Meow Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1019 | 18th day of Collecting, Y26
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Hey there! I've noticed that the Nurse Glee Plushie given out by the Neohospital is flagged as a wearable, but doesn't seem to be actually wearable by anyone. Is this an error? ~petfriendamy
Hello! This little plushie was so excited to accompany you on your NeoHospital shifts that it tried to become a wearable- we’ve fixed this now and the plushie will no longer try to cling to your clothes! Thanks for bringing this to our attention! ~~ Snail

What is a Kooky? ~ magic_scar
Kooky is more of a who than a what. He is a kind of petpet called Kookith, and he belongs to the mad scientist that runs the Lab Ray. It’s also been said he gets up to strange mischief when the scientist’s back is turned. /gen ~~Stone

Hello! My brother and I both play Neopets. We like to joke around as siblings do - nothing crass of course, but sometimes a little rude. For example, I may say to him "Lol your Neopets are dressed weird" or "Get some more avatars, nerd!" I think it would be funny to send these things to him via Neomail when he's online, but I'm worried it may be taken as bullying and I might get warned. Would this kind of joking with him be an issue? Again, nothing horrible, just playfully rude. Thanks! ~ trash_is_telekinetic
Hello there! While we can certainly appreciate a good, old-fashioned, sibling rivalry, we cannot condone interactions on the site that could be construed as bullying or harassing behaviour. There’s ultimately no way for us to confirm whether it’s playful or not (and that you’re indeed, in fact, siblings). We want Neopia to be a healthy, fun and supportive place for all players! If you’d like to continue your sibling jokes, you are welcome to do so but we recommend keeping it off of the site, just in case! ~~ Adler

Hi there! I love the Lania’s Overalls item, except it is impossible to put a shirt under it compared to other overall pants wearables! Would it be possible to update it from "shirt/dress" into the "jacket" category instead? That would make a lot more sense in my small opinion :) Thank you! ~lereshpere
Hello there! Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We have made the rezoning fix to the overalls, so you should now be able to wear a shirt underneath! Happy Customising! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Hey TNT! *slides plate of warm chocolate chip cookies* I was just wondering if you could tell me how to correctly report a user who has an inappropriate username. I love that this site strives to be family-friendly, and I would like to help keep it that way! :) ~ cadetbush
Hello! Thanks for the cookies, and thanks for helping to keep things family-friendly around here! To report a username, it would be best to send in a report at ~~ Miss Rainbow

*tosses a pumpkin* Could you please correct the spelling of this item: King Altador Hallowen Juice? Thanks in advance. :) ~ mrs_g
*catches the pumpkin and starts carving a jack-o-lantern* Thanks for bringing this to our attention! This juice is now free of both pulp and spelling errors! ~~ Snail

HI! The new Fall Pumpkin Coffee Glass & Baby Fall Plaid Onesie were added to the mall only in the Halloween shop with a Nov 1 retirement date. These appear to be regular Fall items and not Halloween-related, so can they please be moved to the Fall shop with an increased expiration date? Trying to help y'all get some more money... Thanks! ~ quailbat
Hello! You make a great point! So much so, that we have made the changes! Thanks! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Hello TNT! With Winter coming up i've been wanting to ask if you'd be willing to add the item "MME4-B1: Sparkling Snow Background" to one of the Winter Re-Release Capsules, pretty please with whipped cream and candy canes on top? I love it and it's PERFECT for a custom i've been working on, but even after being added to the MME Re-Release Capsule in 2023 they're still SOO few and far between! TTATT Thank you for your time! ~ flannelraptors
Hello! I think you will be happy to hear, that this item should be coming soon to a capsule near you! Check the NC Mall next week hehehe~ Best of luck with your pulls and happy customising! ~~ Miss Rainbow

Hi TNT! Do you have plans to make more seasonal wearable items, especially for Mutant colored pets? There are Santa hats for Normal, Baby, and Maraquan Pets but nothing Mutants! My pets want to get in the holiday spirit this year and I would love it if you could consider them! Thanks! ~ makariuki
Hello! Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We will keep this in mind for sure! Make sure to keep a look out once the holiday season starts! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

I have possibly the single most important question that could ever be asked about anything Neopets-related: does an aisha's height on their lookup include their taller set of ears? ~ loosemorels
Good question! Let’s check. *approaches an Aisha with some measuring tape* *Aisha swats away the measuring tape* *This happens 3, 4, 5 more times* Phew! Uh, let us get back to you! ~~ Miss Rainbow


Your solution to the late-appearing AC stamp issue was a brilliant solution. It was simple and very classy. This is yet another reason I support the new team. Join me for apple cider and donuts anytime! ~Neohomeninja

Dear TNT, the Wormo is possibly the greatest petpet to ever have been created. Begging for more colours, more items, more of the Great Wormo!! Have a wormy day! ~ bimbo1122

Wormo says thank you!

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