Description: After months of snorkeling training I have finally been able
to visit the ruins to do research on it’s destruction, and also to mourn for the
thousands of Koi who lost their homes...
Description: "This year marks the 17th year of the Altador Cup since the kingdom was awoken from its long slumber. That’s 17 years of Yooyu Ball and with it some truly remarkable careers from senior players - such as Krell Vitor of the Haunted Woods, who guided his team to victory the first year of the cup, to Captain Foltaggio, who after many hard-fought years, finally brought his team together to win one for the home team."
Faerie Queen, Faerie Knight "A blaze of pink and lilac light emanated from the Southwest Tower of Faerie Palace, and for a moment, all fighting around the palace ground to a halt as Aethia looked up at the rose-colored beacon. Then she spoke the words she couldn’t believe she was finally speaking, words she had waited to speak for quite a while."