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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Hissi Day Special

Hissi Day Poem
by littlegaytroll

You hear it in the forest
From somewhere far away —
A terrifying hissing;
Could it be Hissi Day?

Their slithering unnerves you
And so you turn your back
But once this pet observes you
There’s a chance you’ll be its snack!

The trick is that you must stand still
And never show your fear
‘Cause it would take one whiff until
The Hissi knows it’s here.

But this is not an evil pet
Despite how it may seem.
You won’t believe how it can get
If you fulfill its dream!

The secret of the Hissi is
That it just wants a friend;
And your eyes might just go misty
'Cause you think you've met your end.

In truth, you simply need to say
‘I’m here for you, in any way,’
And you will have a friend for life —
Protecting you from any strife.

It's Hissi Day! It's Hissi Day!
Let's slither through this life! Horray!

The Spark in my Imagination a Poem for my Dear Hissi
by jesua_m222

My loved Hissi, a beautiful creature,
lodged within my heart with care.
A being of pure imagination,
a source of inspiration.

In Neopia she dwells, so full of life,
brings new adventures with every click and scroll.
She dances in my mind with glee,
a key to unlocking all I can be.

With each thought and each desire,
she ignites the flames of my imagination's fire.
She always helps me see beyond what's real,
to Neopia where anything can be.

Darigan is her colour and Hissi her species,
a symbol of my mind,
is a true and constant friend of a kind.
It lives within me, always near,
guiding me through each imaginative year.

So here's to you, my favorite Neopet,
a bond that will never come to an end.
Together we'll explore the endless Neopian skies,
where imagination always flies.

How To Dress Your Hissi
by doll711

I hope on this particular day,
You’ll allow me the space to say,
All the very different ways,
You can dress your Hissi!

Let’s kick this off with something chic:
A Gentleman Hissi turns heads slithering down the street,
Jacket, waistcoat, top hat, and trousers all black and sleek,
And a single shiny shoe on his tail-like “feet.” 

Or maybe you prefer the Winged Warrior in blue:
Her royal coat accented in gold such a beautiful hue,
Chestnut coloured wig can be worn down or as an updo,
And those sparkling Warrior Wings! My, what a view!

How about something from a distant land?
A Traditional Shenkuu Hissi is quite grand,
Reds and golds aflame from tip of horns down to each clawed hand,
A feast for the eyes you’ll have to see for yourself to truly understand.

A Pop Star Hissi really loves the limelight!
Long luscious yellow wig shines so bright,
Silky teal dress and frilly gloves fit just right,
And her toy microphone to entertain you all night!

What about something more down-to-earth?
A Snug Hissi to snuggle in front of a crackling hearth,
Fuzzy earmuffs, mittens, scarf, and sweater encompass her girth,
Finish up with tail warmer to get your money’s worth.

Last but not least a blast from the past:
Bejewelled toga and gleaming tail band amassed,
Golden Hissi staff with piercing eyes downcast,
Her wild living wig strike onlookers aghast!
The Gorgon Hissi just can’t be outclassed.

My wish is that today you’ve seen,
Like superstars, queens, and everything in between,
All the different methods and means,
You can dress your Hissi!

The Monster of the Deserted Tomb
by werme123

May the fourth is a special day,
for all the Hissis across the land,
It's Hissi day! A time to celebrate,
A special pet that is quite grand.

Famous Hissis are recognized from all over Neopia,
It is hard to say which one is best,
But upon closer inspection it is safe to say,
That one is definitely more feared than the rest.

If you dare to walk inside the deserted tomb,
Hidden in the lost city of Geraptiku,
A monstrous spectral Hissi awaits in a room,
waiting to chase after you!

Giant and loud, you hear it hiss,
And your hair rises on your skin,
This Hissi guards the tomb day in and out,
Protecting the treasures that lie within.

You make your way out quickly and decide,
To call your search for the treasure quits,
The Hissi remains inside for the next visitor,
It does not even rest on a day like this!

Safe Transfer Robot Hissi
by indulgences

Oh, Robot Hissi at the Pound
Who safeguards transferring!
We’re truly grateful for your help,
And your protective wings!

You’re located between the doors
“Abandon” and “Adopt.”
Your “Transfer” door is obvious.
Your service never stops!

Because of you, we shuffle pets
Between our five accounts.
Or better yet, we trade our pets.
Your help is paramount!

Sometimes we choose to donate pets
To those that want them more.
You let us transfer safely, and
It’s fun, and not a chore!

So, thank you Robot Hissi, for
The safe transfers we do!
Our Neopets are precious things…
And guess what, so are you!

Hissi Secrets
by akani_lin074

In Neopia Central,
Across the Rainbow Pool,
Sits a place of wonder,
Where the written word rules.
And in this magical place,
Sits a Nimmo with welcoming grin,
Gesturing to his many wares,
So many you won’t know where to begin.
On this special occasion,
Seek the one with lettering yellowed,
Grey-blue and bound in rope,
For any Hissi-loving fellow.
“Hissi Secrets” is its name,
And it’s one of my favourites,
Each page so enticing,
Take precious time to savour it.
I can wait no longer!
Let me regale you with some tidbits,
About this mysterious Neopet,
If you will permit it.
Did you know they love stories,
Just as much as you and I?
Of swashbuckling adventure and intrigue,
And perilous journeys that can go awry!
Or what about their excellent senses,
Of sight and smell that can’t be beat,
Nothing slips by their watchful eyes,
Especially in games of hide and seek.
Speaking of their piercing gaze,
A Hissi’s stare is known to entrance,
Whomever looks upon their face,
Find themselves stunned with just a glance.
But my favourite secret within,
This tome of delectable unspoken things,
Is that a Hissi’s love for their owner,
Knows no bounds and trumps everything!

The Pound Hissi
by honorrolle

When you think of famous Hissi, the list is very exciting, 
Though many famous Hissi, are also really quite frightening. 
But this famous Hissi in this short poem, is really not frightening at all,
In fact he’s quite benevolent, and never holds others in thrall. 

When you think of the Neopian Pound, it can be a scary place, 
A hard choice, a beautiful beginning, or a start anew with grace. 
This particular Robotic Hissi is really a friendly ole’ chap, 
He helps pets get from her to there, with a simple transfer map.

When you go to the pound to see this Hissi, don’t follow the cobwebbed door,
Ignore the flower pink one too and instead through the grey transfer bore,
This kindly young fellow will take your hand, and lead you to,
A new life, a new start a fun adventure, not abandoned, but in lieu.

He’s not particularly chatty or overly social, but kind he surely is, 
Transferring new pets from place to place, his contented working biz, 
A friendly face and loving scale, this Hissi will surely share,
And maybe even a mischievous trick, but never one to scare.

The Sought-After Serpents of Neopia
by poetism

What a serendipitous scene
scintillating scales shimmering
serene as they sunbathe
the spellbinding snakes seek relaxing
on this spectacularly sunny day.

Springy and spry with a staggering
eye for style, the snakes have 
a swagger quite sumptuous.

Silky slithering through the shrubbery
or skilled soaring through the clouds
the sophisticated serpents seek excitement
both in the sky and the soil,
but especially more in sensational stories.

Svelte and swift without souring the sweet,
these superb serpents spill stimulating spiels
of escapades sprawling with spirited embellishments.

Sincere or superfluous in imagination
they seem to mean well
only seeking to see smiles
with the somewhat-tall tales they tell.

And when dusk slinks in
over the skyline and hillsides
the scaly shapes consolidate
so snug in their shelter.

Together they’ll stay secure, they know
so sleep comes soundly
shepherding soothing dreams of
more days, spent just the same.

Tender Loving Care From The Transfer Hissi
by inheaven4hissies

It was like any other day when the transfer Hissi was doing his job;
When a sad Hissi came to the pound with just corn on the cob.
This Hissi all she did was cry;
From hunger this pound Hissi was going to die. 

So the transfer Hissi took this pound Hissi in;
To care for one Neopet for the transfer hHssi it was quite a sin. 
This pound Hissi was special, the transfer Hissi gave the pound Hissi some food;
And played with this pound Hissi and put her in a better mood. 

The transfer Hissi even let the pound Hissi stay at his house;
And the pound Hissi didn't want to start any trouble so she was as quiet as a mouse. 
For a new owner of the pound Hissi the transfer Hissi looked;
For a new owner of the pound Hissi to see what he had cooked. 

The story of the pound Hissi has a happy ending to the tale;
Because someone stepped forward to adopt the pound Hissi and paid the pound Hissi's bail. 
The tender care the pound Hissi she will never forget;
And she was glad that her and the transfer Hissi met.

Two-Headed Tale
by corrina404

Hidden deep within the wood,
Protector of the faerie in a hood,
A loyal Hissi stands guard,
Choose wrong and you may be scarred.

The Hissi with no name,
Playing a mischievous game,
Two heads to lead you astray,
One an ally, and one will betray.

They tell a truth and tell a lie,
Discover which to get by,
Ilere waits down one path,
Or else face the Wood’s wrath.

Poke one head with a stick,
You’ll uncover their trick,
Discover which one to trust, 
To proceed it is a must.

Tricky and deceitful foe,
From the tale of woe,
Your riddles we do not play,
On this Hissi Day.

Hissis, the Likeness of Tasty Treats
by _brainchild_

I love my yummy Hissi treats!
They really are a joy to eat.
The flavours are so whimsical;
Designs of snakes are never dull.

Hissinamon Rolls, a clever pun,
Are very sweet, and lots of fun!
They come in four amazing flavours.
These are tastes I'll truly savour!

The fruity Hissi cakes delight,
A joy to taste buds and to sight.
My favourite is the Tigerfruit.
I love this treat; it's super cute!

So, if you seek a yummy treat,
These Hissis are a baking feat,
So grab a tasty friend today,
Or else you'll surely feel dismay.

Super Hissi
by gonesse

Il rampe, il vole, c'est Super Hissi !
Toujours là pour braver les interdits.

Il attaque, il protège, c'est Super Hissi !
Toujours là pour aider ses amis.

Il se cache, il observe, c'est Super Hissi !
Toujours le premier pour gagner des prix.

Il se camoufle, il patiente, c'est Super Hissi !
Toujours le premier pour faire du profit.

Il joue, il rigole, c'est Super Hissi !
Toujours le premier pour faire de l'esprit

Il fait la fête, il mange du gateau, c'est Super Hissi !
Toujours là pour souffler ses bougies.

Bon anniversaire Hissi.

Le hissis de Geraptiku
by timezor

Le Hissis fantomatique
Erre dans les sombres recoins de la tombe,
Ses yeux perçants scrutent attentivement
Cherchant des neopets perdus, qui cherchent des secrets enfouis.

Ses écailles brillent d'un éclat hypnotique,
Son corps sinueux ondule silencieusement,
Sa langue fourchue goûte la peur
Et son esprit rusé traque le moindre mouvement.

Sa présence est souvent négligée, oubliée
Mais les pauvres âmes qui le croisent.
En sont marqués pour toujours.

Il est le gardien de la tombe,
Protégeant les secrets de ce monde perdu,
Et même si parfois l'évite,
Le monstre n'oublie pas.

Soyez attentifs à sa présence.
Car ce fantôme est un être sournois,
Le gardiens mystiques de Geraptiku, intemporels et secrets.

by juneshower

Deep in the swamps of Bogshot,
A creature stirs in the mire,
A Hissi with purple scales,
And eyes like flames of fire.

Kastraliss, the giant monster,
Evil and twisted to the core,
Once defeated by Altador,
Banished to slumber forevermore.

But the Darkest Faerie's magic,
Awoke the beast from his rest,
And Kastraliss rose again,
To put Neopia to the test.

He blocked the path to the Bogberries,
Needed to cure the Squamata plague,
A terror to all who knew him,
The villain of legends and sage.

Tor and Roberta fought bravely,
Against the Hissi's fearsome might,
And though they seemed to have won,
The monster may rise in the night.

So beware of bogs and swamps,
For you might encounter Kastraliss,
A creature of dark magic,
A foe that you cannot miss.

The Ice Hissi
by truebrony

The Ice Hissi glides
With a radiant glow.
His frozen blue skin
Is as sparkling as snow.

With breath like a tempest
And eyes sharp as ice,
His claws could shatter
The strongest stalactites.

He’s tough as he treks,
He’s sly as he slithers,
Through hail and through rain
Or the darkest of blizzards.

The Ice Hissi sharpens
His crystal cold gaze.
Through battles or wars,
He’ll never be fazed.

The Hissi Slithersss
by i_lovee_icecream

The Hissi slithersss,
Through tall grasssss.
Past flowersss that wither,
With remarkable sasssss.

A snake that charmsss,
Even the toughest foe.
A snake that unarmsss,
Enemiesss to and fro.

The Spotted Hissi;
A diamond-backed fellow.
He isss no sissy,
But he’s still pretty mellow.

There’s the Ice Hissi;
A slab of jagged cryssstal.
He will make you dizzy,
He moves fast as a pissstol.

The Plushie Hissi;
Cute asss a button
She isss so prissy,
Teal cloth in the sun.

Maraquan Hissi;
Ssscaled to perfection.
Finsss in the sea,
A flowing convection.

Slither with usss!
Happy Hissi Day!
Stop acting susss!
Snake all the way!

Give a little wriggle!
Happy Hissi Day!
Everybody giggle!
Hip, Hip Hooray!

H is for Hissi!
by jotagui

Hissi, the serpentine breed
Honing skills with incredible speed
Hunting for friends with a keen eye
Heralding their presence with a piercing cry

Hissi, the masters of flight
Hurdling over obstacles with all their might
Harnessing their wing-like limbs
Holding steady through twists and whims

Hissi, lovers of epic tales
Hankering for adventures that never fail
Heroes of their own making
Heeding no warnings, no dangers shaking

Hissi, the fearless and bold
Hurling themselves into the unknown, so untold
Hailing from a world so grand
Heralding the power of the Hissi brand!

Confirm Pound Transfer
by melncholy

A Hissi lies coiled by a door.
Its mechanical body creaks.
"Have you made a deal?"
a robotic voice speaks.

"Very well. Just come this way."
You cautiously leave the hall
and step inside a room
with switches on the wall.

"Who will be leaving?"
he questions without care.
He flips on a screen:
an image of your pet now there.

"And the new arrival?"
The Hissi flips a second switch.
Steely fingers await your word
without so much a twitch.

"On second thought..." you say unnerved,
"Though it may be impolite..."
You leave the room, head on home,
and hug your pet that night.

Echo the Ghost Hissi
by pixie_tea

Who is Echo you would ask?
I am Echo the Ghost Hissi who is always on a task.
A snake-like Neopet with two wing-like attachments on my body that function as hands,
With sharp senses, I can always find my friends wherever they may be even behind strong smelling lemonade stands.

I am a female Hissi with long wavy hair and I always wear a suit of armour and carry a sword,
I'll tell you a story now, please, come aboard!
When I was alive, I served a king in Meridell,
Someone sent the King a gift of Evil Baklava, which was poisoned--- that day I don't want to dwell.

For the longest time, I blamed myself for failing to defend and protect the King,
It was the feeling of remorse--- the worst feeling ever that could bring.
Then, one day, I met someone who brought light into my life... I became friends with the Usul mummy named Halima,
And I would often visit her crypt in Qasala.

One evening, I mentioned to Halima about a party invitation I received,
We discussed about the party and were excited to attend after the invitation was looked at and perceived.
Halima the Usul mummy became my best friend from then on and my biggest cheerleader in life,
Because of her I have a purpose in life and fought in the third wave of the Obelisk War, and I still continue to fight for the Awakened during skirmishes without strife.

The Pound Hissi
by bittersweet52

Behind the door with the metal bolts
The second door from the left or right
A Hissi waits to aid your moves
His green eyes glowing in delight

He's there to help you reach your goals
Be that a forever home or not
Step by step some climb the tiers
While others are waiting to adopt

If you're just browsing for something new
Pick the pink door on the left
Maybe someone will catch your eye
If so, scoop them up with speed and deft

If you cannot care for all your 'pets
And your home is a disaster, over-run
Dr. Death, the Techo, can help you out
For you, the door on the right is the one

But if you have the time and heart
Instead of abandoning 'pets at will
Find a new home and transfer your pet
(You'll be sent a reasonable bill)

For this service, there's a small charge
A thousand Neopoints is the base fee
The Robot Hissi will accept your coin
And help to transfer your 'pet safely

If a mutual trade is what you seek
Let him know it'll be an exchange
An extra fee you will incur
For the logistics that need to be arranged

Once in a while an error may occur
Robots are not infallible, you see
But don't worry, it'll all get worked out
That is the Pound Transfer Guarantee

Chokato Hissi Cake
by roxanna203

The morning of Hissi day started bright,
The air needed a smell of a lovely delight,
The baker decided to make Chokato Hissi Cake,
And gathered the ingredients to do the bake.

He hand picked the sweetest Chokato he could,
Gathered the freshest eggs as one should,
Mixed all the ingredients for Hissi Day,
He wanted the best cake to be on display!

Softly pounding the Chokatos to a frost,
Silky, smooth texture to decor and gloss,
The vanilla flavoured cake out of the oven,
Had to cool or suffer the repercussion.

Once room temperature, the baker moulded,
A Hissi started to appear as he folded,
Layers upon layers and added the decor,
Hissi Day would be special - he swore!

by azn__kiddo

Deep within a land of mystery
Full of lush flora in bloom,
Lies an eerie, old forgotten village
With an equally ominous tomb.

Few have dared to venture in,
Seeking to find great treasure,
Only to trespass upon one's home,
Causing him great displeasure.

For in the ruins found inside
Lives a Ghost Hissi big and strong,
But there's no need to be afraid;
First impressions are often wrong.

His demeanour reflects a constant hunger,
Though his rage leaves many concerned.
The villagers who fed him long ago
Had mysteriously never returned.

Nonetheless, he dutifully stays
And protects the tomb as planned.
The anger caused by an empty stomach,
Surely all could understand.

An unwary Neopet may find themselves
Thinking they'll become his next meal,
But once this Hissi chases them away,
His hidden Lizark friends do reveal.

They understand the lonely guardian,
With the woeful fate he lives.
They graciously provide him food
That no wanderer has thought to give.

Still, the Ghost Hissi's reputation
With negative rumours has grown.
Unless you make the effort to know him,
His true nature remains unknown.

Sissi the Steampunk Hissi
by daschuffita

Sissi was our Steampunk Hissi,
Sleek and grand she slithered in gleam
With scales of brass and clockwork heart,
Her wanderlust, a never-ending dream.
She set a timer in her mind, proud and bold as she was
Deciding through Neopia she would slide
And announced to all who would listen,
In seventeen times seven days she'd be back.

Amidst her world's grand expanse,
Through forests thick and dense, and ocean foam
Sissi travelled through the land
To deserts hot and valleys of snow.
From Altadorian suns to Mystery Island waves
She ate Meridellian pies of every flavour
Basked in the shine of Kiko Lake's waters
And rested with the Snowager in Terror Mountain's splendour.

With each and every day anew, her spirit soared
Her tick-tocking heart expanding in delight
Time drew near with every stroll,
And at last she reached the end of her flight.
'Seventy times seven days I slithered!'
Sissi said with wonder when all had rallied,
'I made friends, and saw all of the sights,
My Neopian dream became a reality!'

'Yes, but you said seventeen,' cried a Cybunny
That Sissi turned, horrified, to stare at,
'Seventeen times seven days,' a Bruce echoed,
'That was like, more than a year back.'
Sissi slid hurriedly to the calendar,
Screaming seventeen times 'No!' down along her path
For she had travelled far and braved the great outside!
But truly, Sissi had never learned any math.

The Dance of a Maraquan Hissi
by greencheese79

As the sun settles low,
The sky starts to glow
A medley of pink, gold and red.
Warm ripples appear
Distorting the mirror
Of the water submerging its head.

Before the moon’s rise,
When the lightmite flies,
To the surface it often will show.
Out of its depth,
All day it has slept
In its abode residing below.

The taste of fresh fish;
A succulent dish.
It dances under salmon-lit clouds.
But the marvellous thing
Is the song that it sings
Melodious and proudly aloud.

The shoreline and forest
Join in the chorus;
Its arrival they patiently heed.
Singing out free,
This sweet symphony;
The Maraquan Hissi taking the lead.

Its pink dorsal fin
And blue-mottled skin
Glides gently with fluid emotion.
And one look of its eyes,
Those cheek yellow spies,
Can sense the slightest commotion.

Light melts from the sky,
Beads of pearl glow high;
It bows to the Greebles that neap.
Though the evening was fun,
Its production’s now done.
There are those that must go to sleep.

The moon lifts the night,
While Barbats take flight;
It plays through the dark so sincere.
And catching fine food
Enriches its mood,
But to bed when the sun reappears.

If you ever get chance
To see this grand dance;
Give a hand, make a wish, share your wealth.
And you never did see
A spirit so free.
Don’t believe me? Go see for yourself.

Colourful Male Hissi Dancer Outfit
by rurirawr

The Hissi graces the stage with his partner
In an ensemble of black, red and white
Flamboyant, stylish and ever-so-ready
To dance centre-stage under the spotlight 

His heeled boot of polished black leather
Taps to the beat of the lively music
As he glides across the floor in quick steps
His moves powerful and dynamic 

He guides his partner and lifts her up
Twirling and spinning her in midair
His sleeveless vest and hat tassels flap
And his ruffled shirt and trousers flare

They close their dance routine with a pose
A red rose held between his teeth 
Staring into her eyes as he uses his wing 
To support her arched back underneath

The crowd gives them a standing ovation
As they roar with approval and delight
The Hissi tips his boater hat and bows
Pleased with their electric performance tonight

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IMPORTANT - SUBMISSION POLICY! By uploading or otherwise submitting any materials to Neopets, you (and your parents) are automatically granting us permission to use those materials for free in any manner we can think of forever throughout the universe. These materials must be created ONLY by the person submitting them - you cannot submit someone else's work. Also, if you're under age 18, ALWAYS check with your parents before you submit anything to us!