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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Petpet Appreciation Day Special!

A Petpet For Everyone
by samemie

Recently my neopet turned grey
And when I asked what had him so glum
He said "I get so lonely when you're away,
I could really do with a chum"

So the next day we went to the petpet store
But when we arrived we were met with a shock
For a sign was hung up on the door
Saying 'sorry, we're all out of stock'

I turned to my pet and said I was sorry
He replied saying it was okay
"No petpet I've seen is anything like me,
They probably wouldn't understand anyway"

"No, that can't be true!" I cried
"There's a petpet out there for everyone,
I won't give up and I won't be defied
Until we've found you the perfect one"

So I made it my mission to find him a friend
And for a long time I found none
It felt like my search would never end
Until one day, my mission was done!

"Come on, get up, it's time to go!"
"Where to?" said my pet, half asleep
"I found you a petpet, and I just know
That this one you'll want to keep"

So my pet and I travelled to the rock pool
And when he spotted the round, grey fish
I saw both his eyes light up like a jewel
"It's perfect, I finally got my wish!"

"It's a frowny, do you like it?" I asked
My pet's reply was simply a smile
And I smiled to myself and thought at last!
I haven't seen that for a while

My Heart goes boing for Snow Sproing
by vinanas

One day, my dear friend gave me
a gift, it was a Snow Sproing.
And when I went to see,
My heart went boing!

Oh, it stole my heart!
For legs, two twigs; for a hat, a lovely leaf.
Oh, it's a work of art!
One look, and I felt a sense of relief.

This lovely little thing,
the cutest Petpet of all time.
I am sure it will bring,
much happiness, so sublime!

Whenever it hops,
my heart hops too,
I will make sure it will never weep,
There is nothing I won't do,
for this pretty pet.

So I thank my friend
for giving me this Petpet.
My love for it will never end.
I'm happy we've met,
my sweet Snow Sproing.

Petpet Appreciation Day
by table

Today I honour my Grarrl’s wherfy mate
He truly is the kindest petpet you can’t possibly hate
Every day he is at the faerie employment agency seeking jobs for his big friend
He never gives up and wants to complete my Grarrls biggest dream, no matter how many np’s he has to spend!

In the evening they sit in front of a fire in their room island neohome
This plushie wherfy isn’t one to roam
He enjoys a warm nest near his pet
And yes my grarrl tells him he is a good boy, don’t fret!

They even match in beautiful blue
Even though it’s a slightly different hue
Now all they need is a petpetpet family member
But they want a perfect one that fits in, so they probably still won’t have one by december! 

I’m happy when my grarrl and wherfy play
Their fun and smiles keep the grarrl haters at bay!
This petpet won’t stop defending his fluffy giant friend!
Take it from me: perfectly matching pets and pet pets aren’t some stupid trend!

The Hallo Slorg, A Vicious Vampire
by _brainchild_

The Hallo Slorg intimidates
The souls who meet his gaze.
The piercing glare seen as of late
Leaves souls in smoky haze.
Expressions o'er the Petpet's face
Will freeze the jolly might
Of bravest soldiers, bound to brace
Themselves for evil bites.

The fangs are sharper than the blade
Of Aethia, despite
Her power. Every soul shall face
To gloom, too scared to fight.
If anybody dares to strike,
The Slorg takes refuge in
His cape, a garment never like
Another, oh so grim.

So, if you meet the Slorg of doom,
Depart, for sake of bliss.
Your scream will echo o'er the room---
This one you'll want to miss.
The little vampire brings a fate
To those whose souls he meets.
His spookiness I can't debate---
You'd better move your feet.

They are Loved
by lil_reef

Little creatures scamper around,
To and fro they hop and they bound,
The entire time, making such cute sounds,
What could these little cuties be?

Their colors are beautiful and many,
Their differences are vast and plenty,
Their flaws, well there really aren't any,
What could these unique creatures be?

If you leave them home alone,
They will definitely make it known,
That they can be quite accident prone...
What could these clumsy creatures be?

Taking a careful, closer and detailed look,
I've compared them to what I've now seen in a book,
and I think we are now finally off of the hook!
Petpets are these little-cute-unique-clumsy creatures that I now see!

Though they are small, Though they are different,
Though they are clumsy... and might affect our rent...
They are loved.

Happy Petpet Appreciation Day!

An ode... to my pile of soot.
by telozan

Dearest Snarkie,
Or is it… Kadoatie-wannabe,
Or Pooper, Todd, Fritter or Oopsy,
Can you ever forgive me?

You came to me a Kazeriu,
And look at what I did to you, 
I took you to the Petpet Lab, 
Because I thought you looked so drab.

How did it feel, my friend, 
Did you think your life might end?
When the crazy Kookith pointed,
One zap to make you all disjointed. 

You had dreams of being a faerie,
It all just got a bit too scary,
A pile of soot, light and airy,
I love you more now, my dearie.

Petpet Day - Ode to petpets
by loislanny

A petpet is so cute and small
that looks almost like a doll

Even Hubrid Nox 
couldn't resist a doglefox

And how about a angelpuss?
His cuteness no one would discuss

Even a slimy slorg
can be a petpet so warm!

A spooky meowclops
that no shop restocks
is so adorable
and that's why it is desirable

But pay attention!
they're no toy and need to be cared
so treat them well and take yours to the vet
and long live to all petpets!

Petpet Day Adventures
by _pink_candy_cane_

On my way to the Haunted Woods
I happened upon a baby blu
Who asked me so politely
“Might I come along with you?”

I said “Sure you can, I’d like more friends
to help me on my route
But first, take this!”
“A halloween paintbrush?”
“Yes! You’ll look like Count Von Roo”

And on my way to Faerieland
I came across a hasee
Who asked “Can’t I join you on your trip?”
I said, “That would be amazing!

But first, take this!”
“A faerie paintbrush?”
“Yes! You’ll look like all the faeries.”
“Well, that sounds grand,
But look! Right there! Is that a little frowny?”

The frowny said “Hello my friends!
Are you headed for Kreludor?”
“Yes!” I said, “But first, take this
to blend in with the stars!”

“A starry paintbrush?” The frowny said
“Well that sure does sound swell!
So where will we be going next?”
“We’re off to Meridell!”

And there, a royal mortog sat
Beneath his golden crown
“How does your journey go, my friends?”
“We’ve travelled all around!

Won’t you join us on our trip?”
“I can’t”, he said, and sighed

“But maybe you could take my friend
Who really likes to hide.”

“Your friend?” I asked, a bit confused
“I don’t see anyone!”
“That’s because,” the mortog laughed
“She’s an invisible babaa!”

All the petpets giggled
And greeted their new friend
Then, off they went
To adventure again
Round the world of Neopia

The Petpet Puddle
by trubiekatie

In Neopia Central, it’s another bright and cheery day,
Heading to a famous puddle where petpets play.
My Draik is excited, with their Lutra in hand,
For a special change that we have had planned.

Today, for Petpet Appreciation, we are taking a dip,
With a white paint brush in hand, it drips.
My ‘pet ushers the Lutra into the puddle,
Everyone gathered ‘round in a huddle.

A swish to the left, with a stroke to the right,
The change is so sudden, it’s truly a sight.
My ‘pet is excited, the process is near done,
When we can take the Lutra out to bask in the sun.

Squealing of joy, our Lutra is now white!
(And it seems this Puddle worked quite right).
Now, all my other ‘pets are begging for the same,
And I seriously regret that today I came.

An Ode to the Altadorian Petpets
by xiaolin10413

Oh Altadorian Petpets, 
We know it is difficult to share your special day 
With the Altador Cup excitement, 
And the many strangers in your home. 

To you, the Yooyus, 
Who must work extra hard on your holiday, 
Stuck under the stadium, waiting to being thrown,
across a field in what simply is a vain sport. 

To you, the Altachuck's, 
Who would love nothing more than to curl up
on a nice lap and relax, but instead, 
the loudness of the cup is deafening and frightening 

To you, the Minitheus' and the Alabriss', 
Who must continue to be at your stations
Crisis Courier and Chariot Chase, 
Even though everyone is too busy to play. 

To you, the Aroota's and the Naalala's, 
your rivers and your meadows are unaccessible,
the places you love to be most, 
due to the ever growing-number of people here. 

And to you, the Garfir's and Hermiteese, 
the Vaeolus', and the Hydruplit's too, 
We understand your desire to be loved, 
On the eight day of Relaxing. 

Oh Altadorian Petpet's, 
We hope you know, that even with the commotion of the Cup, 
We delight in your presence and acknowledge your skills. 
So to you Altadorian Petpet's, 

Happy Petpet Appreciation Day.

Petpet Appreciation Day
by she_chose_love

P is for Patamoose 
E is for Eelika 
T is for Taigar 
P is for Pepito 
E is for Eizzil 
T is for Tanamurx

A is for Angelpuss 
P is for Pickulsaur 
P is for Pile of Soot
R is for Ramosan 
E is for Epuni 
C is for Chumablah 
I is for Ignalce 
A is for Aroota 
T is for Tanizard 
I is for Icklesaur 
O is for Octorna 
N is for Neucloop 

D is for Delfin 
A is for Arkmite 
Y is for Yooyu 

Happy Petpet Appreciation Day!

Schnookums, my Liobits
by goldbuizel22

Schnookums,my Liobits, is my petpet.
Let's face it-she hasn't gone up a level yet.
She may be made out of cardboard,
But with her, you'll NEVER get bored.

Schnookums,my Liobits,loves to play.
To say the least,she's active all day!
When you have dark,she'll bright you light
She's never the one to bring up a fight.

Schnookums,my Liobits,is as cute as she can be.
Described in a few words,she's oh-so lovely!
People say she's the cat's meow.
You're probably saying that you want her right now!

Schnookums,my Liobits,is extremely nice.
If your life is bland in flavor, she'll give you spice.
She's never,ever,EVER climbed up a tree.
And you know what? That's lucky for me!

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