There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 197,733,879 Issue: 1000 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y26
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Dye-ing of Laughter!

by classicmess

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50 No-Go Items for the 1000th NT Celebration Party!
It's time to celebrate! The legendary 1000th Edition of our beloved Neopian Times is upon us, and nothing is more essential than throwing the grandest Neopian party ever to honour this milestone!

by kabosir


10 Ways to Spend the Day with Your Weewoo
"In celebration of issue 1000 of the Neopian Times, we thought it would be a great idea to spend the day with your Weewoo and show them all the wonderful parts of Neopia that they might have missed before..." Collab with corryn10

by tamimarieb


Wonderful Weewoos: A Personality Test
"Have you ever wondered what species of Petpet you’d be if you were a Petpet? Why not a Weewoo?"

by _brainchild_


A Guide to Random Acts of Kindness in Neopia
I’ve been playing Neopets since 2002, which means I’ve been here for a pretty significant portion of my life. The main thing that keeps me coming back to this website after all these years is the community.

by ultimatekai123

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