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Neopets Poems

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JubJub Day Special

Hubbub for JubJubs
by chai7705

You may have heard a bit of a chatter
Some whispers, some rumours, and maybe some hubbub
Of celebrations today of most important matter
So grab a plate and chow down on some grubgrub!
Let's dance to the tunes of Jub Zambra and co.
Just be sure not to trip or stubstub your toe!

But make sure that you're looking your absolute best
Hop into that bath and carefully scrubscrub
Get groomed on top of being well-dressed
Don't be looking too much like a shrubshrub!
But don't be too worried if you're not up-to-fluff,
You won't get a snubsnub for a little extra scruff

Because today is the day that we're honouring you,
So bring the whole clubclub, the clan, and all of your crew
For on this sixth day of Relaxing we do hereby dubdub
Our glorious guest -- notable Neopet -- the jubilant JubJub!

Strawberry JubJub Overgrowth
by _jakk

June, strawberries are in season,
colour and fragrance so pleasant.
All patches getting increased attention,
except for the fields over the brae,
that made all pickers shy away.

A grotesque monster lurks they say.
Be that as it may, 
warnings rarely deter children if ever,
snickering about having danger for lunch,
nothing will stop this curious bunch.

Four kids sharing a dimmed torch light,
they are really out for a fright.
Deep into the untended fields they march,
tremble as extra footsteps edging closer.
Who will be first to lose their composure?

Turn around and there it is,
a figure none can't miss,
the Strawberry JubJub Overgrowth!
Its baleful eyes they meet,
and a pair of menacing big feet.

Monster said to feeds on the lost and feeble,
now inching forward as it waddle.
Run child, no time to dawdle,
or you will be left in the nether
of these strawberry fields forever.

Jubble Bubble JubJub
by precious_katuch14

Buried in Maraqua's ruins,
Lurking in the depths,
Is a ship of treasure - 
Or all that's left.

The Maraquan JubJub
Wants to explore and see
What lies within this relic
Sunken in the sea.

So they jump,
Take a leap of faith.
There's nothing to fear,
No monsters or Wraiths.

But the currents are strong,
Sweep the JubJub away.
The ocean thinks
They're just here to play.

Alas, poor JubJub!
Now they're falling!
They kick their feet,
Only to wind up rolling.

Who will save them now?
The poor Maraquan JubJub?
They were never a good swimmer,
That there is the rub.

Luckily they know someone who is,
Kelby the Maraquan Shoyru,
Come to explore the ruins
And find treasure too.

With well-placed bubbles,
Kelby cushions their fall,
The Maraquan JubJub's ordeal,
Wasn't so bad at all.

It's Hard for a JubJub
by ennyra

Sometimes life can be hard,
Especially for a JubJub.
You get mistaken for other things,
It causes a bunch of hubbub.

It's best to stay away from sports,
They might think you're a ball.
You can only shop on lower shelves,
Because you're definitely not so tall.

But it's not all bad you see,
In fact it can be really fun.
If you're playing hide and seek,
You're usually the best one!

Today we celebrate all JubJubs,
No matter their shape or size.
We all love parties and cake,
It's time we get recognized!

Everyone be a JubJub today,
Let loose and have a good time.
I'm so excited to go and play,
It made me come up with this rhyme!

JubJub Day Jubilee
by zackattackplayspkmn

How about we make a party
For JubJubs all around
With lots of decorations
And free cake by the pound

We need to buy some balls and bells
From the ever stocked general store
For games and music and good cheer
Plus toys and prizes galore

It will some work to setup
Given JubJubs have no arms
But with some work and effort
We made a party with charm

We even have a giant jelly
That never will run out
Gave some new Petpet Faellie’s
To those who were without

Time to end the jubilee
For JubJubs far and wide to see
Thanks for your work in helping me
Make this the best party it can be

Jupthumping: A JubJub Day Song
by i_lovee_icecream

I get Fuzzitus, but I get up again;
Marina heals me at the Healing Springs!
I get Hoochie Coochies, but I get up again;
I take my tablets and I feel all better!
I get Pollenitus, but I get up again;
Marina heals me at the Healing Springs!
I get Chickaroo, but I get up again;
I eat all my Herbal Scrambled Eggs!

He drinks a Cobrall Drink, he drinks a Kiko Drink;
He drinks a Sparkling Drink, he drinks an Island JubJub Drink!
He sings the songs that celebrate a happy JubJub Day;
He sings the songs that celebrate all the JubJubs today!

I get Shaky Flakys, but I get up again;
Marina heals me at the Healing Springs!
I get the Sneezles, but I get up again;
I eat my Magic Cookie and I feel all better!
I get Ugga-Ugga, but I get up again;
Marina heals me at the Healing Springs!
I get the Bubbles, but I get up again;
I drink all my Bubbles Herbal Drink!

He drinks a Cobrall Drink, he drinks a Kiko Drink;
He drinks a Sparkling Drink, he drinks an Island JubJub Drink!
He sings the songs that celebrate a happy JubJub Day;
He sings the songs that celebrate all the JubJubs today!

I get Fuzzitus, but I get up again;
Marina heals me at the Healing Springs!
I get Hoochie Coochies, but I get up again;
I take my tablets and I feel all better!
I get Pollenitus, but I get up again;
Marina heals me at the Healing Springs!
I get Chickaroo, but I get up again;
I eat all my Herbal Scrambled Eggs!

JubJub, I’ll Carry It For You
by theamandafiles

A JubJub has no arms at all
As anyone can see
It’s sad to think of all the things
That they cannot carry

No letters for the mailbox
To send off to a friend 
No treats for hungry Kadoaties
To make their crying end 

How can they get their toys
From the toy box out to play
How do they snatch up all the deals
On half-price shopping day? 

Does the JubJub get a slice of omelette
If he can’t reach to grab one?
How do they load the dishwasher?
How does their laundry get done?

Don’t worry, little JubJub
About the things your feet can’t do
All those things you just can’t seem to hold
I’ll gladly carry for you

What's in a JubJub?
by lauren92_k

A JubJub has no hands, only feet,
Plump and round, they sure do love to eat!
Rolling and tumbling down a hill,
They hardly ever seem to stay still!

On this JubJub day, June 6th
Their only excuse is to plead the 5th.
For when it comes to eating,
They are quick to say that life is fleeting!

To continue their festivities and gatherings,
They'll be with their families on and on with blathering,
And be sure to brood,
About a complete lack of food!

Even when there's plenty to go 'round,
They'll insist there's nothing left on the ground.
And make merry haste and way,
Over to the most famous Cafe!

To eat and watch the most famous JubJub of all,
One who sings and tames a wild Cobrall,
Why of course it's Jub Zambra and the Cobrall Charmers,
Who on their day jobs are actually farmers!

After much fun is had by all the JubJubs,
They'll retire for the evening and clean off in the washtub,
Before getting all snug and sound,
Within their dormitory style homes with other JubJubs all around.

You’ll Never Regret
by cinnabonski

Follow the road
But not too far
Passed the main shops
Beyond the bazaar 

Through the wall
Where soup is served
Mind the path
For it is curved

And in the distance
You’ll see a sight
Most peculiar 
But have no fright 

For in this abode
This conical hat
Resides a Jub
Who’s worth a chat
‘Neath moon and star
A smile does lurk
Ask his help
And he’s off to work

Your hearts desire
He’s off to find
Through the market
Data is mined

Whence returned
A list in hand
Shops with item
For your command

For a simple fee
He will up his game
Best priced item
Is yours to claim

But be beware
Limits there be
For faeries do ban
As is high rarity

If tired he gets
From running around
Rest he may need
Til next item’s found

On this JubJub Day
Please don’t forget 
The Jub’s whose help
You’ll never regret

Cloud JubJub Socks
by pixie_tea

JubJub Day lands on the 6th of June...
Every year to celebrate the fluffy Neopet with two dexterous feet that can even hold a spoon.
The adorable JubJub species don't have hands and can do anything that species with hands can do,
Let's celebrate this special day by showing attention to the feet in honour of JubJubs with you.

Get your own pair of Cloud JubJub Socks,
Your feet will feel light as air in these light blue socks with white cloud patterns--- now that rocks!
Not only are these socks trendy and look good with all shoes,
They will keep your feet warm and encourage more circulation to help you snooze.

So warm and comfortable they are,
Always protecting your feet from blisters and scar.
Walk or run for hours without a scent,
These durable Cloud JubJub Socks... the JubJubs were proud to invent.

Jacob the JubJub
by greencheese79

Jacob the JubJub looked out to sea.
He knew it was out there, but where could it be?
He searched the whole world for this elusive fish.
Rumours pointed here, but to catch it a mere wish.

Many scoffed at him, it caused some alarm,
For how could one catch it without any arms?
Indeed it’d be challenging, a most tedious fight,
But one day he’d show them, then suddenly a bite!

One thing about JubJubs, they’re good with their feet.
He pulled the rod hard to slow its retreat.
It made the reel whirl; the boat, it near sunk her
The fish on his line was more than a lunker.

High in the sky it began to get dark.
Just a mere cloud, he thought, a walk in the park.
But then again it’s possible that he may have been wrong,
For the wind’s strength, like the fish, grew very strong.

It was now thundering and lightning with hurricane winds.
The rain was so hard it felt like pins.
And his toes how they seized and blisters did form,
For he was now fighting the fish and a terrible storm!

His energy was low but his spirits remained high,
And then came the moment when it leapt in the sky.
The radiant beauty of its shimmering scales,
Perfection at its best from its head to its tail.

As soon as it landed it took off like a whip.
The trick near got him, but he tightened his grip.
The sun joined the fight and broke through the clouds.
It soon will be mine Jacob stubbornly vowed.

Though his mind was still strong his body had been weakened.
Exhausted too was the fish which found itself beaten.
Jacob dropped from exhaustion and by the fish he did lie,
And examined a rainbow that arced ‘cross the sky.

An unexpected sadness struck him when he looked at his prize.
Something’s not right here he soon realized.
But who would believe him? What would he say?
Doesn’t matter, he smiled, and let the fish swim away.

Happy JubJub Day!
by neuroticarmadillo

If you need a fuzzy friend
To bring you delight,
Pass on the fuzzles!
Adopt a JubJub tonight!

From Tour Guides to Wizards 
Who can help you find deals,
Our furry little faces
Have a certain appeal!

And with oversized toes,
Our dexterity’s sublime,
So we don’t even need arms
To have a good time!

And if you’re out bowling, 
But need something to throw,
In a pinch, use a JubJub!
We’re round and we roll!

We come in many colours,
And we have so many skills,
So bring home a JubJub,
And we’re sure you’ll be thrilled!

A Simple Mistake
by metakitsune

A JubJub went for a little hop,
To find himself a simple drop,
Of water for his awful thirst,
Feeling parched was just the worst.

He made it to a nearby store,
The clerk was having quite the snore,
The doorbell there had made no ring,
It seemed in need of servicing.

The JubJub shuffled quietly,
To not disturb the clerk, you see,
He grabbed a water on the way,
And left some points behind to pay.

The clerk awoke just as he left,
Thinking he had seen a theft,
And ran to catch what he had thought,
Was the bad guy on the spot.

The JubJub claimed it was all wrong,
"I'm honest as the day is long!"
And asked the clerk to take a look,
For the proof he was no crook.

The clerk did not waste any time,
To check if this had been a crime,
He knew he may have acted callously,
The JubJub wanted an apology.

The clerk was overwhelmed with shame,
Seeing the JubJub was free of blame,
"Just fix the bell above your door,
And these mistakes will be no more!"

JubJub Snacks
by profebest

A beautiful day has begun,
Snacks and cookies will be gone,
A group of JubJubs have joined the show;
Big foots all over the globe,

A Sponge JubJub will make its debut;
Cleaning dishes is what they must do,
They can’t wear wearables but are spongy;
As a Christmas snow, snow that comes on night,

Strawberry JubJub looks so delight,
A powerful fruit has made its way,
Purple JubJub might be sick,
Take them to Neohospital so they heal,

Gold JubJub is so shiny they made - 
A statue, a statue that shines all day long,
Silver JubJub is not shiny enough,
The value of its worth is more than enough,

Which JubJub colour will you choose today?
Will it be one of the above or maybe another color;
Happy JubJub Day!

The JubJub Siblings
by maculose

A Darigan JubJub was in the sky.
He was gracefully flying rather high.
Flying was definitely one of his faves.
He loves the peace that it always gave.

There were so many amazing sights.
It was simply a state of pure delight.
He saw a Bartamus eating its lunch.
Its sharp teeth going munch, munch.

As he continued to fly ahead,
He saw a Horus nesting in bed.
The Horus was in the tallest tree.
It really seemed as happy as can be.

The JubJub looked down and began to smile.
He hadn’t seen this in quite a while.
There were two JubJubs playing real well.
They were definitely siblings. He could tell.

This caused him to stop and turn around.
He had an idea that made him proud.
As he got home he knocked on a door.
His little sister came out who seemed very bored.

He grabbed her hand and up they flew.
His sisters happiness grew and grew.
Two Darigan JubJubs were in the sky.
The sibling’s happiness was at an all time high.

JubJub Weaponry
by esperteza

Although having no arms is a weakness,
The skill of their feet leaves all speechless.
Unjustly by many underrated,
Their true worth in battle can't be debated.

Because they lack upper limbs,
JubJubs excel in other things;
Like being masters of disguise,
And their deafening battle cries.

There are plenty of weapons they can choose;
Against faster opponents, the speed boots will be of use!
The helmet of doom, enough to make foes tremble with fear!
Or the flame ball, useful to repel those that venture near!

Others include many swords and shields,
Even a full armour, crucial on the battlefield.
Dreaded by many, the JubJub tickler,
Certain to make every enemy shiver.

Perhaps the most iconic, the ancient mask;
Invested with the power of heroic JubJubs from the past.
Lastly, when a heavy strike is all they need to succeed,
A bit of foot hardening lotion is victory guaranteed!

The JubJub and the Monocerous
by niddyz

Once I ate 16 JubJubs in a week!
Said that nasty old Monocerous.
So you’d be forgiven if you think
Him entirely, totally monstrous.

But JubJubs know his real purpose,
What he means to JubJub culture:
A tale like the humongous tortoise,
And that braggart little hare.

The race is the biggest race of all—
It’s life—and JubJubs will surely win
If they remember, as they learn every Fall,
In secret schools designed just for/by them.

Y’see, JubJubs know the Monocerous lurks
Behind every spooky haunted tree,
Waiting to snatch the unwary. So look,
Don’t rely on some supposed immunity!

(The head JubJub teacher is a little old-school,
But the point stubbornly remains:
Being aware of the world around you? You’re no fool—
You can even roam the Meridell plains!)

See, the race isn’t about being the fastest of the lot;
The Monocerous teaches JubJubs a different way to think:
Instead of trying to speed, be careful. Plan it out.
Even on JubJub Day, these stalwarts wait to eat and drink,

Looking to help carry their kind across the line.
The race is never finished—this is a way of living—
And JubJubs know it best. So on this fine,
Joyous JubJub Day, have no misgivings:

The Legend of the Monocerous, now an old Jub’s scare,
Thought to actuate youngsters into obedience,
Teaches us all to treat our worlds with a bit more care,
So celebrate JubJubs—with expedience—

(And remember: the Monocerous is still out there!)

Ode aan de JubJub
by prulletje1852

De JubJub is zacht en rond 
Met een glimlach op de mond
Met grote glinsterende ogen
Een lach die iedereen zou mogen

De JubJub beweegt zich voort
Op een andere manier dan hoort
Geen benen, alleen maar voeten
Maar blijft altijd op de route

Stap voor stap en dan een hop
Dit gaat helemaal top
Het lijkt misschien raar
Toch is zijn snelheid flink waar

Nog meer over de Neopet
Ik vertel graag over hem, met pret
Heb ik al verteld over zijn vorm?
Want dat voelt toch wel als de norm

Een cirkel, een perfect rondje
Met het aller zachtste bontje
De pluis is echt overal
Dat maakt het een beetje te mal

De JubJub is zeker favoriet
Bij alleen pluis en voeten blijft het niet
Zijn warme lach en grote ogen
Is ook waarom we de JubJub zo mogen

The Cloud JubJub
by truebrony

The Cloud JubJub
Is light on her feet,
She walks like the wind
As she paces the street.

Her bright blue eyes
Are filled with delight,
Her fluffy white fur
Is soft and bright!

She’s shy, yet kind,
Sensitive, yet sweet,
Her smile is as large
As her bright blue feet!

She rolls down the mountains
With laughter and glee,
The Cloud JubJub is wonderful,
Anyone can see!

A Ball we Call JubJub
by ratatoule33

JubJubs, no paws? No worries, mate,
Their feet work fine, no need to berate.
With toes so flexible and handy to use,
They're just as good as paws, no excuse!

Drawing and writing, they've got it down,
And in a fight, they won't back down.
Visceral and clever, their brains are prime,
When danger strikes, they know it's time to climb.

But hey, their round shape steals the show,
Escaping is a breeze, on the go!
Rolling down roads and hills, what a thrill,
Their agility gives them a joyous thrill.

JubJubs are social, their friends are many,
Play dates mustn't end, it's a penny!
So let's adopt these Jubby creatures today,
Happy JubJub Day, let's all hooray!

Happy JubJub Day!
by jairinhos

Hey, what's the commotion all about?
Everyone's out here, with a joyful shout!
It's JubJub Day, let's celebrate in style,
The atmosphere's electric, it'll make you smile.

Now, a JubJub is a Neopet of a timid kind,
Small and fluffy, you won't find one behind.
No threat to anyone, they're just too cute,
When scared, they curl up, like a ball of fruit.

Independent and sweet, they keep to their space,
But hey, they've only got two feet to embrace.
Don't ask them to reach a bookshelf high,
They'll need some assistance, oh my, oh my!

Their favourite gig? Rolling all day long,
Down hills, mountains, or a water slide so strong.
And if there's a growling beast on the prowl,
In a hiding spot, they'll quickly disembowel.

JubJubs are known to bring some good luck,
Join the Food Club, and you won't be stuck.
Your finances might flourish, take a chance,
But hey, no guarantees, it's just circumstance.

So, why wait? Get a JubJub right away,
Zap 'em with garlic or make 'em coconuts, hey!
Hurry up, time's ticking, JubJub Day's almost through,
Don't miss out on creating one, it's your cue!

A JubJub Lesson
by bittersweet52

Fluffballs with feet, we're crafty and sly
It takes real fortitude if you want to get by
In this Neopian world made for those with more limbs
Without strong self-confidence it looks pretty grim

But species like us (I see you, Kiko-friends)
We can do anything if and when we are bent
Don't underestimate us, lest you be surprised
And your position turn out to be jeopardized

You think you're a shoe-in for the win this round?
Well you better keep your feet on the ground
It won't be easy to score against Yoris
If you go head to head, I bet you'll be sorest

This JubJub once won Rookie of the Year
All of the Meridell fans hold him quite dear
He's got energy, stamina, toughness, and more
So go ahead and shoot that Yooyu, just TRY to score

JubJubs around the world, no matter their team
Root for Obbles with their fanatical screams
Not since the days of ol' Selwick Phoss
Have we seen this type of pan-loyalty-cross

Let this be a lesson to everyone out there
Seize life by the reins, no need to be scared
Pay others the respect they deserve and in turn
You'll receive the respect that you too have earned

The Cranky JubJub
by safkef

In the land of pixels and virtual plight,
Resides a creature, a JubJub, of stubborn might.
Its feathers dark, its eyes aglow,
A cranky soul, full of disdain to show.

Amidst the Neopian world, it takes its place,
This disgruntled JubJub, a frown on its face.
No sunshine can pierce through its sullen haze,
With grumbles and complaints, it spends its days.

Its feathers ruffled, it scowls in dismay,
Ignoring the others, pushing them away.
In a realm of joy and playfulness bright,
This JubJub rebels, embracing the night.

Its claws dig deep into a web of gloom,
Refusing to surrender, to shake off the doom.
In every corner, a mumble it utters,
An eternal pessimist, the king of mutters.

Through vibrant meadows, it trudges with ire,
Amidst laughter and cheer, it can't help but tire.
A sour disposition, its only attire,
A solitary dance, in melancholy attire.

But deep within those eyes so cold,
Lies a story untold, secrets yet to unfold.
Perhaps it yearns for affection, a tender touch,
But its cranky demeanour serves as a crutch.

For every tale, there's more than meets the eye,
Beneath the grumbles, a silent cry.
In Neopia's realm, where happiness thrives,
The cranky JubJub, a misunderstood life.

So, let us not dismiss its weary sigh,
Nor judge its discontent with a simple why.
For deep inside that feathery heart,
Aching wounds and longing tear it apart.

In a world of pixels, where magic blooms,
The cranky JubJub, in shadows it looms.
But if we pause, take a moment to see,
Beneath the grumpiness, a soul yearning to be free.

The Great Yoris Oddles: A JubJub Celebration
by sk8zac

In the realm of Neopia, where dreams come alive,
Where heroes and legends strive to survive,
There's a jubilant day, a cause for cheer,
A celebration of JubJubs, is finally here.

Let me tell you a tale of a JubJub named Yoris,
A goalie for Meridell, with skills so glorious,
With boundless energy, he leaps and he dives,
Guarding the goalpost, where victory thrives.

On the Altador Cup's field, where warriors clash,
Yoris stands tall, with determination unabashed,
His fur, a vibrant hue, like they sky's embrace,
His spirit unyielding, his passion ablaze.

With nimble feet and reflexes keen,
He foils opponents' strikes, a sight to be seen,
Through every volley, he springs with grace,
Defying the odds, in every chase.

His teammates inspired, by his fervent might,
They rally together, shining in his light,
For Yoris, the JubJub, ignites the flame,
Of unity and courage, they all proclaim.

On this glorious JubJub Day, we raise a cheer,
For Yoris, the guardian, loyal and dear,
His heart beats true, in every noble quest,
A symbol of hope, amidst the game's zest.

So let's dance and rejoice, with JubJubs in glee,
Their jubilant spirits, a sight to foresee,
On this festive day, we honor their way,
In Neopia's tapestry, where dreams forever sway.

JubJub's Luck
by santluisao

In the month of Relaxing, on this fine day,
How about a game to make boredom sway?
Head to Tyrannia, where the fun's a brew,
Jarbjarb the JubJub calls, Tyranu Evavu!

If you've got counting skills, let's not delay,
Take a shot, see if luck's on your tray.
Just 30 NP, a tiny price to pay,
For a game that'll make your spirits sway.

Jarbjarb deals cards, one up, one down,
Higher or lower, it's your luck to crown.
When a two or Ace appears, confidence is felt,
But then, a seven emerges, oh how fate is dealt!

Eventually, this luck-filled game must conclude,
Uhhg Uuuuuuhhhhgggg! Yes, that's a mood!
Guess over 15 right, without getting screwed,
And flaunt your new avatar with Jarbjarb, dude!

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