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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Pride Day Special

A Kaleidoscope of Pride
by i_lovee_icecream

I have got pride,
Deep in my heart.
That every person,
Has wisdom to impart.

A kaleidoscope of colors,
To showcase our differences.
Each person individually,
Can travel their distances.

No matter your identity,
You are accepted here.
Be you and only you,
There is nothing to fear.

Neopets accepts,
All that you are.
For love and understanding,
You needn’t look far.

For this month of pride,
We’re adorned in rainbow.
A kaleidoscope of colors,
Our affirmation we bestow.

Whether you identify,
As LGBTQ or ally,
We are all one,
We hold each other high.

The Rainbow Aisha
by theguy2020

This rainbow Aisha is ready to have fun,
Joining all their friends they'll celebrate a ton,
This year they'll celebrate all day for pride,
If you need to know where to start they can be your guide!

They hope to get a lot of new items in the carnival stands,
As well as hearing from their favorite Neopets band,
Twisted Roses are doing a special pride concert,
Make sure you grab their limited edition rainbow shirt!

Although the rainbow Aisha is already going with people they know,
They hope to make new friends at the pride game show,
Anticipating for this to be a memorable event,
They're sure it'll be time well spent!

On their bucket list is getting a matching rainbow Petpet,
Hopefully, one that won't put them in too much debt,
There are many pride items to get while celebrating,
Get some soon and don't keep waiting!

Always Love and Be Your True Self
by pixie_tea

I am not gay... I am not lesbian, but I have friends who are,
I am not gender-fluid... I am not bi, but I have friends who are,
I am not ace and I've never met someone who is ace in my life, but I would love to also have them as friends,
Whoever you are and however you identify yourself, please always embrace yourself, love yourself unconditionally inside and out, and always be true to the real you and never follow the trends.

If one day you feel you're this and then a few hours later you feel you're that and are unsure on how to self-identify,
Doesn't matter if you feel like you're both or female or guy...
I just wanted to say that you are beautiful just the way you are,
No need to change how to act or what you like based on what others think or say no matter the scar.

You don't need to change a thing about you,
The world can change its heart if only many knew.
But if you do change the way you look,
A decision made not based on society's book...

And you're doing this for yourself and nobody else,
Then go for it if it will bring you true happiness and never let anyone say you have to look a certain way or stop you--- not even belts.
No need to keep anything to yourself or bottle it up inside,
If your friends and family don't know the real you yet, no more need to hide.

When you feel the time is right and ready,
Show the true you to others even if you feel your message isn't steady.
Do it anyway,
Because in the end, the ones who are for you will accept you and love you no matter what--- is all I wanted to say.

Pride Month Poem
by safemoon

Happy days for those that are fabulous
That is what pride month represents
Acceptance of all, no matter the call
You can be yourself and tell them all
Without a worry, you can be hairy
As you see it’ll never be messy

We are all friends
No need for pointing
Because all we should be doing is accepting
The uniqueness and rarity is what’s counting
Among the lands of Neopia, sprouting

It’s truly an honour to be among such kind folks
I never knew existed
They hid in the shadows until
TNT came out with a call out
Allowing all to express themselves publicly
Have a chat on the boards and be silly

The month of pride
Has come to an end
But know it’ll be around again
Many will rise to never fall
The pride of one, can be shared by us all

At The Rainbow Pool
by therainbowsheep

At the Rainbow Pool,
There are no rules.
One can ponder -
Let their mind wander...

Imagine all you can be,
How you'll feel free.
Pink, sketch, pastel,
Any color will look swell.

Jelly, Starry, Snow,
No matter what you'll glow!
Here, all colors shine
For the rest of time.

The Rainbow Pool glitters bright,
All good vibes and light.
Encouraging you to be bold,
To select a new color, you're sold!

The Rainbow Pool embraces you,
Encourages you to stay true -
Be who you are,
Shine like a star.

Rainy Rainbow Pride
by profebest

It's a rainy day,
Lost on the desert-
where the sand becomes,
soft, minerals full of gold;
I will be lost looking-
for the light and a chance of hope,
rainbows days, on a rainy day.

As the sky clears, night becomes,
cloudy night, wishing to find, 
happiness inside, a charm on both sides,
follow the lights, its warm inside, 
but the world is wet outside,
The sky is crying, stars out of sight.

When the sun comes after rain,
You will see the reflection, sunshine flare,
Flare as a sunflower, powerful as the sun,
Clouds flying around, beauty rainbow sight,
Oh, look, it's a rainbow in the sky,
It's a rainy day, beautiful as a rainbow day,
It’s a mix of colors, all combined.

Unicorns flying all over Neopia,
No matter what species you choose,
JubJub feets all over the door,
Freedom through the colors of life;
This shows it’s all about Rainy Rainbow Pride!

Neopian Pride Haikus
by spukl1

Rainbows fill the streets
Neopia Central's pride
Love shines bright so sweet

Terror Mountain sings
Love found in a cold climate
Ice embraces us

Everyone’s loved here
It’s Darigan Citadel
Darkness celebrates

Molten hearts abound
Celebrate Pride underground
Moltara parade

Drums & feathers dance
Mystery Island's pride booms
Loves tropical trance

Kings and Queens stand up
Acceptance all around here
Brightvale wears the crown

Rainbows & faeries
Pride is celebrated here
Faerieland spreads love

Under-sea pride beams
Maraqua's depths embrace love
Ocean colors stream
On cliffs colors fly
Altador pride rushes in
Love will be timeless

Spooky, scary, pride
Haunted Woods flies a rainbow
To share all the love

Pirates love parades
Pride is the best time of year
Krawk Island rejoice 

Neopia loves love, yes
Celebrate year-round on Neo
Come as you are, please

Let's Celebrate Pride!
by truebrony

Let’s celebrate pride
With a smile on our face!
Whether you’re bi,
Aro or ace!

Neopia is a proudly 
Welcoming land.
When you feel down,
We’ll give you a hand!

Come join the Lenny’s,
Quiggles, and Kaus
With pride flags in hand
As we March through the town!

Come take a dive
In the rainbow pool!
Show off your colours,
It’s great to be you!

No matter what,
You’re always welcome here!
So let’s have a wonderful 
Pride Month this year!

Neopian Pride
by greencheese79

As we celebrate today, we are united as one.
Respect and appreciation for all that’s been done.
We celebrate our friends and everyone’s good health.
And most importantly the pride of being oneself.

  We are all Neopians, we are a community of friends.
  Here we stand, hand in hand; Our love shows no end.
  That’s because we’re all Neopians, our community is strong. 
  We are who we are, and each of us belongs.

We all have our differences, we all have our quirks.
But we won’t be discouraged when somebody smirks.
And through all those differences, we know who we are.
We are all Neopians, a cast of all-stars!

We support those in need, they’re never ignored.
Through Charity Corner, Soup Kitchen, Money Tree and more.
And we all come together to fight any war.
We are all Neopians, need we say more?

  We are all Neopians, we are a community of friends.
  Here we stand, hand in hand; Our love shows no end.
  That’s because we’re all Neopians, our community is strong. 
  We are who we are, and each of us belongs.

Pursuit of Happiness
by tkprtyrhd

People always ask me 
When I grow up
What I want to do, who I want to be

They tell me if I act the right way
If I wear the clothes of today,
Style my hair a certain way,
Everyone will like me and I'll always be okay.

Everyone tells me how they see me
How the things I do or say define what they assume I must be
They tell me who I am with such certainty that it's easy to believe
That I am not me but who they want me to be.

Now I know today,
When I grow up 
I want to be free.
Neither deterred nor swayed by the conditions of the day.
I want to wake up and be the person that I see
Wear the fashions of my dreams
Express the glow inside me 
Neither frightened nor betrayed by the expectations of the way I'm supposed to be so that everyone is comfortable with me.

Completely Me (Pride Day)
by parody_ham

No matter what the world may say
How it pressures me in every way
I dare to be
Completely Me

Neopia says that love is love
Unwavering support thereof
All colors of the rainbow flag
Its progress that will never lag

Join the parade and sing along
Being ourselves is never wrong!
Although I fight anxiety,
I dare to be Completely Me.

Forget the thoughts that they may cram
I love myself for who I am!
Aro and ace 
Proud of my place

I dare to be
Completely Me

What Does Pride Mean to Me?
by surging

What does pride mean to me?
Pride is living free.
I may know fear but I am real. 

Saying one thing and feeling another
And told something else from my mother.
So many competing thoughts rattling around.

Trying something new, maybe something scary
But all the while I feel quite merry.
I know the path I’m on is right.

Here I am trying to make my way
So I know this was not a place I could stay.
I had to leave so I can thrive.

Meeting others, making a friend
My mental wounds on the mend.
The feeling that I finally can soar.

Late-night conversations with myself
Or is it themself? Himself? Still herself.
Grace and patience while I figured it out.

Coming back to where I came from
Things are better now, and then some.
My former niece is now my nephew.

I have settled and secure but I’m still bi
No matter how hard others may try.
I know who I always was.

So what does pride mean to me?
Pride is what it means to be. 
Pride is everything we are.

Celebrating Pride On Neopets
by indulgences

I’m gratified by progress made
On sunny Neopets.
We post whether we’re straight or queer
With pride, and no regrets.

We talk about transitioning.
We talk about our fears.
The people who are fully out
Embrace their struggling peers.

Discussing our identities
Is commonplace right now.
We post them on the Neoboards.
We say we’re queer and proud.

Oh, Neopets has come so far
In recognizing us!
We freely state we’re gay and queer.
It’s something we discuss!

So, happy Pride Month, Neopets!
What progress you have made!
We freely state our preferences,
A thing for which we prayed!

Neopian Pride
by wizzy13_7

Do you know a place
where pets of all kinds are embraced?
Rainbow Pools splash with colors so bright,
and pride blooms, no matter day or night.

From Maraqua's waves to the Lost Desert’s dunes,
Neopets dance to their own heart's tunes.
Paw in paw and hearts full of glee,
queer Neopians flourish, wild and free.

Royalgirls like Royalgirls, and Royalboys, Royalboys.
No room for hate, only joy.
Strange potion users live confident and strong,
In Neopia, all love and genders can belong.

In Mystery Island's forests, lush and green,
Pride shines with a radiant sheen,
In Meridell’s fields, a flag proudly waves,
Celebrating identities of all kind, strong and brave.

So let us celebrate, in joyous cheer,
For queer Neopets and Neopians, we hold dear.
In Neopia's embrace, they find their home,
Gay and proud, we'll never be alone.

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