Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 193,660,839 Issue: 706 | 6th day of Storing, Y17
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword airickuh

Week - 706

Pocket Change
by airickuh
Description: "They want to put a lever into the wall of the Supply Deck."

"Okay..." Castrix was silent for a moment. "A lever for what?"

"Well, it's a weird request. They say they want a mechanical hand to come out when someone pulls the lever, and take Neopoints from the person who pulled it."

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Scream & Shout
He's only manupulative when his favorite foods are on the line.

Also by tizzlestix

by msjanny


Meegla and Fargon's Not-So-Intergalactic Adventures: Part Five
Meegla couldn’t read the deck. Try as she might, her psychic powers didn’t seem to work on a whole stack of cards. She could barely tell what the top card was; it was as if the other cards were creating an interference her powers couldn’t overcome.

by hybatsu


The Once-Forgotten Shore
Loud enough for the whole crew to hear, he announced, "Prepare to land on that shore." Tornin the navigator looked down at his map, then back up to the shore. Back down to the map, then back up to the shore. He decided he wasn't mistaken. "Captain, I think it would be very unwise to land here."

by book_moon


A Battledome to Unconverted Trading Guide
Have you ever wanted to trade up into UCs but have never really known how? Well, this guide will tell you how it can be done. This guide is based upon real past trading experiences which will give you some tips as to how you can achieve a pet you have always wanted, regardless of their UC status.

by gattacaa


Petpets of Neopia
Every Neopet should have a petpet. These cute little creatures teaches Neopets about responsibility and friendship, and can provide countless hours of fun. In this article I have looked at all petpets from the various Neopian lands and narrowed my choices down to three favourites which I feel are the most iconic and best represent the land they hail from.

by aleu1986

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