Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 197,890,914 Issue: 1021 | 15th day of Storing, Y26
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword thesecondringbearer

Week - 244

The Public, Your Pets, and You
by thesecondringbearer
Description: If only there was a behavior training school in Neopia! But there’s not, and so I’m here to offer you some good tips on keeping your pets in line instead.

Week - 1011

Why the Snowager Should Be Your New Best Friend
by thesecondringbearer
Description: I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “thesecondringbearer! If I were to pick a new best friend in Neopia, it wouldn’t be that grumpy old Snowager. It would be Queen Fyora: wise, benevolent, and practically all-knowing.”

Week - 1017

How to Stave Off Boredom at the Neopian Hospital
by thesecondringbearer
Description: You’re volunteering at the Neopian Hospital. Repeatedly. Three or four shifts a day. And when you started, it sounded exciting.

Week - 1019

The Best Halloween Parties in the Haunted Woods
by thesecondringbearer
Description: Since arriving in Neopia, I’ve spent years sneaking into—er, I mean, receiving invitations to—some of the most exclusive Halloween parties in the Haunted Woods. And it took nearly two decades, but I’ve finally attended them all.

Week - 1021

Your Guide to Gifting with Pirate Pets
by thesecondringbearer
Description: You're so excited! It's almost the Month of Celebrating, and you're super ready to drink some Orange Flavored Borovan, eat an Aisha Angel Cookie, and choose fun gifts for all your Neopets and friends.

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