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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Welcome To Meridell!
by Fleur_411

“Welcome, welcome to Meridell!”
A cheery Ixi shouts.
“Just come with me, follow along
And I will show you about!”

“Over there, you can see
Ye Old Petpet Shop
A little farther is Illusen’s Glade,
It’s a wonderful place to stop!”

“The Turmaculus is over there,
You may visit him if you wish,
Just be warned, if you choose to go,
You may return one Petpet less!”

“On the horizon, over the hill,
The Darigan Citadel hovers,
I wouldn’t go if I where you,
Who knows what evil you’ll uncover?”

“If you are feeling rather lucky,
Why not go and have a game
Of Round Table Poker, in the tent;
If you win, you’ll gain great fame!”

“Last, we have the castle,
Skarl lives here, the grumpy king;
Go, tell him a joke, he may laugh for you
If he does, he’ll reward you with something!”

“I hope you have enjoyed your visit
To the lovely kingdom of Meridell,
Pick up a souvenir for your friends
And tell them Meridell's swell!”

The Peaceful Land
by Kuroge

Stroll across Meri Acres Farm,
it's hard to imagine the dark past,
the many battles fought,
the many hardships passed.

On one side of the river,
a Kacheek farmer tends
to his aged potato crops,
such lovely friends.

On the other side of the river,
Gilbert tends to his fields,
boundless bushes of green,
always plentiful yields.

On the edge of the bank
grows a colossal marrow,
roamers try to guess its weight,
the atmosphere so mellow.

And the lazy Turmaculus
sleeps day through night,
nothing to worry about,
such a peaceful sight.

But how long will
this soft peace remain?
When, once again,
terror will reign.

To Meridell, From Ioqa
by Agedbeauty

To Meridell,
Land of my birth
Today on your holiday
I celebrate your worth

This is the land
Where ‘neath the hot sun
I first spread my wings
And let loose to have fun

Meridell, dear to my heart
And the land of my youth
Home to simple values
And the simplest truth

A land made for farmers
A land that is lush
A land full of farmland
And soil that’s lush

The land where my egg cracked
To end my forced rest
Where the sun called me forth
From my hidden nest

Today on your anniversary
I will raise my glass
In a toast to the land
With my berries and grass

The Smell Of Meridell
by Dortho

Meridell, Meridell, my goodness you smell! 
Give the Turmaculus a breath mint 
Or else, I'll tell! 

I'll tell all about how much this land stinks! 
Seemed so lovely in the brochure, 
Don't you think?
But got asked to kiss Mortogs 
In a Turmaculus fog,
Who just stood there like a bump on a log.

With Turmy flatulence stenching about, 
Could I at least rent a gas mask before 
Considering a different route?

Brightvale is just miles away, 
Maybe, next time, I'll take a route that way! 
Meridell is awesome and has smelly cheese, 
Nice route options if you'd like 
To go somewhere else, if you please.

The Land Of Counting Potatoes
by Dr_tomoe

It's been many years now
Since the first discovery of Meridell.
When asked about it,
Here's what Neopians tell.

The king it has is grumpy,
It's the home to Illusen,
But most Neopians say
It's the place to go when

You want to count potatoes.
Meridell is full of them,
And is more well-known than
The Turmac or the Turtum.

Counting the potatoes
Is how the peasants pass the time,
It's fun while it lasts but sometimes
Potato counting crosses the line.

And then it gets EXTREME,
With more vegetables throw in,
As potatoes fly everywhere
While counters try to win.

Sure, Meridell has bullseye,
Kissing Mortogs and rolling cheese,
But if you go there, the peasants say
That potato counting is sure to please.

So, when you come by, enjoy a joke.
Visit the Turmaculus, and buy an Albat,
But in Meridell everyone knows that
Potato counting is where its at!

Grumpy Old King
by Gwendarwen

In Meridell castle 
Sits the Grumpy Old King,
Who is bored all the time, 
And he hates when you sing,
He requests that a joke 
Is something you should bring,
Though his insults, when you fail, 
Can really sting.

Avatars he can give, not one but two,
One from when he insults you and boos,
Another when he laughs through and through,
He’ll be in hysteria just like a zoo!

Though he may be mean,
He’s not as angry as he seems,
Good jokes tend to make him gleam,
Bad jokes will make the king scream!

The reason he is grumpy 
Is because he’s bored,
Everything’s peaceful, 
No battles to ward,
All of his grumpiness is just being stored,
So making him laugh will get you a reward!

by Magic_scar

Across rolling plains, hill, and dell,
Beside the wisest, peaceful 'Vale,
Shadowed by gloomy Citadel,
Beyond fairest fen and darkest dale,
Across gold fields this kingdom lies:
Meridell, shining realm beneath the sky!

Entranced, wanderers here have tarried,
By the humble glade of the faerie,
By endless turf, pastures sweeping,
By what secrets it may be keeping,
By greenest meadow, sweetest dew:
Meridell, shining realm of red and blue!

Meridell! Meridell! Kingdom of old!
What lies ahead on the winding road?
What lies ahead that lurks in the dark?
Meridell, shining realm beneath the stars!

Behind The Throne
by Mamasimios

You supplicants, you scrape and bow,
To our King Skarl (long may he reign!)
And as you tell your jokes, your little puns,
No thought do you spare for me

You look upon me with disdain,
If at all, and brush me aside,
Making the bells upon my hat
Ring weak and hollow, not jolly

You dare presume to do what I,
The one who has spent a lifetime
Training in the art of jestering,
Can accomplish but so rarely:

To cure the King (long may he reign!)
Of the doldrums that plague his soul,
That make the crown weigh heavily
On that strong and regal brow

One smile, one laugh, one deep guffaw
Is all that I dare hope to see,
To know that, for one briefest time,
His fate and mine have been entwined...

And yet, here you come, the supplicants,
You crowd 'round as we celebrate
The Discovery of Meridell,
You, with your tired tins of what what what:

You tremble with anticipation,
Hoping that King Skarl (long may he reign!)
Will grant you, the amateur, the laughs
That he has so oft denied to me

And as you leave with failing grades
There I am, behind the throne,
The one that you ignore, disdain,
Giggling until the bells upon my hat
Ring low and clear and jolly

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