teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,635,289 Issue: 994 | 20th day of Collecting, Y25
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword lavo0810

Week - 994

Which Pumpkin Are You?
by lavo0810
Description: Which pumpkin are you? Well, it is that time of year again! A crisp cool wind rustles the trees around your neighbourhood.

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Great stories!


Halloween night !
"Let's go! It's the last house, guys!" Collab with lorrai07

by shayn_


A Story No One Knows
How the Usul twins came to be in the Haunted Woods on the most mischief-filled night of the year rather than enjoying a balmy sunset from their beach-side bookshop half a world away was the result of an unfortunate lack of calendar awareness (it's always summer on Mystery Island!) and a deceptive-but-not-technically-false bit of advertising on the part of the Krawk they hired to sail them across the ocean.

by phadalusfish


The Box from 10,000 Years Ago
"The two Neopets, Teca the Fire Wocky and her mount, Vyim the White Uni, find themselves walking on a mysterious and dark land, having no idea where they might be..."

by chantili_doce


Fyora's Foul and Fancy Faerie Festival
This year’s Faerie Festival has “soared higher than even Fyora’s loftiest expectations”, at least according to the official propaganda released by the Hidden Tower.

by rielcz


Happiness Faerie's Halloween Hints
Smile! The Happiness Faerie is here!

by tiriosh

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