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Customising your Pteri for Special Occasions

by sky_lady


Hello dear Pteri lovers! If you're reading this article, you must be curious about new ways to customise your Pteris. This article will be focusing in garlands, more specifically in branched garlands and nature/birds related garlands. Keep in mind, all of the seven garlands mentioned bellow are Neocash items, which means you will have to use real money to buy or to trade for them.

So, are you excited to read about it? Wait no more! There are hundreds of ways to customise your Pteri but if you want to customise your pet for a special occasion maybe you can try to add one of the following garlands.

7) Beekadoodle Flower Garland

A beautiful garland of flowers held up by Beekadoodles!

This garland was a prize from the Wonderclaw NC Mall Game and it was released in 2011. Sadly, the garland was retired from the Wonderclaw game so it's not available anymore. If you want to customise your Pteri with this garland, you have to trade for it. And why would you do that?, you're wondering... Well, because this garland will make a beautiful and cheap customisation for your Pteri! It's a great choice if you don't have much money to spend. It looks great in basic Pteris, like blue or red (of course you can paint your Pteri another color you like). And then, you just need to add a background you like, and voila, customisation finished! Well, it's not very elaborated but the Beekadoodles bring all the tranquility your Pteri needs to feel relaxed and happy. It's a pretty garland to use during Spring or anytime you want.

6) Parted Branches Garland

Sometimes trees grow in such a peculiar way.

The Parted Branches Garland is still available!! You can still get this garland by equipping one of your petpets with a Ghostly Wand of Spades (125 NC) and sending it to the Grave Danger, located in Neovia. But please note the item you get is random so you may or may not win this garland. Your Pteri will feel camouflaged and hidden behind all those branches and bushes. Add a plain background and your customisation is ready! You can add a foreground if you'd like but it doesn't seem necessary because the garland already occupies some foreground space. This garland is ideal for shy Pteris and perfect to use during Autumn. Seasonal Autumn Shower (NC item) might be the best shower to use along with it!

5) Crokabek Garland

Now what are they looking at...

This is a limited edition NC Mall item and it was only obtained through the Fall Scarecrow Mystery Capsule. The capsule was only available in a short time during 2010, so you can no longer buy the capsule. You can either trade for the capsules hoping you'll be lucky enough to get the bonus item or you can directly trade with someone for the garland. This garland is a must have, especially if you have a Darigan Pteri! This means, you shouldn't try to join Crokabeks with a gracious Pteri because it might not end well. But, like previously stated, if you have a Darigan Pteri and Halloween is just around the corner, then you will have the perfect match! Just add some pumpkins and a spooky background and you're Pteri will be ready for some trick and treats.

4) Spring Weewoo Garland

This colourful garland is filled with neggs and Weewoos.

What is more adorable than neggs and Weewoos? This garland was a limited edition NC Mall item that was obtained through the Bouncing Negg Mystery Capsule. This capsule is not available anymore, it was only available during a short time in April, 2010. This adorable garland will make all the Pteris happy during Easter! It's also a great choice for Spring time. But, unlike the Crokabek Garland, this one won't be the best option for Darigan nor zombie Pteris. You might want to customise a plushie Pteri with this garland, it will look utterly cute!

3) Birdhouse Garland

The perfect surroundings for the ultimate bird watcher.

This pretty garland was available as a bonus prize from the 2010 Neggstravaganza Surprise. Again, you no longer can buy this item, but don't feel sad about it! It was a bonus prize, which means you had to be really lucky to get it. You can still trade for it and you definitely should do it! Similar to the Spring Weewoo Garland, this one is a very lovely garland but without the Weewoos, you only have the birdhouses here. Sounds a bit quieter, but rest assured your Pteri will feel like home with all the birdhouses close to him. Make sure to add a background, a foreground and maybe some clothes to finish your customisation, otherwise it will look too much blank. This is a very cute garland so don't try to combine it with mutant Pteris or similar. It would perfectly match a pastel Pteri, but it hasn't been released yet... *hints TNT* ;) This garland can be used the entire year, but it would look specially good during Summer because of the smooth colors.

2) MME16-S2a: Menacing Tree Vine Garland

The cute Bumbluz doesn't make it any less menacing.

Second stage item in a multi-stage Mysterious Morphing Experiment (MME). This MME was available in November, 2013. It is now retired so you must trade for this garland if you really want it. And finally we have the ideal garland for mysterious Pteris. If you have a wraith Pteri, you will need this item in your closet! It's also a great choice if you have a shadow or a purple Pteri. This garland brings a lot of mystery and obscurity to the environment and it's great to be used during Halloween. If you add some snow elements to it, it can be perfect for Winter too! Maybe try to combine the Snow Shower and the Eerie Winter Snow Background, both NC items.

1) And our favorite is... Branch of Singing Weewoos Garland!!

Nothing is quite like a branch full of beautiful singing Weewoos!

The Branch of Singing Weewoos Garland was a NC prize for visiting the Make Some Noise Hall during Altador Cup VIII in 2013. Sadly, this beautiful garland is now retired but It might be re-released in the future, so you never know... Until then, you can only trade for this item. This garland is the perfect choice for the Neopian Times Anniversary, but it's also a very looking garland for many other occasions like... the entire year! Your Pteri will absolutely love to have Weewoos singing around him all the time. The garland will look amazing on white Pteris, they will look like real Weewoos! You might need to work a little bit on the customisation, though. Perhaps add a nature related background and a flowery foreground and your Pteri will feel radiant! The Sun Shower (NC item) will also be a nice addition.

And so this is the end of our guide! We hope you guys enjoyed reading it and that you are already brainstorming new customisations for your Pteris! Have fun customising your Pteri and thanks for reading.

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