Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,410,267 Issue: 980 | 7th day of Eating, Y25
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Just One Snack

by prulletje1852

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Trips Through the NT Archives #1: Bananas
I think Nick Neopia was right, you are just a rock. :0

by rielcz


TITLE: Eight Tips To Know You Haven’t Gone Crazy!!1!
"IT’S NOT JUST YOU! The world has become much more stressful."

by pikachu315111


"A Vegetable Soup Recipe for Neopets Cookbook."
"Now where am I going to get the veggies that I need?"

by kimpossibleluvr


Kelp: Is it Worth the Price?
"We have a very special treat for you in today’s edition of the Neopian times! Your writers recently went undercover to have a meal at Kelp - Maraqua’s most exclusive restaurant." Collab with theguy2020

by coconut_rat

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