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Gallery Spotlight

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- Today's Gallery Spotlight -

Gallery Name: Geology rocks!
Owner: Bubblecat20
Description: I was thinking ( I know, steady on there!!), with my love of all things rock related, why not create a gallery in there honour, so other people can appreciate the amazingness and rockyness (are they words?) of.. well.. rocks.. hey they can be pretty cool.. sometimes.. So please sit back and enjoy the gallery, please, it is for your pleasure!? (if you happen to like rocks that is he he) I know the gallery is not complete but hey I am working on it!

The Gallery:

Dolerite says 'Welcome, feel free to browse around!'

Hello, This gallery contains everything an avid geologist would love to own! .... and then some just plain bizzare geology related.. but cool items!!!!

Feel free to browse around, i would like to thank all my neofriends who donated items and helped me with the backgrounds etc.. you know who you are! .

I am currently saving up for the bone detail funature, if anyone sees items that they think should be in this gallery which are geology related please feel free to neomail me with suggestions.

Thank you for stopping by!

This is a mystical item that comes from the deepest depths of the Neopian oceans.  It can only be
used by water based creatures, but in battle, creatures heal faster and have increased defence.
Coral Orb
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The Rock Beast smashed his way through Sakhmet destroying everything in its path.  Will it
return?  Only time will tell...
Rock Beast
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Legends of the rock world, Sticks and Stones always pack the stands at the Tyrannian Concert
Sticks and Stones
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Not your ordinary rock. These volcanic rocks come from the sacred volcano. The natives believe
that the volcano is the source of all life on the island.
Volcanic Rock
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

From the shores of the south beaches, this fine grained sand is said to relieve the pain of
sunburns and indigestion (according to island folklore).
Bottle of Red Sand
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

From the lush western shores of the island, this sand is reputed to make anything planted in it
grow twice as big. It is just a rumour though.
Bottle of Green Sand
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This azure coloured sand comes from the cool northern shores of the island. It is used by natives
to dye their clothes.
Bottle of Blue Sand
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This special black sand is found in very limited quantity around the base of the volcano on the
Bottle of Black Sand
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This mystical codestone is used for training pets in the Mystery Island Training School - it is
very valuable!
Mau Codestone
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This mystical codestone is used for training pets in the Mystery Island Training School - it is
very valuable!
Tai-Kai Codestone
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This mystical codestone is used for training pets in the Mystery Island Training School - it is
very valuable!
Lu Codestone
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This mystical codestone is used for training pets in the Mystery Island Training School - its very
Vo Codestone
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This mystical codestone is used for training pets in the Mystery Island Training School - it is
very valuable!
Eo Codestone
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This mystical codestone is used for training pets in the Mystery Island Training School - it is
very valuable!
Main Codestone
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This mystical codestone is used for training pets in the Mystery Island Training School - it is
very valuable!
Zei Codestone
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This mystical codestone is used for training pets in the Mystery Island Training School - it is
very valuable!
Orn Codestone
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This mystical codestone is used for training pets in the Mystery Island Training School - it is
very valuable!
Har Codestone
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This mystical codestone is used for training pets in the Mystery Island Training School - it is
very valuable!
Bri Codestone
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

An ancient reminder of a time long gone.
Stone Paint Brush
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This magical snowball can be thrown at an opponent in the Battledome.  You can only use it once
however, so stock up! One Use.
Stone Snowball
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This tiny but razor-sharp piece of the ice cave is great for whittling away at your opponent while
you build up for the big attack!
Ice Shard
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A blade forged from purest adamantice over thousands of years.  The Ice Scimitar will fire
explosive crystals of ice at an opponent.
Ice Scimitar
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This trilo lives on the ocean floor.  When captured and boiled it can make a tasty
Trilo Bite
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A sweet tasting fishy treat, the tentacles are the best by far!
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Looks just like a slab of rock, thats because it is!  Put this in your NeoHome
Hewn Stone Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Looks just like a slab of rock, thats because it is!  Put this in your NeoHome
Hewn Stone Bed
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Looks just like a slab of rock, thats because it is!  Put this in your NeoHome
Hewn Stone Chair
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Looks just like a slab of rock, thats because it is!  Put this in your NeoHome
Stone Chair
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This little guy has wings also, he uses them to fly from tree to tree when finding his favourite
food - Blue Toobers.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Uggatrip is happiest when he is tripping Neopets over!  Watch out for this sly little
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Airaxs will perch on your Neopets arm all day.  They love to zoom up into the air and swoop
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Searex is the water going cousin of Airax.  He can breathe out of water as
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Stone Veggie is only for those pets with strong sharp teeth.
Stone Veggie
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Always remember your favourite concert when you purchase this SNS hat!
Sticks N Stones Cap
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Always remember your favourite concert when you purchase this SNS jacket!
Sticks N Stones Jacket
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Always remember your favourite concert when you purchase this SNS poster!
Sticks N Stones Poster
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Always play your favourite music from your favourite concert when you purchase this SNS Stone
Sticks N Stones CD
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A big heavy stone chair for your NeoHome.  This will last for years.
Rock Chair
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This spacious wardrobe can hold all your Neopets latest fashions.
Stone Wardrobe
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Great for any stone-age kitchen!
Stone Shelves
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This minimalist piece is striking in any room.
Hewn Stone Table
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This is possibly the most uncomfortable sofa in the world, and also the
Hewn Stone Sofa
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Gruslens may appear to be cute and harmless but if you anger them you could be in for a visit to
the Neopian Hospital.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Perfect for storing Tyrannian cookies, this stone pot is a great addition to any
Stone Pot
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Cover your floor with this thick stone carpet and you need never worry about wear and tear
Stone Carpet
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Keeping homework neat and tidy is not a problem when you lean on this solid
Stone Tablet
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Keep all your valuables safe and sound in this solid stone box.
Stone Box
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Put your rocks in this rock bin!
Rock Bin
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Scado is an underwater dweller that resembles a coconut. Some Skeith would even say that they
taste like Coconut too.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

What can we say... Its a pet rock.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This little fella is very shy and doesnt like lots of light. It needs tons of attention so make
sure your pet is ready for a pet of its own.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

If you need protection, fire rock is one of the best materials to use.  This Torso Shield not only
looks great but is very useful!
Fire Rock Torso Shield
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

If you need protection, fire rock is one of the best materials to use.  This Helmet is wonderful
in a water fight!
Fire Rock Helmet
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Attack with the strength of Rock with this Magical Rock Mote!
Rock Mote
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Not actually pizza, but a lump of mud from the garden shaped like pizza.  Do you think they can
get away with selling this???
Mud Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This stone muffin can be thrown at an opponent in the Battledome.  You can only use it once
however, so stock up! One Use.
Stone Muffin
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This gem holds some of the power and fire of Coltzan.
Coltzans Gem
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

What better to defend yourself in battle than this solid stone shield!
Stone Shield
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Made with the finest fresh baked bread and the driest bones around.
Crunchy Bone Sandwich
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This tree is great for first time gardeners as it requires virtually no care at
Rock Tree
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ouch! This cake is really made of
rocks, if your teeth are strong enough to eat it I am sure it tastes really nice!
Chomby Rock Cake
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

You will be able to stomp on your enemies wearing these ones size fits all  sandstone
Sandstone Boots
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Cheesy merchandise from Tyrannias loudest band - Wock Til You Drop!
Wock Til You Drop Mug
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This practical yellow bucket comes complete with a blue Neopets flag to decorate your sandcastle
Yellow Sandcastle Set
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The ultimate in Tyrannian luxury seating.  Complete with Kau print throw.
Stone Armchair
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This fragile piece is more art than functional furniture.
Bone Chair
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Just a cup of plain old water, nothing fancy.
Cup of Water
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The usual succulent juicy taste of sprouts has long since faded, these are as hard as
Rock Sprouts
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A berry of blackest void...
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

All the nutrients you need in one tasty-looking block.
Nutritional Blockberry
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Awwww, this cute Petpet is sure to
chase your blues away.
Rock Stamp
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Be very careful when eating this rather dry fruit, as you may lose a tooth or
Rock Fruit
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This black and red ensemble is perfectly accentuated by the bones around its
Bone Detail Sofa
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Scare away unwanted visitors with this hissing Meowclops statue!
Meowclops Statue
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Providing you can crack them
open these berries have a succulent juicy centre.
Tyrannian Rockberries
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Its a mummified mushroom, how cute!
Sand Shroom
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This slushie will have you feeling hot and cold all over.
Fire and Ice Slushie
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ouch... this Negg is super hard to bite into. *** WORTH 7 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY
Rock Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A fragile yet beautiful piece of
furniture is the focus of this great stamp.
Bone Chair Stamp
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ooh this chair looks just grand in
this picture!
Stone Armchair Stamp
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A Tyrannian favourite, this cereal is made from oats, honey and nuts baked until they are nice and
Honey Nut Pebbles
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Layers of red and blue sand have been carefully poured into this bottle to make this attractive
Bottle Shaped Sand Sculpture
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This curvy bottle has layers of blue and green sand in it.
Curvy Sand Sculpture
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Keep your foods cool and shady in this stone cool box.
Stone Cool Box
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Could a pizza possibly be any more solid?
Solid Stone Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Piles and piles of pebbles stacked on top of one another to create this wonderful
Pebble Bench
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A simple, yet strkingly elegant paving stone.
White Paving Stone
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Hundreds of little pebbles were piled together to form this sturdy patio
Pebble Patio Table
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Just how do they get the pebbles to stay together?
Pebble Patio Chair
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Goodness this umbrella is so heavy, how on earth do they get all the pebbles to stay up
Pebble Umbrella
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Plenty of vitamins and minerals in this crunchy slushie.
Pebble Dash Slushie
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

And for the loser...
Packet of Gravel
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ooh isnt this stone awfully shiny!
Polished Rock
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The Fire Faerie glared at him when he drew the blade, fury blazing in her eyes. How quaint, she
Ice Scimitar (TCG)
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This special orange sand is hardly found at all on the island!
Bottle Of Orange Sand
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The subtle pinkish purple hue makes this lamp simply adorable.
Magenta Coral Lamp
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This soft pillow has been encrusted with aqua coral making it very pretty yet extremely
Aqua Coral Pillow
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A wonderful centre piece for any room.
Amber Coral Coffee Table
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This fragile rug is purely for decoration.  If you stepped on it, your rug would be
Rose Coral Rug
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Wow! Rainbow sand... I thought this was only a legend...
Rainbow Sand
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Far better than that boring old sand, this sand actually glows in the dark!
Glowing Sand
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

What do you expect? It is invisible after all!
Invisible Sand
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

An interesting texture of fur and rocks together!
Hairy Rock Burger
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

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