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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Peophin Day Special

Peophin Puns
by sin_hui_ryoma

I once heard this funny tail from a Maraquan,
And let me tell you it was really some-fin.
He said a family of Peophins living under one hoof
Came over to sea him one day since he seemed aloof.

They galloped on over right up to his door
With a plate of treats and said, “Hi there, neigh-bor!
Water you up to? You seem to have troubles.”
He replied glumly, “I have a bad case of Bubbles.”

“Aw, you poor thing. Your voice seems so hoarse.
We’ll fetch something that can kelp you recover, of course.
In no time things will go swimmingly again.”
They giddy upped home and retrieved their medicine.

When he saw what they brought, he found it rather fishy,
But they insisted it would shore-ly help him in a jiffy.
In hopes of having the scales tipped in his favour,
He drank it to the depths, despite its bad savour.

Suddenly, with a loud whoosh and a splash,
He transformed into a Peophin, too, in a flash.
For a moment he was lost in an ocean of disbelief.
It wasn’t the cure he wanted, but he didn’t want to give them reef.

“Don’t beach yourselves up. At least you all tried.
It’s funny how quickly things can turn with the tide.
I’m mane-ly concerned that my day’s just gotten longer,
But you know what they say—what doesn’t gill you makes you stronger!”

Ballad of Marak the Wave
by coyote90

In Altador, there are stories told
Of Neopians, brave and bold,
And one such tale, of which they rave,
Is about the Peophin, Marak the Wave.

Living off the shore, his group of Peophin
Lived in peace with a town of fishermen.
However, all good things do not last;
Tensions between them were building fast.

The fishing declined and was not the same,
And Marak's group were to get the blame!
Though he did his best to regain the peace,
Hostility between them would only increase.

Then one day, it all came to a head;
Something happened that gave Marak dread.
Humongous boulders came rolling down,
Smashing into the Peophin town.

When Marak came up to find the cause,
What he discovered gave him pause.
He saw that the rocks were intentionally rolled;
It was an angering sight to behold!

Thinking quickly, Marak knew what to do.
Down to his village square, he flew.
He gathered up every last Peophin;
To save their village, they had to win!

He had them all race to the shore.
Those on land knew not what was in store.
A giant wave began to form,
Created by the Peophin swarm.

And as the wave began to crash,
Those on land began to dash!
Lines were drawn between sea and land;
A battle soon would be at hand.

The battle raged until that eve,
When the fishermen were forced to leave.
Even though the battle was won,
Marak knew there was more to be done.

He approached, with an outstretched arm,
Wishing to stop the quarrels and harm.
And there that day both sides agreed
That anger and fighting, there was no need.

The story swept through all the land,
About a Peophin who took a stand.
He sought out peace, was brave and true,
With a courageous spirit, through and through.

Then one day a Lupe arrived,
Building a noble city, he strived.
It seems he was a big fan, too,
So he invited Marak and his crew.

Now they live in Altador,
Where there is peace, tranquillity, and more,
All thanks to a Peophin brave,
That everyone calls Marak the Wave.

I was Peopatra - A Peophin Day Poem
by i_lovee_icecream

I was Peopatra; I was beautiful, painted Desert.
When you stopped by my shop in Sakhmet,
Your hands were crusted in arid dirt.
My Petpets advertised in the gazette.

I was Peopatra; powerful and mighty.
But that’s all gone to Lost Desert times,
Now I’m painted Elderygirl; no longer Aphrodite.
And as I drift off to sleep, I’ve run out of rhymes.

I was Peopatra at the Petpet Stall,
You came in to shop and caught my eye.
I was Peopatra and thought I had it all,
But now I’ve said to you my goodbyes.

I was Peopatra; adorned in box braids;
Dripping in glimmering gold and lapis lazuli.
I was Peopatra; the leader of savage raids.
Educated with libraries of books; cultured truly.
I was Peopatra; the winner of crusades.
Battles fought and won; fragrant with patchouli.
I was Peopatra; eliciting jealousy in jade.
Accomplishments bountiful and earned duly.

Celebrating Peophins
by travel74147

Where the waters glisten and ripple
There’s a majestic creature who emerges- size is triple
Even more astounding, they roam with grace and elegance
Among the shore while looking quite balanced

It’s the one and only Peophin, which today we take time to adore
Legs or a fin- who is to say according to early Neopian lore
There was a time when it was possible for one named Rhian
The mighty and valiant Peophin to be flexible 

Although keeping to themselves in the depths of water
Their kind spirits bring good fortune and often flatter
A loyal companion is their way
They will dance, laugh, and play

Channel your inner adventure and steadfast loyalty
Let down that flowing cascade of a mane, proving vitality
Gallop and take flight in the waters with your imaginative fin
Delightful time with others will make your head spin

A gentle and intelligent creature to celebrate
So on this 26 of July let’s all appreciate
In the World of Neopia, they bring all the cheer
It wouldn’t be the same on this diverse sphere

Lustra the Golden Peophin
by fizztop

Through the clouds she skims,
Strong wings carrying her afar,
A magical creature too bright to dim,
Her golden features shine bright like a star.

Under the calm waves she glides,
Her powerful tail swishing past the Koi, 
An underwater glow, one with the tides,
A mysterious treasure and an utter joy.

This mystical being that only few know,
Chasing Jetsams beneath the swell,
Her curious behaviour above and below,
Sets her apart from other creatures so well. 

If by now you cannot tell,
It is the beauty that is Lustra in which I write,
A gold Peophin that could have you under a spell, 
Her colours a warmth under the cold moonlight.

For today this fortunate species we celebrate,
Let us look to the skies and down below, 
May we play our golden harps so great,
And give praise to Lustra and her fellows!

Pretty Peophins
by agedbeauty

If you look through
History near and far
You'll find so many 
Pretty Peophins - each one a star.

Peopatra is our first star,
And her fame is beyond measure
With tons of little Petpets, 
Peopatra is a treasure.

Marak protected Altador,
Which he worked hard to save -
His heroism was so great,
That he earned the name The Wave.

Another famous Peophin
Is Erli of Brightvale -
Playing Goalkeep and earning saves,
With Erli they just can't fail!

But no Peophin star shines brighter
Than the Mother of Peophins,
Known as Venuquin, 
You are safe beneath her fins.

Venuquin guards the seas
And sailors who've lost their way,
As she lends them strength,
And makes sure to always save the day.

Yes, Neopia is full
Of Peophins in our history - 
And why they are so treasured
Is truly no mystery!

A Peophin’s Day
by natashabelx

Over the vast ocean
The wind whistles a tune
A Peophin dives
Towards the lights of the forenoon

The sun scatters her golden rays
Over the sapphire waters
A Peophin bathes
Drenched in all of her colours

On the crescent shores
Embraced by the surrounding sands
A Peophin idles
Much to her heart’s content

The tides playfully dance
To the rhythm of the moon
A Peophin wishes
Her day wouldn’t end so soon.

The Brightvale Motery Peophin Shopkeeper
by ritwik_291194

As I got out the grand Brightvale castle
And absentmindedly took a left turn
Instead of my usual right to the bookstore
“Am I lost?” I thought, a bit concerned

“We have lava motes, water motes, mud motes, 
motes for everyone!” I heard her shout
This Peophin was selling some weird blobs
“Why don’t you come in and check these out?”

A bit hesitant, I walked into a drab grey dome
‘The Brighvale Motery’ I noticed the sign
And suddenly as a Fire Mote zoomed past me
“The motes are alive?” It blew my mind!

“Mystical things these motes,” she explained
“Some even fear these magical creatures 
But they make for excellent battle allies
Each one granting some unique features!”

“The Ice Mote can freeze, most others do damage still in tests,
Get the Air, Lava & Snow Motes to block Air, Water and Fire,
The Smoke Mote is a tad confused and simply tries its best,
Or maybe the huggableness of Plushie Motes is all that you desire?”

“They can vanish randomly after a fight though,
So be careful with these powers,” she ended her speech
I stood in wonder listening to every word
I had learned more today than my books could ever teach!

The Peophin from the Brightvale Motery
by x_babifaerie_x

King Hagan wished to grant wisdom
To the Neopians of his land.
Because knowledge is power,
We know this firsthand.

He recruited a philosopher, 
To help run the Motery.
Conducting decades of research, 
Publishing papers quite noteworthy.

To help win your battle, 
Consult with the shopkeeper inside.
She is a beacon of intellect, 
And sharing this is her pride.

This Peophin of Brightvale 
Has a truly special connection.
To the elemental beings, the motes, 
Come see her collection!

The hot Lava Mote 
May help to protect
A water-based attack, 
It is sure to reflect.

The frosty Ice Mote, 
Your opponent will freeze.
Allowing time to attack, 
Victory is a breeze.

The Bubble Mote is strong 
Against attacks of fire.
The Snow Mote can heal, 
So your health will not expire.

Some motes are good for strength, 
And others for health.
Continue to learn from them, 
Remember knowledge is wealth!

So the next time you pass through Brightvale, 
Please stop on by.
Browse through the collection of Motes, 
Give this Peophin a “hi!”

She will graciously assist you 
To learn more in your quest
Of the magic of Motes, 
She is simply the best!

Praise for Peophins
by chai7705

From lands found deep under sea,
Maraqua, is where it came to be
A species that we'd all agree
Would give us a great sense of glee

On the month Awakening's day ten
In Year number Two, that is when

This wondrous beauty did appear
With hooves in front and fin in rear
Prior, unknown -- new to our sphere
Now known to all and held so dear

We celebrate on Swimming Twenty-Six
For twenty-three years, we stay transfixed

On this magnificent critter
Whose long mane seems to glitter
Sending hearts all a-flitter
As we rave, cheer, and chitter

The Peophin! So stunning! Such grace!
With a jewelled crest upon its face

Once these pets were Limited Edition
In fact, the very first, by admission
Then many released in later addition
Neopians' dreams come true and into fruition

Through waves and under tides, they swim as if they soar
But their talents do not end even when they come to shore

By some special magic, the Peophin floats on land
So whether gliding through water or hovering on sand
This wondrous creature does seem to stand
To be a Neopet that's certainly grand

We'll honour Peopatra, the most caring and kind
Or the Peophin shopkeep selling Motery finds
Erli Quinnock is mentioned for his Yooyuball grind
And of course, brave Marak who gave his clan peace of mind

Whether in the ocean or on the ground
Peophins across Neopia are hereby crowned
Today's honoured Neopet! Let's give a round
Of applause and cheers and praises abound!

Peophins, the greatest evolution!
by safemoon

It’s Peophin day and we know them as sea creatures
They have fins instead of horn features
Their daily lives are best in the waters
They rarely come to the lands,
Yet are capable Altador cup contenders
Many notable Peophins exist today 

Erli Quinnock, the courageous, the protector
While she stays back and guards the net
Her loyal Kiko friends fish the Yooyu with the opponent's net
They should call her the Wave like Marak, as they cheer her loudly
Maybe the Colosseum could use another statue standing proudly

Peopatra, a humble Lost Desert merchant
Her stall in the Desert gets dry and humid
She does falter a bit and watches over the Petpets
Dry and dusty, she watches every nook and cranny,
Waving Pets and owners in to have a look,
Take home a Desert Petpet before they spin in a loop

Peophey drops in on Neopians randomly
She’s a fast one, rarely seen but very kind
She gives the lucky Neopian a magical crystal.
To make them feel warm and not in a bind
The one you can compare her to is Venuquin
Known as the mother of all Peophins
The guardian of the sea and those that dare the waves
Through the treacherous waters, she guides the safely
Making sure they arrive unharmed and soundly

As you see, there are many special Peophins
They explore the lands by magically floating
But there’s one that many might not know
She is the only one with legs born long ago
Her name is Rhian, born in 101 BN
This was before evolution hit, she’s proud never sorry,
Because evolution is a beautiful story!

Peopatra's Petpets
by kellyclark1115

Hi there, welcome to Shop 50,
otherwise known as Peopatra's Petpets!
Pick up a little friend or two,
or you'll be sure to have regrets!

Can I interest you in a Mauket?
Or perhaps a Kepru, Nuk, or Seti?
Those are rather popular,
everyone would agree.

A Blobikins or Geb you say?
My my, those are quite rare.
They will cost a pretty Neopoint,
I'm sure you are well aware.

Everyone wants a Blobikins,
even I'm still waiting for one.
But alas, I don't have any,
zero, zilch, there are none.

You can check in a few minutes,
maybe there will be a change in stock.
To be honest you best wait a while,
even go out and take a short walk.

You still want a Blobikins?
Not this cute Lyins or Scarabug?
They would love to go home,
and give you a little hug.

Praise Away - It's Peophin Day!
by warriorsfan_4200

Peophins rule over the Month of Swimming.
Crested and bejewelled, never dimming. 
Thundering through the Neopian Seas,
wild and graceful, a creature of dreams.

Fan-tailed for speed and hard-hooved for might,
This conglomeration is quite a sight.
A fish? A horse? They are welcomed confusion.
Magic and rarity comprise this fusion. 

A slew of colours can add more allure, 
Darigan or Toy, their beauty endures.
Try Stealthy or Steampunk for added flair.
Pirate or Plushie, it's hard to compare.

Once belonging to grassy expanses,
to the Maraquan depths, they made their advances.
Their origins known to a select few,
they forged their home in the briny blue.

Careening through kelp and surfing the waves,
Ultimate freedom that Neopets crave.
Living mysteries that trot on the ocean floor,
Hope for glimpses of them from the sandy shore.

Marak: The Peophin Protector of Altador
by nymerosmartell

From under the sea,
Marak defends;
even above the waves,
duty doesn't end.

With bracers, with armour,
with helm and with trident,
to protect golden Altador,
this warrior Peophin gets sent.

Watch him as he swims!
Pay attention as he dives!
No foe escapes him
as he saves his clan's lives.

Bearing his teeth in a great big roar,
silver armour glinting in the sun,
his aim precise, enemies no more,
The Wave is a protector when all's said and done.

With his dark blue mane
and proud, stern expression,
Marak is injustice's bane
and using might is his discretion.

Marak, Sea Warrior, Waverider, Wave:
all names for the same Peophin.
Fair, leader, strong, brave:
traits recognised by king and kin.

Today, Peophin Day, let's celebrate
and give Marak his praise!
Always on time, never late,
we can depend on him always!

Peophin Day Celebration!
by therainbowsheep

Peophin Day is here with a splash,
In the form of an ocean party bash!
This species welcomes all into the sea,
To celebrate with spirit and glee!

While it's true Peophins are often reserved,
Today, their boisterous energy is deserved!
A day of joy and celebration,
Good vibes and pure elation!

Today, we admire the Peophin's good traits,
Their power and graceful gait!
Also their magic and tendency for good luck,
Leaves all of us quite wonderstruck! 

So we celebrate with a party so fun,
You'll be tired when all's said and done!
First, they invite you to a swimming race.
Are you able to keep up the pace?

Next, a game of water volleyball!
Can you spike the ball over the netted wall?
Peophins can do all this and more,
Though no one is keeping the score.

Today is all about having a good time,
Cheering on Peophins feels so sublime!
Wishing this magnificent species a good day,
We're glad that with them we got to play!

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