Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1019 | 18th day of Collecting, Y26
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Spooky Petpets You Can Still Get!

by _brainchild_


---Starring Chessangie the Royalgirl Draik, Chessella the Pastel Draik, Walda the Baby Kacheek, and Christine, their owner!---

      Christine: Welcome! In Issue 918 of the Neopian Times, I wrote an article about unconverted Spooky Petpets, ones that are no longer available. (Spooky Rarities---Unconverted Petpets) Walda was very upset that she could not get a Scary Jack---


     Christine: Unfortunately, you can’t have one, since it’s unavailable---

     Walda: WAAAAHHHH!!!

     Christine: ...But there are lots of different Spooky Petpets which you can still purchase, some of which I’m sure you’ll like. We will be going over these Petpets right now.

     Walda: I hope I find a cool one!

     Christine: I’m sure you will. Without further ado, here are the Petpets:

      ---Apple Spyder---


      Christine: This creepy insect is a possible prize from the Apple Bobbing daily in the Haunted Woods.

     Angie: GET HIM AWAY from me! I bet he bites!

     Ella: Then don’t touch him. He probably won’t bite if you don’t bother him. He did not wake up this morning and decide to make your life miserable.

     Walda: Are Spyders nocturnal?

     Ella: I think they are. This one is sound asleep!

     Angie: ...And don’t wake him up, or you’ll catch one nasty bite!

     Christine: While the Spyder sleeps, let’s admire his features. He apparently consists of an apple, along with leaves on his legs. Such an interesting design!

     Walda: Yet not appetising enough to eat, I suppose.

     Ella: Of course not. Petpets aren’t food, Walda!

      ---Black Batterfly---


      Christine: Batterflies are incredibly nervous and super fast. You really need to look after your Batterfly, or it will simply fly away!

     Angie: Fortunately, this one is in a cage. He looks anxious!

     Ella: Who would want to live in a cage for life?! That cage is basically prison. Let him out!

     Angie: I’m not sure about that. I wouldn’t want to deal with a FLYING biter!

      ---Walda grins mischievously and lets the Batterfly out of the cage. He immediately flies toward Angie, who screams and ducks.


     Walda: ---cackles maniacally---

      ---The Batterfly escapes through an open window.---

      Christine: Great. Now we’ll never get him back.

     Angie: Let him go sleep for the day and forage at night. Batterflies are also nocturnal!

     Ella: I’m sure he’ll have a better life as a free Batterfly than as a Batterfly in a cage.

     Walda: He was fun for a laugh, anyway!

      ---Ghost Clompkin---


      Christine: Halloween isn’t complete without at least one Ghost Petpet! Clompkins are clumsy creatures, so they’re always bumping into things.

     Angie: Clompkins are perfect for Halloween. A Clompkin is a jack-o-lantern with legs!

     Ella: The Ghost Clompkin has a very eerie red glare, wouldn’t you say?

     Walda: He doesn’t scare ME!

     Angie: Have you seen our sister Maldice’s Mutant Clompkin? She looks like this:


      Ella: It’s the perfect match for a Stealthy Draik like her!

     Christine: Well, Clompkins are spooky in all the colours they come in, except maybe Valentine.

      ---Halloween Baby Blu---


      Christine: This Petpet is named for its striking resemblance to a Halloween Blumaroo. Uncanny, isn’t he?

     Walda: Agreed... He looks like Count Von Roo!

     Angie: I know, right? Complete with the cape.

     Ella: Can Baby Blus swim at all?

     Angie: I think so. They come from the Rock Pool, after all!

     Christine: Apparently, Baby Blus come in a lot of colours that match their Neopet counterparts.

     Walda: There should be one for every Blumaroo colour!

     Christine: Yeah, the overworked and underappreciated artists will get on that immediately, Walda.

     Walda: But all Blumaroos deserve a matching buddy! NO FAIR!

      ---Halloween Geb---


      Christine: Geb are very intelligent. They can retract their arms and legs when threatened. This one is made of candy corn. Perfect for Halloween!

     Ella: Remember, Walda: A candy corn Petpet is still a Petpet. Don’t eat him!


      ---Walda lunges toward the Geb and bites the top of the candy corn off. The Geb yelps in pain.---

      Ella: WALDA! Shame on you! I’m calling the PPL!

     Angie: Will it grow back?

     Ella: Yes, but it’s still painful for the Geb!

     Walda: ---munching candy corn--- Yummy!

     Angie: Maybe you could buy her a big bag of candy corn before she nibbles the poor Petpet out of existence.

     Ella: No! I’m not rewarding her for this!

      ---The Geb, clearly panicked, retracts his arms and legs, playing dead. Nevertheless, Walda lunges in for another bite, but Ella grabs her tail to stop her.---

      Walda: LET GO, or I’ll smite you with my Wand of the Dark Faerie!

      ---The Geb realises that playing dead isn’t working. He scuttles off into a safe hiding place.---

     Walda: ---twists free--- Where’d he go?

     Ella: Away from YOU, you degenerate!

     Christine: ---sigh--- I think that’s enough excitement for a single Petpet. Onto the next one...

      ---Halloween Rock---


      Ella: Try to chow down on THIS, Walda, and you will break your teeth!

     Angie: It’s a gravestone. How depressing...

     Walda: I think it’s perfect for Halloween!

     Christine: Different colours of Rock Petpets are known for their creative designs. The Orange Rock is an orange fruit, the Valentine Rock is a box of candy, and the Tyrannian Rock is a fossil!

     Ella: This one has a creative design as well!

     Angie: Whatever, I hate it. At least it doesn’t bite...

     Walda: I like it. Nice and creepy!



      Christine: The Meepit is a Neopian classic. There is something awfully spooky about those big, staring eyes...

     Walda: I hear that Meepits like to gnaw on things!

     Ella: I wouldn’t be surprised, given their big teeth...

     Angie: That little pink beast had better not BITE!

     Walda: I’m sure he does. ---cackles---

     Angie: ---nervously backs away---

      ---Without whining, the Meepit lunges at Walda and bites her.---

      Walda: NO FAIR! WAAAAHHHH!!! I’ll show YOU!

      ---Walda brandishes her Wand of the Dark Faerie and blasts the Meepit clear across the room. He falls to the ground and doesn’t get up.---

      Ella: Is he dead?!

     Angie: I hope so.

     Ella: I am TOTALLY calling the PPL on you, Walda! Eating the Halloween Geb was bad enough!

      ---The Meepit wakes up in a daze and hides under the couch.---

      Ella: Well, that’s a relief. I hope he feels better!

     Angie: You can get that biting creature OUT OF HERE, Ella, as far as I’m concerned.

     Walda: I agree!

      ---Mutant Babyca---


      Christine: Curious, mischievous, and extremely fast, Babycas can be quite a handful to look after. The Mutant Babyca looks just like a Mutant Meerca!

     Ella: Mischievous is right. Look at that grin!

     Angie: She had better not bite!

     Ella: Angie, that’s getting old.

     Walda: Why does this Petpet have three tails?

     Angie: It’s a mutant, silly.

     Ella: An unpainted Babyca also has three tails.

     Angie: Well, I don’t know, then.

     Christine: Anyway, if you’d like a Mutant Petpet this Halloween, you can find a Mutant Petpet Paint Brush in the Void Within prize shop for a very affordable price.

      ---Mutant Bearog---


      Angie: I don’t get it. How is this a mutant?

     Ella: An unpainted Bearog has three heads, so it’s only fitting that the “Mutant” Bearog would in fact be the normal one!

     Angie: I see. Is each of the three heads sentient?

     Ella: Yeah, I think they may be conjoined triplets, though I don’t exactly have a degree in Petpet biology.

     Angie: If you paint a three-headed Bearog with a Mutant Petpet Paint Brush, and it becomes single-headed, then what happens to the other two heads?

     Ella: You’re right! That sounds cruel...

     Walda: Whatever! I think that the Mutant Bearog is cute.

     Ella: Leave it to YOU to not care about cruelty to Petpets, Walda!

      ---Void Baby Fireball---


      Christine: This is not a Petpet you can paint. You can find several different Void Petpets in The Void Within prize shop for affordable prices. They come already Void-hued.

     Walda: Or, if you’re really cheap, you can get a Void Baby Space Fungus off the Shop Wizard for chump change! The Festering Void Remnant frequently awards them as prizes.

     Christine: Walda, that’s not very nice...

     Angie: Anyway, this fireball is very spooky, perfect for Halloween! The Baby Fireball originates from the Haunted Woods. The Brain Tree may reward you with one if you are lucky!

     Walda: Yeah, an UNpainted Baby Fireball. If you want the cool VOID Baby Fireball, you can buy one from the prize shop.

     Ella: What else can you get from the Brain Tree?

     Christine: In terms of Petpets, you can get an unpainted Bearog, a Lil Frankie, a Mummy Baby, or a Walking Carpet.

     Walda: Along with many useless Battledome “weapons!”

     Ella: Hey, I wouldn’t call the Lucky Robot’s Foot useless.

     Walda: Forget it, when everyone and their brother can get a Leaded Elemental Vial now!

     Christine: Very good point, Walda.


      Christine: So, which Petpet was everyone’s favourite?

     Walda: The Void Baby Fireball. So cool and spooky!

     Ella: I liked the Halloween Rock. Perfect for Halloween!

     Angie: Anything that doesn’t bite, and anything besides that depressing Halloween Rock, for that matter.

     Christine: Anyway, I’m confident that everyone can find the perfect spooky Petpet out of the ones still available. Until next time, dear readers!

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