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Gallery Spotlight

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- Today's Gallery Spotlight -

Gallery Name: Worship of Writers
Owner: minutes8
Description: With NeoSchools right around the corner, and the high regards that intelligent pets receive, many pets may be inspired to create a novel, or start a journal of their adventures around the Neopian world. Pets from all over Neopia can gather in my Writer's Gallery and view the items that make writers in Neopia what they are today. I was inspired to create this gallery when I came across the wonderful book, Poogle Poetry!

The Gallery:

Mr. Dickens says 'Welcome To The Writer's Gallery!'


Welcome to the Writer's Gallery, a place where stories, poems, and everything in-between is praised and displayed in all its glory. Here you will find collections of poems, dictionarys, journals and the supplies that every avid writer needs to be successful! Whether it is a diary, in hopes of blossoming into a book, or a jam-packed encyclopedia, we'll have it here!
Thanks Tyr oodles for the amazing blog!
For Missing Items, Awards, and Donations, click here! Visit
The Neopian Orphanage!

A pencil may help young pets realise
their artistic talents.
Drawing Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The best quick reference dictionary
Quick Reference Dictionary
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This beautiful set of colouring
pencils will help your imagination flow onto the page. Draw whatever you like!
Deluxe Set of Colouring Pencils
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This pencil is great to draw with and it
even has an eraser just in case you make a mistake.
Blue Pencil with Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Let your pet keep a journal of their
adventures in this great looking diary.
2 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

When hes not working as an
instructor at the Mystery Island Training School, Ryshu enjoys frolicking on the beach and writing beautiful
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This lovely set of crayons make the
perfect toy for young pets who show artistic flair.
Box of Crayons
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A easy to follow journal of when to plant
what and how to get the smartest garden in Neopia.
My Garden Book
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

You and your NeoPet can now paint
like the masters. This paint set comes with two brushes, a tablet of paper, watercolours and ten
Learn-to-paint Set
2 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Get creative with this handy magnetic
sketch pad.  Draw and erase over and over again.
Sketch a Pic
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Always at the ready, and never
without a full supply of ink.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

These pencils have all been
snapped. No good for drawing with any more.
Snapped Set of Pencils
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This pencil isnt very sharp anymore,
and has someone been chewing it?
Dull Blue Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

How cute, a little chia pen
Chia Shaped Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This is just a simple cracker
prize, nothing at all magical about this.
Plum Chia Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The Faerie Queens personal journal
from the days while she was just an up-and-coming faerie princess to that fateful day of her inauguration. Very
A New Day
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Poetry by a
young-up-and-coming faerie who relishes her forest surroundings.
Falling Leaves
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

 The Air Faeries second
poetry novel about the wind. A real sleeper hit.
When the Wind Blows
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Youll feel very important with this Marble
top Desk in your possession.
Marble Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This Wooden Desk can hold all of your pets
papers and homework.
Wooden Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Need I say more? A must for any
little lady :)
Pink Vanity Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Be the envy of your friends with this funky
Kau Print Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

What an interesting design, I have never
seen anything like it!
Fungus Ball Print Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ouch!  Tiger furniture is just too stylish
for words!  Make your NeoHome feel like the Jungle!
Tiger Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This sturdy iron desk is built to
Iron Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This desk has secret compartments in!  Bet you
cant find them all.
Zen Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

In reality this desk is just a bale of hay
dragged in from a field... but at least its cheap!
Straw Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Looks just like a slab of rock, thats
because it is!  Put this in your NeoHome today.
Hewn Stone Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Keeping homework neat and tidy is not a
problem when you lean on this solid tablet.
Stone Tablet
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This stone chair is too heavy to move
around... sit on it too long and your Neopet will have a cold bum!
Stone Typists Chair
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The Full Encyclopedia Neopia - letters A
to E!
Neopian Encyclopedia A - E
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The Full Encyclopedia Neopia - letters F
to J!
Neopian Encyclopedia F - J
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The Full Encyclopedia Neopia - letters K
to O!
Neopian Encyclopedia K - O
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The Full Encyclopedia Neopia - letters P
to T!
Neopian Encyclopedia P - T
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The Full Encyclopedia Neopia - letters U
to Z!
Neopian Encyclopedia U - Z
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This chunky volume contains some
amazing poems for and about Peophins.
Poetry For Peophins
2 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Sonnets, haikus and love poems about
Neopias number one hog.
Moehog Poetry
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This full colour book has biographies of some
of the most influential people from Sakhmet city.
Sakhmet Natives
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Bookmaking for beginners, this easy to follow
guide will have you creating your own blockbusters in no time.
How to Make Papyrus
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Move on to more challenging techniques such
as adding colour and embossing with this helpful manual.
Advanced Papyrus Making
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Everything you could possibly want to know
about Kikos, and a whole lot more.
Kiko Encyclopedia
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Your Usuki can go back to school in
style in this cute little suit.  Complete with miniature pen and notebook.
Usuki Back to School Set
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

It is a really old copy of the Neopian
Neopian Times Issue 3
18 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

These Usuki markers are super
Official Usuki Pens
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ewww this pen will make your hands
black and sticky if you use it.
Inky Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Keep your pencils nice and sharp with
this handy pencil sharpener.
Pencil Sharpener
2 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A bumper book of Zafara related crossword
puzzles that are sure to test your wits.
Zafara Crossword Puzzles
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Keep all manner of interesting things in this
purple pencil case!
Purple Pencil Case
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

It wobbles as it writes, how
Wobbly Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Its head flips up, and you can store your
pencils inside.
Red Chia Pencil Holder
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Its head flips up, and you can store your
pencils inside!  This is the more fashionable blue version!
Blue Chia Pencil Holder
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Its head flips up, and you can store your
pencils inside.  The green pencil holder isnt as rare as the other ones!
Green Chia Pencil Holder
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Write things on this lovely Rainbow Neopets
Rainbow Neopets Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This great item was given away as
part of the Neopets Limited Too promotion!!!
White Aisha Wobbly Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Watch your opponents tremble in fear when
you wield this superb piece of stationery.  For Cybunnies only!
Cybunny Battle Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Woah, writing is SO much more fun with this
bendy yellow pencil... no... really!
Bendy Yellow Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

It wobbles as it writes... making it near
impossible for your writing to make sense!
Funny Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Put blunt pencils in, turn them, and they
will come out sharper (unless the lead breaks off)
Aisha Pencil Sharpener
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ouch, this notebook is much too hot to write
Scorchy Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This Green Faerie Eraser is flawed, it will
only rub out green pencil...
Green Faerie Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Write things in chalk, then rub it off, then
do it all over again!
Mini Chalk Board
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Jab your pencil in the chias arm socket and
viciously twist his arm around until your pencil is sharpened!
Chia Pencil Sharpener
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A fun girly yarn of one young Eyries
adventures in life.
Eyrie Diary
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A fun collection of short stories and
illustrations by one young Eyrie.
Eyrie Scrapbook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This eraser has been dipped in ink so
it will leave a big black smear on your paper.
Inky Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This cute diary is shaped just
like a Cybunny head - how sweet!
Cybunny Diary
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Essential reading for the modern
Moehog.  This issue has a pull out section on Mutant Moehogs!
Moehog News
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The fascinating journal of one well
travelled JubJub.
JubJub Journal
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Famous Quiggle quotes from around
the globe.
Quiggle Quotes
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This cute pencil case will keep
all your bits and pieces organised.
Meerca Pencil Case
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Write on things... in
Doglefox Marker
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Be the envy of all your friends with
the latest in must have stationery.
Cloud Aisha Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This pen writes with a wonderful
purple and blue combination.
Faerie Kougra Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Get to grips with all those old
fashioned words so your trip to Meridell will be more enjoyable.
Medieval Dictionary
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

By placing this cheerful hat on, you can
stand in the village square and recite poetry to everyone.  However, it does not protect you from any tomatoes thrown if you
do a bad job of it.
Poets Hat
2 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

How strange, this journal cant be
that secret if its sold in the Book Shop!
Techo Secret Journal
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A collection of beautiful sonnets that
will delight and amaze your thespian side.
Poogle Poetry
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Soft Blumaroo, life timeliness sees
durable yesterday, gentle.
Haiku Stamp
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A fun magical tale of one young Earth
faerie that wanted to grow the best daffodils in Neopia.
Daffodil Diary
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A comprehensive A to Z listing of
everything in Neopia.
Encyclopedia Neopia
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This book is soo messy, suerly no one
would dare do their homework in this...
Inky Notepad
2 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The diary of one young Eyrie and the
trials and tribulations of mastering the air.
Skyward an Eyries Guide to Flying
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Everything the modern day Usul needs
to know and more!
The Usuls Almanac
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This top secret book is kept secure with
a big blue ribbon!
Secret Bruce Journal
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Now you can write your letters on
the softest, squishiest table around.
Jelly Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A spy novel with a twist.  This book
is written by top secret agent A as a terrible plot begins to unfold.
The Secret Journal of Agent A
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Everything to do with Aishas in
one big chunky volume.
Aisha Encyclopedia
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

So what is it like to be a Buzz in Neopia
these days?  Find out in this exciting diary.
A Buzz Life
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A soft padded notebook that comes
with its own pencil for you to write with.
Chia Journal
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This wonderful pen writes in
yellow and orange ink at the same time. Only available from a rare item code.
Faerie Kacheek Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Stuffed full of all kinds of
Scorchio related erm... stuff.
Scorchio Scrapbook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This cute book follows a typical week
in the life of a female Chomby.
Chomby Diary
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Jot down all your favourite
things in this cute faerie notebook.
Faerie Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Be the envy of all your
friends with this snazzy faerie pen.
Faerie Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Who says desks have to look
Electric Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This pen has little Blumaroo foot prints
all around it.
Blue Blumaroo Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Not really an eraser as such, this
will leave green snot trails all over your paper.
Snotty Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Literally dripping with berry juice
this pen tastes yummy, even if it is rather messy.
Berry Ink Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Dip your pen into this purple ink and
your writing will smell just like berries.
Berry Ink
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This berry scented eraser will
remove any unwanted ink.
Berry Ink Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A collection of selected poetry
written by and about Quiggles.
Quiggle Poetry
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

An interesting biography following the
career of a young Acara who turned into a powerful senator.
Senator Barca Book
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This berry scented book is the
perfect place to jot down notes or make wonderful drawings in.
Berry Sketch Book
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Gross... this pen looks like its been
wedged up Meukas nose!
Snotty Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Perfect for writing letters to people
you REALLY dont like.
Snotty Ink
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Eww.. even the pages are all
Snotty School Book
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This novel pen writes in black and white at
the same time - fancy that!
Skunk Pattern Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This desk fits perfectly into the corner
of your Neohome or makes a bold statement in the centre of the room.
Funky Blue and Orange Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This Babaa will keep your pencils nice
and sharp.
Babaa Pencil Sharpener
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Its fluffy and
Babaa Pencil Case
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This cute eraser is shaped just like a
Babaas head.
Babaa Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Scribble down all your important
notes and things to remember in this cute Tonu notepad.
Yellow Tonu Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This sturdy tin box will make sure your
pencils stay in perfect working order.
Yellow Tonu Pencil Case
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A chubby pencil with a cute Tonu shaped
eraser on the top.
Yellow Tonu Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

You can even turn this upside down and
use the head to rub out your mistakes.
Blue Draik Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Your Neopet will be the envy of the
whole class with this stylish notebook!
Blue Draik Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This old fashioned pen can be quite
messy and hard to use.
Quill Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Uh oh someone has snapped this
Broken Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The perfect place to jot down notes,
it even has a space to write your name on the front!
Red Techo Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This happy little pen will make even the
scruffiest writing look good.
Red Techo Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

As well as looking after all the
abandoned pets, Dr_Death has found the time to write a book about his adventures!
Dr_Deaths Biography
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

What an ordinary looking
Basic Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ooh you dont need to sharpen this
Mechanical Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Super comfortable and fun
Flexible Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

If one pencil gets blunt or breaks you
will always have a spare.
Double Ended Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ick... this pencil is just
Tatty Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

You can write with red, blue, black
or green with this cool pen.
Multicoloured Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Just look how shiny it
is! Oooh!
Fancy Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Its just your every day ordinary
Basic Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A very interesting book for Negg fans,
this even has extracts from the Negg Faeries personal diary!
Neggery Notes
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Blow all your errors away with
this pretty eraser.
Air Faerie Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This pen is always nice and cool to
the touch no matter how hot the class room is!
Air Faerie Pen
2 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Mmm this eraser not only works
well but it smells like a fresh meadow too!
Earth Faerie Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This pen writes in green ink and
smells just like a fresh forest!
Earth Faerie Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A very stylish pencil that writes in
dark purple.
Dark Faerie Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Wash away your mistakes with
this pretty little eraser.
Water Faerie Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Oooh... the writing looks just
like water!
Water Faerie Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The ink from this pen is so shiny
its almost as if it gives off light!
Light Faerie Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This eraser will leave your
paper shiny and new as if that nasty mistake had never happened.
Light Faerie Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

When you write with this pen it
makes your words look like they are made of fire!
Fire Faerie Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This splendid eraser will make
all your mistakes go away.
Fire Faerie Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This plain notebook has lots and lots
of space for you to write important things.
Green Lined Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This may be pretty but there isnt
really a lot of room to write things!
Rainbow Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Its your everyday ordinary
Red Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

How unusual... A round
Round Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The cover of this book is all
sparkly and blue.
Shimmery Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

How can you be sad when you look at
this cheerful little notebook.
Yellow Star Notebook
2 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ewww.. Im sure Mrs Owen will not be
pleased if you do  your homework in this book!
Tatty Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A practical if not very exciting
place to keep all your notes.
Yellow Lined Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The perfect place for little angels
to write.
Angelic Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ooh this matches the paint
Cloud Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ooh this matches the paint
Electric Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Oooh this ones all
Fuzzy Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Awww.. the perfect place to write
down who you love (and your homework too).
Romantic Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Yar! Every budding sea captain
should keep a log book!
Pirate Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ooh this has pretty stars printed on
the paper!
Pale Starry Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Wow, this looks just like the
striped paintbrush!
Striped Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Keep all your pens and pencils
neat and tidy in this handy pencil case.
Starry Poogle Pencil Case
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This eraser is actually amazingly
hard to get hold of!
White Poogle Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Your work will totally vanish when
you use this ink. It will appear again if you wash your paper in water though!
Vanishing Ink
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Stand out from the crowd with this
pencil case that looks well loved.
Punchbag Bob Pencil Case
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Gross, this pen looks like it has a
chunk of brain stuck on the end of it!
Braintree Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

How can you resist this playful
little notepad?
Black Meowclops Notepad
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Awwww.. The tail wraps around the top
of the pen making it more comfortable to hold.
Black Meowclops Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

When you arent using in in class, you
can practice your sword fighting skills.
Sword Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Yuck, this pen is all warty and oozes red
pus when you write with it!
Warty Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This pencil case will ferociously guard
all your favourite pens.
MSPP Pencil Case
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This happy pencil holder will
brighten up anyones desk.
Purple Slorg Pencil Holder
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

How fun! This was given out by
the advent calendar in year 5.
Candy Cane Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Shake the end of this pencil and
little snowflakes fall inside the globe.  This was given out by the advent calendar in year 5.
Snow Globe Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Great for keeping all your documents
Icy Desk
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This pen is soft and squidgy so it is
very comfortable to write with.
Yellow Turtum Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This case comes complete with
three pencils, isnt that nice!
Turtum Zipped Pencil Case
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Perfect for jotting down formulas,
notes or bits of gossip.
Kayla Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

If you take off the hat there is an
eraser hiding underneath!
Kayla Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A great souveneir for NeoQuest II
NeoQuest II Sword Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Perfect for scribbling those secret
codes, routes through dungeons and other handy stuff on.
NeoQuest II Map Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This ultra stylish pen writes in bright
purple ink!
Lord Kass Quill
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Aww when you write the Gelerts ears
Cloud Gelert Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This ring-bound notebook even has
clouds printed on each page.
Cloud Gelert Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

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