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Neopets Poems

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Blumaroo Day Special

Box of Assorted Blumaroo
by nymerosmartell

What is a Blumaroo, you might say?
There are loads of answers I could give you today:
They bounce, they're happy, they love the sun,
they're friendly, they're joyful, they're second to none —
and they come in sweet colours, hip hip hooray!

In Y11, there were cherries and delicate swirls,
sprinkles on ears and springy tails unfurled.
Happy, angry, sad, sick — Chocolate does it all:
just make sure when the sun's out, you answer my call!
Better stay in the shade or be left with leftover whirls!

Then came Y17, all its beautiful ripe fields.
A Strawberry Fields Forever Brush, a Strawberry Blumaroo yield!
Ripe and red, a touch of green, and sweet,
this Blumaroo's almost good enough to eat:
but wait, there are more flavours, keep your eyes peeled!

Two years later in Y19 came the sweetest of them all:
A gummy Candy Blumaroo, orange in time for fall!
Squishy and sugary, you're in for a treat,
because making them cuter is no easy feat,
but there's one Blumaroo left, and this tale might be tall:

No one knows when the Jelly Blumaroo showed up,
yellow and smiling, watch it stand up,
but we love it regardless, a core part of this box
of food-coloured Blumaroos up and down Roo Island's docks:
It's exciting to celebrate them, don't you think so? Yup!

Happy Blumaroo Day, now it's Y25:
twenty-three years since Blumaroos arrived.
Here's to more colours, more toys, more items, more art
of these happy-go-lucky friends with feet that have hearts,
who bring smiles to our faces and joy to our lives.

Finn the Blumaroo
by maculose

There was a Blumaroo whose name was Finn.
His most prized possession was his grin.
He had the brightest teeth in all the land. His shiny teeth were so very grand!

One day his brother asked him why.
“Why do your teeth shine in my eye?”
Finn looked at his brother with a smile.
He had not been asked this in quite a while.

The reason Finn’s teeth were so bright and clean,
Was because he didn’t want to appear mean.
He was painted Mutant which made it hard.
Finn would get many looks while in his yard.

“My shiny teeth are a distraction.
They keep others from seeing my mutant faction.”
His little brother couldn’t believe it,
So he grabbed Finn’s hand, and they had a sit.

Finn’s brother looked up and gave Finn a poke.
He smiled at his brother and then he spoke,
“If you like your teeth that’s perfectly fine.
Just be sure to let your true self shine.”

AAA, the Blumaroo
by orlytheowl

"Get out of my way!"
screamed AAA,
His name was Aristotle A. Avinroo,
an allegedly brilliant Blumaroo.

When he was young and small,
he took the fateful call,
to master each game,
and gain lots of fame.

Many years ago, he created Daily Dare.
"Noone can beat me!!", AAA would swear.
But is he really as good as he likes to claim?
Or will his ego one day be put to shame?

AAA has undoubtedly several games lost,
But he would probably deny it at every cost.
"Cheater!!" he perhaps would accuse with a yell
He could be right though, when playing "Bagatelle".

What has AAA been up to in the last few years?
Has he been locked up in his room dissolved in tears?
Grieving his fate for being unable to play
Cooty Wars and Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway?

But in Neopia games are having a new dawn
We can finally play Tug 'O' War and Nimmos Pond.
That awakes a question lingering in our brains;
Will we one day meet AAA again?

The Roo Day Rhyme
by gurokuro

Darigan, Strawberry and Blue,
These are all colours of Roo!
Every Blumaroo Day brings a hue that is new,
It was Oil Paint in the year twenty-two!

As for famous Blumaroo, there are more than a few,
King Roo, Chef Bonju, and Advisor Broo too!
In the spaceships above Lazers go pew,
From the evil crews of Commander Garoo.

It may seem bad Roo are more than a few,
So don’t turn your back on Count Von Roo,
The Nosferatu will make you cry boo,
As his dice will accrue a level or two.

Sure better Blu are long overdue,
But if your Roopinions askew,
To say all Roo are bad is simply untrue!
So halfway through, let's start anew!

Innocent Roo need rescue,
So quick to the pound you!
Say how-do-you-do to Blumaroo old,
And Peekaboo to Blumaroo new!

With endless hobbies to pursue,
Your Blumaroo might tattoo or even shampoo.
And whose brain grew with games brand-new?
Why it was Avinroo, the Genius Blu!

The game room has so much to do!
Improve your IQ with a game of Roodoku.
If that isn't for you,
Use a how-to and you will pull through!

And For Blu's who like to chew,
So does Stuff-a-Roo too!
He wins more than a few against the food club crew,
As he can eat more than two roo do!

This might be impromptu,
But it's your day too!
So on the Isle of Roo have a Rendevous,
And shout Hullabaloo for the Blumaroo!

The Magic of Blumaroll!
by matchagarden

Step right up, step right in! 
The NC Mall has something for every paw and for every fin! 

Upon the shelves is something new, 
Shiny and dice-like and made just for you! 
With a crown sat atop, 
Not a single item inside will be a flop! 

Step right up, take a turn! 
With excitement, I’m sure your hearts must burn! 

A Red Blumaroo takes his place, 
Dressed to the nines with a smile on his face, 
He casts you the dice, 
And the colours fly so nice, 
Upon one side we’ve found a prize, 
A winner, a winner! Let’s choose your surprise! 

The game may be done, 
But do not fret for we still have some fun! 
The NC Mall remembers the delight, 
And as such it has heard Neopia’s plight. 

Upon the shelves, a new prize is sat, 
Take a chance, take a spin, perhaps you’ll win a hat! 
Go, quick, before they are gone! 
The Retired Blumaroll Capsules are never a yawn! 

Take your own Blumaroo, 
Find all your friends! 
We’ll never experience again a droll, 
For what could it be but the magic of Blumaroll!

King Roothless
by x_babifaerie_x

King Roothless the Blumaroo
Is misunderstood.
Vindictive, cruel,
And up to no good.

The Neopians say
He glares down from his throne
When they share his story.
They describe a heart made of stone

The King kidnapped Aristotle
And his sister Abigail.
Forced to play games in his dungeon
Until they concede or they fail.

But somewhere deep down
In that cold and savage heart.
Is a sad, lonely Blumaroo
Slowly falling apart.

He just wants a chance
For his voice to be heard.
To play games with his friends.
Is that so absurd?

So maybe next time
When you play your next game.
Invite King Roothless to compete
For the glory and fame.

Perhaps he’s not quite as bad
As the stories suggest.
You might actually have fun
While challenging the best!

Anubits, Undead Blumaroo
by precious_katuch14

An undead Blumaroo,
An ancient king,
Within Zakharukh's Pyramid
Has been lurking.

Enormous Grundocerouses
Are at his command.
With his Undead Warriors
He makes his stand.

Anubits stands guard
At the Altar of Destiny,
Roused from his slumber,
Staff at the ready.

His pyramid alone
Is already a maze.
Unwary adventurers
Can lose their way.

They may prevail
Against Anubits' hordes,
But they must contend
With the resurrected lord.

Anubits calls on his power,
Spells to protect and shield,
Spells that make him quicker,
Spells to make enemies yield.

But alas, poor Anubits,
Ancient king, undead Blumaroo,
He falls and is dethroned,
His reign is through.

To Be a Hero
by parody_ham

To be a hero
One has to be strong
Has to have faith
To carry on

To be a hero
One has to be fair
To guide their team
Through monster lair

To be a hero
One has to be tough
Stick to their guts
When the going gets rough 

To be a hero
One needs to be strong
Even in hardship
Though the journey is long

To be a hero
One must persevere 
Through darkness and fright
That is quite severe

Rohane the Hero
He fought with his team
Through hardship and trouble 
And monster eye gleam

Rohane the Hero
From a humble village came
Gathered up a team 
And rose to worldwide fame

Bwid the Baby Blumaroo
by agedbeauty

Bwid the Baby Blumaroo
Is a very special 'Roo
For if you only meet him
You'll love him as much as I do

Bwid for the longest time
Did not have a home
He wandered here and there
Never staying, oft alone

But when I laid my eyes 
On this lovely little 'Roo
I knew this Baby Blumaroo
Would be part of my family too

Sure, his antics are sometimes
Just a bit too much
He can be hyper, and
He makes noise a bunch

But even though a Baby Blumaroo
Is quite a lot of work
He's worth every bit of chaos
And every mischievous smirk

Today on Blumaroo Day
I'll give him a hug and a treat
For loving my Baby Blumaroo
Just can't be beat!

A Vida de um Blumaroo Gelatina
by dinha_reeves

Pulando, Pulando, Pulando
É a vida de um Blumaroo Gelatina
Pulando, Pulando, Pulando
Sua vida parece até uma sina.

Ele pula, pula para o alto
Ele pula, pula para frente
Com sua cauda ele dá um salto
E aterrissa muito contente.

O mundo da gelatina ele explora
Muito bravo, esperto e corajoso
Sua curiosidade só aflora
Sobre este mundo de gelatina glorioso.

As moedas ele vai coletando
Sejam as de prata ou as douradas
E mais tempo ele vai ganhando
Para sua exploração adorada.

Ele chega em um vulcão de Gelatina
A gelatina em lava entra em erupção
Que horror, isso explode como uma mina
Ele pula para longe, é sua única opção.

Ele é avistado por uma besta terrível
Agora por sua vida ele precisa pular
Para longe e o mais rápidpo possível
Dessa besta terrível ele tem que escapar.

Se um Blumaroo Gelatina você avistar
Saiba que a ele você pode ajudar
Basta orientá-lo a onde pular
E muitos, muitos pontos você vai ganhar.

Pulando, Pulando, Pulando
Muitos pontos ele segue atingindo
Pulando, Pulando, Pulando
E da besta ele continua fugindo.

Blumaroos Love Nachos
by bittersweet52

If you're looking for a snack
And a good clean bit of fun
Come roll some dice with the King of 'Roos
It's only 5 NP per run

Everybody starts at red
It doesn't mean stop, it's GO
Advancing is easy, give it a try
Just land on the triangular arrow

As you play, friends may stop by
They'll give you tips and chat
By the time you move past blue to green
You'll get used to all that

By the way, the green third die
Is my favorite by far
Because that's when you can win small gifts
Like milkshakes and cheeseburgers

If you win some food I advise you now
Eat it as fast as you can
Or else the Pant Devil may arrive
And snatch it straight out of your hand

I must tell you a secret about this game
You may be disappointed to find
I've never won Nachos from Dice-a-Roo
Despite all the hints and signs

Perhaps if you make your way through
By determination, luck, or skill
Past yellow to silver, right to the end
In reach of the jackpot - a thrill!

Rumour has it there is a SIXTH die
What colour it is none can say,
But the treasures are probably beyond all our dreams
I think you can win Faeries this way

Will you take the money and call it a day?
Nachos might be on the next roll!
How would you feel if you just missed out
I think it would crush my soul

What am I saying, all this is moot
You know what I'll roll, so do I -
That infamous skull that ends the game
I'll never find the Nacho Die =(

Arty the Blumaroo
by gumgum101230

Arty the Blumaroo is known for
A thumb that's as Green as he,
But did you know he also sells clothes
To meet your shopping needs? 

At the Garden Centre you may find
Manes for your Kougra to wear,
Each filled with elemental power
Such as earth, fire, water, or air. 

Perhaps you need new antlers or tusks
To keep your Moehog's interest.
Well here you may find crystals from
A magical forest! 

Do they want to be the Quiggle with whom
Everyone wants to chat?
Then channel their inner fungi with
A Toadstool Quiggle Hat! 

Or maybe it's your Acara
That's full of eccentricity;
Then buy for them some brand-new horns
Made out of electricity! 

But what makes me most excited
For what the future brings:
The plant-based options for Kiko hair
Are just the cutest things!

The Blumaroo Gardener
by ayakae

If you’re looking to add some spark to your home
Why not pay a visit to the Gardening Blumaroo?
He’s got a lot of interesting doo-dads for your garden,
He’s kind and charming and would love to help you!

He’s got a lot of flowers and bushes, for example
My, oh my, their scents and colours are so tantalizing!
Having these plants scattered all over your garden
Would make your home look and smell amazing

Some of them are even edible, did you know?
Having your own harvest to pick from is a hoot!
You can get a lot of vitamins and minerals
From a garden full of fresh veggies and fruit

And look at all the adorable little lawn gnomes!
They hold a lot of cuteness despite their short height,
They can help you tend to your home and garden
While making you smile and chuckle at their sight

And if you think that’s everything, it’s not!
The Gardening Blumaroo sells furniture as well
With each chair, table, shed, fountain, and stone,
You can make your garden a lovely place to dwell

Yes, the Gardening Blumaroo has all you need
To turn your home into a place of wonder
Feel free to ask gardening questions and for advice
The Gardening Blumaroo could not be kinder!

The Blumaroo Day Limerick
by chai7705

Some may come to ask, "Well, who
Are we paying our honours to?
On this Eighth day of Hiding
It is coinciding
So please will you tell or give clue?"

Some things should be clearest to you
Those long floppy ears counted two
And most others pale
To that long bouncy tail
That sends one up flying like "Nyoo!"

Here come some more hints in the queue
You surely know famous Count Roo
He gambles with dice
You might pay the price
But still you would play, wouldn't you?

And how 'bout that chef named Bonju
Who knows his way 'round steaks and roux
You might help him looking
For something worth cooking
He'll trade you an avie for stew!

Or maybe the game Dice-A-Roo
Is something that you often do
Keep shooting your shot
To win the jackpot
The King really likes this game too!

One last bit of help is now due
The land past that rainbow in view
With Merry-Go-Round
In the middle of town
I hope that by now you've gone "Ooh!"

I'm thinking you already knew
The Pet of the day's nothing new

A big longtime fave
That makes us all rave
No further ado
Here it comes right on cue

Today we shall scream and shout "WOO!"
And cheer for beloved Blumaroo!

What Blumaroo Do
by i_lovee_icecream

Playing a game a day,
Keeps the Neodoctor away. 
It’s the Roo Island way,
It’s what Blumaroo do!

Hopping around,
Shopping in town. 
Fun is always found,
It’s what Blumaroo do!

What Blumaroo do,
They’re bouncy like Goo!
Between me and you,
It’s entertaining too!

They’re friendly indeed,
Blumaroo help those in need. 
You don’t have to beg or plead,
It’s what Blumaroo do!

Their kindness exceeds,
Their excitement feeds. 
They also like to read,
It’s what Blumaroo do!

What Blumaroo do,
They yell, “Woo-hoo!”
Every day is new,
With a Blumaroo and you!

Deadly Dice with Count Von Roo
by theguy2020

Come on by to play some deadly dice,
Know all the risks is my first set of advice,
Your Pet's level may go down,
Could possibly leave you with a big frown!

You can start to play at midnight,
The window lasts for an hour when the time is right,
This is when Count Von Roo will appear awake,
Your Pet's level will be at stake!

Fear not as there's an equal chance your level could go higher,
Anyone who tells you otherwise would be quite the liar,
Your goal is to roll a higher number,
Preferably before the Count goes back into his slumber!

If you roll lower that is when you lose,
You'll be able to try again the next day when the Blumaroo awakens from his snooze,
Be careful if you tie, the levels at stake become doubled,
This may leave some Neopians a little troubled!

There is also an avatar that you can win,
Be sure to know how it works before you begin,
First, you must tie at least once before beating Von Roo,
The game is truly a gamble which can help your Pet's level accrue!

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