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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Wherfy
by Mustang1772

On top of Terror Mountain,
A spritely Petpet resides. 
Out from his burrow he crawls,
On frozen ponds he slides.

His joy is never-ending
In a kingdom without walls,
He goes about befriending,
He likes to play with all. 

A falling snowflake he does swat,
Though the air contains a chill,
The blizzards bother him naught,
His playful shrieks are shrill. 

He basks in the winter sun,
With freezing winds he soars,
He flies about for fun,
Warm weather he abhors. 

Through icy caves and valleys of frost
He goes about and explores a ways,
Never suffering from exhaust, 
In the cold lands he always stays. 

While many find this season dreary,
It makes the Wherfy feel quite merry,
For summer leaves him weak and weary,
He much prefers a frozen prairie. 

In Terror Mountain he shall remain,
Trudging through snow with every stride, 
He glances about his arctic domain,
His smile so full of wintery pride.

Moltara Cave Explorer
by Gr8white93

A purple Grundo so far from home,
with eyes so orange and bright,
searches through dark caves unknown,
guided by glowing worm light.

For days he wonders to and fro
in the darkness of those caves,
looking under every stone
and dodging monsters in the Moltara maze.

Seeking untold riches,
he spots a ruby gem.
"Could this be it? Is it a trick?"
and puts it in his britches.

For four more days
he searches those caves,
but there's nothing more to find.
So, go explorer, be free at last,
and leave those caves behind.

Bumper Cars (Y8)
by I_choose_you_pikachu


four colors, clashing in esoteric beauty
ignoring the shadowy bliss, 
my car is a flash of ruby

four engines, sizzling in dominance, 
drenched in rhythm
freeing the smell of potent competition


four keys, always preferred "w, a, s, d" 
for my actions...
posit a trip to the Advent Calendar, 
and collect my rations

four 'pets, i swear i love my Buzz lots
only passionate love 
puts him in this competitive box


four players, 
engaged in strategic vehicular combat
avoiding threatening surroundings, 
plus where the bomb's at

four walls, can't trust any, 
like a dirty sign on the fence
my only hope revolved around 
a revolving wrench


four months, played the game hard
r.i.p. now resides in the Game Graveyard

for all, you can't win them all, 
but the summer's ours
collecting Neopoints, playing Bumper Cars

Gifts For Snowager Haiku
by Chavo_guerrero

Quiet Terror Mountains,
Hibernating Snowager
Is curled in a ball.

Sleeping through the cold,
He rests upon his treasure
And dreams of his gold.

Neopets beware
As you try and steal his Neggs,
Do not wake him up.

Tiptoe beside him
And gently take what you wish,
But don't be greedy.

The poor Snowager
Will wake up when it is warm
To find his things gone.

He will be angry
And roar all day and all night
For his lost trinkets.

But we can change that
In this season of giving
If we take him gifts.

Then, when awoken,
He will find himself smiling
As he unwraps toys.

If you take from him,
Please bring him a present, too!
Let's make him happy!

Snow Roller: A Rolling Good Time Or A Downhill Descent To Madness?
by Horstclan

A nice round snowball 
Bounces onto the screen
You tap each arrow 
To check out the scene
You tap up to slow down, 
You tap down to zoom
You tap to the left 
And the right of the room
As you begin to peruse 
The landscape up ahead
You take a big breath 
And are soon full of dread
Who would put a big rock 
Or their cabin up here?
Who builds a fire 
Or walks their Petpet so near?
You notice your snowball 
Is smaller and blinking
Then you start to wonder 
"What was I thinking?"
This game is nerve-racking, 
Too fast and too hard
Then you glance up ahead you, 
Not even a yard
A Poogle is running from side to side
With an arrow above it, it's seeking a ride
You maneuver your snowball 
To scoop up the 'pet
You notice your snowball 
Has grown just a bit
You smile as you realize 
What’s up ahead
It’s a Chia pop, a Brucicle, 
A Mystery Island Head
You happily roll 
Right along on your way
The end of the level 
Is met with "Hooray!"
Then, you soon realize, 
There’s more to be done
You choose a new path 
And continue your run
A new item appears 
Up ahead in the track
A slushie, it seems, 
But its color is black   
Oh no, no matter 
How hard that you try
You’re traveling too fast 
As the scenery flies by
You begin to hit obstacles, 
Left and right
Your snowball is shrinking, 
Soon to be out of sight 
What luck, you escape 
By the skin of your teeth
The end of this level 
Offers you a reprieve
Your path now chosen, 
Your course has been set
This is the last level, 
You must not quit yet
You begin your descent 
And you’re on your way
A slushie again, 
But this time it’s grey
All the lovely bonus items 
Are attracted to you
You giggle as you see 
You’ve collected a slew
Now the obstacles seem to be 
Coming at you quicker
You do your best to jump, 
But you start to flicker
Your snowball starts to dwindle 
And wither in size
You hit one last obstacle 
And shoot to the skies
You grunt in disgust, 
You were so close
You wanted that avvie, 
You wanted to boast
You hang your head 
As you hit send score
You wonder if you’ll ever 
Want to play more
That avatar is so cute 
And it calls to you
You hit start and begin... 
It’s time for Round Two.

Total Poetry Pages : 2758

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