Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 542 | 27th day of Eating, Y14
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Continued Series

The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part Ten

Even though it was ruined and partially buried by sand, the temple was still a magnificent structure.

by macana
Infinity: Part Nine

There were two rules among the citizens of Obsidian Quarry. One: Never anger Granite. Two: If one does anger him, one needs to be prepared to constantly look over one's shoulder for the rest of one's life.

by blueys45
A Second Chance: Part Seven

"No," Garin argued. "Not until I find out why she's here. There's only one way she got here without sneaking onto the Pawkeet at berth..."

by rachelray179
A Place in the Country: Part Two

"Oh really?" he replied, turning back with a smirk. "Where is it? I know you'll have it hidden somewhere near. We want it, as fair payment."

"I haven't the faintest idea what you are babbling about," Celeriac maintained.

by herdygerdy

The Cenoal Chapters: Duties Reclaimed - Part Six

"Cen, it's my turn to take the tiller." The Aisha turned to face the Cybunny, his blue eyes full of worry. "Hey," Aelgar said, "we're gonna make it."

by kathleen_kate
A Legend Begins Again: Part Five

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," Garin said, gripping his dagger. "I faced you once, I can do it again. This ENDS tonight, Bloodhook!"

by medit92
Things Best Remembered: Part Five

The sword was made of a mixture of Emberatia – "Good for channeling or blocking magic," Tristan told her with a wink – jades, and emeralds. It caught the sunlight beautifully...

by chimie119
The Scarab and the Sea: Part Three

Tomos looked around the deck of the Sea Queen at the sailors preparing for a battle with pirates, wishing that any second he would wake up and it would have all turned out to be a nightmare.

by saphira_27
Greenglade: Part Two

"That may not be enough," Jacky said. "Most of the people here are born with magical ability."

by aquadaika
Out of the Shadows: Part Four

"It seems like half a dozen Faeries disappeared last night. Into thin air. Don't pay any attention, though. They probably decided they had some strange quest they had to complete. Happens all the time."

by rachelindea
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"A Better Way" by sporty2443
Hanso strode through the streets of Faerieland with a jaunty step and a smirk on his face. He had nearly forgotten what it was like to walk out in the open daylight without fear of being recognized and chased by guards, and it was just a bit strange to think that this was something most people could take for granted. For that matter, the Ixi had never known what it was like to walk out into the open daylight and find himself...

Other Stories


Another Day
The blue outline of a Shoyru hovered just outside the lost city, her eyes darting back and forth between the skulls and dilapidated houses scattered about. The odd Petpet would call out in an eerie shriek, and the Sketch Shoyru shivered a bit.

by yoseikuga


A Better Way
Hanso strode through the streets of Faerieland with a jaunty step and a smirk on his face. He had nearly forgotten what it was like to walk out in the open daylight without fear of being recognized and chased by guards...

by sporty2443


Neopian Anagrams
It's been a while since I wrote my last article on quizzing and gave you a challenge.

by daughters_ofthe_moon


Top 25 Most Beautiful Avatars
There are so many different avatars on Neopets, but not all of them are created equally. Some are more beautiful than others.

Also by blue_eyed_tiger_j

by mercy_angel


Muckla goes to school #6
And the quest to avoid knowledge continues!!

by lovisa966


The Goofers
Argh! Puppy dog eyes!

by lintsuf

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