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The Halloween Curse

by greencheese79


The last place Jerald wanted to visit on Halloween, or any other day for that matter, was the Haunted Woods. Especially at night. His friend Les, however, didn't seem to mind. In fact, Jerald was starting to think Les was enjoying himself. But Lupes, like Les, seemed better equipped at handling stressful situations than JubJubs like Jerald.

     Their mission was to locate the fifth and final Halloween Trick-or-Treat Bag. They had already spent the entire day scouting Neopia for these sought-after bags, and of course the clue for the last bag led them to the Haunted Woods.

     Les was dressed up as a Werelupe with tattered clothing and large, over-exaggeratedly sharp teeth. Jerald was dressed up as a pumpkin. He was begining to wish he had chosen something slightly scarier in order to blend in better with his current surroundings.

     The Yellow JubJub was chewing on this thought as they made their way into the darkened forest. How the trees could still be standing upright after being dead for so many years creeped him out even more. It was undeniably an enchantment: They were literally walking on haunted grounds. He shuttered at the thought.

     "Okay," started Les. Jerald almost hopped out of his pumpkin at the sudden break in silence. Les ignored him as he recited the clue for the final bag.

     " 'Though not of bone,

     at least not known,

     this beast is grown,

     with undying crave.'"

     "It's obviously the Esophagor! He's always craving food," Les said. He looked down at his friend who was clearly not paying attention to him. He was too distracted by his surroundings to answer. "Hey relax, Jer, would you?"

     "I have no idea why we chose to grab this bag last. We should have come here during daylight," Jerald said.

     "It's still dark here during the day. Besides, it will only take a few minutes and then we can leave," Les said.

     "Like last year?" Jerald poked.

     Les waved away the thought. "Last year was an exception. No one got hurt."

     "You fell into a six-foot hole!"

     "That could have happened anywhere. I should have watched my step," Les said.

     "It was freshly dug on the main path!" Jerald reminded him.

     "Yeah, that part was weird, but those little black-cloaked zombie guys came by to help," Les said.

     "They were shoveling dirt on top of you," Jerald said through gritted teeth.

     "Or were they filling the hole so I could reach the top?" Les asked stubbornly. Jerald glared at him, not convinced. "Not very swift were they? And not very fast either when we ran away," Les laughed.

     "And you wonder why I don't like this place," Jerald said, but as he continued to express his hesitations about the Haunted Woods, Les noticed a pair of ghostly amber eyes staring at them from amongst several old bark-ridden willow trees. Jerald stopped talking and looked behind him, but the eyes had vanished.

     "What's wrong?" Jerald asked.

     "I thought I saw something," Les answered.

     "My point exactly! Let's turn around. We can buy those bags at an extremely inflated price somewhere else," Jerald said.

     "Seriously, two minutes is all it will take. Promise. We just take the bags and go," Les said. Jerald chewed nervously on his lower lip.

     "Okay," he decided, "But let's make it quick! No distractions!"

     "None," The Lupe said with a huge grin before embracing Jerald with a bit too much strength. "That’s why you're my best pal!"

     "I tolerate you," Jerald said, jokingly. He had managed to lighten up a bit.

     They walked deeper into the forest en route to the Esophagor. This time it was Les who was distracted by thought. What were those eyes?

     A short while later they came across an old manor-style building entangled in vines.

     "I've never seen this place before," said Les, nudging Jerald in the side with his knee. There was a considerable size difference between the two friends and it was easier than bending down with his elbow.

     "It's not like we come here often," Jerald said and kept walking.

     "No-no. This is new," Les insisted.

     "It can't be. It has to be a thousand years old," Jerald said, slightly annoyed that Les was already getting distracted.

     "Stop exaggerating," Les mocked. "I know this was not here last year." Just then, he noticed large amber eyes staring out from one of the windows. "Those eyes."

     "What eyes?" Jerald said, looking over. Les meanwhile started to walk up to the front door. "Hey, where are you going?!"

     Les ignored him. His curiosity got the best of him, luring him closer. He walked up the rickety old wooden steps and tried the door handle. It was unlocked.

     "Don't you dare!" Jerald warned.

     "Relax. I just want to take a peek," Les said as he pushed the door open. The front foyer was blanketed with dust and old cobwebs. He stepped in, marveling at the beauty of the dated architecture. The door closed slowly behind him.

     Outside, Jerald nearly pulled the fur out of his head watching Les walk in, let alone allowing the door to close behind him. He debated about leaving to visit the Esophagor alone, but the concern and anticipation about what was going on in the old manor, good or bad, was too much. He walked up the steps and tried the doorknob. It turned easily and he gave the door a gentle push open. No one was there. The foyer was empty.

     "Oh, crud," Jerald huffed. There was no way he was entering the building. This was as far as he was willing to go, but suddenly when he turned to leave, an arm grabbed him and pulled him in. Jerald shrieked embarassingly shrill before turning around to see Les laughing at him.

     "Relax, Jer," Les said, wiping his moistened eye, "It's just me."

     "Where did you go? I didn't see you," Jerald said, still shaking from the jolt of adrenaline his body gave him.

     "I was standing right here. Why are you acting so weird?" Les said, "I think there is a Halloween party happening in the next room over. Let's crash it."

     "Let's not," Jerald sensibly advised.

     "Just a peek," Les said and walked through the closest doorway. He entered a grand hall with large chandeliers and several rows of long tables covered in cloth. Utensils, glasses and plates were elegantly displayed along the tables and Pets were scattered around the room, mingling and snacking on hors d'oeuvres. He ran out to get Jerald.

     "Hey, Jer! Check this out!" He grabbed at Jerald and pulled him into the room. Jerald wanted to resist, but reluctantly followed.

     "Everyone looks so old," Jerald whispered to avoid offending anyone, though it was not the age he was referring to. In fact, for the most part, the guests looked rather young. They just dressed old.

     "I know. Must be a theme party," Les observed. A large Lupe clad in gold and large jewelry solemnly approached them. He reminded Jerald of King Coltzan III. The King bowed to them and welcomed them to the party.

     "This is awesome! We blend in!" Les said. Jerald was less thrilled. They still stood out in their costumes. Most of the guests were wearing gowns and old weathered attire that one would commonly see in old paintings.

     "I don't know you two. Who are you and why are you dressed like that?" Another Lupe appeared, looking very stern and impolite.

     "We were invited by that man there dressed like Coltzan. He said to dress up," Les said, trying to be convincing.

     "You know him? Can you tell me why you say he is dressed like Coltzan?" The Yellow Lupe laughed.

     "Because it's a convincing costume," Les said. Jerald kept his eyes to the floor.

     "Or is it because he IS King Coltzan III?" The old Lupe snarled. Les paused, unsure of how to answer. Jerald looked up at the Yellow Lupe and then over to examine Les' reaction to the comment. Maybe it was time to leave. "Can you speak more honestly?"

     "Sylva, harassing our guests, are we?" An old Quiggle wrapped in chains and weathered bandages approached. "You need to control that temper." The Lupe growled in the direction of Les and Jerald before turning away. The two teens felt much more relieved.

     "Sorry about that," the Quiggle said. "The name's Wilhelm. I haunt the Money Tree and am hosting this party. And you are?"

     "He's Jerald, and I'm Les," Les answered. "Nice costume."

     "Costume?" The Quiggle answered, looking slightly awkward. "Oh, dear. How'd you get here again?" Les was about to fabricate his answer when Jerald piped in and explained the story.

     "This isn't good. This place isn't normally visible to mortals," the Quiggle said, looking around anxiously. "Come, you must follow me." He lead them out of the room and down a hallway before rapping on a door. In the room was a Black Wocky wearing a patched-up pointed hat. She looked up at the two teens as they approached her desk, her burning amber eyes nearly paralyzing Les.

     "Salutations," she answered with a smirk. "With whom do I owe the pleasure?"

     "Xenia, we have an emergency," the Quiggle stopped and nodded his head towards Les and Jerald.

     "Thanks, Wilhelm," Xenia said, "That I can see. Indeed what do we do here?" She paused and assessed the two friends. Les remained motionless with his eyes still fixed on Xenia. Jerald's eyes were on the floor again while his mind plotted ways to successfully smack Les over the head. "You may leave, Wilhelm. I will figure this out." Wilhelm gave a gentle nod and left the room.

     "Who are you?" Les asked as soon as the Quiggle left, uncertain if they should run.

     "You may call me Xenia as you heard Wilhelm call me," she smirked again, avoiding a proper introduction. "You look like you've seen a ghost. Or perhaps a whole room full of ghosts." Xenia's smirk widened as she gave a soft chuckle.

     "You've been watching us," Les said. Jerald looked over quickly. What did he mean?

     "You're observant for someone who fell in a hole last year," Xenia said.

     "Was that you?!" Jerald spoke up at last.

     "No, I overheard your conversation. They were probably Zombie Meepits trying to make a friend," Xenia laughed.

     "By burying him alive?" Jerald asked.

     "That's the best way to make a Zombie in these Woods," Xenia winked.

     "Okay, I think we should run," Jerald said to Les.

     "WAIT!" Xenia raised her voice and slapped her broom onto the table. She lowered her voice again. "There’s no need. Besides being ghosts yourselves, I doubt you would get too far before returning for help." Les and Jerald looked stone-faced at each other. Their ability to run faltered. "Relax, it's not permanent. Yet. You were cursed upon entering this building. Ghosts temporarily become mortal when they enter this building and are ghosts again when they leave. The opposite happens to mortals. More or less."

     "So we become mortal again once we leave?" Les asked.

     "That's not how curses work," the witch corrected. "Once you leave, you remain a ghost."

     "So we are dead?" Jerald asked.

     "Hardly," Xenia laughed. Her laugh was beginning to sound like a cackle. "I mean technically you will be if the curse is not lifted before midnight, but otherwise gosh no."

     "Uncurse us then!" Les shouted. "It's your fault I entered. I saw you in the window."

     "I was merely observing an inquisitive mind. You made the choice to enter," Xenia said. Les snarled back at the comment before she continued. "But I can undo the curse. I just need help with something first."

     "What?" Asked Jerald.

     "I ran out of a key ingredient that is not easy to come by and few even know about. I call it 'Essence of Phobos'," Xenia said.

     "Where can we get it?" Les asked.

     "Oh, you won't find it in any shop. It's a little trick I've discovered and it stems from fear itself. You need to bottle it," she said, swirling a flask around with her wrist.

     "I'm feeling scared right now. Can't you bottle my fear?" Jerald asked.

     "Nope! Not good enough!" Xenia cackled, "Your fear wouldn't tame a Spyder! I need it from someone who doesn't scare easily. Like the carny who runs Coconut Shy. Leeroy, I believe his name is. I don't know if lack of brains is the reason, but he's not afraid of much."

     "So what do we do?" Les asked.

     "Find a way to scare him," Xenia smirked. "Then open this bottle and suck the fear out of him. Oh, and get as much out of him as possible. It gets harder to do each time."

     "You've done this before?!" Les snapped.

     "Well, not me per se," she cackled then bid them farewell. "There is nothing more to discuss."


     "I'm so mad at you right now," the JubJub screeched out at Les when they left the decrepit old building. Their bodies were already fading away by the curse. Before long they were practically invisible.

     "Relax, Jer. There's still plenty of time. We have a few hours before midnight and I know a quick way to get to the Coconut Shy stand," Les said enthusiastically.

     "Please don't ask me to relax. That's two years now you got us in a pickle. I'm not sure we're getting out of this one," Jerald said.

     "Hey, did you see that kid just jump and run away when he noticed me? This is going to be easy!" Les laughed.

     "Are you even listening to me?!" Jerald paused and looked at Les. "Wait, is that a Trick-or-Treat Bag?"

     "Yeah, the kid dropped it," Les answered.

     "You have to give it back!" Jerald demanded.

     "I can't. Like I said he ran away. Running after him would just scare him more," Les said, riffling through the bag. "There has to be something to eat in here."

     "That's not yours!" Jerald snapped.

     "But I'm hungry. I didn't get chance to sample any of the hors d'oeuvres at the party," Les said pathetically.

     "That wasn't our party to enjoy. Let's try focussing on the problem at hand and leave that bag alone," Jerald said.

     "Ok, but it is the Trick-or-Treat bag from the Esophagor, you know. We could always take advantage of our ghostly status and get some more," Les said. Jerald returned a glare. "Or not."

     They arrived at the Coconut Shy stand just in time to watch Leeroy laugh at a kid who hit a coconut with her last ball, but did not successfully knock it off.

     "Oh, I'm going to love scaring him!" Les said, pounding one of his fists into the palm of his other hand.

     "Yes, but how?" Asked Jerald. "It's not exactly like we are scary."

     "Maybe not a pumpkin like you. Seriously, you couldn't have chosen a scarier costume?!" Les mocked.

     "It was all I had in the closet," Jerald said defensively.

     "Don't forget we're ghosts. That's pretty scary," Les said.

     "But he does not scare easily," Jerald reminded him.

     "Watch and learn," he said. The Lupe pressed his fake teeth in for a stronger hold and floated towards Leeroy. "BOO!!" His fake teeth dropped down in his mouth.

     Leeroy looked over. "Did you want to have a go? I can give you a free throw for the attempted entertainment, but I guarantee you will miss," the unpolished Quiggle laughed as he danced around. Les was about to take him up on the offer until Jerald reminded him about the time and dragged him away.

     "I guess this is going to be harder than I thought," Les admitted. He noticed pair of ghostly amber eyes staring at him from the bushes. "I see you Xenia, come out!"

     "Good eye, though I can't say the same about your ability to scare," Xenia said, emerging from the tree line with a smirk on her face.

     "Why are you spying?" Jerald asked. "Nothing better to do than to watch us fail?"

     "I don't want you to fail. I'm here to help," Xenia corrected.

     "How?" Jerald asked.

     "By giving you a little secret. Leeroy is not afraid of ghosts. He sees them every day. Most of them are scarier than you. However, he does get nervous around some of the monsters that lurk around here." Xenia whispered the last part.

     "Like who?" Jerald asked. Xenia was about to answer when they were distracted by Les screaming at Leeroy about his game being rigged.

     "That coconut should have fallen!! I hit it dead on!!" Les barked. Leeroy laughed in return.

     "I guess you can't be scared of much when you can laugh in the face of someone who wishes to harm you," Les mused aloud. He looked back at Jerald. Xenia was no longer standing there.

     "Where's Xenia?" Les asked, still recovering from his bruised ego.

     "She disappeared when you started yelling. Why'd you leave?" Jerald said.

     "You guys were yammering on, so I thought I'd give the game a try. It is so rigged," Les huffed.

     "Yes. It is. But now Xenia's gone!" Jerald said sternly.

     "Okay, okay. Did she say anything useful?" Les asked.

     "Just that he'd afraid of some of the monsters around here," Jerald said.

     "Okay, let's find some then," Les said enthusiastically again.

     "Do you ever listen to yourself? What makes you think this will be easy?" Jerald said between gritted teeth.

     "We really don't have much of a choice," Les answered. "There are some really creepy things that live in these woods. And one would expect them all to be out on Halloween night."

     "Okay, but if they're scary enough to scare 'Happy Pants' over there, then how do you expect to approach them without getting scared yourself? And on top of that, convince one to follow us to scare Leeroy?" Jerald said, realizing that midnight was getting awfully close.

     "That's easy!" Answered Les. "We just need it to chase us." If Jerald was not already a ghost, his face would have turned as pale as one after that suggestion. If only he could think of a better plan.

     They spent the next half hour looking around, but struggled to find a monster scary enough to spook Leeroy. The Esophagor may have been a good choice, but he was too busy handing out treat bags to help. If only that witch had given them a better hint. Jerald was contemplating returning to the mysterious manor when he heard some rustling beside him.

     "What are you doing?" Jerald lashed out. Les was riffling through the Trick-or-Treat Bag again. "I thought I said to leave it alone."

     "But I'm hungry," Les said.

     "You will soon be less hungry if we don't break the curse! Can't you think less with your stomach and more with your head?!" Jerald said.

     "Sure. Once I empty this bag. Just a quick snack break," Les said. Jerald rested his head against a nearby tree. It was official. He was doomed.

     "Hey, look at this. A Halloween Paint Brush! I'm sure we could get a few Neopoints selling this thing!" Les said.

     "What?! Wait!! Really?!" Jerald spat out.

     "Yeah, our lucky day!" Les said

     "That's genius!!" Jerald said, laughing almost maniacally. "Okay, you need to paint yourself with that!"

     "What? And use it? Then it'll be worth nothing," Les said.

     "But you will become an actual Werelupe! One of the scariest creatures in Neopia!" Jerald said encouragingly.

     "I don't know. Maybe you can use it," Les insisted.

     "Really? Did you forget I am a JubJub? You want him to run away from the cuteness?" Jerald said sarcastically.

     "If this doesn't work we are out lots of Neopoints," Les persisted.

     "If it doesn't work we are out our lives!!" Jerald countered. He could hardly believe he was having this debate.

     "Okay, one problem. How do we get to the Rainbow Pool in time?" Les asked. Jerald thought for a second. He made good point. Crud. Jerald slumped down, feeling defeated.

     "I can help," Xenia said, appearing from nowhere. The two teens stared at her with blank expressions. "What, I said I wanted you to suceed. Now come here both of you and put your right hand on mine." She looked down at Jerald and rolled her eyes at the JubJub. "Or foot." Hesistantly, they both obliged. A light swirled brightly around them and a moment later they were standing by the Rainbow Pool.

     "Oh, wow!" Jerald said, taking in the scene briefly. Fortunately, because Halloween was nearly over, the pool was not overly busy. "Quick, Les. Get in!" Jerald encouraged, almost pushing him in. Before long Les was painted in the form of a Werelupe.

     "How do I look?" He unintentionally snarled as he slowly exited the pool. Jerald found the words to answer him difficult to get out and instead gave him a trembling nod. After sharing a few words, Xenia transported them back to the Haunted Woods by the Coconut Shy stand.

     "Ok, work your magic," Jerald said, looking away from Les to avoid fainting. Les snorted and walked slowly up to Leeroy.

     "Hey you!" Les snarled deeply at the hideous Quiggle. "I told you that coconut should have fallen! This game is rigged!!" Les bared his teeth proudly with the last word. Leeroy may not have been much afraid of ghosts, but a Ghost Werelupe was more than he could handle. Jerald did not miss the opportunity to unstop the flask he was holding and bring it up to Leeroy’s face. Before the Quiggle could even start to grow pale, he shrieked so loud that all of the Barbats hanging around in the nearby trees took flight.

     The flask glowed brightly as it drew in the fear emanating from Leeroy. Once full, Jerald placed the stopper back on the flask again. Leeroy stopped screaming.

     "That was not nice," Leeroy said bitterly, no longer feeling a heightened sense of fear.

     "But well deserved," Xenia said, smirking.

     "I should have known you'd be behind all this nonsense," Leeroy snapped. "Never again!"

     "We'll see," Xenia chuckled. Leeroy grumbled and went back to counting his coconuts, making sure nothing was amiss. Xenia turned to Jerald.

     "The bottle," she said with an extended arm. Jerald handed it over. "I would thank you, but that goes against my nature," she said to Jerald, examining the contents of the flask.

     "Okay, take my hand again," the Wocky commanded. Les and Jerald did not hesistate to oblige. Xenia then chanted a few words and slowly their bodies solidified.

     "We're back to normal!! The curse has been lifted!!" Jerald exclaimed. He went to hug Les, but refrained. He still looked too scary.

     "I would thank you, but I really don't like you," Les said to Xenia.

     "At least you're honest," Xenia laughed, then disappeared.

     "What do we do now?" Les asked.

     "Let's get out of here. And maybe save up some Neopoints to buy a new colour for you?" Jerald said.

     "You know, I kinda like this look. I might just keep it for a while," Les said, partly to bug Jerald and partly because it was true. He looked back at the Coconut Shy stand and noticed the time. "Oh wow! We still have five minutes until midnight. Usually curses are broken in the last few seconds for dramatic tension."

     "Consider ourselves fortunate," Jerald said. "Let's go home."

     "Or.. we could get our Halloween Trick-or-Treat Bags from the Esophagor. We still have five minutes. If we run now we should catch him just in time. You know, for some last second dramatic tension?" Les said.

     "I think I have had enough dramatic tension for one-," Jerald said

      "Let's race!" Les interrupted and started to run.

     "At least carry me!! You have an unfair advantage!" Jerald shouted back. Les came back and picked Jerald up.

     "That's why you're my best pal," Les said sincerely. Together they made it to the Esophagor. One second too late.

     The End.

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