Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,410,267 Issue: 980 | 7th day of Eating, Y25
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword alvissofcaldia

Week - 809

The Haunted Cave - Retold by Oira
by alvissofcaldia
Description: As you walk into room number 292 at the Cheap Hotel - you would see a Regal Oak Wood Bed and a baby Kougra tucked in it - reading a book.

Week - 813

The Secret of Keep Out Island
by alvissofcaldia
Description: It was a dark and stormy night as a Wraith Xweetok rowed his boat to Keep Out Island – as the locals call it. The island itself was tucked behind Krawk Island – a large sign with the words “KEEP OUT!” was flapping in the wind – the sign was what kept locals from going to the island...

Week - 980

All in an April Fools Day work!
by alvissofcaldia
Description: "A Biscuit Xweetok named Cookie asked as he sat with his friends on a Biscuit Chair in his Neolodge Room..."

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Mynci Business
Some things aren't important to remember

by the_creator12345


Valentine Mystery Noir
"The green and black flash paused to look back at me for a moment, and I noticed it was a bright Green Quiggle wearing a black trench coat and top hat..." Collab with superkathiee

by honorrolle


The Perplexing Paintbrush Problem
"Tibetthe Quiggle was enjoying the wondrous day at his job. He worked at the bank. He had quite the life..."

by stelbel13


10 Fun April Fools Pranks
"Hi there! I am Ren, also known as the Mistress of Mischief and the Commander of Chaos."

by unfogging


Illusen's Quest
"Illusen dreaded the idea of meeting Jhudora. They hadn't seen each other for so long..." Collab with knightwolfalex

by rurirawr

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