Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 197,237,475 Issue: 974 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y24
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We found the following 23 result(s) for the keyword swordlilly

Week - 638

The Mender
by swordlilly
Description: Donny tugged on a string and the puppet waved; another tug, and it bobbed its head.

The aged Bori allowed himself a grin.

Week - 646

What To Do With Abandoned Pets?
by swordlilly
Description: Currently, there are more than 280 million Neopets in Neopia. That's... a lot of Neopets.

Week - 648

Petpetsitter: An Advanced Strategy Guide
by swordlilly
Description: It was after I'd done some experimentation on my own that I discovered a gameplay strategy, which I will now share with you in this guide.

Week - 650

Three Types of Neopians
by swordlilly
Description: Today's Neopians are just as passionate about their 'pets as ever, but—as you'll see—in a rather different way than before.

Week - 668

by swordlilly
Description: Terry woke in a room that was far too bright. He was just about to panic for having overslept, when he remembered that he was back home on holiday break, back in the middle of nowhere.

Week - 676

"If Only": Neopets' Nostalgic Economy
by swordlilly
Description: If my observations are correct, nostalgia is the biggest desire driving the Neopian economies.

Week - 689

Open Shore
by swordlilly
Description: The sky was still pink with sleep when Xurray went down to the beach. Early that morning the Custard Blumaroo had stared into her bathroom mirror, wondering what beauty there could be in a face that no longer had anyone to admire it.

Week - 693

A Beginner's Guide to NC Trading
by swordlilly
Description: Did you win a Basic Gift Box from Trudy's Surprise? Have you wandered over to the NC Mall Chat, only to find yourself bewildered by the lingo and conventions? Welcome to my Beginner's Guide to NC Trading.

Week - 731

Spell-or-Starve: An Advanced Strategy Guide
by swordlilly
Description: In this game, you play a Purple Mynci who has been captured by an evil computer called Neopets V2. Well, it isn't evil exactly; it's just lonely and wants a friend to play with. Except it doesn't value the biological life of its friend. So unless you play its word-game, it won't let you go, and you will starve.

Week - 900

Sery and Vina
by swordlilly
Description: A story about two Mutant Hissi sisters learning to love themselves.

Week - 905

How to Maths: The Food Club Edition
by swordlilly
Description: What is ROI? What does TER mean? Stephanie interviews Phoenix, the Food Club pro. collaboration with phoenix79

Week - 926

6 Underrated NC Wearables for Performing Pets
by swordlilly
Description: This article will shed some light on 6 underrated items that are as beautiful as they are obtainable. Collab with phoenix79

Week - 937

10 Lesser-Known Pink Things to Wear for Fyora Day
by swordlilly
Description: Fyora Day is the perfect excuse, I mean reason, to flaunt the dignified colour of pink (which isn't childish or frivolous in the least)

Week - 940

A Plushie Bruce's Story
by swordlilly
Description: Robinisha's first memory was of being in a factory...

Week - 943

Second Glance
by swordlilly
Description: Vina loves costume parties...

Week - 951

Winter Customisation on a Budget
by swordlilly
Description: In this article, I will go over some affordable NP alternatives to NC items that your pets might want this holiday season!

Week - 952

Pirates vs. Ninjas: Cook-off!
by swordlilly
Description: Who would win in a cook-off?! Pirates, or ninjas?

Week - 956

How to Brighten Your Illusen-esque Customs
by swordlilly
Description: "...In order to bring out Illusen's greens and browns, I needed to add just a touch of red and blue!"

Week - 957

NC News: Neopians Prepare for an Unprecedented Sale
by swordlilly
Description: "Crowds are gathered outside the NC Mall in preparation for an unprecedented 24-hour sale where every holiday-themed re-release capsule will be made available at once. "collab with marcthegr8est1 and marshclan13_

Week - 965

Most Liveable Neopian City: Meridell or DC?
by swordlilly
Description: "According to a new report, Meridell is the most liveable city in Neopia."

Week - 972

Second Glance (Halloween edition)
by swordlilly
Description: "It is the year of our Meepit 4200000..."

Week - 973

A Most Important Day
by swordlilly
Description: "Coconori had been living on her own for about two months now, and she was still feeling the euphoria. The Custard Aisha took a sip from her mug of sweet Borovan..."

Week - 974

How to Care for Wintery Petpets
by swordlilly
Description: "Most of the Petpets that have adapted to the harsh climate of Terror Mountain are quite hardy."

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