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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Littlest Bori
by Yin_yang105

Once a year, around Neopia,
the shyest 'pets get a whole day
to shine and show their very best,
to come out of their shells and play.

From the shores of Mystery Island
to the castles of Meridell,
these Bori have a little fun,
as any Neopet could tell.

But there's one little 'pet who's missing,
he hasn't been seen all day.
He's shyer than most of the Bori,
the littlest Bori, painted gray.

At the top of Terror Mountain
lives the shy little guy,
he wants to join the festivities
but he's almost too scared to try.

But he works up his courage
and heads out the door,
down the mountain to Happy Valley,
surrounded by lively partiers galore.

No one seems to notice him,
a gray little shape in the crowd.
The 'pets are all so busy,
the hustle and bustle so loud.

But then a blue hand appears,
holding an ice cream cone.
Mr. Chipper gives him a warm smile,
and the littlest Bori doesn't feel alone.

The Bori That Loves Orange
by Sugarypixiestix2

When she walks out the front door,
her outfit is never close to a bore.
Even if it is always in one shade
and it looks like she's in a parade.

Orange is what she always wears,
which does get her a lot of stares.
But she is immune to any negativity,
and continues to love her creativity.

Her accessories follow the trend, too;
she cannot be in a colour like blue.
Never does she tire of its splendour,
and it also makes her feel so slender.

Halloween is her favourite celebration,
since orange is its colour foundation.
October first she begins her routine,
and carves up pumpkins like a machine.

Jack-o-lanterns blanket her front yard,
like they're her personal calling card.
Neopians look forward to her display,
and her complimentary orange sorbet.

But all holidays can be fun for her,
since orange is her own connoisseur.
This Bori is certainly one of a kind,
and surely has quite a whimsical mind.

Rasala The Bright
by Dr_tomoe

The magic within Neopia
can be powerful, indeed,
and those who have control
believe they should be at its steed.

And the group with control
believe they are right.
They are the Order of the Red Erisim
with their leader, Rasala the Bright.

Their mastery of magic arts
is entirely unparalleled,
and their skill with sorcery
Is a sight to be beheld.

And, although she is young
and relatively new,
Rasala's skills can 
be matched by very few.

This Bori mage might seem
like she's not a threat at all,
but most who say that soon 
experience a flurry of fireballs.

And on the battlefield she proves
to be an able commander.
Just don't make the mistake of
comparing her to Xandra.

Freedom Of The Bori
by Chavo_guerrero

Deep within the Ice Caves,
'Midst Terror Mountain's peaks,
Underneath the snow and ice
Is where the Bori sleeps.

An entire race of Neopets
Frozen to stand still,
They must have been so cold down there,
Wrapped in icy chill.

And the Keeper of Time, the king of all,
Residing over them,
Keeping them safe inside the spell
Of the Heart of the Mountain gem.

But now, Bori are free at last,
We see them chase and play,
But let's remember where they came from
On this beautiful Bori Day.

For, they have spread across Neopia
And made every nook their home,
Some have chosen to settle down,
But others like to roam.

But wherever the Bori all end up,
It's wonderful to see
Them joining in with all the fun,
Now that they are free!

Royalgirl Bori Beauty
by Indulgences

Face so bright with aqua hue,
Her hair so lush and long,
Twisted in a lovely braid.
She is the stuff of song!

Robes are made of brilliant silk.
They're bound with silver threads.
Golden crown bedecked with gems
Adorns her royal head!

Rings of finest azure gems
On hands of sapphire blue.
Bracelets grace her royal arms.
She's gorgeous through and through!

Royalgirl, you're marvelous.
I love your royal mien!
You sweetly smile, hold up your head,
A lovely specimen!

Finest Royalgirl so far,
You fill me with such glee!
You fill our hearts with endless joy,
All others must agree!

Chocolate Bori Battle
by Flufflepuff

Chocolate Bori in the ‘dome, 
So innocent and sweet,
Blinks and looks around her, 
Underprepared, retreats.
The door is locked, whipped cream ears droop.  She’d messed up, overlooked
The unchained monster that looked like 
He’d crush her underfoot.

His oversized mass towers o’er 
The underdog, the snack,
He’d lunge, she’d dodge, but, 
Overwhelmed, she’s still under attack.
Candy corn claws bat his face, 
And much to her surprise,
The monster howls, 
So overcome by blows of one her size.

The underestimated ‘pet defends 
With her thick shell
Of darkest chocolate, 
Sends him flying head over tail.
The dust settles, she reigns supreme, 
Having conquered her foe.
With hardly a scratch 
On her drizzled body, she’s aglow

With satisfaction.  
Silently, she nods to the lab ray,
Which granted strength 
As well as her delectable display.
Overall, this underrated 'pet is one to be
Misunderstood, but that works well: 
Her power’s to deceive.

The Bori Miner
by Treeword

These tales about a 'pet, I hear,
Who wanders far below the ground,
Through mounds of dirt and gravel,
Where one hears not a sound.
So, digging on and on by day,
Is where this Bori can be found.

The many treasures he has sought
Do nothing to comply his need,
Piles of gems and other golds
To satisfy his hungry greed.
So, searching on and on by day,
With weighted heart and steady speed.

Baubles, peals, and other stones,
Jewelry enough to fill a cart,
Heaps of lovely sparkles,
With which he cannot part.
So, living on and on by day,
The mine forever keeps his heart.

Queen Of Terror Mountain
by Sheynacruz

On icy mountain throne she rests,
A queenly look upon her face,
Her posture, one of elegance,
Her every gesture one of grace.

Her locks -- the hue of winter sky -- 
Are styled into exquisite braid,
While hazel eyes match knowing smile
Of she whose beauty shall not fade.

A heavy cyan winter cloak,
Shot through with golden thread,
Doth garb this Bori's shoulders
While a crown adorns her head.

Royalgirl Bori truly is
Unmatched in her regality --
If ever there should be a queen
Of Terror Mountain, it is she.

Abominable Bori
by Snokapfox

High above Terror Mountain stalks this beast,
who's as large as four men at least. 
His back is silver and his eyes cold grey,
say those who've seen him and run away.

His origins are mysterious,
but a legend is told as thus:
in Happy Valley he lived with his brother,
and both Bori were devoted to each other. 

They delighted in trying new ice creams,
and battling with snowballs as a team. 
The brothers also loved to explore,
discovering places none had seen before.

One day they ascended the mountainside,
realizing too late that a blizzard was nigh.
In the blinding snow one brother tripped,
gales of wind disguising his cries as he slipped. 

When the storm finally passed,
his sibling was aghast.
With a determination fierce and grim,
he dedicated himself to finding him. 

He called his name until his voice was hoarse,
until his shouts sounded like roars. 
His appearance grew wild and unkempt,
as he scoured the mountain 
until he was spent.

Terrified locals called him the Abominable Bori,
remaining ignorant of his true story. 
In terror, their hearts will continue to pound
until the lost brother is finally found.

Remember the wisdom that this tale imparts:
monsters are made from aching hearts.

Woe Of The Magma Bori
by Lilahne_aluoki

The Magma Bori:
Such scorching fury,
Always in a hurry,
For he's got a worry.

Molten as magma,
A color of much awe,
But holds such a deep flaw
For one of the bourgeois.

Burning as a flame
That will never be tamed,
For magma he became
This Bori of acclaim.

Yet he is so bold
That friends, they were told
That he misses the cold
That he'd known of old.

For Bori think ice
Is incredibly nice,
And they seldom think twice --
Until faced with the price.

For magma is hot,
And ice, it is not,
And the Bori is distraught
That this fact he forgot.

Magma Bori, don't despair,
For there are those that care.
We'll make a suit for you to wear
To protect your brilliant flare.

Then, you shall roam the icy peak
And find the comfort that you seek,
Despite your quite unique
Burning magma Bori physique!

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