Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,128,178 Issue: 965 | 29th day of Swimming, Y24
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword marshclan13_

Week - 957

NC News: Neopians Prepare for an Unprecedented Sale
by swordlilly
Description: "Crowds are gathered outside the NC Mall in preparation for an unprecedented 24-hour sale where every holiday-themed re-release capsule will be made available at once. "collab with marcthegr8est1 and marshclan13_

Week - 965

Darigan vs Meridell - A Colouring Page
by marshclan13_
Description: Colour your way to victory! collab with suzerz

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"The sun is sinking behind the trees, casting the entire marketplace in long shadows. Merchants are packing away their wares, folding down tables and chairs, and taking down signs. Most customers have already cleared out. Only a few linger behind, haggling and bargaining for that final elusive deal."

by alphachicky


The Reawakening
"Dirt and grime and ache spread through the weary, soggy bones of the commander. His sword felt like the weight of the world in his right hand; his armour the weight of the people. His people."

by kat212121


I Heart Meridell
A Meridell supporter's 20 year regret...

by antonia22301


The Redeemed Lord
The many faces of Darigan

by spinellihoopla


Meri Acres Merrymakers Inn: Bowl of Yuck or Yum?
"Quiet and unassuming, the Meri Acres Merrymakers Inn is as rustic as the name suggests. (That’s being generous. Shabby is the better term for it. Dusty is another. “Has this dump ever been swept before?” is a touch rude but hits the point faster.)"

by sarah_jackie

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