Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 542 | 27th day of Eating, Y14
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Muckla goes to school #6

And the quest to avoid knowledge continues!!

by lovisa966
Oh Em Gee, I'm MSP: Rainbow Guns

I'm not scared...

by shamaela
M47h M4dn355 - This Means War!

This comic brought to you by the National Neopian Lisp Association.

by __bhu__
This is Why - Healing Springs


Also by cinnamon_girl

by aldurswolf

Just Another Visit to Coltzan's Shrine

I hope this helps!

idea by manny_beats

by louise_the_zero

Dinner Is Ready!

I'm glad...

Idea by bananerr

by glitterrpop

Something Has Happened!

You're kidding, right?

Also by l3lo0

by madamkambria

the what?

a slight misunderstanding...

by neorocket__xx
Ode to Being Eventide

Ah... the sunset.

by friend101253
Act Naturally

Silly Esophagor, those are definitely not chili cheese fries.

by cityofcolor
NeoSmart!: Preparing You for the Real World...

Neopets will never just feed themselves. Ever.

by shellbentts

Haha... not funny.

by fettugina
Scary Soup: Check it Out


by raykitty
Rigid Family

Jhudora's got a temper!

by askash123
Cappuccino Hearts

Too much sun makes you see odd things...

by mikomon
The Goofers

Argh! Puppy dog eyes!

by lintsuf
Simply Dashing


by aura_chan
It's Kind of Hard to Be a Mutant Draik #1

"You know, I once had..."

by valibee
Another Comic

Every Lab Rat goes through at least one traumatizing experience.

by konakoro
Random Oddness: The Mysterious Negg

Help me understand this logic puzzle thing.

by mistyqee
Misunderstanding of a Transparent Poogle

A transparent poogle mistakes Rutu for the Poogle of the same colour...

by phyllismi
Ventures #14

Inter-Mission Part 1. For quite some time now, Kougo has been managing his own affairs...

by neo_coaster363
Never Waste A Cake

In the Lost Desert...

Story by ruben160

by sk390

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"A Better Way" by sporty2443
Hanso strode through the streets of Faerieland with a jaunty step and a smirk on his face. He had nearly forgotten what it was like to walk out in the open daylight without fear of being recognized and chased by guards, and it was just a bit strange to think that this was something most people could take for granted. For that matter, the Ixi had never known what it was like to walk out into the open daylight and find himself...

Other Stories


Strangeness in the Air
Right now, he was staring down at a series of clockwork springs and spinning wheels that were inside of a compass bracelet, trying to fix the cheap thing. But, of course, he had no idea what he was doing.

by amsurito


A Desert Wonder
One could say it was just an ordinary ship sailing between those lands. But it wasn't. One would have no doubts after a glimpse at the mainmast, where a black jack was waving.

by nj_kitty_1


Lazy Yet Creative Ways to Get Rich
Just follow the steps in this guide exactly and I promise you'll be a millionaire in no time!

by elementdragongirl


Top 25 Most Beautiful Avatars
There are so many different avatars on Neopets, but not all of them are created equally. Some are more beautiful than others.

Also by blue_eyed_tiger_j

by mercy_angel


Enchanted Stories: Adventure in Brightvale - Part One
Five months ago a book had appeared and had unexpectedly led us on an adventure, an adventure that never happened...

by kristykimmy


Infinity: Part Nine
There were two rules among the citizens of Obsidian Quarry. One: Never anger Granite. Two: If one does anger him, one needs to be prepared to constantly look over one's shoulder for the rest of one's life.

by blueys45

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