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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Biggest of Fools
by steve_km

Once there was a Shoyru named Bill,
He always tried to get his fill.
He would always wait outside the Soup Kitchen,
He would go in and eat but never pitch in.

One day the Soup Faerie decided,
That Bill was a little misguided.
She tried to prepare him a special treat,
A treat that was endless and full of meat.

Bill didn’t really care, 
In fact, he took advantage of the faerie and just began to stare.
Longer and longer he stared at the faerie,
She started to think that things might get a little hairy.

Suddenly with a grin Phil had this to say,
“I come in to your kitchen day after day,
I do not thank you, I do not tip,
I know some times I need to get a grip.

I can be rude, I can mean,
But all the time you’ve been so lean.
On this day, I’d like to thank you,
Even after all those times I made you blue.

On this day of April Fool’s, 
It appears that I am the biggest of fools.”
The Soup Faerie smiled and cheered, 
There was no tension as the Shoyru had feared.

She loves every customer in every way,
She wants to keep them full so they can sing and play.
The Shoyru left feeling fulfilled,
And knew that he could also help others with the way he was skilled.

The Mutant Shoyru
by indulgences

His jaws so craggy, wide and fierce,
His eyes so harshly glinting,
The Mutant Shoyru has no peer.
His eyes are mean and squinting.

Some purple moles atop his head
Are sprouted with some hair tufts.
The cruel expression on his face
Means every hug is rebuffed.

His hands and feet are pointed claws.
He smells of smoke and leather.
No sweetness lurks within his face.
He's ruthless, harsh and bitter.

The Mutant Shoyru is a pet
Most random and perplexing.
Instead of being cute and sweet,
This Shoyru is quite vexing.

He does eschew all forms of love
That other pets would savor.
He seems to have no need for hugs,
No need to earn our favor.

I praise his self-reliance, though.
His constitution's sturdy.
He's fiercely independent, and
I love his stalwart body.

This hardy, stout and rugged pet
Is different from most Shoyrus.
Instead of being dainty, small,
This Mutant may just bruise you.

The Mutant Shoyru needs respect,
And we should sing its praises.
This Shoyru surely breaks the mold,
And totally amazes!

Kelby the Jubble Bubble Shoyru
by chavo_guerrero

Kelby is a Shoyru,
With a lot of Jubjub friends,
They're looking for a treasure -
Hope the adventure never ends.

But Kelby is a swimmer -
And a better one by far,
Than any of the Jubjubs,
Could ever claim they are.

And so the Jubbies fall to him,
And he sends a bubble high,
Catching his companions,
As they fall around nearby.

Of sunken ships they're dreaming,
And of dubloons! Silver! Gold!
Long-lost pirate treasure,
And amazing things, we're told.

But Kelby must be quick because,
His friends are dropping down,
And they won't be very happy,
To land on the ocean ground.

He swims as fast as he can go,
Back and forth for hours,
Catching all the Jubjubs,
With his special bubble powers.

The Shoyru Pilot
by chernobyl44

Now I won't begin to insult you,
As everyone does know,
That a Shoyru possesses wings,
And those wings aren't just for show.

It's common Neopian knowledge,
That a Shoyru pet can fly,
And that's where our mystery begins,
The Shoyru pilot-- why?

I met him once in Faerieland,
And had a curious thought
Just what a plane could give him,
That his Shoyru wings could not?

He was fixing up a racer,
That a young Faerie had crashed,
And when I approached with my question,
He did look rather abashed.

For you see the Shoyru pilot,
He can fly like any other,
But there's just one thing
That his Shoyru wings can't cover.

You see wings are a fabulous thing,
They bring you high indeed,
But no amount of manpower
Can match an airplane's speed!

You see the Shoyru pilot likes to fly,
As fast as he can speak,
And the airplane is the answer,
To any budding speed freak!

So whenever you see him flying,
He's zipping through the air,
With something he just can't achieve,
The machine's unbeatable flair.


The Coffee Shopkeeper
by jeslin__62

Strong coffees and aromatic teas,
Not forgetting the best pastries in town,
There's one Shoyru I'm told
To find when I'm feeling a little cold.

Mocha, latte, espresso,
She serves them freshly brewed and piping hot,
The rich liquid flowing down my throat
Instantly puts me in a good mood. 

Her teas are the best you can find,
Enhanced with fruits, berries and flowers,
They're all you need for the day
And to keep illnesses at bay.

She makes cakes and pastries right too,
Her Tigersquash Iced Bun makes me sing with joy,
And the delectable Snowberry Delight,
Oh, they make me take bite after bite!

So head over to Roo Island
If you ever need a pick-me-up,
I assure you the Shoyru in The Coffee Cave,
Has all that you crave!

Shoyru Day Friends
by digests

Blue crystal oceans and white hot sand
made sure he could love both water and land.
But this Maraquan Shoyru had only one dream,
one that was impossible... or so it would seem.

The unluckiest of Shoyrus was certainly him,
for he couldn't fly! He could only swim.
Every brother of his species could dance in the sky,
and oh how he yearned to - he wanted to fly!

Meanwhile, fluttering high in the air,
was a young Faerie Shoyru, who gave the ocean a glare.
He resented the waters, so bitter on a whim
for he would give anything in order to swim.

While distracted in thought, the Faerie Shoyru crashed
and into the hot white sands he smashed!
He opened his eyes to be met with a glance
that immediately snapped him out of his trance.

A Maraquan Shoyru! He couldn't believe it!
Shaking his head, he rose up to sit.
"Hello," he said, his voice quiet and shy,
"Did I just crash and fall out of the sky?"

The Maraquan Shoyru nodded with concern,
"You didn't just crash. You crashed and burned."
The two shared a chuckle while rubbing their head
and decided to ask each other questions again.

"I've always wanted to swim. How do you learn?"
The Faerie Shoyru asked, his voice full of yearn.
"That's easy," the Maraquan Shoyru boasted with strive,
"I just paddle my fins and do a nose dive!"

The two laughed again when the Maraquan asked,
"How do you fly? It looks like a blast!"
"That's easy," the Faerie Shoyru replied,
"I just flap my wings and take to the sky!"

An idea hit him as quick as can be,
as the Maraquan Shoyru asked, "Can you carry me?"
The Faerie Shoyru grinned and scooped up his friend -
ZOOM! To the sky they began to ascend!

Up and up they went, higher and higher they flew
the Maraquan Shoyru had a goal to get to!
To the clouds and back down, and he would be content,
but he found himself happier the higher they went.

While back down on earth, the two laughed and embraced,
while in the Faerie Shoyru's head, an idea came with haste!
"I've always wanted to swim, you know-
so can you take me into the ocean below?"

The Maraquan Shoyru, while excited as can be,
yelled out in response, "Yes! Just hang on to me!"
The Faerie Shoyru's face lit up with a grin
and he tightly held on to the other Shoyru's fin.

SPLASH! Within an instant, they were both in the ocean
and swam downwards quickly with a paddling motion.
The Faerie Shoyru sighed happily with the water on his face
as they drifted through the water with tranquility and grace.

When the two returned on land, they both simply beamed
from the feeling of obtaining a once impossible dream.
The two realized then that friends can help you fly or sink
to dreams thought impossible, in ways one couldn't even think.

The two best friends are still rumored to gather
under the tropical sun daily, to live the life that they'd rather.
Friends can help you reach goals that seem so far away,
so accomplish your dreams this Shoyru Day!

Resewn Shoyru Plushie
by azusa_k

I own a hundred plushies
Of various sizes and color
But there is one specific toy 
That’ll never become duller

The Resewn Shoyru Plushie
Is the one I refer to
Some people think it’s old and torn
But that’s not an issue

A red patch above its button eye
A green patch on its wing
These imperfections make it special
It’s truly a lovely thing

However it is commonly found
At the Money Tree
It saddens me to see them there
Lying desolately

I collect all that I can find 
And give them to the Pound
The Neopets there squeal with glee
A home these toys have found

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