Meow Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 542 | 27th day of Eating, Y14
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New Series

Enchanted Stories: Adventure in Brightvale - Part One

Five months ago a book had appeared and had unexpectedly led us on an adventure, an adventure that never happened...

by kristykimmy
The Story of B.: Part One

Maybe it should be a secret... but I felt like I had to share this with someone. The world deserves to know about B.

by kooky_user
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"Strangeness in the Air" by amsurito
Nutterberry sighed. He hadn't meant to cause so much trouble when he applied for this job- really, he hadn't. But it was only the second working week, and he'd already spilled iced borovan all over a brass gear belt, popped two of the strings on an elegant punk guitar (yes, Cog actually sold those), and destroyed several other objects. Nutterberry knew that it would be better off for Cog- and the customers- if he just quit altogether...

Other Stories


A Thorn in the Rose
I listened to the echoing tap of the old man's cane as he walked away. Bound up in my prison of greed, I had nothing to do but reminisce of days lost.

by justinamorgan


The Lupe With the Horrible Name
There was once a pet created with such a terrible name that I can't even tell it to you.

by krazykiddo5


6 Steps to Successful Spring Cleaning
Read this book for a series of sound, cleaning advice and endless, endless bad jokes. Endless.

by vanilla_paw


To the Top of the Mountain: SW1 and SW2
Princess Terrana, younger sister of the infamous Princess Lunara, hopes to prove herself worthy of the title "Shenkuu Warrior" by racing her way up some of Shenkuu's tallest mountains armed with nothing more than her wits and a shiny grappling hook.

by iamduffan


Scary Soup: Check it Out

by raykitty


The Goofers
Argh! Puppy dog eyes!

by lintsuf

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