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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Restocking 101
by Nedviolet

Restocking is not
For the faint of heart.
If you're up for the challenge,
You should give it a start.
The first step to this
Is to find the right store.
There's the Magic Shop, Stamp Shop,
The Food Shop, and more!

Step two in this process
Is to follow the trail, 
Walk into the shop
And see what's for sale.
Once you've spotted the item
That you truly want, 
Just follow step three
And you'll be a savant!

So, what is step three?
Have patience, you'll see. 
Step three is to press 
F5 to refresh.
Keep pressing F5
As long as you can,
But restockers beware, 
You might get RS banned!

Hide And Seek
by Ifyouseekwesty

I am searching, looking, lurking.
This is not the first time you've played.
I'm getting closer, it's working.
Are you sure in one place you have stayed?

I'm checking the same places to make sure,
To make sure I haven't missed you.
Behind the couch, that igloo, that tree door?
You're good at this, it's true.

Alas, I have checked nearly everywhere.
I feel like I've looked enough.
Wait! I haven't yet checked there...
And suddenly you pop up!

"Oh, you found me," you say sadly,
But dont look so grim, my friend.
For as soon as I collect my Neopoints,
I will be playing again.

Tsunami_Pirate, Commander Of The Sea
by Amethyst_81

On salty swells a ship doth sail,
From left to right she's cast,
Fierce ocean winds are harnessed by
Her sails rigged tight to mast.
And standing proudly at the helm,
His face turned to the sky,
Tsunami_Pirate roars out
His ferocious battlecry.

He calls out to the cursed Drenched,
To Caylis of the deep,
"Is this the best you've got for me?
I'll steer 'er in my sleep!
I seek the savage ocean waves,
Intense, the stormy squall,
Unleash the furies of the sea
That I may rule them all."

With toothy grin and fist upraised
He seeks to prove his worth,
To struggle in the face of ocean's 
Wrath, with naught but mirth. 
Master of his being,
Brave commander of the sea,
The next of kin to chaos,
It's a pirate's life for he!

Mystery Pic
by Clintrocks2010

So much to look through
Trying to find,
The answer to the question
That's been on my mind.

It's complex yet simple
And sure to take hours,
I must find the answer
With just my brain power.

Looking through maps
And my deposit box,
Maybe it's something
With Hubrid Nox?

The pixels seem endless
And blurry at that,
Could it be one
Of my favorite hats?

Searching through shops
And site themes galore,
I can't seem to find
What I'm looking for.

Looking through books
To Cucumber Eye Patches,
Why aren't any
Of these perfect matches?

I'll keep my eyes open
And scour my brain,
To find the answer
That will win this game.

Is it a codestone
Or Jelly Fries?
All that I know is
I want the prize.

Study the site,
It isn't a trick,
I must find the answer
To the Mystery Pic.

A Key Quester's Tale
by Chunky12316

I log on to Neopets and the first thing I do,
is open up Key Quest and find a game for two.
I sit and I wait for my tokens to load, 
and I cross my finger, 
hoping no turns are slowed. 

Time to roll, let's see who goes first?
Alas, I rolled a one, a long-lasting curse.
I choose my house and we're off to the game,
I sure hope I win, I'd hate to lose in shame. 

My opponent rolls first and hops onto a key, 
I sure hope I follow suit, I only need a three.
A three! I have done it, a key is now mine,
I'm neck-and-neck with the enemy, 
everything is fine.

The game continues on, 
with power ups and all,
we're dueling back and forth, 
I guess this is a brawl. 
A mini game now, I've practiced so much,
and, alas, at the end, I came out in the clutch.

However, it's not all good fortune, 
they lint balled me!
I missed my chance for a power up AND a key. 
It's payback time, for them my next turn, 
I'll never give up, they will soon come to learn.

I roll a two and land on my favorite square,
I'm in for a treat, it's my alignment of air!
The super key grabber is mine this round, 
I'll come out on top now, 
what a pleasant rebound. 

They try to stop me as we race to the door, 
but they come up one space short, 
they know what's in store.
I use my key grabber, 
I take away their chance,
and then I watch my token, 
as it does a little dance.

Only four spaces are needed, 
for me to get the win, 
so I cross my shaking fingers 
and give the dice a spin. 
A six! "I've done it, I've won!" 
in happiness I proclaim,
I bid farewell to my opponent, 
and tell them "Good game!"

Total Poetry Pages : 2758

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