a whirl 
But for many, that ends up being a regretful swirl

Theft, disease, sludge- even sudden amnesia 
These are just some things the Wheel will give ya
But the Gelert promises- prizes do exist
Some Neopoints, a Petpet, a handsome gift!

The name of the Wheel should keep folks away
But the promise of treasure makes sure they 
The Gelert is sly, as he tips his top hat 
Hiding behind the wheel like a lowly rat 

Beware his shadow and cunning words 
Pocket your Neopoints and travel in herds
For he preys on the weak, the feeble, and lonely
Making his money off of them and them only

He'll be smirking upon your misfortune
And yet, he always gets his portion
This kook is no good, rotten I say 
Be wary of him this Gelert Day!

Loyal, Brave and Blue
by sparrowlotus

Loyal brave and blue
Gelert of vibrant hue
I love you so much
My Neopet true

I love you the most
of all Gelert friends
But I must admit
Each colour stupends

Sunrise is yellow
Green, a bright fellow
They stand, they trust
The reds a dark rust

Baby, biscuit and purple
Pink, chocolate and cloud
Mutant Gelerts 
Stir up a crowd

However whom I love most
Remains in my view
My loving Gelert
Brave loyal and blue

Adopt a Gelert Pup Today!
by _kyndle

Wuff wuff! Says the little pup
With the long, floppiest ears
Ruff ruff! She says with glee
And chases around her peers.

She likes to dig up treasures
The smelly or sparkly kind
She likes to jump in the puddles
Then ask for a cuddle, you won’t mind!

A Gelert pup can be a kid’s best friend
They’ll get licks and kisses and more
Gelerts love to romp, chase and play
Or find a bone or four!

Take home a Gelert this fine day
And make a friend for life!
Look in their eyes and you’ll sure be swayed
You won’t regret the choice you’ve made!

A Gelert Day Thank You
by x_niko

Today we celebrate a Neopian's best friend, 
For our love for Gelerts has no end. 
Long ears and tails and fur so warm,
Owning a Gelert should just be the norm!

If a loyal companion is what you need, 
I suggest ‘Gelert A to Z’ be what you read.
These brave pets are known for courage and love,
A Gelert in your home is something to be proud of.

Playing, laughing, and learning new tricks,
A new friend is made with this pet in the mix.
If you ever feel lonely, that feeling won’t last,
Your Gelert will be by your side in a blast.

Thank you Gelerts for all the joy you bestow, 
This Gelert day, we bring all our love to show.
Today's the day to give your Gelert an extra snack,
They bring so much glee, we should pay some back.

A Gelert's Loyalty
by querba

A Gelert once roamed the Neopian lands,
Lost and alone with no one to lend a hand.
His owner he missed with all his heart,
And he vowed to never be apart.

Through the deserts and the forests he trekked,
Enduring hardships and troubles that he met.
But with every step, he held onto hope,
For his loyalty to his owner knew no scope.

With his nose to the ground and ears alert,
He searched high and low, never to desert.
For Gelerts are known for their unwavering will,
And their love and loyalty that nothing can kill.

And so he wandered, through valleys and hills,
Over oceans and streams, and all sorts of chills.
He never gave up, for his heart was set,
On reuniting with his owner, never to forget.

Finally, after days of searching and strife,
He spotted his owner, and oh what a sight!
With a wag of his tail and a joyous bark,
He rushed into his owner's arms without a remark.

For Gelerts are more than just pets,
They're friends and companions, and never forget.
The bond they share with their owners is strong,
And it lasts forever, even when things go wrong.

So here's to Gelerts, the noble breed,
Whose loyalty and friendship exceed,
All that we know and all that we see,
For they are the ones that make our hearts flee.

And to that Gelert who searched far and wide,
For his owner, with whom his heart did reside,
May their bond forever stay true,
For such is the magic of Gelerts, and their loyalty so blue.

The Right Fit
by vbnkg

The Gelert is a playful mess
Who watches over their owner as they rest
And if you should give them any quest
Your Gelert assuredly will past the test

Loveable, huggable, loyal hounds
Over rivers and gorges, the Gelert expertly bounds
Make sure you leave them with something to chew
Or, one day you'll find you're missing a shoe!

Be prepared; a Gelert is not for the faint of heart
Caring properly for these pups is truly an art
Energetic and zestful, the Gelert must be trained
Without guidance, a Gelert feels bored and drained

And so, with Gelerts, the pound is quite heavy
Surrendered by owners who just weren't ready
In their kennels, they patiently wait
Hoping for good impressions to make

Sometimes the Gelerts begin to lose hope
Overlooked, they find it hard to stay afloat
But then—an owner, patient and kind
Arrives at the pound with an open mind

One little Gelert, here for a long while
Stares resignedly from her bed; she finds it hard to smile
"I want to meet her," they say; "She's sweet, I predict"
Gazing into each other's eyes—it was love at first lick!

Without a doubt, looking after a Gelert demands diligence
Maturity and competence, of utmost importance
But for those who are responsible enough and skilled
With kisses and wagging tails, your heart will be filled!

Ode to a Gelert
by amandacutepet

In the woods where the trees stand tall,
A Gelert prowls through them all.
With ears so keen and eyes so bright,
He roams the forest day and night.

His fur is soft and thick as snow,
His paws are quick and sure to go.
He runs with grace and ease of flight,
In the daytime or at night.

His loyalty is strong and true,
A friend to all who are in need of rescue.
He'll howl and bark to call for aid,
And always stands by his pack, unafraid.

Through rain and snow and sun and wind,
He'll protect and guide until the end.
A Gelert's heart is kind and bold,
A treasure more precious than gold.

So if you're lost and in despair,
Or need a friend who truly cares,
Just listen for the Gelert's call,
And he'll be there to help you all.

Tandrak Shaye, the Legend of Yooyuball
by juneshower

Tandrak Shaye, the Gelert of the game,
His fame in Yooyuball will forever remain.
With a fierce resolve in his eyes,
He leaps and bounds, his skill defies.

The crowds erupt in awe and cheer,
As Tandrak races past the Yooyu near.
His agility and speed, unmatched,
And his talent with the ball, quite attached.

He runs and weaves through the field,
Leaving defenders behind the dust of his heels.
His heart on the game, his soul in the play,
Tandrak Shaye, leading his team to the fray.

A Gelert of honour, a legend shining bright,
He plays with passion, with all his might.
And as the Yooyu soars towards the goal,
Tandrak's name rings out, with a story told.

In the records of Yooyuball,
Tandrak Shaye, the striker stands tall.
A hero to all who love the game, 
His legacy will forever remain.

The Loyal Gelert
by mystiquebabe

In the land of Neopia, where the sun shines bright,
There's a faithful friend who's always in sight,
With his long pointed ears and tail held high,
The Gelert runs with grace, no need to fly.

Loyal and true, he stands by your side,
No matter what, he won't run and hide,
His eyes shine with love, his heart full of pride,
For the Neopet who walks with him in stride.

From the Haunted Woods to the Lost Desert sand,
The Gelert's paws leave their mark in the land,
He'll search and hunt until he finds what's planned,
With his nose to the ground, he'll take a stand.

And when the battle is fierce and strong,
The Gelert's bark rings out like a gong,
He'll fight with all his heart, all day long,
To protect his owner from harm's throng.

So if you're in need of a friend so true,
A Gelert will be there to see you through,
With his wagging tail and eyes so blue,
He'll be loyal to the end, for you.

Ode to Kanrik
by taluhi

In the world of Neopia, there's a Gelert so bold,
With black hair and a scar, a leader we're told,
Of the Thieves' Guild he rules, by cunning and skill,
Kanrik's the name, he's a master of thrill.

In his hooded cloak, he roams the land,
Clad in tunic and boots, he looks so grand,
But his heart is cold, as cold as his blade,
And some say he's dishonest, a tricky charade.

He met Hannah one day, in a tavern so bright,
Tricked her with a fake tale, and a page of strange write,
He took her to the Lost Desert, but trouble arose,
And Kanrik's betrayal, left Hannah in woes.

His plan was double-crossed, his leadership lost,
Exiled from the guild, by Masila's cost,
Left to wander, poisoned and alone,
Until Hannah and Armin, helped him atone.

Through ice and snow, they fought and they searched,
And finally, the Bringer was defeated and perched,
Hannah was healed, and Kanrik was king,
But Masila still vowed, revenge to bring.

Kanrik's a mystery, his morals in question,
But his cunning and bravery, are without any objection,
He'll always be remembered, for his tricks and his schemes,
In the guild of the thieves, Kanrik reigns supreme.

A True Companion: The Gelert
by mrrazorfox

With paws that prance and a tail that wags,
The Gelert runs without a drag,
A loyal heart, full of love,
Its bond with owners, strong as a glove.

With a howl that echoes through the night,
The Gelert's spirit, an endless light,
A protector of its home and land,
Its courage and bravery, grand.

In forests deep or city streets,
The Gelert's spirit, never retreats,
A friend to all, both big and small,
Its loyalty, the greatest of all.

With a coat that shines like the sun,
The Gelert's spirit, always fun,
A playful soul, full of joy,
Its presence, no one can destroy.

In moments of triumph or despair,
The Gelert's spirit, always fair,
A true companion, through thick and thin,
Its love and loyalty, an endless win.

So let us honour this noble beast,
A Gelert's spirit, the greatest feast,
With love and kindness, we shall repay,
Its devotion, never to sway.

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