Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 978 | 10th day of Running, Y25
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword blueskies020

Week - 683

Does the PC Care How Valuable Your Active Pet Is?
by blueskies020
Description: Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. Five pages later: bump. bump. bump. bump.

Week - 684

Does the Pound Chat Judge You By Your Active Pet?
by blueskies020
Description: If you have tried to trade your pets in Neopia, you are well aware that advertising your pets on the PC often consists of bumping your board for pages with nought but tumbleweeds and the chirp of moaches for company.

Week - 820

Who needs the Soup Faerie? A wealthy Neopian’s guide
by blueskies020
Description: A fun guide about Neopian soups.

Week - 961

Don't mess with Tyrannian Ixis!!!
by blueskies020
Description: Do you ever consider how pets feel when we trade them so callously on the Pound Chat??

Week - 978

Trading a Royal Boy Cybunny for a Darigan Draik!
by blueskies020
Description: Sometimes pets just don't understand why you prefer a different pet!!!

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