Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 193,646,926 Issue: 704 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y17
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The Joy of Being a Labrat

by kadfisch

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Pirate Problems - One Size Fits ... Most?
Um, maybe you should upgrade?

by squawkies


Dull Battle Quills
The pie always goes first.

by tulituli9025


Loyalty Lives
Dalibor was on escort duty. The shadow Peophin was an up-and-coming solider in the kingdom of Psellio. He did not complain. He was honored to serve the royal family: King Anselm, Queen Adaeze and Princess Valenchesa. Whatever his orders, he obeyed without question.

by 77thbigby


A Snowball Affect
Many times I wonder, if I could, how would I get my offline friends to become Neopians? Many people of my age and around it believe that Neopets is a site only for children! Yes this is true, while the demographic is children, there are many adults, college students, and older teenagers who make up most of the user database. With that stipulation gone, your friend might be more inclined to listen and learn more about the wonders of Neopia! I will talk about some of the things and perks of the site that new users might be interested in.

by emo_angel48

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