There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 542 | 27th day of Eating, Y14
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It's Kind of Hard to Be a Mutant Draik #1

by valibee

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Scary Soup: Check it Out

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My Brother Eftae
The night before I was due to leave for Mystery Island, Eftae came into my room. He was my brother and best friend. 'Are you excited?' he asked...

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The Cenoal Chapters: Duties Reclaimed - Part Six
"Cen, it's my turn to take the tiller." The Aisha turned to face the Cybunny, his blue eyes full of worry. "Hey," Aelgar said, "we're gonna make it."

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A Thorn in the Rose
I listened to the echoing tap of the old man's cane as he walked away. Bound up in my prison of greed, I had nothing to do but reminisce of days lost.

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