A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,733,879 Issue: 1000 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y26
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10 Ways to Spend the Day with Your Weewoo

by tamimarieb


In celebration of issue 1000 of the Neopian Times, we thought it would be a great idea to spend the day with your Weewoo and show them all the wonderful parts of Neopia that they might have missed before. Since issue 1000 is so special to Neopians, you should mark the occasion with a special day for your Weewoo to celebrate and below we listed all the amazing spots you can visit for a memorable day with your Weewoo.

     1. Ferry Ride to Mystery Island

     You and your Weewoo will love jumping on the ferry and heading over to Mystery Island for a little bit of island fun. While there you can take a Tiki Tour and learn all about island life or you can get your fortune told by the Island Mystic. If relaxing is on your list, The Beach is the perfect spot to lay out of a chair and enjoy some tropical food while lounging in the sun.

     If your Weewoo is on the adventurous side be sure to head out to the Rock Pool, Techo Mountain, or the Lost City of Geraptiku, all three are sure to be filled with a little adventure and fun that your Weewoo will enjoy.

     2. Ice Skate in Happy Valley

     Bundle up and head to Happy Valley located on Terror Mountain for ice skating fun. Your Weewoo will covet special memories of the two of you skating along the ice in Happy Valley before embarking on a snowball fight. If you need warmer clothes, you can stop into Merry Outfits while visiting to grab extra gloves or a jacket.

     Your Weewoo might be feeling lucky too and want to try their claw at the Scratch Card Kiosk. Who knows what luck they might bring, you could be going home with more in your pockets than you thought.

     3. Shopping in Faerie City

     Faerieland is filled with shops galore that your Weewoo can browse through and have the perfect shopping day. Between the furniture store, bookshop, and food shop, you might need some items shipped back to your house instead of carrying them around.

     Before you leave be sure to watch a Poogle Race or two and root for your favourite Poogle to win. Nothing beats a good game and your Weewoo will flap its wings with joy over the excitement from the crowd.

     4. Dumpster Dive in Meri Acres Farm

     Sounds a bit strange but your Weewoo might love collecting treasures and what better place to search than the Rubbish Dump in Meri Acres Farm. Who knows what goodies can be found in the dump and your Weewoo is probably excited at the possibility of what they can find.

     Pick your own berries at the farm before you leave and take a look at the giant marrow that sits on the farm as well. You might even get a glance at the marrow competitions that are held daily with numerous giant marrows filling the farm.

     5. Hall of Heroes in Altador

     Allow your Weewoo to learn a bit of history in the Hall of Heroes located in Altador. Your Weewoo can learn about the culture and history of Altador by visiting the Altadorian Archives, but don’t talk to the janitor unless you want to be sent on a journey that lasts two weeks.

     Don’t leave without getting a few souvenirs from Magical Marvels or Exquisite Ambrosia. You can’t find anything like these shops in the rest of Neopia.

     6. Take a Glass Bottom Boat Tour in Kiko Lake

     Visit the stunning Kiko Lake and take a world-famous Glass Bottom Boat Tour while you’re there. The boat ride is a great way to spend the afternoon and see the wonders of Kiko Lake without having to get wet, because we know your Weewoo probably doesn’t want its feathers wet. Every hour between 10 am and sunset the boat takes off, so you have plenty of time to plan your little getaway.

     Your Weewoo will love seeing the little village under Kiko Lake and maybe they will feel adventurous and take a swim to visit the shops below the water. If not, grab a few treats from Kiko Lake Treats before continuing your fun day.

     7. Hunt for Buried Treasure on Krawk Island

     Who doesn’t love a good treasure hunt and I am sure your Weewoo will love the thrill and mystery of looking for treasure on Krawk Island. Do some digging, get a little dirty, and maybe your Weewoo will find the ultimate treasure of 20,000 Neopoints. Imagine all the Neopian Time issues you can get with that many Neopoints.

     Search for more treasure at Smuggler’s Cove before stopping by the Governor’s Mansion. The stunning mansion has been restored and is open for all to learn about the rebirth of the island.

     8. Plays Games in Meridell

     Meridell is filled with amazing games you can play with your Weewoo. Try your hand at getting a bullseye when playing Ultimate Bullseye or can you keep a calm face at the cards table when playing Round Table Poker. Gamble a little more with Cheese Roller or watch the Turdle Racing live and in action.

     You might want to keep your Weewoo away from Turmaculus though, especially if you’ve been enjoying some Merifoods. He can get a little grouchy if he is awoken too soon from his nap.

     9. Go on a Merry Go Round Ride in Roo Island

     For only 50 Neopoints your Weewoo can enjoy a ride on top of a hand-painted wooden Uni and savour the beautiful music of the Merry Go Round. It’s the perfect outdoor activity that will bring a smile to your Weewoo’s face and have them begging for another ride.

     Grab a drink at Roo Island’s Coffee Shop before heading over to Storytelling where you can hear an amazing tale told by locals. If your Weewoo loves the arts be sure to stop into the Art Gallery and check out the Poetry Contest that is held weekly on the island.

     10. Snuggle Down at Neopian Bookshop

     Maybe your Weewoo wants to stay in Neopia and get cosy at the Neopian Bookshop. There is no better place to browse the shelves that are lined with books. You and your Weewoo can read as many books as you please in the bookshop and stay until the sun goes down.

     Surrounding the Book Shop is a General Store and Food Shop where you can grab all the supplies you need for a nice picnic under the Money Tree with your Weewoo and read issue 1000 of The Neopian Times.

      You’re probably already on the road with your Weewoo, headed out for the day on a fun adventure. Make sure to grab the 1000th issue of the Neopian Times so you can read it with your Weewoo while spending the day together.


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