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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Lutari Day Special

A Lutari Island Tour
by stefsea

A long journey on the sea ends at an island of mist,
But if you hope to explore, someone must assist.
This place is mysterious, please don’t turn away;
Come explore Lutari Island on this special day!

A Lutari guide waits at the edge of the docks;
Wise and upbeat, you’ll have some great talks.
And as you explore this most wondrous place,
Your guide reminds you to pick up the pace!

“This mystical island is the place we call home;
Us Lutari always return, no matter where we roam.
There’s lush jungle, wildlife, & the roar of the sea,
Exploring Lutari Island is a thing of pure glee!”

While the scenery may dazzle, that is not all;
Friendly locals rush to greet you, from big to small!
Feathers, face paint and the fanciest of attire,
With all this celebrating, will they ever tire?

The sun begins to set, the day is coming to an end;
And you have much gratitude for your Lutari friend!
After a wonderful celebration, there’s one thing to say:
Wishing everyone a very Happy Lutari Day!

My Lutari Friend
by lorlurin

We weren't the luckiest pets you'd meet
No hope for flowers since the first yawn of a seed
We held so many hands till we lost count
In the end we always returned to the pound

At first I loathed the destiny to be toyed
Then I adapted to this life and even enjoyed
Maniac crackles from the Mad Scientist of the lab
And the faint sigh of Dr. Death when we're back

My friend was quite the contrary by far
She demanded to the world her rightful share
And she swam when she had fins,
Flew when she had wings
To the oceans that sent a tear in the jar
To the skies contained in wooden squares

Then one day after another flash in the lab 
The Scientist exclaimed, Lucky zap!
The yonder calling became a thunderous sound
And that was the last time we walked along

Sometimes a laughter came from far beyond
Sometimes in my dreams I heard a distant song
Somewhere now only to herself she belongs
My Lutari friend
I wonder where she had gone

Herman Emerson’s Second Chance (A Lutari’s Elegy)
by exanomaly

“I remember Herman Emerson, it rained
the day they buried him.” 

Out of the grey hills, out of fog thickets, 
out of the detritus of old stones, 
out of listless minutes, out of stolen years,
out of forgotten fields, grieving growth, graves, 
they roam. 

From behind headstones, from corpse cribs, 
from beneath footfalls, from grass knolls, 
from unsung earth, from night sweats, 
from uneasy dreams, from haunted woods,
their spirits roam. 

After disturbed rest, after the digging was done, 
after a plot twisted, after a tale of woe, 
after all, after a life furnished, after a brief berth at day’s dock, 
after a drizzle of honey, after a curse or a blessing, 
they roam. 

From the soft breath of morning
to Neovian night, from bud of heart’s spring
to the last river flight, comes your full-fledged 
shadow, blue as the sky of your days, blue
as the depth of your soul’s night, your eyes
two moons rising, swelling with the thrill
of a second life. 

With the ghosts, with the ramblers, 
with hollowed-out kin, with wicked
vapours, with soft-edged wonders, 
with those that refuse to give in or up, 
you roam.

Dr. Landelbrot's Lutari Day
by precious_katuch14

I am Dr. Landelbrot, welcome aboard!
I have a proposition if you're bored.
Why not do a quest on the Coincidence
And help me make some Random Events?

I am Dr. Landelbrot, I need your help.
Didn't mean to startle you, don't yelp!
My Random Events machine can't run
Without some items; won't this be fun?

I need some Tchea Fruits, maybe a Banjo.
No wait, what I'm thinking of is a Cello.
A Cheops Plant, and yes, an Ummagine.
Hope you win one at the Fruit Machine!

A Toy Pirate Sword for the device's lever,
Top it off with a Volcanic Rock; even better!
The Coincidence needs a little more juice,
That Juicy Elixir could be of some use.

Add a dash of Brown Sauce as the fuel,
And it smells much better than old gruel!
Find me a Landfish at the Fishing Vortex,
Don't just look at me like you're vexed!

Now put them all together, what will we get?
Some Neopoints, or strength for a Neopet?
Wait and see, the best is yet to come.
Yes, I know what I'm doing, don't be dumb!

Are those streamers popping out onto the floor?
Hang on a second, there could be more!
It's stupendous! It's colourful! Don't look away!
It's a big banner saying, "Happy Lutari Day!"

I am Dr. Landelbrot, and I am quite glad.
This is best Lutari Day I've ever had!
But please, do stop by tomorrow again,
Perhaps you'll get a better Random Event!

Famous Lutari Histories
by honorrolle

Famous Lutari everywhere,
Swimming, walking without care,
A grand ole’ grin and happy eyes, 
Lutari Day, is here- arise!

Neocash addicts come quickly now!
To the mall, don’t have a Kau!
Coach Riki is back with all the merch, 
Humbly grinning from his perch.

Posture straight, he holds the Yooyuball, 
Visor sun-ready & standing tall. 
Interestingly though, where are his shoes, 
He works at the mall, there’s no excuse!

Adventurer we spotlight next, 
Plots and exploring is his flex. 
Journey to Lost Isle & Atlas of Ancients,
Neopians enjoy his entertainment. 

The name is Roxton A Colchester III,
You’ve been under a rock if you haven’t heard,
Mysterious Island, monumental discovery,
After monsters chased, he’s needed some recovery!

Last but not least, Dr. Landelbrot shines, 
Aboard the coincidence, his work he confines,
Zapping, beep booping all day long,
Not unusual to see flashes of light with song.

Bugs aren’t quite worked all out, 
Occasionally flying debris Neopets, clout.
Floating amulets, electric currents,
Neopians still gather, not enough deterrents!

There you have it, famous Lutari,
Celebrate loud, don’t even be sorry.
Swim, run, walk, coach, explore and invent,
That truly sounds like a Lutari Day well spent!

Collection of Lutari Limericks
by flusia

There once was a friendly Lutari
Who was painted the colour of Starry
He was just so polite
It was always a sight
He would never fail to say "I'm sorry!"

A Lutari was in the sea, swimming
With a smile on her face; she was grinning
For with her big claws
She grabbed food for her jaws
Thus in the game of life, she was winning.

There's a kind Lutari who sells ice cream
That's so delicious, it just might make you scream!
Living on Terror Mountain
He spends his days countin'
Happy customers, while living out his dream.

There is a Lutari who loves to explore
That many Neopians now adore
Roxton is his name
An adventurer of fame
He's always on the lookout for more.

Today finally ends our long wait
It is a true cause to celebrate!
Grab some cake and confetti
I sure hope that you're ready
To party on Lutari Day!

The Runaway Lutari
by i_lovee_icecream

Lutari, Lutari, where do you go?
Don't you know you're loved ever so?
Lutari, Lutari, where do you run?
Don't you know you're my dearest son?

The Runaway Lutari can't be found in the pound,
The Runaway Lutari isn't ever around.
He runs and runs and runs and runs,
But of his absence - what can be done?

Lutari, Lutari, where do you hide?
Won't you come along with me for a ride?
Lutari, Lutari, where have you gone?
Why are you lost at every sun's dawn?

The Runaway Lutari can't be found in the pound,
The Runaway Lutari isn't ever around.
He hides and hides and hides and hides,
Just like the ebbing of the ocean's tides.

Lutari, Lutari, why do you weep?
Can't you just come home and go to sleep?
Lutari, Lutari, why won't you return?
Don't you know that for your homecoming I yearn?

The Runaway Lutari can't be found in the pound,
The Runaway Lutari isn't ever around.
He leaves and leaves and leaves and leaves,
And I grieve and grieve and grieve and grieve.

Mr. Chipper the Lutari
by roxanna203

Through rain or shine, he appears,
Selling ice cream is his career,
May it be steamy hot or cold weather,
His pops makes everyone come together.

Mr. Chipper is a Lutari like no other,
Don't pest, he doesn't like to be smothered,
Some say he was the first of his kind,
Because of that, he was an easy find!

Residing in the Mountain of Terror,
Coming without a coupon gives an error,
He does not accept items or Neopoints,
Obtain his currency, he does not disappoint!

He accepts coupons rare to acquire,
It's rumoured Taelia is a supplier,
However, no one knows for certain,
What's really behind those curtains.

His many flavours of ice cream vary,
From plain vanilla to even strawberry,
A rare delight is the Quadruple Scoop,
You can get one if you're in the loop!

If you really want to test your luck,
Buy a pink coupon for a couple of buck,
See if you can get an exclusive flavor,
Maybe Mint or Five Scoops to savour!

Home by the Beach
by pandacat838

Come say hi, over by the ocean breeze,
Sit here in the sand, under the shade of trees
We'll sip on our smoothies, watch the waves come to shore,
In this place we call home, who could ever ask for more?

And when we've eaten Neggs, chips and more to our delight,
From the rocks we'll jump, soar from a great height,
Land in the water, dive in with all our might,
Come up laughing and splashing, what a joyous sight!

Among the waves, we'll swim and we'll play
The perfect way to enjoy a warm, sunny day.

It's been my pleasure, you've been a real treasure,
Now all I ask, before you swim, swim, swim away,
Dear Neopian, wish all the Lutaris here, a happy Lutari day!

April 19th, To Gleeful Lutaris
by crowbarcake

Graceful tails to swim in sea
and floating rather blissfully
To April 19th, the gleeful Lutaris!

In Neopia throughout the ocean
swimming soundly without commotion
The gleeful Lutaris are a sight to see!

Their smiling faces
and playful races
To April 19th, the gleeful Lutaris!

Making a splash around Neopia
creating fun in our utopia
The gleeful Lutaris are a sight to see!

Melting hearts with their charm
and making friends within their arms
To April 19th, the gleeful Lutaris!

Today’s the day we celebrate
the Lutari’s special ways
To April 19th, the gleeful Lutaris!

Lutari Fizz
by inland

A rainbow glass before me,
A lovely lavish sight 
They say each sip is different,
I taste it with delight 

Sour, first, I notice
A burst of fruity lime, oh my 
My lips twist, grin and pucker
As I swallow bright green dye 

Next - could that be strawberry?
Red so tangy-sweet,
Like a churned pink milkshake
A very scrumptious treat!

Blue slightly confounds me
Eyebrows creased, my lips turn down
Blueberry or raspberry? 
I ponder with a frown

Yellow like bananas
Brown like kiwi, yum!
Then orange tastes of mango
And the purple of a plum

At last, the cup is empty
To my taste bud’s dismay.
Pour me one more Lutari Fizz
On this fine Lutari Day!

The Chocolate Lutari: Resist the Urge to Eat!
by _brainchild_

"The Chocolate Lutari is sure to delight!
No finer companion so sweet is in sight.
Decorated with frosting, she's sure to enthral!
This Lutari so yummy is sure to please all."

"The milk chocolate is tasty; no other brand will
Compare to this flavour. It must take some skill
To make such delicious food. I will indulge
In chocolate, regardless of my waistline bulge."

"The frosting is rich---I shall lick it all day!
The sprinkles keep cravings of sugar at bay.
Plus, the cherry, so splendid, makes my sweet tooth sing!
Satisfaction and happiness it surely brings."


"What is WRONG with you?! Neopets are not a food!
Chomping on a Lutari tail would be quite rude.
If you're hungry for sweets, there's a Choc Factory
In Neopia Central that will bring you glee."

A Lutari Tyrannt is Vanquished
by pioneer11111

King Cedric the Lutari could not give it a rest.
He thought that his fighting skills were simply the best.
 He always won the Lutari Kingdom mock battles, he boasted, because His were the superior muscled arms,
 He was the one who could deal the most harm, he prattled.
 In all the Tournaments he hosted, 
 He was positive he was the most magnificent warrior - 
Until one Tournament Day,
 To his utter dismay, Duke Nigel the Kacheek dealt him a stunning Scroll of the Battlefield blow.
 When Cedric reeled, Nigel squealed.
Now the former King Cedric's companions see he has been singed and roasted.
 Duke Nigel, now King, is the new the champion warrior king they have toasted.
 What a turn of events in the mists of the jousts,
 When the victor beams and the vanquished pouts.
 Yesterday's prince has become today's folly
 Once proud and haughty, now he is not so jolly.

The River-dwelling Wraith
by flaiyper

(collab with flufflepuff)

You wander, in the dark
Observed by blackened boughs  
Unnerved by shadows cast 

And rightful is your fear:
Recall the murky river's
Ebb and flow of trust. 

All you ever knew
Left behind in the woods 
Running in circles
Eager to leave, but
Allured by unknown,
Dancing forces beneath the surface--
Yet within, comes a whisper: 

Care must be taken to
Avoid the claws of one
Undone by wraith and water both. 
Good luck, but alas, if you
Hope to flee his clutches, well...
Then look along the left...

Lutari Paint Brush
by indulgences

Oh, how I wish this Paint Brush worked!
It’s such a lovely thing!
Festooned with feathers bold and bright,
It makes me want to sing!

Our pets would look magnificent
When made Lutari-hued!
They’d flaunt their cool Lutari looks
Whenever they were viewed!

It drips with coloured, swirling paint.
It drips with promise, too.
Oh, how I wish this Paint Brush worked!
I’d treasure its debut!

For now, I keep the Paint Brush in
My sheltered SDB.
I use it when it’s active, and
I’ll paint pets with such glee!

You’ll say I’m hoping hopelessly.
And yet, I love to hope.
I treasure this fine Paint Brush, and
I quite refuse to mope!

Total Poetry Pages : 2741

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