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- Today's Gallery Spotlight -

Gallery Name: Gadgadsbogen Paradise
Owner: stealth_commander
Description: Gagadsbogen the Festival of Fruits is my favorite event of the year. My collection of showcases the many fruits both mystery island natives and non natives and certain neggs I started this fruity collection because I fell in love with the many colourful fruits in Neopia. Happy Gadgadsbogen Day !

The Gallery:

Island Defender says 'Happy Gadgadsbogen !'

Gadgadsbogen Paradise

The Collection Of Neopia's Unique Fruits
Certain Neggs Are Also Considered Fruits

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Waiting List - Carburnup Pepper, Skarl Fruit & Frozen Negg
Total Species Collected
174 Out Of 188 Known Species
Quantity Of Neofruits Collected
477 Out Of 500 Max Storage

A Negg is a Neopian delicacy.  *** WORTH 1 NEGG POINT AT THE NEGGERY
7 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A delicious purple negg, an unusual fruit
with special powers. *** WORTH 2 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Purple Negg
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A very rare Green Negg. *** WORTH 3 NEGG
Green Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The Orange Negg is full of vitamin C and is
a great part of a healthy pets diet. *** WORTH 4 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Orange Negg
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A Rainbow Negg is a very special fruit
full of all the vitamins and minerals a growing pet needs *** WORTH 6 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY
Rainbow Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This pink negg is rather tasty - just like candyfloss! *** WORTH 5 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY
Pink Negg
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A very rare blue Negg. *** WORTH 5 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Blue Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A bizarre yellow Negg - this one is
supposed to taste like your favourite food no matter what that is.  *** WORTH 6 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY
Yellow Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A tasty plum just for you.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

These delicious treats are from
the Kraku bushes that line the beaches of the Mysterious Island.
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

These fruits are good when chopped up
and tossed into cereal at breakfast time.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This tasty veggie mixed with
chocolate and tomato is great for a snack.
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This sweet fruit looks and tastes
like doughnuts.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This fruit is usually eaten for
breakfast. Most of Neopia loves them.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The purplum is filled with a liquid
sugar and will make anyone who eats it jump for joy.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This fruit is cold no matter what
the surrounding climate is. They are very tasty, too.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Get ready to pucker up. This sour
treat will have you begging for more.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This unusual fruit is all
backwards. The leaf is the fruit and the berry grows on the stem. It is delicious no
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Dont worry, the thorns arent sharp
on this berry. But the taste is extremely juicy and sweet.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Legend says that this weird looking
nut has mystical qualities.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Tigersquash is the only fruit in
all of Neopia that give you the ability to roar as loud as a Tiger. GRRRRRROOOOOWL!
Tigersquash Mega
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Tigersquash is the only fruit in
all of Neopia that give you the ability to roar as loud as a Tiger. GRRRRRROOOOOWL!
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A sweet natural treat found in
the mallow jungles.
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Weird fruits found in the outer
reaches of the rain forests.
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A succulent fruit. The tastiness is
quite addictive.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This fruit grows under water and
is filled with a jelly like substance that makes hair shiny and beautiful.
Fungi Fruit
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This delicious juppie can be fried
and make into crispy juppie chips.
Red Juppie
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This golden snack makes anyone
who eats it refreshed and happy.
Golden Juppie
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Juppies are usually sweet but
this purple treat is very very sour but delicious nevertheless.
Purple Juppie
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Mmmm, how tasty. A chocolate
fruit like no other. You will love to eat one after another after another after another after
Cocoa Juppie
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Although the teal juppie is good
for you, its not all that tasty. Some love it but most hate the flavour.
Teal Juppie
5 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

How juicy can a melon get? Well,
with one bite of this you can find out.
Juicy Melon
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

You will be one of the strongest
beings in Neopia for about 30 minutes once you bite into this delicious fruit.
Strong Berry
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This unusual fruit is only found in the
highest mountains of Neopia.  It is very rare and is highly prized on Mystery Island.
Muntando Fruit
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A rare cross breed of rare plants,
this Fundus Fruit is eaten by small Kougras to make them big and strong
Fundus Fruit
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Neopias answer to kiwi
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

You can move around the parts of the
Combomelon to make funny shapes!
Combomelon Plant
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Phears are pears that are grown mixed
with seeds from snowberry plants.  The resulting combination is a pear that stays icy cold
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Usually found growing in burnt patches
of grass, the bomberry is best eaten ripe.
Unripe Bomberry
8 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Mmmm, a ripe bomberry.  The bomberry
only grows where there has been a fire and the grass has burned.
Ripe Bomberry
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

One in every 100 Bomberries catches
fire due to the heat while growing, giving it this unique colouration.  They taste out of this
Flaming Bomberry
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A sard plant has a boring, salty taste,
and is usually given to young Neopets to teach them a lesson for doing something
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A sard plant has a boring, salty taste,
and is usually given to young Neopets to teach them a lesson for doing something wrong.
Purple Sardplant
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A sard plant has a boring, salty taste,
and is usually given to young Neopets to teach them a lesson for doing something wrong.
Red Sardplant
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Eww, you arent going to really eat this
are you?  Inside is a thick bitter-tasting lumpy custard.
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Peachpa grow on the side of mountains
in Mystery Island, creating vast expanses of pink on the landscape.
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Lavaberries grow inside Mystery Island
volcano, and can only be harvested by Neopets who can stand the heat, such as
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Ouch!  This cornupepper is
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A Gelupper is like a cornupepper, but
after eating it your mouth will be terribly cold!
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Super Gelupeppers contain concentrated
gelupepper seeds.  Your mouth will be freezing cold for weeks after eating one of these.
Super Gelupepper
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Nobody knows much about the
Banan.  The main explanation is that Bananas grew so close together they merged to become one big
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Tasty tigermelons are prized due to
their tiger stripes.  One in a large range of tiger fruits.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Tigerbuggles grow on the top of the
tallest trees and are usually eaten by young Buzz.  If you can find some of these then you ARE
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

One in every 10 tigerbuggles grows
into a full Tigerfruit.  When you split it open you can eat the swollen, tasty purple
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Stone Veggie is only for those pets with strong sharp teeth.
Stone Veggie
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This Hot Tyrannian Pepper was not meant to be eaten on its own. You must mix it with other food
or you mouth will catch fire.
Hot Tyrannian Pepper
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Juicy and sweet the Terry Berry is berry sweet.
Terry Berry
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This Tyrannian water negg has a way of filling the most thirsty
Tyrannian Water Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Mild Burnumup is one hot treat.
Mild Burnumup
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Flaming Burnumup is one hot treat.
Flaming Burnumup
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Hot Burnumup is one hot treat.
Hot Burnumup
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Tri-Nana is three bananas mutated into one fruit.
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Fava Beans have the strongest
flavour of any beans, and a whole lot of vitamin E to boot!
Fava Beans
6 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Heart fruits are very tasty and one of the
only chocolaty tasting fruits around.
Heart Fruit
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This extra rare fruity treat is full of
bright red juice.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A very potent, spicy treat especially nice
on top of a salad.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A relative of the Cornupepper, this
crunchy treat warms your throat, and helps if you have lost your voice.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The Cheops Plant has succulent red
berries that taste like cherries.  The leaves are poisonous however.
Cheops Plant
5 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The Ummagine is a large root vegetable
that grows far underground.  It is such a hassle to dig them up that it is very rarely
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The blue bits of the Tchea fruit taste
like banana, and the yellow bits taste like blueberry.  Very odd really.
Tchea Fruit
9 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Ptolymelons go off very quickly when cut
in half, within hours in fact.  If you want to eat it, eat it fast.
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This giant green sack of gas is very
unpleasant when ripe... it gains its familiar chocolate-like taste when degassed and left in the sun to
9 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Great on toast!
Sutek Beans
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

These very rare peppers grow on the
sides of the Lost Desert Pyramids, in the bits that get lots of sun.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Puntec Fruit that gets too ripe are
known to explode, sending messy green slime everywhere!
Puntec Fruit
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Once you get past its thick furry shell,
the foozette is filled with the most delicious nectar you have ever tasted.
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This spicy treat is grown mainly on Mystery
Island, around the edges of the Training School.
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The juiciest fruit in Neopia, if your pet
is feeling thirsty and hungry, this is just the thing!
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

An interesting mixture of blackcurrant
and lime, only shaped like a banana - how odd!
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

These bizarre looking berries grow in the
thickest jungle regions.  They are extremely tasty, but really rare!
Whomp Berries
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A handful of extremely sour fruit
that seem to be covered with tiny little hairs.
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The Greycorn may not look very
interesting but it has the most deliciously nutty flavour you will ever taste.
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Its just like an apple, except its
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

An interesting blend of lemon and mint,
just the thing for a midday snack.
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Quite possibly the most fragrant and juicy
fruit in Neopia!
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This repulsive looking fruit is extremely
sour, yet full of vitamins and minerals.
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Its the size of a melon, yet tastes
like an orange - how strange!
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The drying process reduces the Blusop to
1/10th of its size.  Good with salt!
Dried Blusops
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Very hard to open, but worth it, the
Odorra Pod is eaten boiled as a starter to Royal Family dinners.
Odorra Pod
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The Zonutuk Fruit is not actually a
fruit, but the edible chrysalis of a nasty bug-type creature.
Zonutuk Fruit
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The majority of this melon is bland
tasting, but the part near the stalk is much sweeter and tastier!
Gwontek Melon
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

If you can break through the thick hair,
the fruit inside is simply delicious.
Gruish Melon
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A squishy, sour flavoured treat that is
great with ice cream.
Tobbie Fruit
5 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The whole of the Nurako can be eaten, even
the stem which contains a very sweet nectar.
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This strange purple fruit actually grows
hovering one inch above the surface of the soil
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Hot Skrazzles have a particularly strange
taste rather like a super spicy carrot.
Hot Skrazzle
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

What an ugly looking
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Every Mano Root has five spindly roots,
isnt that rather strange?
Mano Root
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A spectacular looking fruit that tastes
great too!
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Crack open this leathery looking
fruit to reveal the creamiest chocolate filling - mmmm!
Cocolatte Fruit
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A tangy, super sour juicy fruit that is
packed full of vitamins and goodness.
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A sweet succulent fruit that will quench
even the most thirsty Neopet.
Funnydew Melon
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This bizarre fruit seems to be made
entirely from water.
Eitchtwoo Melon
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Eurgh, if you can bear to eat this
thing, you may be pleasantly surprised by its taste.
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Considered to be related to the elusive
Thornberry, Lemaniac make a great afternoon treat.
5 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Bite through the lemon and lime shell
to drink the delicious sugary nectar inside!
5 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Hard to get hold of, but most definitely
worth it.
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This rather ugly fruit actually tastes very sweet inside (providing you can crack open the hard
leathery shell).
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A rather tangy treat that is super
sour once you break through the hard spiky casing.
6 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This berry is best served raw, as when
they are heated they can have a rather explosive reaction.
Blue Bomberry
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Ever get that feeling something is
watching you as you walk through the berry bushes? This interestingly coloured berry is often the
6 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Growing on the higher parts of bushes,
this heavy berry got its name from its tendency to land on unsuspecting Neopets down
6 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A berry of blackest
8 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Why, yes, if you tilt it into the sunlight
and squint... it DOES look like a Chia!
Red Chiaberry
8 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

There is just so much juice in one of
these berries, its liable to burst at any time!
Super Juicy Berry
8 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Now with twice the
8 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

100% real
8 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The Loveberry pulsates and twitches just
like a real heart
9 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Half sugary sweetnesss, half sour citrus flavours.
Sweet and Sour Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This negg naturally grows with a pattern of black and white swirls on its
Decorative Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Not to be mistaken for it?s sweet-tasting
cousin, this berry is quite sour.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Growing a little to close to the ground,
the name of this berry comes from the unique (and quite common) noise it makes when stepped on. *spoogent*
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This beautiful berry is actually
considered a parasite to many farmers because of its tendency to steal water from other
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Easy to cook over a fire, this little
delight is a favourite of campers everywhere.
Brown Broadberry
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This soft and squishy berry is a delight
to hold... or throw at your friends :)
Orange Graspberry
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A bizarre hybrid, half squash, half
lemon but all flavour!
Lemon Squash
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

These beans look just
like.. ewww... tongues!
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Freshly squeezed Pixxi Squash is
quite possibly the most versatile fruit juice ever.  Great on salads, sandwiches, or as a cold
Pixxi Squash
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A slightly stronger flavoured version
of the Orange Rambus.
Blue Rambus
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Very little is known about this
fruit, although it does taste quite delicious.
Orange Rambus
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A freezing cold treat that is great
when its baking outside.
Blue Ice Apple
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Be very careful when eating this
rather dry fruit, as you may lose a tooth or two.
Rock Fruit
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Providing you can crack them
open these berries have a succulent juicy centre.
Tyrannian Rockberries
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Eewww this berry tastes like
Bogie Berry
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Ouch... this Negg is super hard to bite into. *** WORTH 7 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY
Rock Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A fragile fruit that is more for decoration
than anything else.  *** WORTH 5 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Glass Negg
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Amazingly freshing, this fruit is
made mostly of water.
5 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

More for decoration that for eating
this plant tastes amazingly sour!
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Bite off the end and squeeze the
twirly bit to get a big squirt of yummy twirly fruit juice.
Twirly Fruit
8 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A bizarre hybrid that is almost
like a citrus apple.
6 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Once you get past the tough skin
and layers of fur this fruit tastes surprisingly like a pineapple.
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A spicy, yet succulent fleshy fruit
that is great on its own or in a salad.
7 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This bizarre fruit only grows one
half at a time.
Harffel Fruit
8 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This bizarre fruit floats if you
put it in a bowl of water.
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A spicy juppie like fruit with a
chewy spongy skin around the middle.
Jummie Roll
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Peel open the soft skin to reveal
a super spicy corn flavoured treat.
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Yes, it leaves a slimy
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Each puchini stalk is boiled and eaten
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Take the stopper off and you find out
this carrot is full of tasty, but sour, liquid.
4 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A spicy treat that is will
help liven up any meal.
Red Scorchipepper
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Although slithery, the tentacles are
extremely good when eaten raw.
Green Octopepper
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Although slithery, the tentacles are
extremely good when eaten raw.
Red Octopepper
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Far hotter than the normal
Red Scorchipepper, this treat will blow your socks off.
Green Scorchipepper
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

It may not as spicy as the
green one, but its much prettier.
Starry Scorchipepper
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Delicious when mixed into omelette, this
fruit is becoming very popular in Tyrannia.
Fuzzly Pear
6 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This strange fruit tastes just like an
apple once you get past all the fur.
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

So named for the noise you make when
you first bite into this super sour melon.
Ugga Melon
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

These strange grapes are about the
only thing that will grow in the Ice Caves.
Snow Grapes
5 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The delicious taste of asparagus with
the crunchy texture of a fir cone.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

One of the few things to actually grow
in the gardens of Darigan, these berries have a tangy bitter taste.
Spiked Dariberry
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This fruit is super squishy and it is
very hard to eat one without the juice getting all over yourself.
Brogle Berry
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Absolutely everything on this flower
is edible, which is probably why you dont see many of them around.
Sloople Flower
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

These hard to find berries are often
growing inside hedges around farmland.
Braku Berries
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

From above the ground these look like
weeds, but pull hard enough and a delicious sweet root will be revealed.
Grondik Root
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Curiously the cramjar is actually a
nut. Prise it open and you will find a soft, squishy centre.
1 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Mystery Islanders love to see how far
the seeds fly if you squeeze one end really hard!
Ombus Fruit
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Gurney fruits have an incredibly hard
shell so nothing can come along and take a big bite out of them.
Gurney Fruit
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

It almost tastes like bananas and pears,
only far more chewy.
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

A rather ugly fruit that is
actually quite delicious.
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

These berries actually grow on
vines that tangle around the undergrowth, hence the name.
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

The trick with these berries is to
squeeze all the yummy juice out and leave the bitter tasting flesh inside.
2 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

This refreshing new berry will
having you feel hot, cold and hot again.
Icy Hot Berry
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Used for shrinking people.  Tastes
Botago Plant
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

Used to reverse the effects of Botago
Tagobo Plant
3 in stock
Cost : 200,000 NP

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