Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 542 | 27th day of Eating, Y14
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Short Stories

Strangeness in the Air

Right now, he was staring down at a series of clockwork springs and spinning wheels that were inside of a compass bracelet, trying to fix the cheap thing. But, of course, he had no idea what he was doing.

by amsurito
Another Day

The blue outline of a Shoyru hovered just outside the lost city, her eyes darting back and forth between the skulls and dilapidated houses scattered about. The odd Petpet would call out in an eerie shriek, and the Sketch Shoyru shivered a bit.

by yoseikuga
A Desert Wonder

One could say it was just an ordinary ship sailing between those lands. But it wasn't. One would have no doubts after a glimpse at the mainmast, where a black jack was waving.

by nj_kitty_1
A Thorn in the Rose

I listened to the echoing tap of the old man's cane as he walked away. Bound up in my prison of greed, I had nothing to do but reminisce of days lost.

by justinamorgan
The New Pet

Things used to be perfect.

by vforvendetta_
My Brother Eftae

The night before I was due to leave for Mystery Island, Eftae came into my room. He was my brother and best friend. 'Are you excited?' he asked...

by aifricr
The Lupe With the Horrible Name

There was once a pet created with such a terrible name that I can't even tell it to you.

by krazykiddo5
A Better Way

Hanso strode through the streets of Faerieland with a jaunty step and a smirk on his face. He had nearly forgotten what it was like to walk out in the open daylight without fear of being recognized and chased by guards...

by sporty2443
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"The Lupe With the Horrible Name" by krazykiddo5
For the purpose of telling her story, we shall refer to her as "Unprintable". She was a plain blue Lupe, and had been abandoned right after some mischievous soul had created her. She did not understand the concept of a loving owner, and assumed all pets were immediately sent to the pound. She was fed three times a day, let out to exercise once a day, and sometimes people would walk by her kennel and laugh...

Other Stories


Why Your Genius Neopet Can't Solve Zaira's Mysteries
Sadly, there were some Neopians that fell to laziness, and looked at their intelligence 500+ Neopets, wondering if... maybe, just maybe... maybe their Neopet, who was so much smarter than they were... could solve it for them?

by palidus_tomato


To the Top of the Mountain: SW1 and SW2
Princess Terrana, younger sister of the infamous Princess Lunara, hopes to prove herself worthy of the title "Shenkuu Warrior" by racing her way up some of Shenkuu's tallest mountains armed with nothing more than her wits and a shiny grappling hook.

by iamduffan


The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part Ten
Even though it was ruined and partially buried by sand, the temple was still a magnificent structure.

by macana


Things Best Remembered: Part Five
The sword was made of a mixture of Emberatia – "Good for channeling or blocking magic," Tristan told her with a wink – jades, and emeralds. It caught the sunlight beautifully...

by chimie119


the what?
a slight misunderstanding...

by neorocket__xx


This is Why - Healing Springs

Also by cinnamon_girl

by aldurswolf

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