Week - 684
About Faerie Quests by amarettoball |
Description: Sometimes receiving quests is a bit of an annoyance... |
Week - 686
Unfortunate Events by amarettoball |
Description: Can you really 'steal' something that was free in the first place? |
Week - 688
50 NP by amarettoball |
Description: What's with Neopians painting pet rocks into codestones? |
Week - 692
Hunger Gains by amarettoball |
Description: Too full? Not quite. |
Week - 694
The Sibling Experience by amarettoball |
Description: Disclaimer: No siblings were unloved in the making of this comic. |
Week - 696
Favorite Owner by amarettoball |
Description: Don't pick favorites; it usually doesn't end well. |
Week - 697
Playing Favorites by amarettoball |
Description: Don't try to deny having a "favorite pet". It's pretty obvious. |
Week - 698
Welcome to the Family?: Part 1 by amarettoball |
Description: You know the old saying, "don't judge a book by its cover"? It's good advice. |
Week - 699
Welcome to the Family?: Part 2 by amarettoball |
Description: Silly Uni, you don't get to choose family members. |
Week - 700
700th Celebration by amarettoball |
Description: Do not try this at home... or else you might not even have one! |
Week - 702
What Does the Weewoo Say? by amarettoball |
Description: SQUAAWWK! |
Week - 703
New Paint Job by amarettoball |
Description: What does he even want that one million NP jug for...? |
Week - 704
Eclectic Antics: Hoarders Edition by amarettoball |
Description: Remember to clean out your safety deposit box regularly! (Please.) |
Week - 705
Eclectic Antics: Hollow's Eve by amarettoball |
Description: She's not your stereotypical witch... |
Week - 706
Eclectic Antics: Writing Tip by amarettoball |
Description: A scathing, poignant remark will henceforth be scrawled in this vacuous space. |
Week - 707
Eclectic Antics: Happy Birthday, Neopets! by amarettoball |
Description: Grab your forks; we've got cake!
Week - 709
Eclectic Antics: Broken Vase by amarettoball |
Description: Well, that escalated quickly. |
Week - 710
Eclectic Antics: the Gift Thief, Part I by amarettoball |
Description: Our heroes and villains are introduced... |
Week - 711
Eclectic Antics: the Gift Thief, Part II by amarettoball |
Description: Our heroes run into some minor mishaps... |
Week - 712
Eclectic Antics: the Gift Thief, Part III by amarettoball |
Description: Our heroes question if Christmas really needed saving at all... |
Week - 713
Eclectic Antics: Trading Places by amarettoball |
Description: Don't worry, Hanso is currently fine. Slightly charred, but fine. |
Week - 714
The Bennett Files: The Case of the Faerie Ring by amarettoball |
Description: It was a chilly day in Altador, which was why Strai was happy to be working inside for once. As a Maraquan Gelert, he was naturally inclined to be outside, or at least around a body of water. Today, though, he was pretty certain that if he had stayed outside for more than a few hours without an enchantment, he would have shriveled up from the dry air and shrunken into a nice little Brucicle. |
Week - 715
Eclectic Antics: The True Ghoul Catchers by amarettoball |
Description: Even the Ghoul Catchers outsource their work. |
Week - 716
Common Myths About Writing for the Neopian Times by amarettoball |
Description: I happened upon a few topics discussing rumors about how to get published into the Neopian Times. These comments intrigued me, so after I scribbled down a list of the most common ones, I poured myself a sixth cup of coffee, and left for the Neopian Times headquarters to see for myself if they were accurate or not. |
Week - 717
Eclectic Antics: Save the Chocolates, Part I by amarettoball |
Description: In which Kaune shows the most polite way to wake someone up.
Week - 718
Eclectic Antics: Save the Chocolates, Part II by amarettoball |
Description: But the real question is: can you really use a frying pan as a weapon? |
Week - 719
Eclectic Antics: Save the Chocolates, Finale by amarettoball |
Description: Biscuit shows how to love your family. Kind of. |
Week - 720
The Bennett Files: The Case of the Dinner Party by amarettoball |
Description: Strai was absolutely ecstatic when Bennett received an emergency neomail requesting his services down at the Kelp restaurant in Maraqua. It was the land of his paint job, and going there felt much like sinking into a freshly-made bubble bath and never wanting to come out. However, even that feeling didn't prepare him for the scene that lay before him: a group of diners sprawled on the floor, clutching their stomachs in pain. |
Week - 721
Eclectic Antics: Neohomes by amarettoball |
Description: In other news, Neopian homelessness is now at an all-time low of 90%! |
Week - 722
Eclectic Antics: Winter by amarettoball |
Description: We all have that one friend. Also by parody_ham |
Week - 723
Eclectic Antics: Illusen's Marketing by amarettoball |
Description: Being tiny is an everyday struggle. Also by parody_ham |
Week - 724
Eclectic Antics: Kass and the Village People by amarettoball |
Description: Kass even tried bringing a gift. There's just no pleasing them. Also by likelife96 |
Week - 725
The Comic Artist's Handbook by amarettoball |
Description: A few readers have mentioned that I should elaborate more on how to make comics, and they offered to provide me with a lifetime supply of Soy Chai Lattes if I did so. Thus, for purely altruistic reasons (and totally not because I have a caffeine addiction to feed), I took up my drawing pens and went full speed ahead on fulfilling this request. |
Week - 726
Eclectic Antics: Gals in Wraithland by amarettoball |
Description: Wraiths are scary? Please, you haven't met a girl with a temper.
Week - 727
Eclectic Antics: Pizza Delivery by amarettoball |
Description: Dignity does not exist in this economy. |
Week - 728
Eclectic Antics: Confessions of an Ex-Baby by amarettoball |
Description: In which Kaune suddenly becomes several times her previous body size. |
Week - 729
Eclectic Antics: Lever of Doom by amarettoball |
Description: Avatar collectors are not mad. Okay, maybe a little. Also by parody_ham |
Week - 731
Eclectic Antics: Long Dresses by amarettoball |
Description: There is a direct correlation between fashion choices and one's range of motion. Biscuit wishes it was otherwise. |
Week - 732
Eclectic Antics: Makeover by amarettoball |
Description: The event's not even here yet, but that doesn't mean these crazies can't get hyped about it. |
Week - 734
Sunny Side Up by amarettoball |
Description: Faeries have expensive tastes. |