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Neopets Poems

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Flotsam Day Special

The Underwater Chef
by ayakae

In the lush forests of Mystery Island
Is a Flotsam who everyone knows by name
He makes scrumptious, decadent dishes
His recipes have received critical acclaim

Every day, he works hard in his kitchen
Making food for the demigod, Mumbo Pango
He’s so busy cooking day in and day out
He’s constantly moving to and fro

That’s why he desperately needs Neopia’s help
He just doesn’t have time to go shop
If you could, please find ingredients for him
To dice and mince and slice and chop

And my goodness, does he know how to do that
He whizzes about when preparing meals
Between the fridge and stove and counter and sink
His talent will have you head over heels!

And we haven’t even talked about his food
Your tummy grumbles from the smell alone
Each spoonful has you desperate for more 
Savoring each delicious bite with a groan!

Indeed, the Underwater Chef is simply the best
Oh, you must visit his restaurant if you can
I’m not lying when I say his food is life-changing
With one mouthful, you’ll instantly be a fan

So come with me to a food lover’s dream,
To you, the beautiful Mystery Island beckons
Let’s visit the amazing Underwater Chef
Who’d be more than happy to give you seconds!

Flotsam Collectors
by skeletonic

There is the Hunter Flotsam,
Who swims off the Mystery Island coast. 
He searches for Petpets of the swimming sort. 
He supplies the Rock Pool the most! 

By any means necessary, 
He hunts for swimming Petpets.
The Flotsam Hunter is aggressive,
But it really ensures his profits! 

Next, there is Liandra,
The gentle Purple Flotsam. 
She scours for treasures in the ocean’s depths
And she finds them on the sea’s bottom! 

Liandra is gracious and kind: 
If there are Petpets in need, she’ll lend a fin
Helping them out of traps and things. 
Liandra’s demeanor will always win.

And there are the two Flotsam collectors: 
One a menacing hunter 
And the other a peaceful treasure finder.
But both collect treasures to sell from the ocean’s wonder!

Famous Flotsam Tales
by chai7705

On this special holiday, let's go and grab a book
"Flotsam Food"? "Flotsam Arts"? Which one is worth a look?
Let's take a peek inside a tome to celebrate the day
"Famous Flotsams"! "Flotsam Legends"! Now those seem more the way!

We'll learn the past of that old Chef, in Maraqua he worked
For royals Underwater - he did it with a smirk
But Maraqua was ruined back when there was that big storm
And now the Kitchen Quests on land is how he has reformed

Let's read about old Plesio - that Flotsam was so brave
He fought the Monoceraptor 'til Tyrannia was saved
And now he lives his life at ease, famous as a joker
He sighs and rolls his eyes and spins the Wheel that's Mediocre!

Flotsams with long histories are not the only kinds
Lor Benneveldt from Team Mystery is still out on the grind!
Or that one Flotsam Raider who plunders for some treasure
He's swimming through Old Maraqua now - it is his daily pleasure!

Well how'd it go? What'd you learn? Of Flotsams in their prime
...Oh reading's not your speed? OK, then "Flotsam Colour Time"!

A Fulfilling Kitchen Quest
by lunensis

Just after taking the wonderous Tiki Tour,
I happened to spot from afar
The famous Underwater Chef, as per my travel brochure.
He was frowning so terribly hard, I was afraid he would give himself a scar.

I walked up to the culinary Flotsam and could not help but ask,
“Hello, good sir, are you quite alright?”
He answered back, “Has a fellow Neopian come to help me, at long last?”
Just asking that one question made his expression all bright.

“I’m trying to prepare my Lumpy Olive and Beef Pie,” the Underwater Chef bemoaned.
“But I’m missing an ingredient or two.
“Without them, my dish will be bareboned!”
His countenance now reminiscent of a frustrated Puppyblew.

“Fine, let me help you then.” I replied.
“Ahhh! Thank you!” the chef exclaimed.
“Please find me one Techo Claw, sun-dried,
“And a Blueberry Chia Pop,” he continued to rattle off, completely unashamed.

“Hmm…maybe also some Mustard Ice Cream?
“…And to finish: one fresh Bronto Bite!
“Get me all of these in an hour forty-five, that shouldn’t be too extreme.
“Please hurry up as the last thing I want to face is Mumbo Pango’s spite!”

Eager to begin my quest, I took one step,
When an Alien Aisha randomly approached me with Mustard Ice Cream in tow
And lavished me a generous serving with great pep.
A gross mess lay in my inventory, but there were suddenly only three more ingredients to go.

Thank you, I guess…?

Anyways, onwards I went to the Haunted Woods
To check off another in my list.
The journey was quite unsettling with the Meepits watching me in broods.
I would never have set foot here if not for the Underwater Chef needing an assist.

A few more wide strides took me to the Deserted Fairground,
Where a spooky Bruce was hawking his wares,
Claiming to sell the most delicious croaking, flapping, and slithering foods all around.
I hastily left with the Techo Claw before he could introduce the Droolik Surprise full of hairs.

…Though those Army of Undead Cupcakes looked quite delectable, I confess.

The next stop of my journey was the mountain of terror
In which I trudged up the slippery slopes
And braved the icy, tumultuous winds like a seasoned wayfarer,
The terrible weather and hazards unable to pare my quest-fulfilling hopes.

Finally happening upon the Igloo Garage Sale on the top,
I thankfully managed to snag the blueberry-flavored frozen treat
While the sellers were restocking their place in tune with quite the bop.
Mid-exchange, Mika managed to catch a piano with her head, which was quite the feat!

…Though for some reason, the garage sale was closed for the day next.

For my last stop, I trekked through the sweltering Plateau to find
My destination of the Tyrannian Foods shop.
Time was running out and being unable to eye the piece of meat put me in quite a bind.
“Uggh-Ugga-Ugg!” pointed the shopkeeper, finally putting my search to a stop.

The Kacheek then graciously helped me wrap up the last ingredient
Before holding out his open palm.
“Ugga-ugga!” the shopkeeper urged, wanting payment to be immediate.
I threw some NP at him and rushed out, the coins scattering in all directions like a smoke bomb.

“Uhhg Uuuuuuhhhhgggg!!!!!!,” he screeched, looking quite vexed.

And thus, with pebbles in my shoes,
Hair full of webs and sopping-wet clothes,
I completed my journey with almost no time to lose.
“Here,” I said, too tired to be more verbose.

“Thank you!” he rejoiced, snatching the items out of my hands.
“It looks like the king is going to be in for a treat!”
He waved his fins, allowing me to collect my reward for meeting his demands.
A grand total of 427 Neopoints. Wow. So. sweet.

Alas, it turned out I had missed some tiny words on the travel brochure,
Stating the “Underwater Chef” to be a nickname
Given out of frustration to this land-cooking Flotsam for being such an ungrateful boor.
And now, I guess, it was now my turn to instill in him some sense of shame.

Right before he could finish his dish, the Underwater Chef inexplicably left his kitchen in a flash.

The Flotsam Drummer
by darkhound45

There was a drummer whose talent was sick.
He was a Tyrannian Flotsam who was quick.
His drumsticks were colored with the brightest paints.
He was also so nice and was a saint.

He was at a concert and began to drum.
Everyone cheered as they had some fun.
Then something happened that changed the show.
The Flotsam almost had to leave and go.

His drumsticks had snapped and fallen apart.
His show was not off to a very good start.
He slowly got up and started to leave.
He was so sad and began to grieve.

Then the Flotsam heard a sound.
He was very shocked at what he found.
A tiny Poogle had brought him some twigs.
He was so happy and started to do a jig.

The Poogle had also used some paint.
These painted twigs were kind of quaint.
The Flotsam lifted them up and began to drum.
He was very happy with what the show had become.

Everyone cheered and began to dance.
The drumsticks had put them all in a nice trance.
He thanked the Poogle who started to sing.
After all, music can be found in anything.

Flippant Flotsam
by agedbeauty

There was a little Flotsam
Who on Flotsam Day
Could not contain his excitement
As he shouted out "Hurray!"

He simply not wait
For new Flotsam clothes
And new Flotsam treats
Yes, he waned both of those!

He checked the news in earnest
Waiting for the news update
And as he did he fretted,
For what if they were late?

But this year this little Flotsam
Knew he would not be sad
For the new clothes designed
Have really been quite rad!

Maybe this little Flotsam
Would get a neat space set
Or a sea monster costume
Or a ballgown, better yet!

Whatever the case may be
Today is Flotsam Day
So join as this Flotsam shouts
Hip, hip, HURRAY!

Call of the Flotsam
by triarthrus_eatoni

Hooray, hooray, it's Flotsam Day,
With all the mammals that swim!
There's a rowdy looking one,
I think I'd avoid him!

When their fin breaches the surface,
you know that it's a Flotsam,
but when you see a Jetsam
it's best if you'd just scram!

With a twist of the gist of the fish,
that was secretly warm-blooded,
their dolphin forms you may wish,
were absolutely coveted!

With a flip they leap through the air,
their aquatic forms strong and fair,
to race them, no one would dare,
and their treasure hoards they do share!

So this Flotsam day take delight,
in the dolphin-looking sight,
the sun shining behind them so bright,
and their boisterous spirits alight!

Flotsam Kelp Shake
by pixie_tea

What tastes much nicer than it sounds, and comes in a cute Flotsam shaped container?
You got that right, it's the Flotsam Kelp Shake and it's super healthy and won't be a drainer!
The special kelp used in this shake was actually a brown seaweed that grew in the finest saltwater in Maraqua within Neopia,
You can eat this type of kelp raw, cooked, or as a powder to mix in drinks just like this Flotsam Kelp Shake says the happy Chia.

Not only is the Flotsam Kelp Shake the perfect way to celebrate Flotsam Day,
But it will also clench your thirst and give you a boost of energy for you to come outside and play.
The special kelp within this shake will improve your sensory receptors,
And once you taste this shake, you'll compare it to nectars.

Very tasty and beneficial to one's health... you bet!
Because it'll promote healthy nails and blood vessels if you haven't tried it yet.
This drink aids in digestion,
And once you try it, you'll know why it's so popular without question!

Cloud Flotsam Gumballs: Cute and Fruity
by _brainchild_

Cloud Flotsam Gumballs will delight!
No finer candy is in sight.
The packaging is very cute,
And gum has taste you can't refute.

The Flotsam has a lovely horn---
She looks just like a unicorn!
Her eyes are wide and oh so bright---
They're sure to glimmer in the light.

The gum has flavours ranging from
Sweet berry, lime, to yummy plum.
You will blow bubbles shaped like clouds
With these. They'll surely draw a crowd!

When chasing sweets this Flotsam Day,
The gumballs, sure to cure dismay,
Are really quite an awesome choice.
Your taste buds surely will rejoice.

Formidables Flotsams
by petitehirondelline

Malgré leur petite taille,
Ils n'ont rien à envier aux baleines.
Même s'ils n'ont aucune écaille,
Ils sont seigneurs des barrières coralliennes.

Ils peuvent être très insouciants,
Voguant parmi les vagues,
Se laissant porter au gré des courants,
En compagnie de leurs camarades.

Parfois, ils sont si joyeux,
Nageant de façon frivole,
Effectuant de grands bonds gracieux,
De jolies valses et cabrioles.

Mais ils savent aussi se montrer astucieux.
En dépit de leur apparente futilité,
Malgré leurs enfantillages malicieux,
Ils sont vraiment futés.

Ces ingénieuses créatures aquatique
Travaillent à la protection du palais de Maraqua
Pour prévenir les situations dramatiques
Pouvant mettre en danger le Roi Koi.

Devant leurs incroyables accomplissements,
Tous ensemble on s'exclame!
Célébrons ces Neopets sifflant,
Les formidables Flotsams!

Flotsam Beach Day
by therainbowsheep

When the sun glows gold,
And the ocean waves are bold,
Means it's Flotsam Beach Day -
Time to play in the ocean spray!

These Flotsams adore the sea,
It's where they feel most free.
Vast blue space to roam,
The ocean is their home.

But on land too they thrive,
To the sands they go, post-dive.
To build castles and bask in the sun,
Today is their day of beach fun!

On Neopia's boardwalks they walk,
Past the row of fishing docks.
Later, a picnic and snacks,
This Flotsam Beach Day is packed!

No better a friend than them,
Flotsams truly are such gems!
No need to make a speech,
Just celebrate them on the beach!

Happy Flotsam Day!
by lauren92_k

Unbeknownst to the naked eye,
A Flotsam will jet right on by.
Swift and small,
They're way beyond your call.

Breaking through the swells and waves,
They technically have no enclaves,
For the vast wide ocean,
Is their home and constantly in motion.

They'll be weary of any stranger,
And will swim away at the first sign of danger,
For if you harm the gentle being,
The pack will be quick to send you fleeing.

But if you treat them gentle and with kindness,
They'll always be around to remind us,
That their joy is contagious,
And their loyalty is advantageous.

This Month of Swimming,
Makes for the perfect beginning,
To find a new treasured Flotsam friend,
One that will be with you to the end.

My Favorite Things!
by truebrony

Pretty Pink Flotsams
With smiles so dandy,
Strawberry Flotsams
With scales sweet as candy,

Royal Girl Flotsams 
Who just love to sing,
These are a few of my
Favorite things!

Eventide Flotsams
With starry bright noses,
Electric Flotsams
In dazzling poses,

Great Glowing Flotsams
Who shine bright and green,
These are a few of my
Favorite things!

A Faerie Flotsam’s Journey
by i_lovee_icecream

Torpedos along the shoreline,
Sending waves crashing.
A school of Flotsam glide,
Causing all kinds of splashing.

One Flotsam stands out,
A beautiful Faerie color.
She sails gracefully,
A beauty like no other.

She swims with her school,
Whistling jovially back and fourth.
She follows their migration,
As the school heads north.

Her fins glisten purple,
Webbed in a pale pink.
Her elegance amazes,
Her charm makes you shrink.

She sails the seas of Neopia,
Hunting with her pack.
Be careful to trust her grin,
She’s got a fierce attack.

From Krawk to Mystery Island,
And down to Maraqua.
The mileage she covers,
Will surprise and shock ya.

Kitchen Quests
by theguy2020

The Underwater Chef hosts this quest,
Completing them is easier than any test,
Stop by today and give it a try,
Come on down there's no need to apply!

You can complete ten quests a day,
Sometimes the cost of one may leave you grey,
In that case you can wait the timer and try later,
Don't worry the island chef won't deem you as a traitor!

This purple Flotsam asks you to bring three or four things,
He uses the ingredients to make a recipe perhaps some wings,
Your quests are timed so make sure you don't nap,
The rewards are great so don't worry about it being a trap!

Neopoints are among one of the three types of prizes you can win,
If you're training your Pet stat boosts may give you a grin,
Beware as they only go to your active Pet,
You can also win many items that are sure to leave you far from debt!

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