Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 195,530,000 Issue: 859 | 15th day of Running, Y21
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We found the following 53 result(s) for the keyword saudadesdagripe

Week - 491

Er... what? o_O (Easter Edition!)
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Huh, do you know the answer?

Week - 509

Edna's Surprise - Mutant Edition!
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Mutants are not uglyy!!!

Also by saltsman

Week - 516

Wrath of the Snowager: The Guide!
by saltsman
Description: You play the Snowager, and your job is to slide through twelve maps, trying to recover your loot...

Also by saudadesdagripe

Week - 569

A Not-So-Super Attack Pea
by saudadesdagripe
Description: A sad story about a pea Chia that doesn't know how to fly!

Week - 575

Habitarium Holiday
by saudadesdagripe
Description: That petpetpet surely needs some...

Week - 577

Escaping From Dr. Sloth: a Toy Box Escape Guide!
by saudadesdagripe
Description: The Neopets are trapped, and they need your help!

Also by guik44

Week - 578

Worst Job Ever!
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Poor babysitter...

Also by dreamaheadofme4

Week - 581

The Power of Valentines Day
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Well, you know, you just can't...

Also by guik44

Week - 587

Too Many Buttons!
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Unfortunately, he won a pink dress...

Also by guik44

Week - 588

Just Grandma Boochi's Luck
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Wait, what?! Where did she come from?

Week - 589

A Slorg Addiction
by saudadesdagripe
Description: It's a nice mug, by the way.

Week - 605

by saudadesdagripe
Description: Run, Boochi is here!

Week - 606

Suspicious Food
by saudadesdagripe
Description: This isn't what I asked for!

Week - 609

Chadley Basher!
by saudadesdagripe
Description: It's nothing personal, Chadley, everyone loves you!

Week - 617

Wise Old King
by saudadesdagripe
Description: It could've been worse.

Week - 618

A Haunted Maze
by saudadesdagripe
Description: It's a piece of cake, you will see.

Week - 621

by saudadesdagripe
Description: It totally works.

Also by vitorplemes

Week - 624

Wishing Done Right!
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Geniuses are smarter than I thought.

Also by saltsman

Week - 653

Moltara's Winter: Part One
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Jon woke up feeling extremely happy. Today's the day, he thought joyfully...

Also by saltsman

Week - 654

Moltara's Winter: Part Two
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Jon forced himself to keep on walking, even though everything he wanted to was sit and cry. He had no idea why he didn't turn Magma.

Also by saltsman

Week - 655

Moltara's Winter: Part Three
by saudadesdagripe
Description: "Don't worry, buddy." Paul sat down next to Jon on a beanbag. "We're going to bring them back."

Also by saltsman

Week - 656

Moltara's Winter: Part Four
by saudadesdagripe
Description: "We need to find a way down the caves," Luna began explaining. "I've studied some maps of Moltara and I know for a fact that the quarry has an entrance..."

Also by saltsman

Week - 657

Moltara's Winter: Part Five
by saudadesdagripe
Description: The entrance to the caves was hidden behind a pile of gigantic obsidian rocks. They had to crawl to enter. Once inside, they were forced to snake through...

Also by saltsman

Week - 658

Moltara's Winter: Part Six
by saudadesdagripe
Description: "Loyal to you?" Luna snorted. "Who would be loyal to you..."

Also by saltsman

Week - 659

Moltara's Winter: Part Seven
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Inside, they found nothing. The cabinet was completely empty and apparently there was sign of struggle, as some of the desks were broken.

Also by saltsman

Week - 660

Mystery Island Mysteries
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Why would he want to leave?

Week - 661

Heroes Have Got Style
by saudadesdagripe
Description: They can be fabulous too!

Week - 664

Are You a Kadoatie or Warf Neopian?
by saudadesdagripe
Description: This is something everyone should know about themselves.

Week - 667

Hubrid's Hero Heist: In-Depth
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Making your way through 36 different levels, your final objective is to rescue a total of six heroes from Hubrid Nox.

Week - 669

Make A Wish
by saudadesdagripe
Description: So, much how did you want?

Also by vitorplemes

Week - 670

An Honest Kadoatie
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Bring me more food! Now!

Aso by vitorplemes

Week - 676

Neopia Is Safe, For Now
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Charity Corner really saved us...

Also by vitorplemes

Week - 678

Jhudora's Bodyguards
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Sarah and Daisy are gonna look beautiful!

Also by vitorplemes

Week - 680

Valentine's Day Backup
by saudadesdagripe
Description: I have no one to kiss...

Also by vitorplemes

Week - 699

A Coal War Tactics Guide
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Splash, splash, BOOM!!!

Also by guik44

Week - 700

Neopian Times Delivery
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Happy 700th Issue!

Also by saltsman

Week - 701

Trudy's Surprise Slot Machine
by saudadesdagripe
Description: It scares me to death, too, everyday.

Also by guik44

Week - 713

Hannah's Adventures: the Pirate Caves
by saudadesdagripe
Description: or this week’s article we will talk about Hannah’s first game, Hannah and the Pirate Caves. This is a very old game, but since you can obtain a pretty avatar and trophies when playing it, the game hasn’t been forgotten by the neopians.

Also by guik44

Week - 714

Hannah's Adventures: the Ice Caves
by saudadesdagripe
Description: This time Hannah has left the Pirate Caves and is now in Terror Mountain, exploring the Ice Caves! But now she isn’t alone, she has brought a friend with her – his name is Armin.

Also by guik44

Week - 715

It's So Cutie!
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Don't let appearances fool you.

Week - 716

Hannah's Adventures: the Wardrobe of Adventure
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Oh, you are here again! Are you ready for our next challenge? I am sure you will be thrilled to discover what this new game has to offer you. Hannah’s new adventure is a brand new experience, and if you have been following my guides for the past two weeks you will be delighted to know that this week’s game has nothing – and I truly mean nothing – similar to Pirate Caves or Ice Caves

Also by guik44

Week - 717

Hannah's Adventures: the Kreludor Caves
by saudadesdagripe
Description: You control Hannah – and this time, unlike Ice Caves, it’s only her – and your mission is to collect treasure chests around the map, and when you are done, enter the door. If you have ever played Pirate Caves or Ice Caves I am sure you know that even though it sounds simple, it isn’t.

Also by guik44

Week - 719

A Gift For My Valentine
by saudadesdagripe
Description: This is what I call being lucky.

Week - 720

Shopping For Clothes
by saudadesdagripe
Description: You gotta look pretty, right?!

Also by erianoillim

Week - 721

Neopets Hint
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Playing Dice-A-Roo is a good way to get food

Also by erianoillim

Week - 722

Petpet Show Off
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Well, that's interesting...

Also by erianoillim

Week - 723

More Like Illusen
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Oops...

Also by erianoillim

Week - 726

Wraithland: Escape Route
by saudadesdagripe
Description: It's not gonna work out.

Also by erianoillim

Week - 733

Ready For Combat
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Fashionably ready, that is.

Also by erianoillim

Week - 738

Dreaming Turmaculus
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Someone's in a bad mood!

Also by erianoillim

Week - 740

The Kelp
by saudadesdagripe
Description: The food is so tiny it's impossible to get bloated!

Also by erianoillim

Week - 744

Such a Gourmet Club
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Hunger: very bloated!

Also by erianoillim

Week - 859

The Road to Become a NeoQuest! Champion
by saudadesdagripe
Description: Is there sanity after NeoQuest InSaNe!?

(also by guik44)

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Happy Illusen Day!
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10 NC Essentials for Your Spring Customisation
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Luck Around the World
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Also by kiwigoddesskimmie

by trubiekatie

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