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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Random Poetry Gallery

Visiting Neopia
by _pinkcupcake

As I sit here with my screen aglow,
My fingers dance and my mind doth flow
Into a world both strange and new,
Where bright-eyed pets await my cue.

Neopia calls, a land of dreams,
Where Kacheeks and Shoyrus reign supreme,
And all the Neopets great and small
Are eager to heed my beck and call.

With every game and quest I play,
My Neopoints in number sway,
And each new item I acquire
Sets my heart and soul on fire.

From Faerieland to Tyrannia's plains,
I wander, seeking endless gains,
And though the journey may be long,
The thrill of discovery keeps me strong.

So let us play, dear friends of old,
In this magic realm that we uphold,
And may our Neopets thrive and grow
As we explore, learn, and behold.

A New Pet
by fourin

So you would like a new pet today?
I'll show you around, come right this way!
There are many choices, but don't fret!
You'll soon have a new friend yet!

Will your pet walk on two legs or four?
Will they have fins or wings to soar?
There are flying pets like Korbat and Eyrie,
And some love to swim such as Flotsam and Koi!

The Vandagyre is modern and new,
Before them, the humble Ogrin was too.
And Gnorbu with his mane well kempt,
Also the speedy Xweetok, don't forget!

You might need some education,
If you want a Limited Edition,
Jetsam, Hissi, Lutari, Cybunny,
You can create on their pet days only!

Some are found in a different location,
Adopt a Grundo at the Space Station,
Feed your Krawk Petpet in Fungus Cave,
Hatch a Draik Nest egg for a Draik.

Now all species have unique shades,
Some that are bright and some that fade,
Have you decided on their colour to be?
Will they be spotty, stripey or swirly?

There's Disco, Desert, Darigan, Zombie,
Speckled, Rainbow, Pastel, and Stealthy,
Or how about that lovely Valentine,
A trendy new colour that looks divine!

And the Chia vegetables and fruit,
Are absolutely adorable and cute,
Coconut Jubjub is a great choice too,
If you're keen, a Garlic Kiko will do!

But beware the Secret Laboratory,
It has a colour and species changing ray,
Unless you'd love a strange hue like, say,
Custard, Robot, Snot, or Clay?

Yes, every pet is unique and neat,
And getting that dream pet is really sweet,
So good luck on your quest for that dreamie,
Whether Burlap Quiggle or Green Uni!

Snot Appreciation Station
by decapitations

Pets of a vibrant, sticky-green sort
Whose imagery evokes a sneeze or a snort
To many they're worthless, a wasted pet slot
We all know which colour I mean, do we not?

Adoration abound for Maraquan and Faerie
Pastel *is* quite pleasant, but Snot is *not* scary!
The disdain expressed for these pets is absurd,
Such ire reserved for them, none well-deserved.

Maybe it could help if you just started... small
I know of the perfect Petpet, after all
Just look at the Bogie, that cute ball of goo
You could name them Bless You, Gesundheit or Ah'choo!

Please take my suggestion, you may find them grimy
They look like congestion, their hugs may be slimy
But if towards your heart a Snot pet starts to shove,
You'll find these lil' boogers are *oozing* with love!

So next time your pet is zapped Snot by the ray
If you head to the Pound Chat, to trade them away
Who cares if they're made of or covered in snot?
Say "No lowball offers, I know what I've got!"

Appreciate Every Day
by ennyra

Some days I wake up,
And want to write.
About what? I ask,
To nobody in sight.

There are days that come,
That have no big event.
No party, no cake,
No big circus tent.

That doesn't make them any less,
Important of a day,
So I write to those days,
That have nothing better to say.

Happy Thursday I say!
Why not celebrate that?
We could catch a movie,
Or grab a coffee and chat.

These days are not a waste,
We need to appreciate them all.
Every random day of the year,
Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.

Edna's Tower
by kellyclark1115

Hello, welcome to my tower,
did you come here by mistake?
Oh you're here to help me
with the spells that I make.

Well what are you standing around for?
Go fetch the things I need.
One, two, or three items,
bring them back with great speed.

Okay, you've completed your ten quests!
You still want to do more?
No no, I'm tired now,
go see yourself out the door.

You can come back tomorrow
and help me out then.
Maybe I'll reward you with an avatar,
or just Neopoints and items again.

Run along now, this Zafara is tired.
Go pester Esophagor or Brain Tree,
if you do their quests 
I'm sure they'll be filled with glee.

Ode to the almighty Terask
by anivatta

A crimson flare cuts the skies
Ruby red, bloody red
The claws are sharp, and thick like daggers
The eyes are hollow and full of hatred.

When he flies over cities
Everything is covered by his shadow
The sun hides defeated behind his figure
And his breath of fire sings a farewell song
To all the poor souls who dare wish him wrong.

Beware, unknowing beings, for when the skies turn grey
And you hear a shrieking whistle
That breaks mountains
And shuttles the bottom of the sea
No running will help you – the end is near!

Many have tried defeating his majesty
He has seen centuries filled with swords, knights and wizards.

But his greatness remains undefeated
His head crowned by the stars
He is king of heavens, all lands and the seas.

So spread the Word, where it has yet not been heard
About Terask, the mighty beast
And warn others to never cross his path
For they would never escape his wrath.

The Legend of Balthazar the Bounty Hunter
by xxicy_

Abandoned by his family
With no hope and only dispair,
Young Balthazar travelled through the Haunted Woods,
In search for someone who cares.

Lost and lonely with no end in sight,
He suddenly spotted some purple bright lights.
In the distance he heard voices,
Wondering who was there.
Would they be willing to help?
Would they be willing to care?

But all hoped had died for this young Lupe pup,
These mischievous creatures weren't kind enough.
They bullied young Balthazar until he ran,
When he reached safety he came up with a plan.
"One day I'll be strong enough and get my revenge,
Then I'll never be bullied by faeries again".
With darkness in his heart and a soul full of scorn,
The Legend of Balthazar the Bounty Hunter was born.

The Uni Shopkeeper
by therainbowsheep

Shop until you drop,
At the Unis Clothing Shop!
All of Neopia knows,
It sells the finest clothes.

Stay a while,
Peruse the aisles.
Spend the day,
And browse away!

If you experience frustration,
And need inspiration,
No need to frown,
For help can be found!

The Uni Shopkeeper is renowned -
She wears the fashion crown.
Fine fabric and bright colour,
Of style, she is a scholar.

Like all Unis, she loves grooming -
So naturally, business is booming!
In her appearance, she takes great pride
And for others, she loves to guide.

So let your worries cease,
You can shop in peace!
Even if you have no clue,
This fine Uni will guide you!

Meandering - A Random Poem
by i_lovee_icecream

Meaninglessly wandering;
	Where do I go?
 Every shop in Neopia to restock,
		But no luck.
  And here I am at Coltzan’s Shrine,
	   Where’s my million?
   Never lucky these days,
 		I heard you have to find it elsewhere…
    Don’t know where to find it on,
				But maybe I will soon.
     Every day, I’m worried of forgetting a daily,
		Did I see Tombola today?
      Ready to spin the Wheel of Excitement?
	    My pets are completely healed!
       I didn’t really need that,
	 		But oh well.
        Now I pass by the Game Graveyard,
		   A chill runs down my spine.
         Gone too soon, 
		But now what do I do?… Meander.

Neopia's Finest Neopet
by cpssgh1004

The most loyal Neopet you’ll find,
Without a doubt in anyone’s mind
The Gelert deserves applause,
For their bendy ears and soft paws.

They’ll snuggle when you’re sad
And calm you when you’re mad.
Together you’ll form an unbreakable pair,
To travel Neopia together without a care

The original Gelert was known as Polypup,
And they were notoriously quite plump.
After many sessions at Grundo’s Gym,
The Gelert was redrawn and now is rather slim.

There are many Gelerts that you may know,
Including Bruno from the Tale of Woe.
Or this Gelert who lives amongst the bamboo,
I’m talking about the royal Emperor of Shenkuu

Go visit Gilbert the Gelert at the berry-picking patch,
Maybe you’ll find the elusive Aquaberry to snatch.
Or visit the Spellseeker who has the intel,
To play a game and create an enchanting spell.

Today I Shine
by mooiefanz

Today I shine

It was today that I shine
In ways best of nine
I look into the heart
We set apart
Soulful journey
Echoes in vain
To be seen and heard 
All over again

One day its sunny the next day it rains
The Gelerts are bright and happy have a chain
The light of disco galaore its in tune on the more
Gelerts and Lupes running about making a muck
And playing it out

Dancing and weaving into the tune of the beat
Feel their love and feel their heat
It will be alright in the end
Its not the pain but pleasure can mend

Ode to the NC Mall
by slipperoux

Every month new and old treasures await,
One things for sure: it’s going to be great!
Seasonal shops and new dyeworks a plenty, 
New grams in the mall? I think I’ll buy twenty!

Fortune Cookies and Retired Mystery Capsules galore,
I hope they bring back Closed Eye Contacts- they’re just to die for!
Almost every day, I take a little peak
Hoping for something new, to make me look chic

Giving us a chance at all the things we missed, 
I better hurry up and update my wish list!
New backgrounds and filters are my favourite, 
But next time I buy NC, I better savour it!

After a long day on the boards, I’m all out of gift boxes.
It’s finally time to sleep, and dream of Doglefoxes!
Tomorrow I’ll wake up and check the new features page, 
To see what new item releases will be all the rage.

Something is happening...
by whitefriar

Clicking pages ‘round the site,
Exploring far and wide,
Doing dailies, feeding pets,
Wondering what we’ll find,

Hoping for a sudden rush,
That feeling that we get,
Then suddenly, atop the page,
Yes, a random event!

Is it Jacko? Could it be?
A paintbrush in his hands?
Or Doc. Sloth with his ray gun,
Turning items into sand?

Perhaps it’s Boochi come to make,
A baby pet for me,
Hopefully not that mewing sound,
Of Greedy Kadoatie,

We turn our eyes upon the words,
Something is happening…
To find that our random event,
Is just taxes from the king,

Sadly, we now slink away,
Back to Forgotten Shore
Our only piece of solace is,
A trophy for our wall.

Tonu Appreciation
by gumgum101230

I could not believe what I’d heard,
Just this last Tonu Day,
Many around here don’t like Tonus,
Leaving me in disarray!

“They don’t make sense,” I hear you say
Noting their stumpy legs--
“What kind of dinosaur has fur,
Despite hatching from eggs?”

“Control yourself!” I cry aloud,
 Closing my Tonu’s ears--
“How do you not see their beauty
Even after all these years?

“Consider the Woodland Tonu
And its sturdy outlines--
Which other ‘pet can you detect
Who has such rustic vines?

“Another fine choice is Pirate,
With its wooden peg horn--
Who else can muster up a sneer
Filled with that much scorn?

“And, third, please take a little pity
On those painted Custard--
For their specie’s Negg allergy
Makes these pets feel flustered!”

Last, you should not anger this ‘pet
For Tonus are quite large,
We defeat all our enemies
As I shout “Tonu -- Charge!”

The Ways of Moltara
by catchinglights

A pool of magma does lie deep within Moltara's caves,
Bubbling, broiling, and angry red, glowing hot and bright.
These caves pose many dangers but for those who've braved,
Twin Hissi statues made of stone are a familiar sight.
Flanked between them is a guard, so very stern and keen,
With a spear in hands he greets those wishing to submerse,
The pool is closed, he says, to only those well-versed,
But whatever could that mean?

The first thought of many is wise Igneot holds the clue,
So there is no need to trek too far away from your goal.
Many are put off, however, by this mysterious Gnorbu,
The answer may - or may not - lie in the wisdom he doles.
The next stop on our journey is Moltara's Town Hall,
Who could know more about Moltara than the city's mayor,
But of this secret he is also not a conveyor,
This quest for knowledge has hit another wall.

Not to be deterred, the Arcanium seems quite likely,
All the books about Moltara can be found within its shelves.
That it's a shop and not a library the keeper reminds politely,
And there's not enough time to read all the books ourselves.
Of the secrets of Moltara there has been nary a peep,
Perhaps it's time to give up the chase,
To try our luck in another place,
Or perhaps the secret is to just return when he's asleep!

The Nightsteed
by coconut_rat

Nightsteed, the beast with a curse
If you meet him prepare for the worst!
From his hooves come fire
That make the situation quite dire
If you ever come face to face

If you meet him in Qasala
Staring at you with eyes like molten lava
Don't forget how he helped Jazan
Come up with a diabolical plan
To take Princess Amira's place

He is a monster of the Lost Desert
The form will never revert 
But he will sometimes surprise
As a blue Uni in disguise
And then disappear without a trace

The Nightsteed has an avatar
That you can display on the sidebar
All you need is a Uni painted Halloween
And if during the night you convene
You will be rewarded with a symbol of the Nightsteed you can never misplace

Whats More Random Than Random Events?
by flaiyper

In Neopia, a world of magic and wonder,
Where random events can make us ponder,
There's a chance to receive a rare item so grand,
That we'll hold it close, with our heart in our hand.

It may start with a notification that pops,
"Something Has Happened!" message drops,
And then, a reward so rare and so true,
That we'll jump with joy, and let out a woo-hoo!

It may be a paint brush, so rare and so fine,
That we'll use it on our pet, and watch it shine,
Or a book that'll expand our knowledge,
And make us wiser, with every page we pledge.

In Neopia, anything can happen, with a blink of an eye,
From random events that can make us sigh,
But when we receive a rare item so fine,
We'll feel lucky and blessed, like on cloud nine.

Jhudoras Quest
by theguy2020

Are you up for a fun quest,
To find her bluff just keep heading west,
Don’t be afraid they start quite simple,
However be quick or she may cast a spell and remove your dimple!

There are fifty quests to complete in total, 
When you finally win I’m sure you’ll have a nice anecdotal,
Among her prizes is a powerful wand,
Equip it to your pet and against any foe they’ll able to respond!

The final prize has a lot of attack power,
But that isn’t the only thing your enemies will see and cower,
It also comes with some defense and a sizable heal,
As soon as they see you they will kneel!

Her quests can ask for items up to rarity ninety nine,
So if you have a few it may be your time to shine,
Her prizes can be considered a cash cow,
Why don’t you try a quest now?

The Diary of a Service Petpet Doglefox
by _brainchild_

I help a Draik who cannot see.
I take this role with certain glee!
I can't imagine how it is
To have no sight. I wonder this.

I close my eyes---where do I go?
I trip and fall---nobody knows.
That's why I help my Draik around
So that her travel is quite sound.

Moltaran flames are not a threat
Thanks to my Draik's service Petpet!
No walking into obstacles---
We dodge them by the bucketful.

My Draik is such a lovely creature
With kind soul and awesome features.
She rewards me with a treat
For work well done---I love to eat.

Don't pet me while I'm working, but
Past hours, I'd love a healthy strut
Through park so grassy. I'm a pup
Like any other canine, yup!

Lord Kass’ Last Moment
by ilovepoogles2

When I was younger
I read a story
Of a girl who lost everything she had ever been. 
And when it was all over
She evaporated into thin air
And no one saw her ever again. 

But she remained.
Invisible to the world with eyes wide open
While the fae wind whispered.
“O daughter of drafts;
Sister of storm.
Though you have failed to
Become more than what you were. 
You have finally joined us
In the place you were always meant to be.” 

When I was younger
I read a story
Where weakness was forgiven. 
And how I wish I could live
In the stories they’d written. 

Give me a breeze
I’ve run out of time.
Through the green fog,
Please send me a sign.

Call me a zealot of Zephyr;
A leader as foolish as me. 
To sink so low
And come so far. 
There’s no other place I should be. 

A veil of avarice 
Evaporates to air.
O; Daughter of Drafts.
I’ll soon see you there.

by kio______lake

I need bread,
Kau Milk for cereal
Deep-Fried Galactic... Food Mass for those spacey kads.
LAWYERBOT REDACTED, because we ran out.
Withdraw out more NP from the bank,
I really hate when they want unbuyables.
The way my NP goes down, quick
Kadoaties taunting me,
Reminding me i feed them
 More refreshing. 
I can’t stop myself from refreshing
Waiting. Refreshing.
Or feeding. 
Oh Fyora, I feed too much.
I’m up all night.
Leaving the grocery store.
I am always anxious I’ll overfill my usuki dream car
I’m thinking they know I’m thinking
Who? The newbie chat.
And now I forgot the Kau milk.

The Maraquan Travel Guide
by smellyfisheyes

Maraqua, the land of King Kelpbeard,
Our magnificent leader is not to be feared
He rules Maraqua with love and with grace
And we all take pride in this beautiful place
For us Maraquans, quisine is no small matter 
Swing by Kelp and try the Ocean Platter
You may feel full, but stay for one last treat
I've heard the Coral Cake is quite the feat!

Ever tried fishing, with hook, line or net?
Visit our fishing vortex and see what you get
Reel in a titanic squid, and you're truly a winner  
But you may have to eat an old boot for dinner

Although you may be tempted to enjoy the view
The Whirlpool is a destination for the bravest few
Step to close, and it'll sweep you up quick
Around and around you'll go until you feel sick 

Instead, spend a day relaxing in our Bubbling Pit
You might find inspiration to don a new fit
Come here with hands, feet, a furry head
You may leave with fins, gills and scales instead

Want a souvenir before you return to land?
Collectable Sea Shells has wonders at hand 
If you're lucky, you might find a Golden Shell
Wouldn't that be quite the story to tell!

Buzzing with Celebration: A Festival of Buzz Poem
by mystiquebabe

The Festival of Buzz is finally here,
A day of celebration we hold so dear,
We honour the Buzz, creatures of flight,
Whose wings are a magnificent sight.

With their striped bodies and pointed tails,
They fly gracefully in the skies and sails,
Buzzes are known for their speed and grace,
And their keen sense of smell, a valuable trace.

On Buzz Day, we gather in jubilation,
To show our love and admiration,
For these majestic creatures of the air,
Whose beauty and power we all share.

We adorn ourselves in Buzz-themed attire,
And decorate our homes with Buzz-inspired fire,
We feast on honey and other sweet delights,
And dance the night away under the bright lights.

So come one, come all, to the Festival of Buzz,
Where we celebrate these creatures without any fuss,
Let us raise our glasses high and give a cheer,
For the Buzz, whose presence we hold so dear.

Adventures of Capky the Pirate Kyrii
by coppens

Capky is a Pirate Kyrii who loves to sail the sea
He has a loyal Pirate Gobbler who is always full of glee
They go on many quests together and find a lot of loot
But they also get in lots of trouble and always have to scoot

One day they saw a ship that looked very rich and grand
They decided to attack it fast and take everything they can
They boarded the ship with swords and guns and shouted "Arrr!" to scare
But they soon realized their mistake when they saw who were there

The ship belonged to Dr. Sloth, the evil mastermind
He had lots of evil minions who were also not very kind
He captured Capky and his Gobbler and threw them in a cell
He said he would experiment on them and make their lives unwell

Capky and his loyal Gobbler were scared and very sad
They wished they never came here leaving everything they had
But then they saw a chance to flee when Sloth was not around
They grabbed some tools and weapons and made a lot of sound

They broke the cell door open and ran towards the deck
They fought their way through guard robots and turned them to a wreck
They reached the ship's control room and hacked into the system
They set the ship to self-destruct and hoped that Sloth would miss them

They jumped into a pod and launched into space
They hoped to find their own ship soon or any other place
But as they flew away they saw something that made them chuckle
Sloth's ship exploded into pieces and now he was in a struggle

It turned out that Sloth's experiment was to create a brand new pet
A hybrid of a Grundo and whatever else he could get
But he failed miserably and now created a monster instead
And now it was free from its cage and he was feeling dread

Capky and his Gobbler were glad that they survived 
They learned their lesson well and decided to change their lives 
They gave up piracy for good and became honest traders 
And they lived happily ever after with brand new friends and neighbours

Volcano Run
by _kyndle

Something gleams and glows below
Something valuable and gold
Glubgar flaps his wings, swoops down low
To grab it, he’ll be brave and bold!

He snatches and pockets the gem with glee
But no! Incoming are some lava bombs!
He’ll have to scramble, try to flee
Hurry, wipe those sweaty palms!

The cavern walls burn, sizzling hot
He dodges them, but it’s a close shave
If he were to slip and get caught
He’d plummet to his grave!

He dives, another narrow miss
But does he feel a nice, fresh breeze?
He’s close, he can escape the abyss
There! An opening, a tight squeeze!

Out of the volcano he glides and soars
Through cool night air, such a relief
Another cavern, successfully explored
And the amazing Glubgar again flies free!

Random Dailies on Neopets
by castic

Odd and random incidental happenings,
Events and quests, and Neofriend gift wrappings.
The results of dailies making me nervous,
A poem to write, trying to be verbose!

Down a level from Deadly Dice,
A Lab Ray zap, into Ice! 
Nothing from the Forgotten Shore,
Battling for codestones, more, more, more!

A plushie from Anchor Management,
Healing Springs curing my pets' ailment.
Nothing knocked off in Coconut Shy,
Leaves me sad and wondering why!

A cloudy pink sky in Faerieland,
And time in Qasala on scorching sand!
Spinning the Wheels of Neopia,
Brings such fun, it's a utopia.

Doing my best in Fruit Machine,
Sometimes King Skarl is plain old mean.
Searching for treasure in the Deserted Tomb,
"Fiddlesticks!" I've reached the wrong room.

Sending my Petpet to explore in Grave Danger,
Winning in Food Club with a risky wager! 
The Coincidence giving me a Petpetpet,
I love spending my day on Neopets!

The Faerie's Forage
by salemophelia

A golden glow of shining sun will float
in the palm of a light faerie, burning bright.
The ball of beaming brightness is full of hope,
illuminating her cottage in the dark of night.

The fire faerie spins a flame against the air,
and auburn, crimson, and golden colours will sway.
Sugar dusts against the kitchen's floor,
As the twisting fire torches a crème brûlée.

A dark faerie's eye peers into the midnight mist,
the moon lighting the streets for mischief.
A Blechy tails behind with a heinous list
of every quest taker who never returned.

Only the gentle nurture of an earth faerie's hand
could revive a sick Petpet's stuffy nose.
Gazing out her window at the the luscious land,
A smile crept across her freckled face.

Majestic wind swirled at the air faerie's touch,
mixing the elements that make Neopia beautiful.
The dandelions floated toward the sky's blue clutch,
ready to aid the earth faerie's blooming plains.

Only the water faerie could control bubbling streams,
her fresh water hydrating every plant and Neopian.
In her slumber, she had the most vivid dreams
of her own community enjoying her passionate work.

The grey faerie frowned, staring down at the wood floor.
She felt alone, destined to live with no power of her own.
But her mood suddenly lifted when a knock hit the door,
As all of the faeries made Neopia beautiful, just for her.

From Nostalgia to Angst: The Battledome's Journey on Neopets
by _magnesium_

In the early days of Neopets,
The Battledome was all the rage,
We'd spend hours battling foes,
In pixelated combat, stage by stage.

But then came modernisation,
And the Battledome was revamped,
The old interface was gone,
Leaving us feeling quite damp.

We soldiered on, as best we could,
But the active users dwindled,
And soon the Battledome was a ghost town,
Leaving us feeling quite befuddled.

Oh, how we long for the old days,
When the Battledome was all we knew,
We cry out to the developers,
"Please fix it, make our dreams come true!"

So now we wait with bated breath,
Hoping for that nostalgic feeling,
When we can once again battle like before,
And all the Battledome's wounds start healing.

Dr. Sloth and his Minions
by hits

In the depths of space, far from sight,
Lies the lair of Dr. Sloth, the might.
With minions galore, at his command,
He plans his schemes, oh so grand.

First there's Grundos, loyal and strong,
They do his bidding, all day long.
They mine for gems, they build his ships,
They never complain, they never quip.

Then there's the Mutants, fierce and bold,
They'll do anything, for the gold.
With razor-sharp claws, and jaws so strong,
They'll fight to the death, all day long.

So beware of Dr. Sloth and his minions,
For they'll stop at nothing, to achieve their missions.
They may be silly, they may be strange,
But they'll do anything, to bring about change.

Bane of the Lab Ray
by actiontal

Once a Kacheek, always a Kacheek
Of the lab ray we do not speak 
Jelly, Burlap and Chocolate I see
But those zapped colours aren’t for me 

Ears down, tails up and smiling wide 
An arsenal of colourful Kacheeks at my side 
Painted by brush, no zapped colours here
Because losing a Kacheek is my biggest fear 

That Scorchio is crazy, or so they say
And I couldn’t put a Kacheek in harm’s way
Not a precious Kacheek, pet that I created
Then again, morphing potions aren’t that inflated

And sometimes I do wonder out loud
About adding a zapped colour to my crowd
Like a Robot Kacheek with a whirring chorus
Or Spongey Kacheek all yellow and porous

Ahhh absolutely not, do I dare?
But then again, I have a Kacheek to spare
I visit that Scorchio and his madcap ploy
I hit zap- yes, I’m sure… aaaand now she’s a Koi

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