For an easier life Circulation: 193,660,839 Issue: 706 | 6th day of Storing, Y17
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The Fastest Way To The 'Kadoatery - Mew!' Avatar

by mustikeuh121

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Only On Neopets!
Inspired, I thought it would be cool to collect a list of Neopian quirks that are unique to the players on this site and no other. Plus, I love having an excuse to talk on the Neoboards. It's my favorite form of entertainment on here! I headed to the Neoboards and asked the players: "What are your quirks on Neopets, quirks that are unique to this site?" I got many interesting replies!

by indulgences


Scream & Shout
He's only manupulative when his favorite foods are on the line.

Also by tizzlestix

by msjanny


The Truth About Mutants
Well, that was not as planned.

by goldensif


A Queen's Ascension - Justice: Part Seven
Morgana stood up, causing Vyssa and Tomos to take a step back each. She sighed. “You’re in charge, are you?” She echoed. Her voice was somewhat changed from last time. It had lost the crackly sound to it, and was instead quite clear. It was now smooth as silk and deep. Vyssa couldn’t help but wonder if everything about her had been a lie.

by dudeiloled

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